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The learner demonstrates understanding of…

1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and
2. new technologies that allow new expressions in the arts.


The learner…
1. creates artworks using available media and natural resources on local topics,
issues, and concerns such as environmental advocacies, ecotourism, and economic

and livelihood projects.


The learner…
1. identifies art elements in the various media-based arts in the Philippines.
2. identifies representative artists as well as distinct characteristics of media-based
arts and design in the Philippines.
3. realizes that Filipino ingenuity is distinct, exceptional, and on a par with global
4. determines the role or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and
combination of art elements and principles.
5. uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of a community.
6. creates artworks that can be assembled with local materials.
7. describes the characteristics of media-based arts and deign in the Philippines.
8. applies different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas,
experiences, sand stories (the use of software to enhance/animate images like
Flash, Movie Maker, Dreamweaver, etc.).
9. evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria
appropriate for the style or form of media-based arts and design.
10. mounts a media-based exhibit of completed artworks.

From the Department of Education curriculum for ARTS Grade 10 (2014)


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide

Quarter III – Sessions 1 and 2



A. Topic: Media-based Arts: Photography

 definition/description of photography
 the photographer as artist
 photography as communication
 noteworthy Philippine photographers

B. Materials: Sample camera (any kind available to the teacher)

Examples of different kinds of photographs by Filipino and

foreign photographers (colored and black and white; can be
from magazines, calendars, etc.)

For ‘What to Process’ activity: Any device available to the

students that can take photographs (digital camera, mobile

phone, android phone, tablet, etc.)

C. Reference: Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials

Pages 259-265


General instructions:
1. Explain to the students that the culminating activity for Quarter III will be
an Exhibit of Media-based Arts and Design.
2. Brief them that the various artworks that they will create in all the sessions
of Quarter III will be labelled for proper curating and will be turned over to
you for safekeeping, to be retrieved for mounting in the final exhibit.
3. Explain that, due to time constraints with just eight class sessions for Art in
one quarter, they must be prepared to complete the artworks and/or do
other required tasks for the exhibit outside of class hours.
4. Special issue to consider: Given the accessibility and cost of many of the
digital devices, programs, and applications needed, the art pieces to be
exhibited will be a combination of student-made works and examples of
various commercially- and publicly-available media using digital arts.

[Note to the teacher: If time is too limited, the culminating exhibits for BOTH
Quarters II and III can be presented AT THE END OF QUARTER III instead –
since the forms of art presented in the two quarters are related.]


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design


Conduct the following survey to assess what the students know or have
experienced concerning photography:

1. Recall your experience with making and using a pinhole camera in Quarter
II. What did you learn about the process of photography through that
2. Since then, have you tried using other kinds of photo-taking devices (your
mobile/android phone, tablet, digital ‘point and shoot’ camera, DSLR
3. What observations do you have about using that particular device or more
than one of them?
4. Do you know of any famous Filipino photographers? If yes, name them.
5. How did you learn about these photographers?



1. Present to the class the sample photographs by Filipino and foreign

photographers. Pass them around the classroom, so the students can
examine these more closely.

2. Have the class turn to pages 259-260 of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s
Materials, and ask them to read silently the sections on the
photographer as artist and on photography as communication.

3. Call on some students to point out how the sample photographs

exemplify some of the points discussed in these sections:
a) the artistic aspects of a photograph – giving specific details
b) the communication aspects of a photograph – giving specific

4. Review briefly with the class the elements and principles of art that
they have studied since the earlier grades:
a) elements of art – line, shape/form, space, color, value, texture
b) principles of art – balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis, harmony

5. Call on some students to comment on how they see these elements and
principles in the sample photographs.


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6. Have the class turn to pages 260-263 of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s
Materials, and ask them to read silently the section on noteworthy
Philippine photographers.

