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The Use of Forms Expressing Unreality in a Special Type of Exclamatory


Form Time referrence Example

Were or Past. Present Oh, if only he were here
Indefinite to talk to me!
Oh, if only I didn’t miss
the lection!
Past Perfect Past If only I had called back
to you!
Oh, if only you had said
Would + inf. Future Oh, if only you would be
Could + inf. right!
If only your successes
could always be so

The use of forms expressing UR in exclamatory sentences serves to express a wish

which cannot be fulfilled.
Sentences of this kind are very emphatic and restricted to spoken English.

Free Use of Forms Expressing Unreality

- If an action is represented as an actual fact, the Indicative Mood is used.

- The Conditional Mood is used to represent the action as contradicting
reality, and it depends on some implied unreal condition.

Present Conditional Reference to the I wouldn’t let her know

Mood present/future the truth. She would be
Past Conditional Mood Past We would have done our
project, but the
quarantine began.
Could/might + infinitive Present/Future He’s never argued with
me though he knows I
could not always be
His knowledge might
help him to find a higher
paying job.
Could/might + perfect Past There was graduate
infinitive research assistantship in
our university that we
could have finished with
great marks, but the
quarantine began and
things had hit a rough
I didn’t hear the question
of the professor. I might
have answered correctly.

- The Past Conditional expressing the highest degree of politeness.

Could you please tell me what mistakes I have made in my test? I don’t
understand what’s exactly incorrect.
Could you please tell me when it would be convenient to visit our clinic?
I should have said we’re looking for somebody else for this job.

But for (если бы не…):

- in reference to the Present/Future

But for the good cooperation, our teamwork would not be successful.

- in reference to the Past

But for the glass of wine I had for dinner, I would have got the house work done.
But for your help, I would not have got success.

Traditional Use of Forms Expressing Unreality

- The Subjunctive Mood serves to express wish in the following kinds of


Be ours a great party!

God bless you.
May + infinitive: May the party be great! May this exam be successful!

- The Subjunctive Mood serves to express concession.

So be it.
May/let: Let it be so. Happen what may...

- The Subjunctive Mood is found in the expressions

Suffice to say that... (Достаточно сказать, что...) and
Far be it from me... (Я далек от того, чтобы...).
Far be it from me to interfere in your affairs, but it seems to me that you don't
really understand the situation.
I'm not going to tell you about his amazing and dangerous adventures. Suffice it to
say that our hero is alive and well.

- The Subjunctive Mood is used in imprecations.

Manners be hanged.

- The form were is found in the set phrase as it were (так сказать, как бы).

I'm afraid you, as it were, chose the wrong person.

- Would + infinitive is found in as luck would have it (пo счастливому

стечению обстоятельств) or as ill luck would have it (на беду, как на зло).

And as ill luck would have it, I'm not free for this dinner, too.
As luck would have it, I know a few people in law enforcement.

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