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Agnote, Jeceal B.

ProfEd PCK 5
BTVTED 301 September 17, 2020

1. What did you learn?
 The discussion imparted us knowledge about different definitions of
curriculum in which I realized that the word curriculum has a broad
meaning. It also tackled about the difference between curriculum planning
and curriculum development wherein curriculum planning is where all the
resources, learning content, procedures, etc. are all listed on what should
be included in the curriculum. While curriculum development is where the
plan is being process such as selecting, organizing, executing and
evaluating learning experiences. It also included Ralph Tyler and Hilda
Taba’s model and the major foundations of curriculum in which it
discussed the different educational philosophies. And lastly, two schools
of thought is also tackled which are The Essentialist and The Progressive

2. What did you not learn?

 I might not say did not learn but rather what is unclear to me during the
discussion and that is the two model which is the Ralph Tyler and Hilda
Taba’s Model, maybe I did not follow the discussion here because it was
discussed quickly but all in all I understand the rest of the lesson.

3. What did you like most in the discussion? Why?

 What I like most is the discussion about the definitions of the curriculum
because aside from what we know that curriculum is a learning content
that should be taught in school where almost all my classmates agreed on
because of the mentimeter thing we knew that we have the same ideas.
And now we realized that curriculum is not just a listing of subjects but has
different meaning.

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