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I have multiple responsibilities in my current profile.

Primary responsibility starts with Marketing & Sales

WHERE we have to canvas the market >segment the market> review the sales leads> engage with
the customers & clients > devise strategy for cold calls > sales engagement process > and sourcing,

Managed the sales team & ensuring monthly target are met, motivate the team, review individual
performance, and in the team whom so ever is lagging behind I motivate them to raise their
performance standards.

Secondary responsibility

Finance:- syndication of loans, loan appraisal, credit rating, Client segmentation , appraising the risk
factors, analyse the customer credit worthiness, client matching, loan status review, tracking loan
delinquency .

Analysing lead quality,


Net Promoter or Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the percentage of customers rating their
likelihood to recommend a company, a product, or a service to a friend or colleague as 9 or
10 ("promoters") minus the percentage rating this at 6 or below ("detractors") on a scale from
0 to 10.

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