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Ja’Naya Rice

Self Branding

Experience as a Media Student

Having the opportunity to major in journalism and media studies was my main reason for
attending Jackson State University. In 2017, is when I started my journey at Thee I Love. One of
the best decisions I have made, as I reflect on my undergraduate journey. Out of all the colleges
I applied to, the distinction of their media department is what sparked my attention. The E-center
is a facility off campus, where media students travel for their studies. The facility is filled with the
latest technology for their students and faculty to use. All media students were able to have
access to any equipment in this facility. How many college campuses offer equipment for their
students to use?? Cool right?!! My experience as a journalism and media students major at JSU
has been wonderful. I have learned so many things over the course of the years. Throughout
my experience I achieve more and more every year to help better my knowledge within media. I
have been able to learn how to write new stories in the correct format, pitch stories, film stories,
edit videos, take professional photos, edit photos, and so much more. I have also had the
experience of learning different software that works well with media footage. With learning how
to do all these things comes hardwork and dedication. There have been so many times where I
wanted to give up, but I had to realize the end goal is to become successful. Life comes with
challenges it's’ all about how you persevere. My ultimate goal this year was to become very
active within the media department for my last year of undergraduate school. Meaning join
clubs, work behind the scenes with the news station, and much more. However, Covid-19 hit
and my dreams were unfulfilled for Fall 2020. I was so devastated to have to experience my
senior year of college online. In experiencing this type of devastation I learned that delayed
does not mean denied, and everything happens for a reason . By staying home for the semester
I was able to gain a Fashion internship, which will allow me to adapt to a new outlook within the
entertainment world, and possibly gain more opportunities. With this setback I have learned a
lot about myself. I learned that I am stronger than I think I am, and that I always bounce back
from every situation. With having this drive and dedication I plan to finish my senior year out
strong back on campus at my Dear Ole College home in the upcoming Spring semester. I’m
praying that my dreams that were once unfilled become fulfilled this upcoming semester, and I
am able to work within my department.

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