7. Ask them to comment on the photographs by George Tapan and John

K. Chua presented in the Learner’s Materials—the subjects, the style,
what appeals to them in the photographs.


Have the class answer the What to Know questions on page 264 of the
Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

1. What two Greek words are the origins of the term “photography”?
What makes them fitting for this media-based art form?
2. How does technology contribute to the development of an art like
3. Why is photography truly a “modern” art form?
4. What special talents and skills does a photographer have that make

him or her an artist?
5. What qualities make photography such a powerful communication
6. Name some noteworthy Filipino photographers presented above, plus
others you may have researched on. Cite a distinctive achievement of
7. What type of subjects seems to be among their favorites to
8. Looking at the sample photographs shown, explain how the principles
of art (rhythm/movement, balance, emphasis, proportion, harmony,
unity, variety) are made use of by the photographer as an artist.

C. WHAT TO PROCESS [Session 2]

Have the class do the What to Process activities on page 264 of the Arts
Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

Photography Group Project: “Images with a Message”

1. Prior to Session 2, ask the students to bring to class any available

device for taking photographs (point-and-shoot camera, DSLR camera,
mobile phone, android phone, tablet). Those who do not have their
own device may share with other classmates.


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

2. Divide the class into groups of 6 to 8 students. Each group will be

assigned a theme such as:
a) People/Personalities
b) Our School
c) Nature
d) Insights
e) Humor, etc.
(Note: The groups may also think of their own themes, if they wish.)

3. Together with their respective groups, the students will move around
the classroom and school grounds on their own time, taking
photographs according to their assigned/chosen theme. They will store
the best ones in their devices for group evaluation.

4. As a group, they will then select one photograph taken by each group
member that best captures the theme. If there are 8 group members,
there will be 8 selected photos.

5. Next, they will plan with their group how and where to have these
selected photos printed on letter-size paper (8½” x 11”). Then, these

will be turned over to you for safekeeping until they will be presented
in the culminating exhibit.


Have the class do the following What to Understand activity on page 265
of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

“What’s In a Photo?”

1. Cut out three photographs from a magazine, calendar, poster, or

brochure—each expressing one of the following:
a) a commercial or business message
b) a social or political statement
c) artistic expression.

2. Label each of your photographs with a creative title, expressing the

particular purpose you think it has.

3. Bring them to class and be ready to explain the purpose of each.

4. Also be ready to discuss what role you believe photography plays in

modern life by carrying out such purposes.


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide


Preparing for the Quarter III “Exhibit on Media-Based Arts and


Guide the students in preparing their photographs for the culminating exhibit
at the end of the quarter by labelling them with original titles, their group
members’ names, the date, and the device used.


Photography is literally “light writing” from the Green words photos (meaning
light) and graphos (meaning writing). Images are recorded through light action
on light-sensitive materials—previously celluloid film, but today on digital
storage devices.

Through amazing developments in technology, photography has been able to

incorporate a vast array of special techniques and effects chosen and
manipulated by the photographer—making him or her an artist, in that sense.

And making the resulting photographs a modern form of art as well.


Use the following quiz items to assess the students’ grasp of the topics

1. What two Greek words are the origins of the term “photography”?
2. Name three ways in which technology contributed to the development of
3. How is a photographer also an artist?
4. In what ways is photography a form of communication?
5. Name the two well-known Filipino photographers presented in these
6. Name others you may have discovered through your research.


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

Quarter III – Sessions 3 and 4



A. Topic: Media-based Arts: Film

 film as a technology-driven art form
 the collaborative art of filmmaking
 characteristics of the film medium
 the different film genres
 noteworthy Philippine filmmakers

B. Materials: 20 DVD jackets (or teacher-made flash cards) showing

titles of popular films that the students would be familiar
with, representing various genres of movies

Sample Philippine film on DVD (preferably by one of the

directors presented in the Learning Materials)

Sample American or foreign film on DVD

DVD player and television; or a laptop with a larger

external monitor

C. Reference: Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials

Pages 265-273


Conduct the following survey to assess what the students know or have
experienced concerning film:

1. How often do you watch films?

2. Do you watch more foreign films or more Filipino films?
3. Do you go to a movie house or watch on DVD or via a downloaded film?
4. What types of movies do you most enjoy watching, and why?
5. Do you know any famous Filipino filmmakers? Name them and the titles of
their films that you have watched.
6. Recall the short videos you created in Quarter II. How do you think that
experience compares with the process involved in actual filmmaking?


