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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness

Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Module 10 Diet & Eating Disorders

In this module, you will be able to discover the common misconceptions that
people have regarding diet and dieting. This way you can be guided to
perform the right practices of maintaining a life of health and nourishment.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. determine the difference of a good diet from dieting and its overall effects
to the body.
2. know different eating disorders, its causes, and common occurrences
among individuals.
3. analyze the effects of eating disorders to the body and how it can possibly
be prevented.
Within the module, you will be able to discover several eating and body
image disorders that some people experience. Together with this knowledge,
you will be equipped with the necessary information as to how you can
choose the right dieting technique that would make you reap the most
benefits from.

Diet & Eating Disorders

In the previous lesson you were able to determine the importance of food and its roles in
providing the essential nutrients your body needs to function properly and effectively.

This module will dwell on diet and eating disorders and some of the associated body image
problems both males and females can experience because of certain reasons.

Image Source:
Eating Disorder -
You will discover the roles of poor dieting techniques that are trending in society and how
it directly affects a person’s psyche in terms of eating and making certain food choices.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

The lesson will cover the following topics:

I. Diet vs. Dieting
II. Endocrine System
III. Dieting Techniques
- Common Fad Diets
IV. Eating and Body Image Disorders
A. Body dysmorphic disorder
B. Muscle dysmorphia
C. Anorexia nervosa
D. Bulimia nervosa
E. Binge eating disorder
F. Anorexia athletica
G. Orthorexia

Knowing these specific information can help you live a life of good physical and mental
health. Aside from this, you can become more aware of the different signs and symptoms
that may trigger certain health disorders that relate to your physical health.

I. Diet vs. Dieting

Did you ever engaged in a dieting technique? What forms of dieting did you take because
you wanted to lose some weight?

Did you take off some food portions from your regular food consumption? What did you
take off?

Maybe you have cut on your carbs, your sweets, or some forms of beverages, but in
whichever form it was, this is generally known as Dieting.

Image Source:
Diet vs Dieting -

Diet and dieting may seem the same but they are two different things altogether.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Remember during the previous discussion in nutrition it was mentioned that, diet
directly refers to your daily food choices; what you put on your plate and how much
nutrients you put in your body refers to a diet. Eating healthy and choosing the right
amount of food for yourself is diet at work.

While, limiting your intake for certain kinds of food and beverages is dieting in action.

Since an emphasis a right diet or healthy eating were covered during the previous
lesson, the focus of this module will dwell on its exact opposite which is, dieting.

As with every form of dieting there is actually always a reason or reasons behind it. Why
are you going on a diet? What do you want to achieve for yourself?

Image Source: Fit man - Image Source: Fit woman -
kout-tips/7-reasons-get-fit-your-20s content/uploads/2012/04/

Do you want to look like these two people in the pictures?

If you are aiming to look like those overly muscular or overly skinny models you find in
magazines, good luck! You will never achieve that through dieting. You will only feel
frustrated about your achievements and you will end up not feeling too good about

Remember the different body types

discussed during the musculoskeletal
system topic?

Each person has a unique shape and

figure that is obtained from specific
genes that were acquired from their sets
of parents.

Don’t pressure yourself to fit into body

shapes that you find “ideal,” but rather, Image Source: Body types -
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

the best fitness goal that you can set for

yourself is to live a life of health, instead.

Working your way in achieving a healthy lifestyle is far more achievable compared to
targeting an “ideal” body shape that you see from magazines and commercials.

II. Endocrine System

Before you discover the different dieting techniques and eating disorders common in
fitness, you will learn about the role and importance of the endocrine system in your

What is the endocrine system? Do you know the purpose of the endocrine system in your

The Endocrine System is a collection of glands that are responsible for hormone
production within your body.

Image Source:
Endocrine System –

These hormones can be responsible for your growth and development, sexual functions,
sleep, reproduction, mood, and most especially your metabolism.

Each specific gland within the endocrine system works to support these specific
functions. But, there is a specific gland that works to provide your body with the
appropriate growth and development.

 Thyroid Gland
The specific gland in the endocrine system responsible for your metabolism is your
thyroid gland.

Do you know where this is exactly located within your body?

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Your thyroid gland is located along your throat. This gland is responsible for
regulating your growth, development, and rate of metabolism.

Image Source:
Thyroid Glands –

Don’t Skip Meals!

The trick to maintain your weight is by not skipping any meals within the day.
Having the feeling of hunger caused by starvation, stimulates your thyroid to slow
down its production of hormones. As this continues for a certain period, your body
develops slower metabolism, giving you a harder time to lose your excess weight.

Simply put, this small organ is the gland responsible for making you thin, fat, or
large, and small. When this gland is not regulating hormones properly the result
could be conditions like:

1. Hypothyroidism – a condition in which the thyroid gland produces little

amounts of thyroid hormone within your system causing you to have a very
slow metabolism.

Having this condition would merit any of these symptoms: fatigue, weakness,
and most especially weight gain.

2. Hyperthyroidism – a condition that is the opposite of hypothyroidism. This is a

condition in which the thyroid glands produce thyroid hormones in excess,
causing you to have a very fast metabolism.

Therefore, the symptoms are also in reverse where you might experience:
irregular heartbeat, nervousness, sweating, and excessive or sudden weight loss.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

One way or another, if you are small or huge in size, your thyroid hormones have
something to do with this, and this is where your structure varies as your life

 Factors that affect metabolism

1. Age
Generally, when you are younger, your metabolism is working at its peak to
accelerate your growth and development. But, as you grow older your
metabolism also slows down.

Image Source: Thyroid Glands

Front View –
Back view -

2. Level of Activity
Your level of activity can also affect your metabolism, as well as the lifestyle you
lead. When you are inactive, your metabolism slows down; while, when you are
active, it also speeds up.

Metabolism plays a great deal in weight loss or in weight gain. Regularly

exercising and engaging in the right diet plays a crucial role in balancing the
hormones that these glands produce.

Now that you know how the thyroid glands work, we will explore how it can be affected by
improper dieting techniques throughout this lesson.

III. Dieting Techniques

III.A. Dieting Facts
Here are a few things you need to know about dieting and why most of it are bound
to fail or have failed.

1. Most often than not, weight problems are brought about by lifestyle problems.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

How many times have you had the idea that you wanted to look and feel better? Did
you find yourself engaging in an activity but you lack the motivation to continue?
A lot of people are usually like this at the start of their fitness journey. It is really
hard to break a lifetime of bad habits and patterns because you’ve already been so
used to it.

Image Source:
Fat problems -
2. Quick fix solutions
As a result of this inconsistency/ies, people look for quick fix approaches to solve
their weight and body image concerns (e.g. buy slimming products, cut down on
certain kinds of food, starve themselves, etc.).

What people don’t know is that in able to be successful in this, slow and permanent
weight management programs must replace the quick fix approaches.

