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Scientific models versus social reality

Nancy Cartwright

To cite this article: Nancy Cartwright (2016) Scientific models versus social reality, Building
Research & Information, 44:3, 334-337, DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2015.1083811

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Published online: 12 Sep 2015.

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Vol. 44, No. 3, 334– 337,


Scienti¢c models versus social reality

Nancy Cartwright1,2

Department of Philosophy, University of Durham, 50 Old Elvet, Durham DH13HN, UK.

Department of Philosophy, University of California ^ San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0119, US.
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Policy predictions fail for the very many different kinds of case-by-case local factors described in the Building Research &
Information (2015) special issue (vol. 43/4) entitled ‘Closing the Policy Gaps: From Formulation to Outcomes’. Work in
philosophy of science shows that beyond the case by case, general systematic problems loom that make the gap between
theory and practice hard to close. What is needed in response, it is argued here, are ways to cope with the gap and to build
an expectation about it into planning predictions, into planning decisions, into the methods of implementing and
monitoring, as well as into fallback and failsafe plans. Tracking implementation and outcomes is not only useful for
post hoc evaluation but also a powerful tool for getting the intended outcomes in the first place and making the
necessary adjustments.

Keywords: built environment, evidence-based policy, governance, policy design, policy formulation, policy
implementation, public policy

Much of the rhetoric in favour of evidence-based base is assumed to offer the promise of far more cer-
policy and practice seems to subscribe to the idea: if it tainty than it can deliver. There is danger here. If an
comes from science, it is going to be right. In the Building unjustified degree of optimism exists about how effec-
Research & Information special issue ‘Closing the Policy tive policies can be, then there is a likelihood of getting
Gaps: From Formulation to Outcomes’ (Table 1), policy deliberation wrong in the delicate balance
repeated failures of this idea can be observed, illustrating between considerations of effectiveness, on the one
the gap between theory and practice. Since the special hand, and considerations of cost and legitimacy, on
issue concentrates on the specific policy area of the built the other. The policy community often expects results
environment, this might be thought of as a problem that that cannot be achieved and fails to anticipate side
besets this area especially violently. But this kind of gap effects that can be very harmful. Both these lead to
is the rule, not the exception: it is just what should be wasted money and effort and to heartbreak and
expected for social policy. The papers present a variety dashed hopes. The wrong projects get chosen. For the
of concrete ways, different for different cases, in which ones that are chosen, there is failure to establish the
final outcomes do not fit theoretical expectations. Work monitoring and feedback systems that provide early
in philosophy of science points up a number of reasons warning that things are going wrong. This would
why this is almost bound to occur. Predictions fail for allow for things to be set right or for the project to
the very many different kinds of case-by-case local be abandoned before too much money and effort has
factors described in the papers collected here; but been expended. It is unrealistic to expect to close the
beyond the case by case there are general systematic gap , but it is feasible to narrow it. What is needed
problems looming. are ways to cope with a gap, to build an expectation
about it into our predictions, into our decisions, into
It is important to recognize the systematic sources of our methods of implementing and monitoring and
trouble, otherwise there is an across-the-board likeli- into our fallback and failsafe plans.
hood of overbidding the claims that are made. Scienti-
fic evidence can without doubt improve the reliability The across-the-board problems arise from the relation
of policy predictions. But too frequently the scientific between the demands of exact science and the nature of

# 2015 Taylor & Francis

Scienti¢c models versus social reality

Table 1 Authors and titles of articles in the special issue ‘Closing the Policy Gaps: From Formulation to Outcomes’, Building
Research & Information (2015), vol. 43(4); guest editors: Simon Foxell and Ian Cooper