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1. Have student-volunteers present to the class the original short videos

they had made in Quarter II. They may use the laptop and monitor set
up in the classroom for this lesson, if available.

2. Ask the other students to give their comments on the videos shown.

3. Have the class turn to pages 266-268 of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s
Materials. Ask volunteers to briefly explain how filmmaking is a
technology-driven art—advancing from still photography to moving

4. Next, call on some students to explain how filmmaking is a

collaborative art. Who are the different members of the film
production team? What are their specific roles and responsibilities in
creating a film?

5. Ask the students if they can imagine themselves in any of these roles
in a film production? What role would this be and why?

6. Bring out the sample DVD jackets or teacher-made flash cards. Hold
them up in random order for the class to see and to identify to what
particular film genre each one belongs.

7. Have the class read through pages 269-271 of the Arts Grade 10
Learner’s Materials, presenting well-known Filipino filmmakers.
Ask them if they have seen any films by these directors, and what their
opinions of these films are and why.


Have the class answer the What to Know questions on page 272 of the
Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

1. Why is film making considered a true modern art form?

2. Explain how the following technological advances contributed to the
evolution of filmmaking:
a) celluloid strip film
b) lighter cameras
c) sound
d) color
e) computer animation and special effects


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

3. Explain why the film director is considered an artist.

4. Describe the allied arts that have emerged as part of the film
5. Explain the film technique called “montage.”
6. What are some of the popular film genres? Name recent movies
that are examples of these different genres.
7. Explain how film has served as a powerful communication medium
from the 20th century until today.
8. In the Philippine film industry, name at least three outstanding film
9. What do you notice about the topics or subjects of their films?
10. Cite some distinctive achievements by the Filipino film directors

C. WHAT TO PROCESS (Session 4)

Have the class do the What to Process activity on page 272 of the Arts
Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

Film Group Project: “Moving Selfies!”

1. Divide the class into groups of eight to 10 students each.

2. Have the groups arrange for access to at least one of any of the
following devices with video capabilities:
a) a mobile phone with video camera
b) a tablet with video camera
c) a digital video camera

3. Each group will choose a catchy tune of about two minutes in length.
4. On their own time outside of class hours, each group will create a
series of “video selfies” of themselves with that tune as the
background music.
5. Using a video editing program (as discussed in Quarter II), they will
work together to synchronize the video segments with the beat and
lyrics of their chosen song.
6. Each group will save the finished video and turn it over to you for
safekeeping until it will be presented as part of the culminating exhibit.


Have the class do the following What to Understand activity on page 273
of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide

“Film Viewing”

1. Set up a television and a DVD player in the classroom to show the

following selected film excerpts on disc; or a laptop computer can be
connected to a large monitor for viewing by the class:

a) one Filipino film by a director discussed in

the Learner’s Materials - 5-minute excerpt

b) one American/foreign film - 5-minute excerpt

(Note: If the foreign film is not in English,
a version with English subtitles should be used.)

2. After both film viewings have been completed, lead the class in a
discussion on the following about each excerpt:
a) title
b) director
c) year
d) lead characters and the actors who played them
e) film genre
f) specific scenes or techniques that show the art of filmmaking

3. Guide the class in comparing and contrasting the qualities they observed
in the Filipino and the American/foreign films that make each one


Preparing for the Quarter III “Exhibit on Media-Based Arts and


Guide the students in preparing their short videos for the culminating
exhibit at the end of the quarter by labelling them with original titles, their
group members’ names, the date, and the film editing software used.