With a program that gradually builds and improves, you are sure to permanently
achieve what you want for yourself.

A lot of traditional diets failed because, few of these things have been incorporated
with proper food selection and exercise. Remember during the previous lesson the
concept of energy-in: energy-out?

Weight loss or weight gain, should not be something you start and stop.

This vicious cycle will get to you in the long run because your metabolism gets
confused along this process.

Balance the colors on your plate

Eating healthy entails watching what you put on your plate and in your mouth.
Always make sure to choose food that comes in a wide variety of colors and textures,
found in their natural forms. These food are the ones that contain the highest
nutritional values that can be of good benefit to your heat

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

III. B. Fad Diets

There are a lot of dieting techniques that have circulated around the fitness world. In
the next part of the module, you will get familiar with some of these dieting

Image Source: Garfield -

The knowledge of learning these types of diet gives you a foundation of what you are
not supposed to do when you want to manage your weight. After discussing all
these dieting techniques, you will learn about the secret to dieting success which you
can pretty much use and apply to your personal life after the course.

Some dieting techniques that are well known are:

1. Fad Diets
What are Fad Diets? Why do people seem to engage in them too much? What are
the advantages and disadvantages of engaging in this form of diet?

Image Source:
FAD Diets –
South Beach Diet –

Fad diets are types of diets that promise quick weight loss through an
unhealthy and unbalanced diet. These are dieting techniques deceive people to
lose weight by following certain methods or instructions.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

This is not a good form of diet because you are depriving yourself of the right
amounts of nutrients you are supposed to take in on a daily basis.

Some common types of Fad Diets are the: Atkins and South Beach Diet.

 Atkins Diet
The Atkins Diet is type of dieting technique wherein you limit the amount of
carbohydrate-rich food from your meals.

This diet claims that, in limiting your carbohydrate-intake you are switching
your metabolism into using your stored body fat for energy instead of your
immediate energy source which is, glucose or sugars.

Here’s an example of the first two weeks of the

Atkins Diet. This is a meal plan set for the
whole day and these are the only food that you
will consume for a period of two weeks.

Have you ever tried doing this form of diet?

Some of you may have been haunted by
carbohydrates on your plate and you’ve even
eliminated this totally from your diet.

Females are the ones who tend to be more

body conscious than males, that’s why they
fear carbohydrate packing in their bodies and
they choose to eliminate it from their diets.
Image Source: Atkins Diet Meal Plan -

Carbohydrates come in food sources like rice, corn, bread, and pasta.
Remember how many percent of your diet must be carbohydrate-rich? About
45- 65% of your meal must be composed of carbohydrates.

Eliminating this could directly take a toll on your metabolism and how your
body processes sugar within its system.

Having less carbohydrates in your diet means that, you’ll also be having less
energy supply to help you perform several tasks daily.

A common condition related with the practice of the
Atkins Diet is known as, Ketoacidosis. When the body is
starved from carbohydrate sources and fed with high-
protein diets, the liver overproduces a chemical known
as ketones, which may induce nausea and vomiting.
(Medscape) Image Source: Atkins Diet –
Course Module kins_Diet_Menus
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

 South Beach Diet

The second common fad diet is known as the South Beach diet.

Unlike the Atkins diet which totally limits or eliminates carbohydrate-intake,

the South Beach diet is more focused on increasing protein and healthy fat

The diet is divided into three different phases all aimed at changing the balance
of a variety of food you eat. It focuses more on the principle of identifying the
“good” and “bad” carbohydrates and fats from your diet.

As a result, the diet claims to replace or substitute the right type of food you
take into better food choices that are lower in sugar. Hence, it claims that it
exhibits a successful weight loss after its said “different phases.”

A typical South Beach Diet plan during phase 1

looks like this picture. Usually, the diet consists
of seafood and dairy products that are aimed at
replacing the original food balance you have.

The diet claims that you can lose between 8 – 13

lbs. of weight within 2-weeks of Phase 1.

However, they forgot to mention what are the

repercussions of this diet later on in your life.

Do fad diets work?

These types of diet do work but, the principle is

Image Source: South Beach Diet Plan - this: Lose 50 lbs. in 2 months but, gain 52 or 54 lbs. more of it, back in two weeks.

Usually fad diets make you lose weight at a very drastic rate.

The rule of thumb in weight loss is that the bigger you are, the easier it is to
shed pounds. But, as you progress through the weight loss regimen, you need to
put extra effort because your body has already adapted to the situation you’ve put
it in.

Yes, you’ll shed the weight through Fad Diets but, the weight that was drastically
lost will eventually haunt its way back to your system. Actually, those people who
were engaged in this form of diet gain back more than their original weight.

As a result, they feel less hopeful and they feel frustrated about their weight and
totally give up!

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Aside from all these things, Fad Diets limit your food choices and it does not
meet the exact daily caloric intake you are supposed to get.

Image Source: Lose 50 lbs -


As a result, your body lacks a lot of essential nutrients it needs, and when the diet
stops, you binge and eat all those food you’ve deprived yourself from.

Essentially, Fad Diets are short-term fixes. You go through the painstaking
process of dieting, losing excessively, and then binging.

Your metabolism suffers and your body can no longer regulate the right techniques
to fight off your hunger and its lack of essential nutrients.

Energy in – Energy Out

Any dieting technique, if not coupled with the right exercise program, will generally
result to failure. People who engage in dieting practices but never incorporate
physical activity in their system, end up more frustrated and least successful with
their fitness and health goals. Be sure to always incorporate the two in your own
health-conscious life.

2. Diets that use Diet Pills

Second form of dieting technique is the use of diet pills.

Have you ever seen one of these pills? Or have you ever tried using any?

Diet Pills are usually appetite suppressant drugs that stimulate feelings of

Hunger is a feeling that is stimulated within the brain. When you take in diet pills,
the brain sends signals to the digestive system a bloated feeling or a feeling of
having eaten.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

This then causes you to feel less hungry within the day and thus, limiting your
caloric intake for days.

Other pills claim to be fat burners that

magically trim off your waist line.

These pills actually come in wide

varieties within the market, many of
which are addictive especially when
results of weight loss start to show up.

Doctors are actually the ones supposedly

responsible for prescribing diet pills, but
they only do this for individuals who are Image Source: Diet Pills -
in the obese zone of the BMI test. and-diet-pills/

Individuals who have BMIs greater than 30 are usually prescribed with diet
pills with the hope that it would suppress their appetite and cravings.

Doctors also prescribe these pills together

with a strict low-fat diet plan that has been
regulated by a trained nutritionist. This
way patients can be guided through their

Diet pills do not work on their own! It is

not a magic drug that when you take in
your body begins to shed the excess
pounds you have.

Image Source: Variety of Pills - Diet pills work best when it’s coupled with regular exercise and portion control.

