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Activity 1.

Activity 2.

 Where has the passenger been?

The passenger has been in Mexico.

 Where is she going?

She is going to Canadá

 What other information could you collect?

She bought some flowers seends in Mexico

She bought necklace for her mother.

 What is the problem at customs?

She can’t bring flowers from Mexico into Canadá

Jacob´s dog´s espace was due to the broken gate.

Jacob's dog got out because of the broken gate.

El espacio del perro de Jacob se debió a la puerta rota.

El perro de Jacob salió por la puerta rota.

Activity 3.

He decided to save Alexander Shaw because of his experience as a plastic surgeon and
can contribute his knowledge of reconstructive plastic surgery.

También he decidido salvar Angelina Ford porque representa una parte importante para la
medicina esto se debió a que ella ha presentado numerosas patentes genéticas sobre el
tratamiento de la leucemia, aunque actualmente está mal de salud debido a su
enfermedad puede seguir aportando con sus conocimientos el tiempo que le queda de

I have also decided to save Angelina Ford because she represents an important part for
medicine. This was due to the fact that she has filed numerous genetic patents on the
treatment of leukemia, although she is currently in poor health due to her illness, she can
continue contributing her knowledge with the time he has left of life.

También pienso que debería salvar a Adam Kenney porque es joven, además representa
una parte importante para las políticas ambientales, debido a su especialización en
calentamiento global y al ser investigador climatico quiere hacer el bien al planeta.

I also think that he should save Adam Kenney because he is young, he also represents an
important part for environmental policies, due to his specialization in global warming and
being a climate researcher he wants to do good to the planet.

Y finalmente, salvaría a Janos Kovats porque es un niño que tiene una vida por delante
debido a que solo tiene nueve años y tiene grandes planes a futuro, representa una parte
importante para el planeta debido a sus planes a futuro como salvar a los animales en
peligro de extinción.

And finally, he would save Janos Kovats because he is a boy who has a life ahead of him
because he is only nine years old and he has big plans for the future, he represents an
important part for the planet due to his future plans like saving animals in Danger of

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