Filmmaking can truly be called a technology-driven art form since it was

born out of the technological advances that took place in the late 1800s—
transforming still photography into moving pictures or “films.” Until today,
every new development in technology makes it possible for filmmakers to
awe audiences with increasingly daring, challenging, and seemingly
impossible techniques and effects.


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

Due to the complexity of creating a film, it is a collaborative art involving a

large team of artists and technicians in the various allied fields of directing,
acting, editing, production design, costume design, lighting, sound, special
effects, animation, and more. The medium is also so rich and versatile that it has
allowed for the development of an entire array of film genres to suit various
purposes and viewers’ preferences.

The Philippines has a number of highly talented and respected film directors.
Among them are Lino Brocka, Ishmael Bernal, Mike de Leon, Laurice
Guillen, Marilou Diaz-Abaya, Maryo J. delos Reyes, and Brillante


Use the following quiz items to assess the students’ grasp of the topics

1. Name five developments in technology that have made film or “motion

pictures” possible.

2. What are the allied professions that form the collaborative team of a film?
Name and briefly describe at least five of them.
3. What are some of the most popular film genres?
4. Who are two female directors who have made a name for themselves in the
Philippine film industry?
5. Name at least three highly-acclaimed Filipino films.

Quarter III – Sessions 5 and 6



A. Topic: Animation / Comics Illustration / Digital Print Media

 animation
 print media in advertising
 comics illustration
 book design and illustration
 digital books

B. Materials: DVD jackets or other visual aids representing any of the

Major animated films involving Filipino animators


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(Toy Story, Up, The Incredibles, Monsters University, Cars,

Planes, Finding Nemo, Brave, Shrek, Kung Fu Panda)

Sample comic books (both foreign and Filipino)

Sample comic strips from magazines and newspapers

Sample books from any Philippine publisher, featuring

cover design and illustration by Filipino artists

C. Reference: Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials

Pages 274-289



1. Overview of the different media-based arts:

a) Display in the classroom the DVD jackets or other visual aids of
the foreign animated films involving Filipino animators.

b) Ask if the students have watched any of these films, and if they
had ever imagined that Filipino artists were among those tapped to
create the characters and visual components.
c) Next, pass around among the students the sample comic books or
comic strips for them to examine the different subjects, styles, etc.
that these have.
d) Display in the classroom the sample books from Philippine
publishers. Allow the students to study the cover designs and to
look at the inside illustrations.

2. Explain that these are all examples of media-based arts that have
undergone tremendous advancements thanks to developments in
computer technology. These have made it possible to create, store, and
distribute digital arts in amazing new ways—which will be presented
in these sessions.

3. Have the students turn to the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials, and
read the sections about each of these modern art forms:
a) animation (pages 274-276)
b) advertising (pages 278-279)
c) comics illustration (pages 280-284)
d) book design and illustration (pages 286-287)


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design


Have the students answer the What to Know questions for each of these
media-based art forms on the pages indicated below:

For Animation (page 276 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. Research on the meaning of the word “animate” or “animation.” How
does it describe the qualities and capabilities of this art form?
2. What is the contribution of animation to the art of film making?
3. Briefly discuss some significant achievements of the animation
industry in the Philippines—both for foreign animated films and
cartoon series.
4. What role does the Animation Council of the Philippines (ACPI) play
in equipping young Filipinos for a career in animation?
5. How has the Philippine Animation Studio, Inc. (PASI) helped gain
recognition for Filipino animators in the field of international
children’s cartoons?
6. Based on the examples presented, for what audience are our local
animators creating their works?
7. In general, what themes and subject matter have our local animators

been focusing on in recent years?