It is not advisable for you to just purchase these drugs without consulting the
help of a professional because these drugs may bring side effects that can be
harmful to you.

Side effects can range from:

 irregular heartbeats  kidney problems
 digestive tract  sleep apnea
complications  diabetes
 increase in blood  allergic reactions
pressure  drug dependence
 damages in the liver  overdose = death

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Though it has been proven to really aid in weight

loss, most physicians still don’t prescribe this as
easily as how they would prescribe dry cough

A person must still undergo series of tests to really

determine whether diet pills are a necessity for the
weight loss plan.

Do not and never take these pills without the Image Source: No to Diet Pills –
guidance of a practicing physician!

If ever you are indeed taking these pills at the moment, make sure that you are
pairing it with the right weight management program and proper diet to make it
more effective.

A lot of advertisements may be circulating in different forms, where these

companies claim that you can burn fat without the aid of a proper diet and exercise.
Where it may most of the time seem that the pill is a magic wand that will swoosh
your fats away.

Image Source: Diet Pill Ad -


Pills are not magic, they are not something you take in and your body magically
sheds the pounds you don’t like. No matter how many times they formulate pills or
make new ones, the side effects mentioned a will always remain.

Drink Loads of Water!

Want to lose weight the healthy way? Take off those colored fluids from your diet and
completely replace it with water instead! Water is known as the universal solvent.
Ensuring that you are well-hydrated throughout the day, helps flush out all the
different toxins and chemical compounds found within your system.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Whether they have been approved for circulation or for commercial purposes,
physicians still have the duty to remind their patients that in order for the pills to
become effective they must pair these pills with a proper diet and regular exercise.

Don’t be one of those consumers who take in a bite without knowing what the
product is really about. It is one of those fad diets that take people into biting into a
trap that they will never get out of.

3. Diets that use Laxatives

The third dieting technique is by taking in laxatives.

Laxatives are usually prescribed by doctors to patients who are having troubles
with digestion. These drugs may actually come in of herbal teas, liquid, or non-
liquid forms. Laxatives can either be:

a. Stimulants for intestinal contractions, which speed up the process of

b. Compounds that withdraw water from the body. This occurs by first causing
the feelings of being bloated or full and then the excess water from the body is
drawn out through excretion.
c. Lubricants that ease the passage of waste. They may counteract excessive
drying of the intestinal contents making you feel cleansed or less bloated.

Image Source: Laxatives -

When you take in laxatives in whichever form, this results to a disruption of your
natural digestive processes. Basically, laxatives inhibit weight loss by speeding
up the process of digestion.

When you take these things in, you are forcing out the food and waste products
from your intestinal tract at a very rapid rate.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

This dieting technique claims that as you pass out all the contents of your
intestines, fats and other excess compounds in your body are also forced out
inhibiting the weight loss.

Laxatives, when taken in on a regular basis:

 makes the person immune to the effect/s of the drug.
As soon as you are already immune, higher and more frequent doses will be
required for the drug to take its effect again. That’s why this dieting technique
can be a vicious addictive process for some people.

 deprives your body of essential nutrients.

When laxatives push out and force the waste products out of your intestinal tract
too rapidly, the result is that, your body becomes deprived of vital substances
(e.g. water) and nutrients (e.g. vitamins & minerals).

Your small and large intestines are the sites in which absorption of nutrients
occur, if you do not allow this natural process to take place, your body will
essentially be nutrient-deprived.

 disrupt both the digestive & nutritional process of your body.

Vitamins like, Vitamins A and D, are some of the essential nutrients that are
taken out of the body during the process of excretion. This is because both
vitamins are fat-soluble.

As waste products together with fats are excreted from your body, these
vitamins that are synthesized by your fats are also drawn out of your system.

 leads to dehydration
Another possible effect of taking in laxatives is the severe loss of fluid or
dehydration within your body. Laxatives have the capacity to retain water and
cause you to feel bloated making you want to lose more weight.

As a result, when it is time for you to pass out the

contents of your intestines, you lose all these fluids
retained within your system.

 may cause severe abdominal pains

Once you’ve experienced severe abdominal pain
after taking in laxatives, it is no longer advisable
for you to continue drinking these medicines.

Pain felt especially along the right side of the

abdominal area may be a symptom of a ruptured
Image Source: Digestive System -

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Don’t you think this type of diet is unhealthy?

Not only are you ruining the natural digestive process of your body but you are
also depriving yourself of all the essential nutrients you’ve taken from the food you

Do these laxatives really aid in weight loss?

Yes they do, but it is not advisable for you to be taking in laxatives to help you lose
those extra pounds.

Image Source: Laxative lie -


You may lose 5 – 10 pounds of your weight instantly but what these things don’t
tell you is that you are also directly losing all the other essential nutrients your
body needs through this process. You’ll only be left dehydrated and nutrient-
deprived in the long run.

Just like diet pills, laxatives should not be taken without the prescription of a
physician, as this may take a direct toll on your body’s natural process of excretion
and to your overall health.

Taking in laxatives, is another quick-fix approach to weight management. You

should not even consider ingesting these medications this especially when you did
not seek the help of a professional, as this may lead to several complications within
your body.

A condition that is known to cause a person to have an inability to pass up bulk
within the intestinal tract is called, constipation. Often, doctors would prescribe
laxatives to remedy this problem, especially when the person has not yet excreted
waste for days. Other solutions for this condition is the consumption of high-fiber food
that aid in cleansing the intestinal tract.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

4. Starvation Diet
The next form of dieting is very common among teenagers especially, teenage girls.
You might have done this once or one too many times in your life; this form of diet
is known as starvation diet.

As the word connotes, you are starving yourself to inhibit weight loss.

Image Source: Starvation Diet -

You think at the back of your head that if you don’t eat you will lose the weight that
you are so annoyed with. You skip meals and you dismiss the thought of hunger
because your goal is to lose those “extra pounds”.

But, what you don’t know is that, you are putting your body through a lot of stress.
This is because, this type of dieting technique will particularly take a toll on your

The body is an adaptable machine, in whatever type of stress you put it into it will
always figure out a way to save itself.

 Metabolism Principles
Metabolism refers to the process in which your body performs series of
chemical reactions to maintain your functionality and efficiency.

Remember the thyroid glands? These are glands responsible for regulating
your metabolism.

See, when you eat less or when you starve yourself, these glands work by
lessening the hormones they produce, ultimately, slowing your
metabolism down.

This is a very natural response that your body performs so that you can save
energy for further stress that your body may experience in the future.
Basically, your body goes into an immediate survival mode to help prolong its
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

At a continued rate of starvation, your metabolism just keeps on slowing down.

By the time that you’ve stopped starving yourself, these glands that have
slowed down do not magically return to their original regulation, rather they
stay slow in producing chemicals that regulate your metabolism.