S. Foxell and I.Cooper Editorial: Closing the policy gaps

R. Simmons Constraints on evidence-based policy: insights from government practices
L. Schweber,T. Lees and J.Torriti Framing evidence: policy design for the zero-carbon home
R.Gupta, M.Gregg, S. Passmore and G. Stevens Intent and outcomes from the Retro¢t for the Future programme: key lessons
A.M. Moncaster and P. Simmons Policies and outcomes for UK sustainable schools
G. Ive, A. Murray and R. Marsh Cost and value ratios of operating renewed English secondary schools
E.Warwick Policy to reality: evaluation the evidence trajectory for English eco-towns
G.R.W. Mills, M. Phiri, J. Erskine and A.D.F. Price Rethinking healthcare building design quality: an evidence-based strategy
K.B. Janda and M.Toupouzi Telling tales: using stories to remake energy policy
R. Cohen and B. Bordass Mandating transparency about building energy performance in use
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the blousy world around us that the science is supposed of causes that distort the outcomes or make them
to help manage. In general, though scientific principles unpredictable. Most people have an implicit under-
can be hugely successful in helping to deal with the standing of this. For example, they know that dropping
world, they do not describe what actually happens. mobile phones onto a tile floor is detrimental, or not to
They describe what happens in models and very often use galvanized pipes for plumbing near the sea due to
the model does not sufficiently resemble the world it the potential for corrosion. This lack of control
is supposed to model. As Janda and Topouzi remark, looms large when it comes to predicting the effects of
‘Idealizations about people and their energy beha- planning policy. As Trygve Haavelmo, a Nobel Prize
viours are familiar, but they are not necessarily accu- winner for his work in founding econometrics,
rate or true’ (p. 528). There are several perfectly explained to me in conversation about predictability:
general reasons for this that need to be borne in
mind. First, even if the principles applied in the Physics has it easy. No-one asks a physicist to
model are flawless, the outcomes that hold in the predict the course of an avalanche but we econ-
model hold in the world only ceteris paribus, i.e. the omists are regularly expected to predict the
outcomes hold only so long as the model takes into course of the economy.
account all the dominant causes of those outcomes
that are at work in the world and none that are not. Second, the social and political influences that affect
This is a tall order, especially in areas of social policy planning outcomes are often at the tail end of a long
where social and political causes interact with techno- chain of events stretching backwards in time, or the
logical ones. Researchers and policy-makers usually outcomes are at the end of long chains of complicated
have a very loose grip on what all these social causes social, political and technological causes stretching
are and how they operate, let alone on how the mix into the future. As Mills, Phiri, Erskine and Price
of causes will interact together, as observed throughout report about one of the studies they describe:
this special issue.
Perhaps unexpected was the complexity of pro-
The striking experimental and technological successes blems in organizational and collaborative terms.
of some of the best basic science are a witness, rather (p. 509)
than a counterexample, to the ceteris paribus nature
of these principles. Testing a scientific theory depends But if John Stuart Mill is to be believed, this complexity
upon devising (or finding naturally occurring) settings should not be unexpected. It is just the shifting and
in which all the factors relevant to the outcome are unpredictable arrangement of the causes that enter
describable by the theory, as well as knowing how to these chains – the causes of the causes of the causes
describe these factors. Otherwise, how would it be – that led Mill to argue that political economy must
possible to know what the theory predicts should be a deductive not an inductive science. Even if we
happen in order to compare that with what actually have observed some relatively stable relations
does happen? This is important in order to ascertain between one set of factors and another in the past,
if the predictions of the theory are borne out. These those relations cannot be relied on to hold in future
are generally highly artificial settings, or highly because the background of all the many causes
managed ones, so-called ‘closed systems’, that are omitted from consideration is not likely to stay fixed.
‘overbuilt’ or otherwise protected against the intrusion As Ive, Murray and Marsh note, following Keynes’


(1936) quote about the yield of an investment: ‘Our defined events in the event space; then those theoretical
knowledge of the factors which will govern the [ . . . assumptions need to be fitted on to the (at best rough)
outcome] some years hence is usually very slight and regularities found in the real world outside the labora-
often negligible’ (p. 471). tory and other specially controlled environments.

A third reason has to do with the kinds of concepts that Thus I agree with the doubts that Janda and Topouzi
good science demands. These must not be vague or explicitly expressed about faith that:
ambiguous, they must be well defined, precise and
unequivocal. But for policy planning it must also be building scientists can gather (all) the evidence,
possible to use them to make predictions. That means understand it and properly communicate it to
that they must be linked together by principles that policy-makers, who will then develop effective
allow for inferences to be made from one to another. policies based on this new understanding.
That too is a tall order. It is usually met by an extended (p. 516)
back and forth process of mutual adjustment. Max
Weber noted this process in describing the differences There are good reasons coming not only from the
between the natural sciences and the study of society. experiences of failure recorded in this special issue
He too, like Haavelmo, thought that physics has it but also from the very nature of the scientific enterprise
easy. It can keep adjusting its concepts until it finds itself for their concerns. As they suggest, it is very
ones that fit into neat principles. But this approach doubtful that:
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cannot be applied when studying society. When it