For Advertising (page 279 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. What forms does print media take in the field of advertising? Name 5
2. What does the advertising copywriter do?
3. Name the other art professionals who work together to create a print

For Comics Illustration (page 284 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. The popularity of comics began in the Philippines through what
2. What was one of the first comic strips that appeared there?
3. Who became known as the “Father of Filipino Comics”?
4. What popular U.S. comics publisher hired many Filipino illustrators in
the 1960s to the 1980s?
5. How were early Filipino comics creators influenced by American
6. Yet how did local comics remain distinctly Philippine? Cite some
examples to support your answer.
7. With the limited access to books and libraries in the 1960s, what role
did comics play?
8. What trends in style and subject matter do you see in today’s local


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide

For Book Design and Illustration (page 288 of the Learner’s Materials)
1. In the book publishing industry in the Philippines, how has the
profession of book design evolved?
2. What trends or styles do you notice in the examples of book design
3. What is the digital counterpart of print media now available to authors
and publishers? Briefly explain this.
4. Describe how this affects the publishing and printing industry.

C. WHAT TO PROCESS (Session 6)

CHOICES OF GROUP PROJECTS: Considering the time needed to

complete all the media-based projects for Quarter III, the class members
will be asked to choose just one from among the following:

a) “A Stop-action Cartoon”
b) “Promoting Products/Services for a Cause”
c) “Kool Komiks”

d) “Making a Story Book”

Those who choose the same project will be formed into groups. Then, they
will work on their respective projects together outside of class hours.

Animation Group Project: “A Stop-Action Cartoon”

(page 277 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. The group members will make use of a mobile phone, tablet, or digital
camera to do this most simple and basic process for creating what is
known as “stop-action animation.”

2. The members will think of an action that will be captured as a series of

still images lasting a total of 10 to 15 seconds. It can be an action to be
done by a human or a movement of an object.

3. They will then carry out the action or movement, while taking a still
image of each progressive step in that action or movement.

4. The still images will then be made to “move” using a digital animation
program (as discussed in Quarter II). If the program allows the
inclusion of a music clip or sound effects, the group may opt to add
this as well.


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

5. The finished stop-action cartoons will be saved and turned over to you
for safekeeping until they will be presented as part of the culminating

Advertising Group Project: “Presenting Products/Services

with a Cause”
(page 279 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. The group members will decide on original products or services, as

well as special causes that these products or services can be presented
as supporting or advocating.

2. Using image capture and manipulation programs discussed in Quarter

II, the group members will create their choice of posters,
banners/streamers, brochures, or print advertisements to present these
products/services with a cause. (Note: Guide the group members in
selecting the final format for these projects, as the cost and the
accessibility of printing or output services must be considered.)

3. The finished print advertisements will be turned over to you for
safekeeping until they will be presented as part of the culminating

Comics Group Project: “Kool Komiks”

(page 285 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. The group members will decide upon a subject matter and main
character (or characters) for a simple 5-frame comic strip that they will

2. The members will volunteer to take on different aspects of producing

the comic strip:
a) conceptualizing and creating the “story board” for the comic strip
b) writing the text and/or dialogue that will appear in each frame
c) rendering the main characters and the background details using an
illustration program of the group’s choice
d) outputting the finished frames (since this will be for exhibit
purposes, each frame shall be approximately 5” x 7” in size;
which means the entire strip will be a total of 35” long)


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide

3. The finished comic strip will be mounted on illustration board or

chipboard cut to size.

4. The group will turn over the finished comic strip to you for
safekeeping until this will be presented as part of the culminating

Book Illustration Group Project: “Creating a Story Book”

(page 288 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. The group members will decide upon a subject matter and characters
for a simple 10-page storybook that they will create.

2. The members will volunteer to take on different aspects of producing

the book:
a. conceptualizing and writing the storyline
b. encoding the text of the story into a word processing or book
layout program
c. rendering the artwork for the book cover using an illustration

d. rendering the illustrations using an illustration software, and
incorporating these into the book layout
e. outputting the finished cover and inside pages of the book
f. binding the cover and inside pages into book form

3. The group will turn over the finished book to you for safekeeping until
this will be presented as part of the culminating exhibit.


