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Companion workbook to
2 Cancer Therap Results
of Rfq Cases"

Practical guidance, resources,

and recipes for following the
Gerson Therapy

Revised Fifth Edition

GersonTMTherapy H a n d b o o k
Revised Fifth Edition

ISBN: 0-96 7 7 526-4-8

A Companion to A Cclncer Therapy:

Results of Fifty Cases, by Max Gerson, M.D.

O 1993-1999 The Gerson Institute. All Rights Reserved.

The information contained in this book is based on origi-
nal research, empirical observation and other information
developed and/or compiled by The Gerson Institute, its
GERSON associated practitioners and researchers and on indepen-
INSTITUTE dent research and/or empirical observations conducted
and/or compiled by other individuals and/or organiza-
tions. The advice and suggestions described herein
A non-profit organization dedicated to the
should not under any circumstances be relied upon as
holistic tneatment of degenerative disease
the sole means of determining appropriate treatment or
intervention. The Gerson Institute, its staff, and auxiliary
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cannot be held responsible or liable for the use or misuse
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Fax: (619) 585-7610 accuracy of the information contained herein, but cannot
accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, misstate-
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the storage and/or retrieval on any electronic or other
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The names "Max Gerson," "Gerson," and "Gerson

Therapy" as associated with any method or protocol for
medical or treatment are worldwide trademarks and/or
service marks of the Gerson Institute. Any use of the
trademarks and/or service marks by any person or entity
must be authorized in advance, in writing, by the Gerson
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subject to prosecution.
i introduction

iii Max Gerson, M.D.

and the Gerson Therapy

v Dr. Patricia Spain Ward,

History of the Gerson Therapy, 1988

1 Chapter 1 : Procedures Used While

in the Hospital

Enemas, Getting Started

Coffee Enemas
Keep Your Equipment Clean!
Frequency of Enemas
Nourish First - Then Detoxify
Castor Oil Treatment
Castor Oil by Mouth
Castor Oil Enema
Mealtime Medications
Annotated Hourly Schedule
Diet and Juices
Flax Seed Oil (a.k.a. Linseed Oil)
Acidol Pepsin
Lugol's Solution
Royal Jelly
Liver Extract (crude) and BI2
Coffee Enemas
Castor Oil
All Other Medications
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Bee Pollen
Liver Juice
Adjuvant Therapies
Polarizing Treatment
Oxygen Therapy
Adjuvant Treatments
Laetrile (Amygdalin)
Vitamin C
Wobe Mugos Chapter 3: General Procedures,
Tahebo Tea and Essiac Tea Common Reactions, and Personal
Live Cell Therapy Care
Adjuvant Therapeutic Procedures
Pain Relief Enema Recipes
More Frequent Enemas Coffee Enema
Pain Triad Chamomile Enema
Castor Oil Pack Enema Procedure
Hydrotherapy Enema Reactions and Remedies
The Theory Behind Hydrotherapy Intestinal Spasms and Cramping
Preparing for and Undergoing Check the Enema Technique
Clay Poultice Heat Over the Abdomen
Definition Add Potassium Compound
Effects Lower the Dosage
Indications Back to Back Enemas
Procedure Castor Oil Enema
Colds and Flus
Chapter 2: Going Home, The Flare-ups and Reactions
Gerson Household Flare-up Symptoms
Flu-like Symptoms
Follow-up Care Nausea
Laboratory Monitoring Vomiting
Outpatient Follow-up Checklist Diarrhea
Medication Supplies Pain
Instructions for Giving Injections Chills and Fever
Finding Organically Grown Food Foul Smells
Organic Coffee Information Depression
Organic Certification Logos Jaundice
The Gerson Household: Kitchen Supplies Laboratory Test Changes
Appliances Cosmetics and Sunscreen
Cookware Cosmetics
Kitchen Utensils Sunscreen
Condiments and Staples Dental Hygiene and Care
Paper Goods Toothpaste
Bathroom Supplies Dental Abscesses
Pollution In and Around the Home Silver-Mercury Amalgam Fillings
Grocery List for a Week Baking Soda
Water Root Canals
Hardball Sales Pitch Dental Anesthesia for the Gerson Patient
Unsafe Tap Water Milk Proteins
Labs That Test Water
No Slngle Machine Does it All
Strengths and Weaknesses Chapter 4: Psychological
Buy or Rent Considerations for the
Finding a Vendor Gerson Patient
Schedule for the Day
33 Appendix I: Lab Tests 80 Appendix Ill: Recipes