As a result, you will now have a harder time to lose weight, and no matter how
much effort you put in your diet, you still end up eating more than you can
handle because your body has been deprived for a long period.

Does this aid in weight loss? Yes it does, but only for a very short time and the
comeback is worse than you can imagine.

 Regulation of Thyroid Hormones

So how do you regulate the production of your thyroid hormones? Obviously,
starving yourself to the point of exhaustion can do you no good.

If you want to lose weight, the trick is for you to regulate your metabolic rate
and the secret to this is to eat properly at the right time.

Properly eating at the right time even if you do it six times in a day, can actually
be a better aid to weight loss than starving yourself.

This is because, your brain sends the appropriate signals to your hormones
how much it should produce at a given period.

I know it’s quite unbelievable but basically, the point here is, if you want to
lose weight, you need to eat; but, eat and choose the right type and
amount of food.

Eating regulates not only your thyroid hormones but all the other hormones
and chemical processes occurring within your system, thus giving you a better
shot at weight loss.

 Effects of Starvation
a. When you skip meals, the response of the body is to actually binge.
Ever tried skipping breakfast and you end up eating a very heavy lunch? Then
you can’t catch yourself from eating so much during dinner time?

This is a very simple way of sabotaging your metabolism. Your body can’t catch
up with the lack of energy it needs to breakdown nutrients for you to readily
use. As a result, your body releases more insulin or sugar causing you to
have metabolic dysfunctions.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Image Source: Metabolism -

b. When you skip meals, your body stores more fats.

Food deprivation is a signal to the brain that it needs to protect the body and
save energy. For a prolonged period of being deprived from nutrients, your
body finds ways of coping by, storing more fat.

Fact is, the brain and the body does not know what dieting is all about, it only
reacts in a way that it thinks that it is preparing for a period of famine.

It doesn’t know when the next food will come along and so, it protects itself by
slowing down your metabolism and by storing your calories for later use.

Once the diet is finished, these stored fats remain stored and your body is now
more prone to gaining because your metabolism will remain at a slow rate.

Image Source:
Stored fat –
Brain and Dieting –
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

No matter how little you eat afterwards, the body will still take time to adjust
to the new routine you are putting it into.

How can you avoid this from happening? You simply need to figure out how
much and when you are supposed to eat.

This way your metabolism is regulated and your body remains functional
throughout the day and the days to come.

Small Frequent Meals

It may sound absurd but, eating constantly throughout the day may aid in weight
loss, better than, starving yourself. Don’t wait to feel hungry before your next meal,
eat something light (e.g. crackers, apple, banana) to satisfy yourself and maintain
your metabolic rate at work. This way, your body is still burning calories through the
process of digestion.

5. Yoyo Diet
Ever played a yoyo? Notice that once the yoyo
drops it recoils through the string and goes
back to your hand. This next dieting technique
is known as a, Yoyo diet.

Just like the yoyo that goes away and back

towards your hand, this diet works the same
way in which, you constantly lose and
constantly gain the weight back again.
Image Source: Yoyo Dieting Cycle -
Yoyo dieting is a vicious cycle that traps you
especially when you see results showing.

You may look good on the outside but, inside your body, your cravings are boiling
and wanting to get out.

This dieting technique affects both men and women. You may have undergone in
this form of diet one way or another in your life.

The vicious cycle usually works in this process:

 You go on a diet by cutting your calories; usually, your intake of carbohydrates,
thinking that eating less, would help you lose your excess weight.
 Once you do this, your body adapts to the stress thinking that it will experience a
period of famine. So, your blood sugar drops.
 Once this happens your pancreas release hormones called, glucagon, and your
body then taps another source of energy called glycogen, which is a stored form
of sugar.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

 Glycogen is a stored form of energy only found in the muscles. When you don’t
have carbohydrates the body uses, glucose, and glucagon as an energy source,
while glycogen is the last form of energy that it will utilize.
 You begin to look good and shed off the pounds but on the inside, hunger and
cravings begin to intensify, seething and boiling--- waiting to come back.

Image Source: Yoyo Dieting Cycle -

 Once your body can no longer take the stress, you stop the diet and you begin to
over-eat or re-introduce all the other food you’ve deprived your body from.
 Inside your body, your insulin begins to be released to break down the food
you’ve taken in and your blood sugar begins to spike.
 As soon as your blood sugar rises, your body accumulates fats all over again and
you gain the weight you’ve lost or you’ve even gain heavier.

Then you repeat the cycle over and over again, until your body gets tired of it and
you just give everything up totally.

Basically when you go on yoyo diet your body looks like this:

Image Source: Body Image yoyo -
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

You start off with your original weight, shed between 5-10 or sometimes even 15
lbs., then as hunger and cravings creep back in, you either go back to your original
weight or you are heavier than before.

Starvation is stress put on the body, and the response is that it burns up your
proteins and it stores more fat. Is this good?

Definitely not, in the long run, if your body can’t regulate its size, a lot of your
internal organs and several chemical processes within your body will remain
dormant or will function less efficiently.

This then causes you to continue on gaining more weight. Also, shedding excess fat
becomes harder than ever.

You may think that dieting only affects your physical appearance, but what you
don’t know is that it, also directly targets your internal organs and your psyche.

How do you get out of the cycle of the yoyo diet?

When you want to lose weight, COMMIT TO IT!

Commit your 100% energy, if not commit more than a hundred.

Your commitment to your goals can be your anchor to shedding off that extra
weight through a safer and healthier way. It may be the hardest thing to do, but the
results will all be worth it!

6. Crash Diet
Another form of dieting technique is known as crash

Ever wondered how actors like Seth Rogen and

singer, Beyonce Knowles, came from this size into
this size?

The secret is in crash dieting. This is a type of diet

where vary rapid weight loss is apparent
because the person has followed a certain crash
diet technique (e.g. soup diets, detoxification, shake
diets, etc.).

Crash diets are very common for actors and

actresses who are going to play a particular role
where their body demands them to be in a certain
size. The job is demanding because this puts your Image Source:
body in a lot of stress. Beyonce Knowles -
Seth Rogen -
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Usually crash diets are performed to inhibit weight loss at a very quick rate for a
very short period.

The diet involves you eating below the recommended daily intake of 2,000
calories to just below 700 calories or lower. The result is indeed fascinating, you
lose the weight and you indeed achieved your goal of getting into the “ideal shape”
you wanted.

Crash diets may come in many form and they can range from the simplest to the
most bizarre dieting techniques. Here are a few techniques that people have used
and gone through extra lengths to achieve their weight loss plans:

a. Soup diet
This is a crash dieting technique where you
consume soups as your main source of
calories for the day. These soups may come
in the form of either vegetables or chicken

There are no theories surrounding this diet

but it claims that you will lose 7-10 pounds
within a week of consuming only breakfast
Image Source: Cabbage soup - meals and soups for the whole day.

b. Juice Diet
A type of crash dieting technique
where you will only consume fruit and
vegetable juices for a period of 60
days. The diet claims to aid in weight
loss especially for people who are
morbidly obese.
Image Source: Juice diet –

c. Master Cleanse diet

A type of crash dieting technique that is very famous among celebrities.