Have the students answer the What to Understand questions for each of
these media-based arts on the pages indicated below:

For Animation (page 277-278 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. What role does animation play in the various media you see daily?
2. What do you think of the reputation of Filipino artists in the world of
animated feature films and cartoon series?
3. Do you think animation is an effective medium for promoting
awareness among young Filipinos about Philippine history, literature,
and folk lore? Why or why not?
4. Would you consider animation as a possible career option in the
future? Explain your reasons.


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

For Advertising (page 279-280 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. Is there still a place for print advertising along with other forms like
television, radio, and online advertising? Why do you say so?
2. Would you consider the visual aspects of advertising as a form of
media-based art? Support your answer.
3. Does advertising have certain responsibilities to the public? If yes,
what do you think these are?
4. Cite a specific print advertisement that you find particularly
effective. Explain the elements or techniques that you believe
contribute to its impact.
5. As a consumer of certain products for personal use or for school, do
you find yourself influenced by print advertisements in choosing
which products to buy? What factors in the advertisements influence
you most, and why?

For Comics Illustration (page 285 of the Learner’s Materials)

1. Do you consider comics illustration a modern form of art? Why or
why not?
2. How are today’s Philippine comics different from those of the 1960s

to the 1980s?
3. Are you a comics reader—whether of American or Filipino comic
books or series? If not, what is the reason? If yes, what attracts you
to them?
4. Among the current generation of local comics writers and artists
presented here, whose style appeals to you most? Briefly explain

For Book Design and Illustration (page 289 of the Learner’s Materials)
1. Looking at the sample book covers shown, would you consider book
design and illustration an art form? Why or why not?
2. Are book design and illustration possible options as a profession for
artistic young Filipinos? Explain your opinion.
3. With books now being available online, explain how this new
development affects the buying and reading public.
4. Do you view this as a positive development? Why do you say so?
5. Do you yourself access books online? What do you find to be the
pros and cons of this new form of reading experience?


Preparing for the Quarter III “Exhibit on Media-Based Arts and



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Note: This is to be done simultaneously for the artworks from the projects
for animation, advertising, comics illustration, and book design and

Guide the students in labelling each artwork with the original title, the
group members’ names, the date, and the following descriptive summary
of how the works were created:
 manual components (if any)
 electronic devices used (digital camera, laptop, tablet, scanner,
printer, etc.)
 software programs used (image capture, image manipulation,
animation, special fonts, etc.)


The various areas of digital media, such as animation, advertising, comics

illustration, and book design and illustration, are truly products of the
technological advances of the past decades. From the time when all of these
were hand-rendered (drawing, painting, typesetting, literal cutting and

pasting) to the use of simple machines and devices, these have now
progressed to computer-generated processes that allow artists to modify, store,
and share the finished works entirely on a desktop, laptop, or handheld device.


Use the following quiz items to assess the students’ grasp of the topics

On animation
1. Name five highly-popular international animated films that have included
Filipino animators.
2. Name two foreign-produced television cartoon series in which Filipino
animators were involved.
3. Name two original Filipino animated films.
4. What are some of the institutions or associations that help develop the
talents and skills of Filipino animators.

On advertising
5. In the field of advertising, name at least five forms in which print media is
6. What are the purposes of advertising in printed form?
7. How is Filipino artistry applied in printed advertisements?


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

On comics illustration
8. Is the Philippine comic book genre just a recent development? Why do
you say so? Support your answer.
9. How were early Filipino comics artists influenced by American comics
trends? Give some examples.
10. Aside from superheroes, what themes and subject matter also became
popular in Philippine comics through the decades?

