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Smart Admission Management System

Ahmad Nawaz (i160020)

Taimoor Aftab (i160004)
Faraz Ahmad (i160305)
M. Hasnain (i16-0061)
Sprint # 3:

Table of Contents

❏ Module Name page= 2

❏ User Stories & Sub User Stories page= 2,3
❏ Tasks for User Stories & Sub User Stories page= 2,3
❏ Sprint Backlog page= 4,5
❏ Burn down Chart page= 6
❏ Project Screen Shots page= 7,8


Module name: User Interface and Universities’ search Module

User stories and their sub user stories: The selected user stories for the sprint 3 are as

1) User friendly interface.

2) Optimized and powerful searches.

1.User friendly Interface: As a user (student or university), I want a user friendly interface, so
that I can perform my tasks (for e.g. registration, searching etc.) in easier, simper and friendlier way.

Sub user stories:

1.1 As a user, I want a web based application to apply for the online registration.

1.2 As a user, I want a user friendly and user interactive interface.

TASKS: We use different languages to implement tasks respectively.

1.1 Web based application:
We use html, Css and JavaScript for an interface and php is used as a backend language to
make the application.
1.2 User friendly Interface:
User friendly interface is achieved by using attractive graphics (using css and JS) and easy to
use options.

2.Optimized and powerful searches: As a user(Student/University), I want an optimized

search, so that I would be able to reach the required/requested page in a small amount of time.

Sub user stories:

2.1 As a user, I want to obtain the information of different universities in a mean amount of time.
2.2 As a user, I want to reach the page of respective university from your website.

TASKS: Extracting the data related to different universities and storing it in our data base and then
different search queries are run on the data base to make search process fast and efficiently.

2.1 Capturing the data:

Extracting/gathering the useful and needed data of different universities.
2.2 Optimized and powerful searches:
Running the specific search queries on the database to obtain the optimized results. To make
search process fast we used a dropdown menu (displaying all the available universities) and by
just clicking on any one of it you can have the information of respective university.
2.3 Displaying the search results:
Search results are displayed on the screen using html form.

2.4 Reaching the respective universities:

Along with the university’ data, its official page’ link is also stored in the database and are
displayed on the screen when the respective university is searched. By clicking the hyper link
one can reach the official page of the respective university.

3. Analysis of Entry test: As a registered user(University), I want an analysis of entry test, so that
I can evaluate and view the difficulty level of entry test.

Sub user stories:

3.1 As a user, I want an analysis of entry test to measure the difficulty level of entry test.

TASKS: Extracting the difficulty level of entry test’ questions and evaluating the difficulty level of the
whole entry test.

3.1 Capturing the data:

Extracting/gathering the difficulty level of entry test from the universities.
3.2 Analysis of entry test:
Entering and maintaining the record of the difficulty level of all possible questions for entry test.
And then evaluating and displaying the difficulty level of the overall generated entry test.

(Xampp is needed to run this Application. The sql file containing all the
databases needed for it is provided in the zip file, which is to be imported in
phpmyadmin’s database before running the frontpage.)

Trello Screen Shots:

Screen shot 1

 The most (almost complete) part of user interface implementation was already done in 1 st sprint
that’s why we haven’t added it as a to Do part in the sprint 3 screenshots.

Screen shot 2

Page 5
Screen shot 3:

Burn down Chart

Y: Effort

100 Actual> Remaining>
100 100 90
91 80 80
80 85 80 70 78
60 68
60 50 45
52 48 40
40 40 30 25
25 15 10 18
20 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

X: Days

Project Screenshots:

(The Working of all the other features along with the search was showed in the previous deliverable.)

screen shot1: Entry test form.


screen shot2:

screen shot3:

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