Fruits before the goods!

The most advisable time to eat fruits is in the morning after you’ve consumed a glass
of water. Don’t eat fruits after a meal, as this will no longer be absorbed fully by your
digestive tract. Fruits are very much high in dietary fibers and is linked to decreasing
your chances for diseases that are associated with excess fats.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

This is where celebrities go on a program

where, they detoxify their body from
impurities taken from ingredients from a lot
of food sources in the market.

This entails a person consuming mostly

organic food and juices, particularly, a juice
composed of ingredients such as lemon
juice, maple syrup, water, and cayenne Image Source: Detox diet –
pepper powder.

The diet claims to aid in weight loss in two weeks, you’ll be able to shed 10 pounds

d. Tapeworm Diet
This crash dieting technique is where
an individual will willingly pay
someone to insert live tapeworms
inside his/her body.

The theory behind this is that anything

you eat and consume will be eaten by
the tape worm causing a dramatic
weight loss.
Image Source: Tapeworm diet –

What was the most absurd crash diet you’ve ever been in to?

Some even claim of totally fasting for 3 days to weeks, totally not consuming any
calories and just plainly drinking water to fend off their hunger. Crazy, but yes, a lot
of people have gone through great lengths just to get those pounds off.

As with any weight loss programs that involve you starving yourself, crash diets
will also take a toll on your metabolism, and eventually the fat that you lost will
haunt its way back into your system.

Then the vicious cycle of yoyo dieting will begin again, and when you get tired, you
just decide to finally give-up.

All of these are dieting techniques that may, one way or another, aid in your weight loss.
But, these are all quick-fix solutions that are temporary and can only give you the
satisfaction for a short period of time.

As was mentioned in the previous parts of the module, if you want to lose weight
completely, you need to have a strong sense of commitment to the different goals you’ve
set for yourself. Without commitment, any dieting technique will be ineffective!
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

IV. Eating and Body Image Disorders

As with any form of dieting, particularly those that last for long periods of time, eating
and body image disorders eventually develop.

The continuous deprivation of essential nutrients from your body may cause serious
repercussions not only to your physicality but, also to your mental state/health.

Image Source:
Eating Disorder –
Body Image disorder -

Eating and body image disorders are very serious cases of mental disorders that can lead
to malnourishment and worst, a person’s death.

The purpose of this lesson is for you to become aware of the different signs and
symptoms brought about by dieting practices. During this part of the module, you will
discover some interesting facts about certain disorders that not only affect women but,
also men.

These information will help guide you about the things that you must and must not do to
improve on your health.

IV.A. Body Image

What is body image? What does it have to do with
eating disorders? Why is body image so important?

Body image is a collective picture of the body as

seen through the mind’s eye. Basically, this is
how you see yourself and imagine how you look.

Body image also has something to do about how

you feel and think towards your body.

It is a collection of your perceptions, images,

thoughts, attitudes, & emotions which directly
affect your thinking about yourself. Image Source: Man in the mirror –
Woman in the mirror -
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Do you look at yourself in the mirror often? Or you rarely get a glimpse of yourself? Do
you like what is reflected back at you or you do not even want a second or third look?

Body Image can be classified into two (2), and these are:
1. Positive Body Image
When you see yourself accurately in the mirror, you feel good about what you’re
seeing, and you are very much comfortable with your body, you are said to have a
Positive Body Image.

2. Negative Body Image

When you are dissatisfied and you have exaggerated perceptions about certain parts
of your body, you are said to have a Negative Body Image.

Aside from your own thoughts and feelings, your external environment can also
directly affect how you look at yourself.

Your level of confidence and insecurities regarding your body is encompassed by this
concept known as, body image.

IV.B. Body Types

Remember body types? Everyone has a
unique shape because of their gender,
genes, ethnicity, and lifestyle.

Body image has everything to do with the

way you carry yourself and the way you
choose how to live your life.

When you do not know how to love and

accept yourself for whatever shape you are
in, you will forever remain dissatisfied, and
you may develop disorders that affect your
mental state.

These conditions in the long run may Image Source:

eventually become irreversible if you are not Body Image girls -
aware of the symptoms in which eating and celebrating-body-acceptance-month/
Body image boys -
body image disorders may manifest.

Man vs. Woman

Men tend to have a more positive body image compared to women. Women have the
tendency to go through extra lengths of achieving their “ideal look,” while men, tend
to look at themselves at a more positive note.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

IV.C. Body Image Disorders

A negative body image is usually the root cause of body image disorders. When you have
poor perceptions about your body, you may take exaggerated actions seeking to be your
“ideal self.”

This type of disorder is considered to be a mental health concern, where a person should
immediately seek the help of a professional. This is to, prevent further problems from
arising with such thinking.

Some common types of body image disorders are:

1. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

The first type of body image disorder is known as Body
Dysmorphic Disorder or BDD.

There are no known worldwide statistics of how many

people are directly affected by this disorder but in the
US alone, about 1% of their total population experiences
BDD in varying severities.

What is BDD? How many times have you expressed how

fat or skinny you are? How many times did you catch
yourself saying “oh my gosh I’m so fat already?”

BDD is actually an extreme dissatisfaction with your

body image.

Most of us actually have something we don’t like about

our appearances and we have the tendency to fret about
our imperfections.
Image Source: Looking in the mirror – BDD is characterized by obsessing with a certain body
part or body parts that you don’t like. This in turn
Skin Picking - can cause severe emotional distress and may interfere
dysmorphic-disorder-dsm-5-appearance_n_3346391.html with your daily functions.

When the obsession about these imperfections worsens you can end up avoiding social
situations and isolate yourself from people because you fear that they may notice your

Symptoms of BDD include:

 comparing yourself with others too much
 checking in or totally avoiding mirrors
 skin picking
 excessive grooming
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

 engaging in excessive exercise

Often, people who suffer severe BDD may undergo

unnecessary plastic surgeries to correct their
perceived imperfections, and they will always end up,
still not satisfied with how they look.

These things are all done in the hope of fixing the flaw
but, will always be a failure because, the root cause of
the problem is not physical but rather, psychological.

Unlike heart disease, BDD is not curable by certain

types of drugs available in the market.

The best thing to do is to consult the help of a mental Image Source: BDD -
health professional to directly address the concern. body-dysmorphic-disorder

2. Muscle dysmorphia
The next body image disorder is called, Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder (MDD),
commonly known as Bigorexia.

MDD also has something to do with the negative body image a person has about

Image Source: Muscle Dysmorphia -

Find a work-out buddy!

