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Family support is much-needed asa student factor encouraging problems, may help to reduce anxiety,

increase the zedness of life and commitment to keep trying. Student infamiliarity with scientific writing
can hinder students from doing thesis, so in the process will find difficulty. The reasons given by them
include self-doubt, lack of reference, lack of time and lazy. The purpose of this study is to find out if
there is a link between family support and motivation in the visiting student's thesis to complete medical
care at stikes widya dharma husada tangerang. The study USES a directional cross-sectional method of
research in order to know the relationship between independent variables and variable variables, data
that are collected using the questionnaire's method. The number of 58 respondents on the stikes widya
dharma husada attacks in 2020. Studies of respondents with good family support number 31 (53.45%),
have a high motivation of 51 respondents (87.93%). A statistical test results came from a p-value value
of 0.008, which would suggest that there was a link between family support and motivation in the
visiting student's screening of medical treatment programs at stikes widya dharma husada tangerang

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