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I believe we are in many ways brought up to believe that kindness is very rare.

We are taught about a

cruel world, an unjust world. We are taught about man’s inhumanity to man. War and violence, power
and money. The world is becoming more and more corrupt, and its true and I won’t deny it, humankind
has succumbed to selfishness, arrogance, and primitive savagery towards one another. Yet, in the pit of
all humankind’s violence and cruelties, there is a ray of hope that keeps us from ceasing to exist, and
that is love. And with love comes kindness towards fellow mankind. Love motivates kindness, you
cannot have love without kindness, and you cannot have kindness without love. It is the kindness in our
hearts that brings us together as a race after awful things have happened to our world.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” -- Mark Twain
Kindness is inside ourselves. Kindness makes a way to hear and see the need of other people. No
matter how small it is, kindness can make us do things that we cannot, we will not and we are not.
There are a lot of kindness in this world still despite of struggles in life. We may not see all of it but
the most important thing is it makes a better change for our society, our universe rather. I may not
have taken a lot of pictures of kindness this past week, but I have seen a lot. Also, because
sometimes the best memories are not seen in pictures, it happens unexpectedly. It rather stored in
my memory for the beauty of kindness was seen by my eyes.

Every action you take affects the life of someone around you. kind

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