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Titan-z café - WALL OF IDEAS

where employees can design and brainstorm creative ideas and work on designing products like
-clocks, jewellery and art work- calling it TITAN-Z wall.

Storyboard idea- design a café with titan gen z guys having coffee, there should be a titan clock
around people are talking and working on watches, jewellery and some leather stuff.

TIDCO WATCH PLANT - gen zers from titan company as part of their training in sales and marketing
are taken to the plant to see how watchmaking happens. The art of horology, understanding the
movements and the parts coming together.

When gen z visits the plants factories, they’ll get a curious given their young age, aside from selling
and marketing the products they’ll also be inspired to create and design the products too. This will
foster a mindset of ownership. MAKE THE GENZ THE BRAND OWNERS

Creative module explaining the origins and making of the titan products

Create a module explaining the working, history and craftsmanship behind the product they are
selling and marketing.

Storyboard idea—more focus on watch, quarterly workshops were all employees visit the factory
and learn a bit about the art of watch making- horology. Also, about the history of titan products and
also key technical lessons about the product.

Fostering social change - social entrepreneurship among gen z should be encouraged. This would
mean focus on social initiatives which the gen z care a lot about and this would also prove to be a
great initiative to attract and retain youngsters at titan.

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