Calcium, serum Special Soup

Phosphates, serum Juices
Sodium, serum Salads & Dressing
Potassium, serum Cooked Vegetable Dishes
Chloride, serum Soups
Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) Sauces & Dips
SGOT/AST Fruits & Desserts
Bilirubin, serum Dairy
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT), serum Breads
Acid Phosphatase
Alkaline Phosphatase 102 Appendix N: Adapting the Gerson
Cholesterol, total Therapy for Chemo-pre-treated
Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Fractionation Patients
Triglycerides, serum
Protein Electrophoresis, serum
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 103 Appendix V: A Gerson Patient's
Creatinine, serum Problems - How to Avoid Mistakes
Uric Acid, serum
Glucose, Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
Iron, serum, and Total Iron-Binding Capacity
Erythrocyte Count, Red Blood Cell Count
Hemoglobin (Hgb), total
Hematocrit (Hct)
Eryhtrocyte Indices, Red Cell Indices
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Seds Rate
Platelet Count
White Blood Cell (WBC) Count, Leukocyte Count
White Blood Cell (WBC) Differential
Urinalysis (UA), routine

Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts

Nutritional Superiority of Organically Grown

Foods (Vol. 5, No. 2)
Eat Only Organic (Vol. 5, No. 1)
Nutrition Labeling is Bad for Your Health (Vol. 5,
No. 1)
Pesticides: How Big is the Problem? (Vol. 5, No. 1)
A Coffee Enema? Now I've Heard Everything!
(Vol. 13, No. 3)

Throughout our lives our bodies are being filled with a chronic diseases, such a s CFS (Chronic Fatigue
variety of disease and cancer causing pollutants. Syndrome), lupus (SLE), Legionnaire's disease, AIDS,
These toxins reach u s through the air we breathe, the osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's.
food we eat, the medicines we take and the water we As conventional medicine unearths more clues
drink. As more of these poisons are used every day about the nature of chronic, degenerative disease, evi-
and cancer rates continue to climb, being able to turn dence has increasingly pointed toward the scientific
to a proven, natural, detoxifying treatment like the validity of Dr. Gerson's principles. Virtually all
Gerson Therapy is not only reassuring, but necessary. research that has been done in the area of nutrition in
The Gerson Therapy is a powerful, natural treat- the past 50 years has tended to confirm Dr. Gerson's
ment that boosts your body's own immune system to empirical findings. This comes a s no surprise to us.
heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and Where traditional treatments have failed, we have
many other degenerative diseases. One aspect of the found that both old and new illnesses alike have
Gerson Therapy that sets it apart from most other proven remarkably susceptible to treatment with the
treatment methods is its all-encompassing nature. An Gerson Therapy.
abundance of nutrients from thirteen fresh, organic Whether you intend to beat your "incurable" dis-
juices are consumed every day, providing your body ease at home or at a Gerson certified clinic, this
with a superdose of enzymes, minerals and nutrients. Gerson Therapy Handbook is intended a s a user-
These substances then help the body to break down friendly companion guide to the deseivedly more
diseased tissues, while enemas aid in eliminating the famous but more technical A Cancer Therapy: Results
lifelong buildup of toxins from the liver. of 50 Cases, by Max Gerson, M.D. The latter book con-
With its whole-body approach to healing, the tains, in a remarkably condensed form, the accumu-
Gerson Therapy naturally reactivates your body's lated wisdom of 50 years of clinical experimentation in
magnificent ability to heal itself - with no damaging Europe and the United States by Dr. Gerson, who
side-effects. Over 200 articles in respected medical counted heads of state and at least one Nobel laureate
literature, and thousands of people cured of their among his cured patients. If you plan to undertake
"incurable" diseases document the Gerson Therapy's the Gerson Therapy we suggest you read both vol-
effectiveness. The Gerson Therapy is one of the few umes a s they work together to provide you with the
treatments to have a 60 year history of success. information you need to begin and maintain the
Although its philosophy of cleansing and reactivat- Gerson healing process.
ing the body is simple, the Gerson Therapy is a com- The Gerson Therapy Handbook has been organized
plex method of treatment requiring significant atten- so that you can find answers quickly and begin the
tion to detail. While many patients have made full healing process immediately. In the following chap-
recoveries practicing the Gerson Therapy on their ters you will find everything you need to know about
own, for best results, we encourage starting treatment the Gerson protocol, from juicing schedules and
at a Gerson Institute-certified treatment center. enema formulas, to the interpretation of lab results.
Since the original publication of A Cancer Therapy: This Gerson Therapy Handbook will alert you to cru-
Results of 50 Cases in 1958, many developments have cial healing reactions and it will explain several adju-
taken place in the medical world, including the wide- vant therapies that you may pursue in conjunction
spread use of (toxic) chemotherapy, the standardiza- with the Gerson Therapy. We have also selected some
tion of heart-lung and liver transplants and a rising important articles from issues of the Gerson Healing
incidence of cancer in well over a third of our popula- Newsletter that discuss coffee enemas, pesticides and
tion. At the same time, we have witnessed the emer- the merits of organic food in greater detail.
gence of a host of new and often "unexplainable" As you face perhaps the greatest challenge of your
life we would like to reassure you that there is both
hope and an alternative to the so called cures of tra- Mailing address:
ditional medicine. If you have any questions after PO. Box 430
reading this Gerson Therapy Handbook that remain Bonita, CA 91 908-0430
unanswered, please do not hesitate to contact our
staff at the Gerson Institute. We wish you well. Telephone: (619) 585-7600
Fax: (619) 585-76 10
Toll free: 1 -888-4-GERSON
The Gerson Institute
The Gerson Institute (a.k.a. Cancer Curing Society) is E-mail MAIL@GERSON.ORG
a non-profit organization dedicated to healing and Website: WWW.GERSON.ORG
preventing chronic, degenerative diseases based on
the vision, philosophy and the successful work of Dr.
Max Gerson. Please Note: The Gerson Institute does not own, oper-
Founded in 1978 by Charlotte Gerson (daughter of ate, or control any treatment facility. We maintain a
Dr. Gerson) the Gerson Institute provides a range of licensing program with clinics to ensure that patients
programs designed to inform and educate the general are receiving true, 100% Gerson care. Be sure your
public and health care practitioners about the bene- clinic is Gerson Institute Certified to provide the Gerson
fits of the Gerson Therapy. Therapy. Phone the Gerson Institute to'discuss how
Whether you are interested in an alternative treat- the Gerson Therapy can help you.
ment for your "incurable" disease, or simply wish to
adopt a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your family, We will be happy to answer your questions:
the Gerson Institute can help. 1-888-4-GERSON.
Contact our offices by telephone, fax, e-mail or via
the internet to find out more about these and other
programs that are offered by the Gerson Institute:

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* Programs will change from time to time. Please con-

tact the Gerson Institute for current information.
Max Gerson, M.D.
and the Gerson Therapy
Max Gerson, M.D. was born October 18, 1881 in passed his medical boards and was then licensed to
Wongrowitz, Germany. He attended the universities of practice medicine in the state of New York. For twenty
Breslau, Wuerzburg and Berlin, eventually graduating years, he treated hundreds of cancer patients who had
from the University of Freiburg. Suffering from severe been given u p to die after all conventional treatments
migraines, Dr. Max Gerson focused his initial dietary had failed. In 1946, Dr. Gerson demonstrated some of
experiments on preventing these debilitating these recovered patients before the Pepper-Neely
headaches. It was discovered in the course of treat- Congressional Subcommittee. The committee was
ment with this special "migraine diet", that one of Dr. holding hearings on a bill to fund research into cancer
Gerson's patients was cured of his skin tuberculosis. treatment. Although only a handful of peer-reviewed
This discovery led to further studies of the diet, and to journals were receptive to Gerson's then "radical" idea
Dr. Gerson successfully treating many more tubercu- of diet affecting health, he continued publishing arti-
losis patients. cles on his therapy in Europe and presenting case his-
After some time, his work came to the attention of tories of his healed patients. In 1958, after thirty
famed thoracic surgeon, Ferdinand Sauerbruch, M.D. years of clinical experimentation, Gerson published
With the help and supervision of Dr. Sauerbruch, A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fify Cases. This medical
Gerson established a skin tuberculosis treatment pro- monograph details the theories, treatment, and
gram at the Munich University Hospital. In a carefully results achieved by a great physician. In 1959 Dr. Max
monitored clinical trial, 446 out of 450 skin tubercu- Gerson died.
losis patients treated with Gerson's dietary regimen, It was 50 years ago that Dr. Gerson promoted bet-
experienced complete recoveries. Dr. Sauerbruch and ter health through nutrition. Although ridiculed in
Dr. Gerson simultaneously published articles on the his time, today, we are shown proof in countless arti-
study in a dozen of the world's leading medical jour- cles and studies, that he was merely ahead of his
nals, establishing the Gerson treatment a s the first time. As better diet proves to be the answer to heal-
cure for skin tuberculosis. ing more and more of our health problems, the words
Through his work with tuberculosis, Dr. Gerson of Dr. Gerson's good friend carry a deeply prophetic
attracted the friendship of Nobel Peace Prize recipient, ring.
Albert Schweitzer, M.D. At the time, Dr. Schweitzer's "I see in him one of the most eminent geniuses in
interest in Gerson was prompted by conventional the history of medicine. Many of his basic ideas have
methods having failed to cure his wife, Helene been adopted without having his name connected with
Schweitzer-Bresslau (1879- 1957), of lung tuberculo- them. Yet, he has achieved more than seemed possi-
sis. In 1930, after suffering her tuberculosis for seven ble under adverse conditions. He leaves a legacy
years, Helene was admitted to Dr. Gerson's clinic and which commands attention and which will assure him
cured after 9 months. The two doctors shared a good his due place. Those whom he has cured will now
friendship for the rest of their lives. It came to pass attest to the truth of his ideas."
that even Schweitzer's own advanced (Type 11) diabetes - Nobel Prize Laureate and healed Gerson patient,
was cured by Gerson's nutritional therapy. Dr. Albert Schweitzer, in eulogy of Max Gerson, M.D.
Schweitzer followed Gerson's progress over the years,