The best way for you to gauge your progress and for you to become aware of this is
by, finding the right people who will honestly tell you how you are physically
improving or not. Finding a work-out partner not only motivates you, but they also
keep you sane and safe from reaching your fitness goals.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

This disorder particularly targets men more than women and is also more prevalent
among body builders who have goals of earning a well-defined physique for body
building competitions. What is muscle dysmorphia?

This is a disorder where a person feels that he or she is out of shape despite the
very apparent build-up of muscle tissues.
A person with MDD usually develops obsessive-
compulsive disorders.

The obsession or the goal of people who have

MDD is to build more muscles--- to
compensate for their negative body image.

While, the compulsion for this goal is to: lift

more weights, over exert or over exercise, and
possibly take in body enhancing drugs like,

In some cases the habits and behaviors brought

about by MDD can become lethal especially when
the person’s disorder continues for a prolonged

MDD is a disorder that can be a directly harmful

disorder, especially when drug- dependence Image Source: Man in the mirror -
already comes into play. /27/muscle-dysmorphia/

When the condition worsens, these compulsive behaviors are usually unstoppable, and
the effects could be detrimental to a person’s health.

People who have been psychologically evaluated for MDD always have one conclusion in
their brain; that their bodies are too small, frail, and weak, that’s why they need to build
more and keep “improving” themselves through training and the use of body-enhancing

It is a type of condition that should be caught early on, before an individual finds
himself/herself in destructive behaviors that can become irreversible and lethal.

Common Body Area Concerns for Body Image Disorders

The Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience reported that the most common body areas of
concern of people who have BDD are: the skin (73%), hair (56%), and nose (37%).
On average, people who have BDD are preoccupied with 5 to 7 different body parts.
These people actively think about or obsess about their disliked body parts for 3-8
hours per day, on average. (NCBI, 2010)

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

IV. B. Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are characterized as a
physical, mental, and emotional condition
that can bring about habits of overeating or
not eating at all.

These severe disturbances in eating patterns and

eating-related behaviors can directly affect a
person’s health and wellness. These eating
disorders are also a result of negative body
Image Source: Weighing scale -
Some common types of eating disorders are: count-more-than-calories-eating-disorders-
1. Anorexia nervosa

This disease may sound familiar to some of you because it has been a condition that has
garnered the attention of many for quite some time now.

Many people are open to discussing as to how they end up having this condition,
especially popular artists that you see from television screens.

Do you know anybody suffering from this disease? What are the usual things they do
that you have observed?

Anorexia Nervosa is a body image disorder that leads to an eating disorder.

A person who has this disorder does not eat enough food or totally eliminates food
from his/her system to maintain a “reasonable” body weight.

Image Source: Body Image disorder -

In Anorexia Nervosa, women are usually the ones who experience this disorder more
than men.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Women who experience anorexia nervosa have very distorted body images of

Unlike MDD where a person views himself as

very small and frail, Anorexia is where a person
thinks that he/she is bigger and wider than
he/she currently is.

Anorexia Nervosa is a serious condition that

usually affects adolescent females that are
between the ages of 12 – 18. These girls fear
gaining weight or becoming fat, and as a result,
they cut off food from their system and lose
weight drastically.
Image Source: Woman w/ anorexia -
People who are experiencing anorexia have BMIs
that range below 17.5. o/anorexia-nervosa-48027430

The same with MDD, anorexic disorder also brings about compulsive behaviors/rituals
 inadequate food intake
 refusal to eat certain food
 frequent comments about feeling “fat” or overweight despite the apparent weight loss
 denies hunger
 makes excuses to avoid mealtimes
 engages in excessive exercise to inhibit weight loss.

This condition usually goes undetected for prolonged periods. For reasons that, both
thinness and dieting are socially acceptable traits.

The health consequences of anorexia are very serious and can be life-threatening.

People who experience this disorder will experience a lot of complications in

their health particularly, in their cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine,
musculoskeletal, and reproductive systems.

Anorexia nervosa can lead to:

 Fainting, fatigue and weakness, because of the lack of food sources for fuel.
 Dry hair and skin, as well as hair loss will become apparent because of the lack of
essential vitamins within the body.
 Severe dehydration which can lead to kidney failure.
 Abnormally slow heart rates and excessively low blood pressure.
 Muscle loss and weakness
 Reduction in bone density

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

If the disorder is left untreated, a person may literally

turn into skin and bones eventually, leading to
premature death, due to the excessive weight loss and
nutritional deprivation that the body experienced.

Do you know anyone suffering from this disorder?

Anorexia Nervosa is not a physical problem but rather

a mental or psychological one. Seeking professional
help is the tool to addressing the issue and preventing
further untoward incidents from happening.

2. Bulimia nervosa
The next kind of eating disorder is directly related to
Anorexia Nervosa. This disorder is known as, Bulimia Image Source: Effects of anorexia woman-
Effects of anorexia man -
What is this disorder? How is it the same and different males-struggling-with-anorexia-nervosa/
from anorexia nervosa?

Bulimia Nervosa is a disorder in which a person engages in recurrent episodes of

binge eating followed by purging or vomiting.

This disorder also statistically affects females more than males. Females who are
usually between the ages of 11-20 and even sometimes, women who are between
ages 40-60.

Unlike anorexia nervosa where a person doesn’t totally consume calories, a person who
is bulimic consumes calories but, feels guilty about them afterwards.

As a result, they purge it out from their body by sticking their fingers or anything that
they can put through their throats.

Both anorexia and bulimia nervosa are disorders that are usually triggered by major life
changes or stressful events (e.g. anger and disappointments).

Women tend to turn their coping mechanisms into their diets and as a result, these
health disorders develop.

Some of the noticeable effects of bulimia nervosa include:

 Anxiety and other stress disorders
 Tooth decay brought about by, stomach acids that enter the mouth through purging
 Esophageal damage or a damage on the linings of the throat
 Menstrual irregularities due to poor nutrient absorption

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

People who experience bulimia nervosa are left unnoticed as

well. This is because, these people usually isolate themselves
after binge eating to perform their rituals of purging or

This disorder is a very serious eating disorder that is

detrimental to a person’s health and can also eventually lead
to death, if left untreated.

3. Binge eating disorder

Eating disorders not only include symptoms of total food Image Source:
Tooth decay –
deprivation, it may also include eating in excess or eating too
much than your body can handle. Menstrual irregularities -
This type of disorder is very common among individuals who treat/menstrual-irregularities/

are overweight or are morbidly obese. This type of eating

disorder is known as, Binge Eating Disorder.

This disorder is characterized by engaging in uncontrollable eating without any

compensatory purging behaviors. Basically, these people eat and eat and are always
hungry for more. This is a very serious condition that may take a toll on a person’s
overall health.

Remember during the discussions about the different heart disease and nutrition?
Excessive eating paired with a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a lot of health conditions
that may eventually become irreversible in time.

