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{Paragraph 1)
2. An occupation, such as law, medicine or engineering
3. Because the person referred to is a technician rather than prof engineer
4. Information that’s based on observ and experience rather than theoritical knowledge
5. Design and construction structure that are intended to be stationary such as buildings dams and
6. Structural engineering with permanent structures, hydraulic with the flow of water and other
fluids, enviromental/sanitary engineering water supply, purification and sewer system as well as
urban planning and design
7. Machines and their uses
8. Extracting metal ores from the earth and refining them
9. Process involving reactions among the elements, the basic natural substances, petroleum
10. Effects and processes that result from the behavior of tiny particles of matter called electrons
11. The process that result from breaking up some particles of matter
12. A structure that is used for transporting water over long distance
13. (Page 3)
14. (page 3}
15. The effect a proposed structure will have on its surroundings
16. Putting data into exact mathematical terms

1. The first toolmakers who chipped arrows and spears from rock (mechanic)
The crafstmen who discovered metal in the earthvand found ways tobprocess and refine them
The skilled technicians who devised irrigation system and erected the great building of the
ancient world (civil)
2. The designer of the stepped pyramid at sakkara in egypt about 3000 bc
3. As tge practical application of theoritical sciences such as physics or chemistry for the benefit of
4. Based not on on science but on empirical information that is information that depended on
observation and experience rather than theoritical knowledge
5. The structure from ancient times still exist bcus they were built with greater strength than
modern standard require
6. Probably the oldest textbook is the work of a roman architect and engineer named vitruvius
7. The term civil engi originally came into use to distinguish it from military engineering, civil dealt
with permanent structure for civillian use whereas military eng dealt with temporary structures
for military use, ex fortification like in greece
8. It deals with the design and construction of objects tgat are intended to be stationary
Include building and houses dams tunnels bridges canals sanitaion zystem stationary part of
transportation system
9. Because almost every structure or system that is designed and built by civil engineers is unique,
the civil engineer must therefore always be ready and willing to meet new challenges
10. There has been an explosion of knowledge in every scientific field
11. The development of the experimental method to verify theories (kurang)
12. The eighteenth century witnessed the beginning of what is usually called the industrial
revolution and the movement continued up
13. They have given the civil engineer new and stronger materials, the mathematical formulas which
he can use to calculate the stresses that will be encpuntered in a structure, and machines that
make possible the construction of skyscraper, dams, tunnel, bridges that coukd never have been
built before
14. Civil, mechanical, mining, metallurgic, electrical, chemical
15. Structural, hydraulic and sanitary or enviromental engineering
16. Coordinates the contributions of all members of the team
17. That engineering has grown into a profession
18. Apprenticeship. On the job training, or trial and erro
19. Because there always be changes in their field and those related to it
20. Because they are not on of the engineer specialities, they operates or maintains an engine or
machine, engineers in this sense are essentialy technicians rather than professional engineers
21. The social and enviromental consequences of engineering projects, the attitude of the public
could be summed up by the phrase, “science is good”
22. The aswan dam is one of the engineering wonders of modern times.
The dam has for instance blocked the flow of silt down on the nile so that the fertility of the land
below the dam has decreased
23. Engineers do not work in a scientific vacuum. They must consider the social consequences of
their work

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