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Name: Agnote, Jeceal B.

Subject: PROFED PCK 6 (Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the
Curriculum with Emphasis on the 21st Century Skills)
Module 2: Features of 21st Century Teaching and Learning
Critical Attributes of the 21st Century Education
Section: BTVTED 301

Self Test
1. B. student and teacher
2. B. learner centered
3. D. modern tools
4. A. project-based learning
5. C. Sharing links and offering digital discussions


The discussion of the module for today was delivered very well. Good thing that it
started with a quotation, for us to be motivated throughout the discussion. The
discussion gives us enough knowledge about the modality of the class, netiquettes
during online class and also it elaborates the parts of the module. Throughout the
discussion each of us has given a chance to participate. All in all the discussion was
presented where in students can remember what has been tackled.

1. D. knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values
2. B. blogs, movies, or digital stories
3. B. technology
4. A. Continue to change
5. C. linkages among various subject areas
6. B. Integrated and Interdisciplinary
7. A. ICT and Multimedia
8. C. Digital Literacy
9. D. Training
10. C. exposing students to the concerns of the region and other countries
11. B. Global Classroom
12. D. all of the above
13. D. Creating/Adapting to Constant Personal and Social Change, and Lifelong
14. C. transferring knowledge to real life situations
15. D. Student-cantered
16. C. 21st Century Skills
17. A. Project-Based and Research-Driven
18. D. Project-Based and Research-Driven
19. C. Relevant, Rigorous and Real-world
20. D. All of the above
Name: Agnote, Jeceal B.
Subject: PROFED PCK 6 (Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the
Curriculum with Emphasis on the 21st Century Skills)
Module 2: Features of 21st Century Teaching and Learning
Critical Attributes of the 21st Century Education
Section: BTVTED 301

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