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课文 1

陈刚是个普通工人,每天过着相同的生 活。可他总是做着发财的梦,比如说在路上 检到一个钱包,

或者买彩票中大奖。但是这些 好事他从来没碰到过。

这天,陈刚还是和平时一样骑车回家。突 然,他听到后面有人喊了一声:“谁的金项 链?”陈刚

急忙转过头,看见一个中年妇女指 着地上的一个东西。他跑过去仔细一看,原来 是一根金项链。

“这根金项链这么重,最少值两千块。”中年妇女检起项链说。 “不知道是谁丢的?”陈刚说。可

“也许别人会回来找的,我们等一会儿吧!”中年妇女说。 他们坐下来等了半天,没有人走过来。

“天都黑了,我看不会有人来了。”中年妇女站起来说,“这 样吧,我们一人一半,你看怎么样?

“好是好,可这一根项链怎么分 呢?”陈刚问。

“我已经有好几根了,这根你拿 回去吧、卖了或者送人都行。我不多 要,给我五百块就行了。”

陈刚想,这根项链要是能卖两干 块,我还能赚一千五。这么好的事,真 是天上掉下来的馅饼!于


陈刚拿到金项链后,高兴极了。 看到一家金店就,乡忙跑了进去。营 业员接过项链,翻过来翻过

去看了 好几遍,说:“这走假的、最多值几 十块钱。你看、这里的金色都掉下来 了。”陈刚一看,
果然有个很小的地 方掉了一点点金色。他知道自己上 当了。

从金店里走出来,陈刚脑子很 乱,什么也不知道了。

Text 1
Chen Gang is a skilled worker and leads the same life every day. But he always dreamed of getting rich,
such as finding a wallet on the road, or winning a lottery ticket. But these good things have never happened
to him.
On this day, Chen Gang still rode home as usual. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting from behind:
"Whose gold necklace?" Chen Gang hurriedly turned his head and saw a middle-aged woman pointing at
something on the ground. . He ran over and took a closer look. It turned out to be a gold necklace.
"This gold necklace is so heavy, it's worth at least two thousand yuan." The middle-aged woman checked
the necklace and said. "I don't know who lost it?" Chen Gang said. But he thought in his heart: Why didn't I
see it just now? If you look at him. . . .
"Maybe someone else will come back to find it, let's wait a while!" said the middle-aged woman. They sat
down and waited for a long time, but no one came over.
"It's dark, I don't think anyone will come." The middle-aged woman stood up and said, "Well, let's be half of
us. What do you think?"
"It's good, but how do you divide this necklace?" Chen Gang asked."I already have several roots. You can
take this one back, sell it or give it away. I don't want more, just give me five hundred yuan."
Chen Gang thought, if this necklace could sell for two yuan, I would still earn fifteen thousand. Such a good
thing is really a pie from the sky! So he immediately took out five hundred yuan from his wallet.
After Chen Gang got the gold necklace, he was extremely happy. When I saw a gold store, the township
rushed in. The salesperson took the necklace, turned it over and looked at it several times, and said, "This
fake is worth dozens of dollars at most. Look, the gold here has fallen off." Chen Gang saw that there was a
small The place dropped a little bit of gold. He knew he was fooled.
Walking out of the gold shop, Chen Gang was confused and didn't know anything.

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