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Santiago, Gerald I.

Forensic Chemistry

1. Is forensic chemistconsidered an Expert witness or an Ordinary witness? Why?

Forensic chemist is an expert witness by means of virtue of the qualifications:education, training, and
experience. Also forensic chemist testimony will basedbon sufficient facts or data, testimony that is the
product of the application of reliable principles and methods, and applying the principles and methods
reliably to the facts of the case.

2. What are the four stages in the practice of forensic chemistry? Explain briefly each stage.

*Collection or reception of specimen to be examined;

-specimen collection and handling is an integral part of obtaining an evidence to examine.

*The actual examination

-examination is a top-to-toe examination taking samples that may be used as evidence in a police
investigation and any subsequent prosecution.

*The communication of results of examination

-results are released and been specified and served as applicable evidence.

*Court appearance

-bringing the evidence to the court

3. Edmond Locard formulated a principle which holds that "every contact leaves a trace" In your
opinion, Is it possible for an offender to perform an act of crime without having some trace of his or her
presence? Why or why not? Yes, particulary in some instances like if the perpetrators are professional.
Professional in some ways that they plan the crime perfectly like if the perpetrator is a forensic
sciencetist he or she will know how to remove the traces he or she do. Also, wirh the combination of
our improved technology, I will say that it is now possible to perform an act or crime without having

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