On book design and illustration

11. In the book publishing industry in the Philippines, how has the profession
of book design evolved?
12. What trends or styles do you notice in the examples of book illustration
13. Name three of the Philippine publishing companies that create books
showcasing the illustration and design talents of Filipino artists.
On digital media

14. What is the digital counterpart of print media now available to authors and
publishers? Briefly explain this.
15. Describe how this affects the publishing and printing industry.
16. What artistic and technical skills would be needed to pursue a career in
digital media?
17. Give examples of formats that you yourself use for accessing materials
that used to be available only in printed form.

Quarter III – Session 7



A. Topic: Innovation in Product and Industrial Design

 Kenneth Cobonpue
 Monique Lhuillier
 Josie Natori
 Rajo Laurel
 Lulu Tan Gan
 Dita Sandico Ong


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide

B. Materials: Photos of products and designs by Filipino product

designers, fashion designers, industrial designers, etc.
(these may be from magazines, catalogs, or downloaded
from the internet)

For group projects: materials and supplies as required by

each group’s respective projects

C. Reference: Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials

Pages 289-296



1. Have the students create a “mini gallery” in the classroom by taping

onto the chalkboard and/or pinning to the bulletin board the
photographs they had brought of products and designs by Filipino

2. Allow the class to view the photos for about 5 minutes, and to discuss
their observations.

3. Explain that they will get to learn about accomplished Filipino

designers who have made a name for themselves, as well as for the
Philippines, in the global world of fashion, interior, and industrial

4. Have the class turn to pages 289-294 of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s
Materials, and read the presentation on Filipino design.

5. Ask the students:

a) Which of the Filipino designers presented made a particular
impression on them, and why?
b) Which particular aspect of design appeals to them most, and why?
c) By viewing the sample works of these designers (and the ones
displayed in the classroom “mini gallery”), how do they see
technology playing a role in the concept and creation of these
d) How do they see art reflected in these designs as well—particularly
employing Philippine materials and local crafts? Have them point
to specific details.


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design


Have the students answer the What to Know questions on pages 294-295
of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

1. How does technology drive the applied arts such as product design,
fashion design, and industrial design?
2. Who is an acclaimed Filipino designer who has become known
globally for his innovative furniture pieces, lighting accessories, and
interior accents?
3. Who is hailed as the “Wrap Artiste” of the Philippines? Why is this
so? What unique materials does she use in her creations?
4. Who is the Filipino investment banker turned fashion designer,
world-renowned for luxury lingerie and lounge wear?
5. Which Filipino fashion designer is popularly recognized for being a
judge on the TV series Project Runway Philippines and a major
name in the local and international fashion scene? What other
commendable efforts is he involved in?
6. What is the new fashion line of designer Lulu Tan-Gan, known as
“The Queen of Knitwear”? What makes her creations interesting and

7. Who is the Cebu-born Filipina designer who has become the darling
of the international celebrity set from her beginnings as a wedding
dress designer?
8. Do you note a common vision among these Filipino artists? What do
you think it is? Explain briefly.


Have the class do the What to Process activities on page 295-296 of the
Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

Applied Arts Group Projects:

“Project Runway” / “Project Interior”

1. Divide the class into two large groups. Group A will create fashion-
related pieces; while Group B will create interior design-related
2. The key here is for each group to make use of locally and readily-
available materials in very innovative and imaginative ways.
3. The suggested target output for each group is listed below. However,
group members may have their own, even more creative ideas that
they are free to implement.


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide

Group A – Fashion-related Pieces

 Head piece or hair accessory
 Bag, tote, or pouch
 Belt or sash
 Fashion accessories – bangles, buckles, buttons, a scarf, etc.
Group B – Interior Design-related Pieces
 Vase, basket, or decorative bowl
 Seat cushion or throw pillow
 Lamp shade or lighting accessory
 Door mat or small area rug

4. The group members will use Session 7 to conceptualize their

particular products together in the classroom. However, the actual
making of the products will have to be done on their own time
outside of class hours
5. Each finished piece will be labeled with a creative name highlighting
its distinct qualities; and the names of the group members. The
pieces will be turned over to you for safekeeping until they will be
presented as part of the culminating exhibit.