How would you know if a person has this disorder?

Unlike other disorders that are left

unnoticed, binge eating disorder is very
noticeable because of the excess body fat
accumulated by a person through time.

Diagnosing this as a disorder, mental health

professionals came up with the same
conclusions that binging is usually caused
by some form of guilt, shame, and
Image Source: Binge eating female –

Craving for chips?

Instead of munching on your favorite bag of chips, replace your snack time with
healthier options like, peanuts and slices of fruits. This way, your metabolism is still
well-regulated throughout the day and your cravings for “bad” food will go away.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

People who are affected with this disorder turn into food to protect their feelings and

Some symptoms of binge eating disorder include a person:

 eating more rapidly than normal
 eating until uncomfortably full
 eating even when not hungry
 usually prefers to eat alone so that no one can be there to judge and criticize them for
their cravings

When a person has not been able to control

these specific habits, the disorder will
continue to manifest in that person’s life in the
form of health-related diseases.

Excess accumulation of fats within the body

causes many organ systems to fail and
function efficiently through time. Image Source: Binge eating male -

Like all the other disorders discussed, Binge Eating Disorder can have detrimental
effects on a person’s health and can eventually lead to a person’s death.

Do you know anyone who is possibly going through this ordeal? What steps did you take
to extend your hand for help in the matter?

4. Anorexia athletica
The next type of eating disorder is usually very
apparent in athletes. This disorder is known as,
Anorexia Athletica.

Anorexia Athletica is a disorder in which a person

deliberately lowers his or her body weight to the point
of being underweight or beyond.

This disorder is triggered by the motivation of

enhanced athletic performance and achieving certain
sporting goals.
Image Source: Anorexia Athletica -
Athletes who experience this disorder are not aware of its symptoms because they are so
goal-driven and motivated to be great in their sport that they tend to over train and
exhaust themselves in their efforts.

Anorexia Athletica is apparent in individuals who are engaged in sports that

involve weight-class categories, aesthetics, endurance, and technical judging.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

People who have this disorder have observable habits

like overtraining and over physical exertion to lose and
meet the exact and ideal body weight needed for their

Due to the food deprivation, lack of nutrients, and

overtraining these athletes eventually experience
musculoskeletal injuries.

Sports like Body building, Running, Ballet, Mixed Martial

Arts, and Boxing are examples of activities that require a
person to stick at a certain body weight to qualify for the

Image Source:
Individuals who are engaged in these types of sports
Body Building – literally do everything they can to achieve their goals. As
Running – a result, they undergo intense crash diets and later,
Ballet –
experience other eating disorders.
MMA – If left unnoticed, the condition may not only lead to
Boxing - musculoskeletal injuries but also to more physical and mental health problems.

5. Orthorexia
The last disorder is known as, Orthorexia.
Unlike all the other disorders where a person
deprives himself/herself from consuming food,
Orthorexia is when a person develops a
fixation with a healthy or righteous eating.

These people are also characterized as

having obsessive-compulsive disorders
where they only choose to eat healthy food
Image Source: and deprive themselves of nutrients that
Orthorexia - can be taken from other food sources.

People who constantly overthink about their food choices experience, panic and anxiety
in the long run.

They cannot be seen hanging around in restaurants or food chains enjoying meals but
rather, they pick places where they know they can have choices of healthy-organic food.

Orthorexia is a serious disorder that can eventually lead to other eating disorders.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

People who are too picky with their food choices often end up being malnourished
because they think too hard about what they’re going to eat next.

In the long run, the disorder can lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and worst death.

Those are the common dieting techniques, eating disorders, and body image disorders.

Do you know anyone suffering from any of these habits? Can you say that you are eating
healthy and are making the right decisions in your diet? Or maybe you are exaggeratedly
health conscious?

Many people who experience these disorders usually are unaware of its symptoms. The
signs will only show later on in their lives as the disorder continues.

The most important thing to do to prevent these habits and disorders from turning from
bad to worst is to acknowledge the disease and seek professional help.

Psychologists and psychiatrists are mental health professionals that can help a person
experiencing eating and body image disorders. They can successfully aid in addressing the
problem by determining its direct or root cause.

When this happens, people suffering from these disorders may be saved from
malnutrition and death.

Knowing all these things, the question remains: how can you lose weight fast?

There is no such thing as a fast weight loss! There is no technique you can do to lose
weight fast!
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Weight loss is something that you work hard for, something that you invest your time
with, and something you definitely don’t make excuses for.

Weight loss is a serious feat that if you want to achieve in a healthy and gradual way, the
goal is to lose at least 1 or 2 lbs. per week or a total of 4-8 lbs. per month.

But, the case is different when you are overweight or obese. People who are usually in
their larger built can lose between 5-10 lbs. per week, because they have more fat stores
that are readily used up during exercise.

Anything beyond these targets, you’ll end up failing in weight loss and gaining more
of your weight back all over again.

What’s the technique in losing weight the healthy way?

Exercise plus caloric restrictions is equal to a proper healthy dieting technique.

Image Source: Caloric Restriction -
Course Module =1
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Remember the principle in nutrition discussed? Where the energy you put in, should be
the same energy you put out?

That principle plus this formula is a guide that you can do to trim that waistline down to
the size that you desire.

Crash diets and other dieting techniques to limit your caloric intake is not the way to go
but rather, choosing the “good” food from the “bad” food.

Would you rather eat a chocolate bar or have a slice of ripe mangoes? Would you rather
have French fries or slices of sweet potatoes?

The best thing to do is to always ask yourself what is good and beneficial to you
over what is harmful and detrimental to your health, wellness, and fitness.

Do you have concerns regarding your weight? How many times did you attempt to lose
that weight and gain it all over again?

What do you think did you do wrong before? How about the things you did right to lose
the weight off?

How many times did you catch yourself saying, “I’m too heavy to move,” “My body aches
after exercise,” and “I lack the energy to do this and that,” and my most favorite, “I have no

Did you catch yourself ever saying this while you are on your journey to weight loss?

Weight loss is a serious matter and it entails a lot of your energy for it to be successful.
Studies have shown that the more you make excuses regarding your weight loss routine,
the more you will be unsuccessful in your pursuit.

Image Source: Motivation Quote -
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

So starting today, stop making excuses, do something about, put all the energy you have
and commit to your program this time.

Surely after the hard work, you’ll reap the benefits of a healthy and well body!

Anorexia Athletica – an eating and body image disorder common in athletes; a condition
in which a person engages in rigorous exercise to the point of exhaustion with the goals of
achieving a certain body weight or “ideal” exercise category/class necessary for their
sport (e.g. weight-class categories, aesthetics, endurance, & technical judging).

Anorexia Nervosa – a body image disorder that leads to an eating disorder; a condition in
which a person sees a distorted body image of herself; a condition in which a person does
not eat enough food or totally eliminates consumption of food to maintain a “reasonable”
body weight.

