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Assignment for final grading

Economic Conditions Analysis, BUS 530, Section 5, Summer 2020


 This is an individual assignment. This will be uploaded in the google classroom and you have
turn it in there.
 Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
 Copying from others is strictly prohibited. If two script found identical and copied, will be
 You must submit the assignment in time. Late assignment is not accepted.
 You must type the assignment and use graph and figure digitally.
 Turn-in the assignment within the due date. Late submission not acceptable.


Marks 10; Due date: 19 Aug 2020

COVID-19 may create a recessionary gap on the real GDP of Bangladesh, using the Keynesian model
of Aggregate Demand and Long-run Aggregate Supply curve, explain how Bangladesh government
expansionary monetary and fiscal policy may help solve this problem (Use graph as appropriate).
Also discuss the Bangladesh government recent initiative in this regard.

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