Have the students answer the What to Understand questions on page 296
of the Arts Grade 10 Learner’s Materials:

1. Seeing the Filipino achievers in this field, both locally and

internationally, how do you view the potential of our people in terms
of the ‘applied arts’? Explain your opinion.
2. What realizations do you have about Philippine raw materials and
how they can be incorporated into creations for interior design,
furniture, decorative accent pieces, clothing, and fashion
3. What do you think about combining our traditional crafts and
indigenous materials with world-wide trends in color, texture,
design, and even function?
4. What is your reaction to the creations of the Filipino designers
presented? Which one/s particularly impressed or appealed to you?
5. Would you consider these designers as role models for young
Filipinos like yourselves looking ahead to your future careers?
Explain briefly.


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design


Preparing for the Quarter III “Exhibit on Media-Based Arts and


Guide the students in preparing their fashion and/or interior design

creations for the culminating exhibit at the end of the quarter. All the
finished pieces should be labelled with original titles, the group members’
names, the date, and the technique and materials used.


Product design and industrial design, by their very nature, are technology-
driven. Many of the materials and processes now available to modern designers
did not exist in past decades, or have been tremendously modified and
enhanced. This can be seen most prominently in furniture, lighting, interior
fixtures and accessories—many of which creatively combine contemporary
design with a Philippine flair.

Also in the field of fashion design, for which Filipinos are already globally
admired, materials and processes have also been influenced by technology. This
can be seen in the blending of local fibers with other natural and synthetic ones,
new weaving processes and dyeing techniques, the use of embellishments like
embroidery, beadwork, applique, and others—while also being in step with
world-wide fashion trends.


Use the following quiz items to assess the students’ grasp of the topics

1. Cite three technological developments each that continue to advance:

a) product design
b) industrial design
c) fashion design

2. Name some ways in which indigenous materials and crafts have been
incorporated in contemporary industrial, interior, and fashion design.


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ARTS Teacher’s Guide

3. Match the following designers with what they are known for:
a) Lula Tan-Gan _____ bridal gowns
b) Monique Lhuillier _____ Project Runway Philippines
c) Kenneth Cobonpue _____ luxury lounge wear
d) Dita Sandico-Ong ____ stylish knitwear
e) Rajo Laurel ____ trendy furniture
f) Josie Natori ____ abaca fiber wraps

Quarter II – Session 8

The last session for Quarter III will be devoted to staging “An Exhibit of Media-
based Arts and Design” presenting the following categories:
1. Photography
2. Film
3. Animation

4. Advertising
5. Comics Illustration
6. Book Design and Illustration
7. Product / Industrial / Fashion Design

The students will select from among their own works created within Quarter III, as
well as source photos, magazine or calendar cutouts, Internet images, etc. of at least
two to three representative artworks each for the above categories.

Curating the Exhibit

Each artwork will be accompanied by a card briefly describing the work as follows:

For student-made artworks/products:

Title _________________________________________________

Artist/s _________________________________________________

Artistic style and medium used _______________________________

Date of creation ___________________________________________


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Quarter III: Media-based Arts and Design

For reproductions or images of known artworks/products:

Title _________________________________________________

Artist ____________________________________________________

Artistic style and medium used _______________________________

Year or period of creation _____________________________________

Have the class members invite the school Administration, other faculty members, and
their schoolmates to visit the exhibit. Help them prepare to explain the works and
how these present the characteristics of different forms of media-based art and design.

Critiquing the Exhibit

As a form of self-evaluation, guide the students in rating the culminating exhibit

using the format below:

“An Exhibit of Media-based Arts and Design”
Evaluation Form

Criteria Very Good Good Fair Poor

Selection of artworks/products
(theme and message)

Completeness of exhibit

(display, mounting, and
labelling of works)

Assignment of tasks

Cooperation among students

Response of exhibit visitors


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