Anorexic – a person with a condition called, Anorexia Nervosa.

Atkins Diet – a fad dieting technique where carbohydrate-intake is limited; claims to

switch a person’s metabolism by using the body’s stored boy fat for energy instead of
glucose or sugars.

Bigorexia – see Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder (MDD).

Binge Eating Disorder – an eating disorder where a person engages in uncontrollable

eating without any compensatory purging behaviors.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) – body image disorder; extreme dissatisfaction with
body image; obsessing with body part or body parts that a person doesn’t like which may
cause severe emotional distress that may interfere to a person’s daily functions.

Body Image – a collective picture of the body as seen through the mind’s eye; how a
person sees himself/herself and how he/she imagines how he/she looks; a person’s
thoughts and feelings about his/her body.

Bulimia Nervosa – an eating disorder in which a person engages in recurrent episodes of

binge eating followed by purging or vomiting.

Bulimic – a person with a condition called, Bulimia Nervosa.

Crash Diet – dieting technique where very rapid weight loss is apparent brought about by
specific crash dieting techniques done for a short period (e.g. soup diet, juice diet, etc.);
eating below the recommended intake (<2,000 - <700 calories)

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Diet – refers to daily food choices a person makes; amount of nutrients a person puts in
his/her body.

Diet Pills – appetite suppressing drugs that stimulate feelings of fullness; can also be fat
burners that claim to trim off excess waist line at an instant.

Dieting – refers to the practice involving some form of food restriction/s.

Eating Disorders – characterized as a physical, mental, and emotional condition that can
bring about bad habits of overeating or, not eating at all.

Endocrine System – an organ system in the body which refers to the collection of glands
that are responsible for hormone production; responsible for growth and development,
sexual functions, sleep, reproduction, mood, and most especially metabolism.

Fad Diets – a type of diet that promises quick weight loss through an unhealthy and
unbalanced diet; deceive people to lose weight quickly by following specific instructions.

Glucagon – hormones released by the pancreas.

Glycogen – storage form of glucose commonly found in muscles of animal species.

Hyperthyroidism – a condition that is the opposite of hypothyroidism; a condition in

which the thyroid glands produce thyroid hormones in excess, causing very fast/quick
metabolism; Symptoms include: irregular heartbeat, nervousness, sweating, and
excessive or sudden weight loss.

Hypothyroidism – a condition in which the thyroid gland produces little amounts of

thyroid hormones causing, very slow metabolism; Symptoms include: fatigue,
weakness, and most especially weight gain.

Juice Diet – a crash dieting technique which involves a person to consume only fruit and
vegetable juices for a period of 60 days; claims to be ideal for morbidly obese individuals.

Ketoacidosis – a condition resulting from deprivation of carbohydrates and increased

intake of protein-rich food; the release of excess amounts of ketones by the liver which
may induce nausea and vomiting.

Laxatives – medications prescribed by doctors for patients who are having troubles with
digestion; may be in the form of teas, liquids, or non-liquids; can be a stimulant, lubricant,
and compound that draws out water from the body.

Master Cleanse Diet – a crash dieting technique which involves a person to detoxify
his/her body with the use of organic food and juices which contain lemon, maple syrup,
water, & cayenne pepper powder; claims to aid in weight loss within 2 weeks where a
person may shed 10 lbs. off of his/her weight.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

Metabolism – the process in which the body performs series of chemical reactions to
maintain its functionality and efficiency.

Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder (MDD) – a disorder where a person feels that he or she is
out of shape despite the very apparent build-up of muscle tissues; also known as

Negative Body Image – a dissatisfied outlook on physical appearance; a person has

exaggerated perceptions about certain parts his/her body.

Orthorexia – a condition in which a person has a fixation with a healthy or righteous

eating; obsessive-compulsive disorders in choosing healthy food which may lead to

Positive Body Image – when a person sees himself/herself accurately in the mirror;
when a person feels good about what he/she is seeing; when a person is very much
comfortable with your body.

Soup Diet – a crash dieting technique which involves a person to consume soups as the
main source of calories for the day; claims that it will help a person lose 7-10 pounds
within a week.

South Beach Diet – a fad dieting technique that emphasizes the intake of protein-rich
food as well as, healthy fat intake; comes in three phases where food will be balanced by
identifying the “good” and “bad” carbohydrates from the rest of the food groups.

Starvation Diet – the act of skipping meals to inhibit weight loss; causes severe problems
in the body’s metabolism.

Steroids – body-enhancing drugs.

Tapeworm Diet – a crash dieting technique where a person ingests a live parasitic
tapeworm that is said to aid in weight loss because it eats up all the food compounds
ingested by a person.

Thyroid Gland – organ of the endocrine system responsible for the control of metabolism
in the body.

Yoyo Diet – the process of constantly losing and constantly gaining weight.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 9 – Diet & Eating Disorders

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
• Bryant, C.X., Ph.D., FACSM, & Green, D.J. (2010). ACE personal trainer manual: The
ultimate resource for fitness professionals (4th ed.). San Diego, CA: American Council on
• Corbin, C.B., Welk, G.J., Corbin, W.R., & Welk, K.A. (2009). Concepts of fitness & wellness:
A comprehensive lifestyle approach (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
• Corbin, C.B., Welk, G.J., Lindsey, R.., & Corbin, W.R. (2004). Concepts of fitness & wellness:
A comprehensive lifestyle approach (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
• Fahey, T.D., Insel, P.M., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Fit & well: Core concepts and labs in physical
fitness and wellness (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
• Hoeger, W.W.K., & Hoeger, S.A. (2000). Lifetime physical fitness and wellness: A
personalized program (6th ed.). Englewood, Colorado: Morton Publishing Company.

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

• Bjornssson, A.S., PhD, Didie, E.R., PhD, & Phillips, K.A., MD. (June 12, 2010). Dialogues in
Clinical Neuroscience: Body Dysmorphic Disorder. RETRIEVED from on August 29, 2017.
• O’Riordan, M. (March 16, 2006). Medscape: Woman Admitted to Hospital for
Ketoacidosis Following Atkins Diet. RETRIEVED from on August 29, 2017.
• PEM, D., & Jeewon R. (October, 2015). Iranian Journal of Public Health: Fruit &
Vegetable Intake: Benefits and Progress of Nutrition Education Interventions –
Narrative Review Article. RETRIEVED from on August 29, 2017.
• Farinde, A., PharmD, PhD. (April 22, 2016). Medscape: Laxatives, Stool Softeners, and
Prokinetic Agents. RETRIEVED
overview on August 29, 2017.
• Saleh, Naveed, MD, MS, & Simon, R., MS, CDN, CNS. (June 29, 2017). Medscape: The 6
Dietary Tips Patients Need to Hear from Their Clinicians. RETRIEVED from on August 29, 2017.

Course Module

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