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What is the first epic of English literature?

Paradise Lost, Faerie Queen, The Rape of the Lock, Beowulf

Time period of old English Literature, 450-1066,500-1000,1000-1500,1400-1500

Who is the first historian of English Literature

Wycliffe, Chaucer, Bede, Caedmon

Who translated Bible for the first time

Wycliffe, Chaucer, Bede, Caedmon

Who established printing press in London

Guttenberg, Caxton, Bede, Caedmon

Knowledge is power quote of Bacon, Keats, Shakespeare, James

First official poet Laureate Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare, Dryden

To be or not to be that is the question, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello

How many lines Beowulf has? 3182,3142,3422,4322

How many parts in Beowulf 2,3,4,5,

Earliest known English poet Wycliffe, Chaucer, Bede, Caedmon

Chief work of Caedmon, elegies, paraphrase and hymns, sonnets, epics

Who is father of English sacred songs Wycliffe, Chaucer, Bede, Caedmon

When was Caedmon born? 735,635,637,737

When Caedmon died 735,635,637,737

Who wrote the poem Juliana. Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Cynewulf

Author of Crist Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Cynewulf

Author of The Fates of Apostles Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Cynewulf

Father of English learning Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Cynewulf

Who wrote Ecclesiastical History of English People. Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Cynewulf

Ecclesiastical History of English People was written in English, Latin, Greek,French

Who was first Christian king of England Ethlebert, Edward two, William, Alfred

Founder of English prose, Wycliffe, Alfred , Bede, Caedmon

King Alfred the great wrote and supervised , translation of Bible, the Anglosaxon Chronicle,hymns, epics

King Alfred the great ruled 871-900, 871-901, 871-904, 871-908

Who wrote the book Consolation of Philosophy Ethlebert, Edward, William, Alfred

Who wrote Catholic Homilies. Ethlebert, Edward , Alferic, Alfred

Oxford university was established 1213,1177,1167,1123

Cambridge University was established, 1213,1177,1167,1209

Magna Carta was signed in 1213,1215 ,1167,1209

When was parliament established 1213,1215 ,1167,1209

Who wrote Divine Comedy, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Chaucer

What type of book is Divine Comedy (1320) epic, prose, novel drama

Who translated Bible New Testament into English first Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Cynewulf

Father of English prose, John Wycliffe, Alfred the King, Tyndale...all three

Morning star of reformation and evening star of scholasticism Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Cynewulf

Author of Piers the Ploughman Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Langland

Piers the Ploughman is prose, poem, chronicle, legend

Piers the Ploughman was written in century 14 , 15, 12, 11

Gower was contemporary of Wycliffe, Bede, Caedmon, Langland

Anglo-Norman period ends 1340 1500 1066 1362

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