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Gabriel García Márquez

Born: Aracataca Colombia 1927 Death: Mexico D.F 2014 He was a prominent Colombian novelist
who won the Nobel Prize in 1982. He was considered fundamental to the birth and development of
Spanish-American literature. García Márquez added to all narrative techniques an overcoming of
realism patented in the work that its culmination called 100 years of solitude (1967)

He started as a journalist and wrote many no fiction Works and short stories when he studied at
the national university of Colombia. He wrote for El Universal in Cartagena and the local paper El
heraldo in barranquilla. He worked with figures such as Ramón Vinyes and was also introduce
Words such: Virginia woolf and William Faulkner. In 1957 he acepted work with te magazine
MOMENTO in caracas. He married Mercedes Barcha (1958). Has 2 sons: Rodrigo (1959) and
Gonzalo (1961) Gozalo born in mexico city

The first of garcia marquez is the leaf storm published in 1955. Then was published 100 hundred
years of solitude (english traslation by Gregory Rabassa in 1970). The story of several generation of
the Buendia Family from the time they founded the fictional villa of macondo trow they trials,
incest , births and deaths. This novel let to garcia marquez in 1982.

Gabriel garcia wrote another novel like autumn of the patriarc was inpired in Venezuela dictator
Marco Pérez Jiménez.

The incredible and sad tale of innocent erendira and her hearless grandmother. Presents the story
of a Young mulata girl who dreams of freedom but cant escape of her grandmother

Chronicle of a death Foretold Is base don a real life murderer in sucre Colombia in 1951 the
protagonista Santiago nasar is based on a friend From garcia marquez is childhood.

Love in the time of cholera it is a non-traditional love story as lovers find love in their Golden years

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