comes to society there are fixed topics of enquiry (the accurate information alone will lead to better
things society and its members want to know about future planning in the complex system of the
which nowadays includes poverty, social exclusion, built environment.
responses to some nudge policy, etc.) and there is (p. 516)
good evidence that these are not governed by the
kind of tight reliable principles found in science. What can lead to better future planning for the built
environment? Better tracking is part of the answer.
In the face of all the difficulties for predicting the out- One of the questions in the original call for papers
comes of policies for the built environment recorded for this special issue is ‘How might the implementation
here, Foxell and Cooper (following McGrayne1) place of a policy or initiative be tracked and evaluated
some hope in Bayes’ theorem to provide ‘the opportu- against its intended objectives?’. In their editorial,
nity to use knowledge of past events to produce a prob- Foxell and Cooper remark:
ability rating for a hypothesis or a policy proposition’
(p. 404). I am far less sanguine about this than they, Most [papers] also contain overt (or at least deci-
for just the same general reasons about science, pherable) signposting to how policies and initiat-
models and real life mentioned above. Bayes’ theorem ives could be tracked and evaluated against their
allows for use of real-life data and can treat real-life intended objectives and outcomes.
outcomes, but it can only do so via the mediation of (p. 399)
an abstract model, though familiarity and practice
with statistical inference may make the modelling Tracking is often done primarily for the sake of
steps in between almost invisible. The model requires evaluation, with which it is linked in this remark:
a well-defined event space satisfying various formal knowing that the right stages between policy and
conditions plus a precise measure over them that outcome occurred provides good evidence that the
satisfies the probability axioms. To be of any practical policy was indeed responsible for producing that
use, the connections used for prediction among the outcome. But, as Eileen Munro argues in the field
events in the event space (e.g. which are modelled as of child protection, tracking is not only useful for
probabilistically dependent? which independent? con- post-hoc evaluation, it is a powerful tool for getting
ditional or unconditional independence? conditional the intended outcomes in the first place. Tracking
on what?) must reflect real relations among the happen- can provide alerts to problems that a policy encoun-
ings in the world that the events in the event space are ters as events unfold. It provides the opportunity to
meant to represent. So all the same problems arise make corrections before it is too late or to abandon
about how the concepts that describe the events in a the endeavour early when there seems no way to
model map onto things that are actually happening in set it operating as it should.
the world. This is exacerbated by the fact that the prob-
abilistic relations in the model are even further removed Second, better evaluation itself can be of help, especially
from the world than ordinary scientific models since the when tracking is involved to uncover not only whether
probabilistic relations generally are warranted by some the policy worked but also how it worked. Understand-
theoretical model-dependent assumptions about the ing why is the key to better planning in future, to figur-
relations (e.g. causal relations) among the abstractly ing out what policies will work where and when and
Scienti¢c models versus social reality

what needs to be in place, or be put in place, to make realistic expectations about what can be achieved and
their success more likely. Without this understanding, what are the chances of success. The discussion
mere evaluation by itself – learning that a policy above about the theoretical problems with expecting
worked in this place or in this handful of places – can a high degree of certainty coupled with the huge
be very misleading. It can lead to ‘induction by simple array of concrete problems displayed in the papers in
enumeration’, which is a very poor form of inference this special issue argue that, despite good use of good
indeed. For example: ‘swan 1 is white, swan 2 is white science in policy construction and deliberation,
. . . so all swans are white’ or ‘all the coins in my smooth sailing will not be the rule. Instead, it should
pocket are copper, so all coins are copper’. be expected that problems will arise throughout the
entire process, from the start of implementation to
More effective interdisciplinary cooperation in the the final outcomes. Given the widespread predictable
planning and implementation of policy is a third impor- failure of models to be as robust as we would like, it
tant tool for getting better outcomes. As already noted, is essential both to hedge our bets and to allow for,
plans fail for a mix of natural and social causes, some indeed to plan for, the need to correct, to redesign or
naturally occurring, some artificially, even sometimes to abort our projects. As several authors emphasize,
induced by the process itself in a looping effect. The it is important to keep firmly in mind that (in the
hard science matters but equally does the knowledge words of Foxell and Cooper):
of the social processes, like the political agenda of
various players highlighted in Warwick’s and in Mon- policy-making is a live activity, “a continuous
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caster and Simmons’ contributions, the structure of process” [ . . . ] needing constant adjustments
regulation and in particular its enforcement mechan- and periodic refocusing to keep it on track.
isms, as made clear in Cohen and Bordass’s paper, the (p. 401)
kinds of subjective forces that undermine objectivity
described in Simmons’ and in Schweber, Lees and Tor-
riti’s contributions and the effects of complex inter- Disclosure statement
actions among different agencies and the need for No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
detailed understanding of local situations described in
Mills, Phiri, Erskine and Price’s article. The list con-
tinues. It is long and varied. What will make a differ- Reference
ence will not be the same from one context to McGrayne, S. B. (2011). The theory that would not die: How
another, which makes it difficult to offer advice in Bayes’ rule cracked the enigma code, hunted down Russian
advance about whose expertise to include, when and submarines & emerged triumphant from two centuries of
how. The important lesson is to be alert to the need controversy. New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University
to include interdisciplinary expertise and local knowl-
edge from the very start of the policy planning
process in almost every case.
Fourth, better outcomes will be achieved overall if 1
McGrayne (2011) makes a case for Bayes’ theorem, but its use
policy-makers, strategists and the public have more remains controversial and contested.


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