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Agnote, Jeceal B.

ProfEd PCK 5
BTVTED 301 September 24, 2020

Guide Questions:

 Where to begin in curriculum-development process?

 Based on the discussion, the first step in curriculum

development is to select aims, goals, and objectives. Aims of
the curriculum must be clearly identified intended to achieve by
the teachers and students, its range must be from very broad to
specific ones. In selecting aims, the needs of the students must
be responded and it should be relevant.

 What do you consider when you conceptualize the content?

 Of course, it should be selected based on what is the goal of

the curriculum, it must be related to the objectives which test its
validity. It should have significance wherein the content must be
easy to master or understand by the learners. The usefulness
of the content should also be considered which will help the
learners to be useful in their society using the skills and
knowledge imparted based on the curriculum content. Interest
and learnability of the learners are both factors in
conceptualizing content wherein it would be helpful to the
learners to clearly understand the content because it is based
on their interest and it is in accordance to their present level.

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