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according to Hoyle according to the rules

are in the hole a plan or asset that is sure to succeed

a square peg in a hole a misfit

add insult to injury aggravate a bad situation

all thumbs clumsy, awkward

all ears attentive

anybody’s game a contest in which no one is sure of winning

ashes in one’s mouth bitter disillusionment

barking up the wrong tree looking in the wrong place

clam up be secretive
Title: Getting meaning through Sentence Context

Directions: Explain the differences in meanings of the italicized words. Write the meaning opposite each


A. 1. Orphans are a public charge _______________________________________

2. Please charge this to my mother. _______________________________________

3. The policemen charge the enemy. _______________________________________

4. What is the charge against this man? _______________________________________

B. 1. He wants to court my cousin. _______________________________________

2. Where is the tennis court? _______________________________________

3. They will bring the case to court. _______________________________________

4. This is a formal presentation in court. _______________________________________

C. 1. Here is some string to tie the box with. _______________________________________

2. The game was a tie. _______________________________________

3. That is a railroad tie. _______________________________________

4. Is this your new tie? _______________________________________

D. 1, She makes up stories. _______________________________________

2. Good friends make up after a quarrel. _______________________________________

3. Did you do make up projects? _______________________________________

4. Your make up is fine. _______________________________________

E. 1, This is a baseball bat. _______________________________________

2. She did not bat an eye. _______________________________________

3. He was at bat. _______________________________________

4. Go ahead, bat for me. _______________________________________

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