seeing the dietary therapy successfully applied further
to heart disease, kidney failure, and then finally - can- The Gerson Therapy
cer. The Gerson Therapy is a state of the art, contempo-
To escape Adolf Hitler's reign in Europe, Dr. rary, holistic and natural treatment which utilizes the
Gerson moved with his family to America, where they body's own healing mechanism in the treatment and
took up residence in New York. In 1938, Dr. Gerson cure of chronic debilitating illness. When it was intro-
duced to the world by Max Gerson, M.D., the dietary
therapy was so far ahead of its time that there were
almost no rationales available in the scientific litera-
ture to explain how it could produce cures in chronic
a s well a s infectious diseases. But, because it did
cure many cases of advanced tuberculosis, heart dis-
ease, cancer and numerous lesser conditions, the
Gerson Therapy was established a s a major contribu-
tion to the medical field, through the publication of
hundreds of articles in peer reviewed medical litera-
ture. Gerson first published on the topic of cancer in
1945, almost forty years before the adoption of the
current official U.S. National Cancer Institute pro-
gram on diet, nutrition, and cancer. Today, leaders in
the medical establishment predict a 50% reduction in
cancers by the year 2000 through educating the pub-
lic in dietary methods of preventing cancer.
Max Gerson, M.D. (1881-1959)
It is rare to find cancer, arthritis, or other degener-
ative diseases in cultures considered "primitive" by
Western civilization. Is it because of diet? The fact
that degenerative diseases appear in these cultures
only when modern packaged foods and additives are
introduced would certainly support that idea. Max
Gerson said "Stay close to nature and its eternal laws
will protect you." He considered that degenerative dis-
eases were brought on by toxic, degraded food, water
and air.
The Gerson Therapy seeks to regenerate the body
to health, supporting each important metabolic
requirement by flooding the body with nutrients from
almost 20 pounds of organically grown fmits and veg-
etables daily. Most is used to make fresh raw juice,
one glass every hour, 13 times per day. Raw and
cooked solid foods are generously consumed.
Oxygenation is usually more than doubled, a s oxygen
deficiency in the blood contributes to many degenera-
tive diseases. The metabolism is also stimulated
through the addition of thyroid, potassium and other
supplements, and by avoiding heavy animal fats,
excess protein, sodium and other toxins.
Degenerative diseases render the body increasingly
unable to excrete waste materials adequately, com-
monly resulting in liver and kidney failure. To prevent
this, the Gerson Therapy uses intensive detoxification
to eliminate wastes, regenerate the liver, reactivate the
immune system and restore the body's essential
defenses - enzyme, mineral and hormone systems.
With generous, high-quality nutrition, increased oxy-
gen availability, detoxification, and improved metabo-
lism, the cells - and the body - can regenerate, become
healthy and prevent future illness.
Dr. Patricia Spain Ward,
History of the Gerson Therapy, 1988
It is one of the least edifying facts of recent American in physiological chemistry, and in neurology (U.S.
medical history that the profession's leadership so Congress, 1946, 98). The historical record does not
long neglected a s quackish the idea that nutrition tell u s whether his medical education in Germany
affects health (JAMA 1946, 1949, 1977; Shimkin, (where much of the early work in nutritional chem-
1976). Ignoring both the empirical dietary wisdom istry took place) included a study of diet, a subject
that pervaded western medicine from the pre- neglected in American medical schools after the germ
Christian Hippocratic era until the late nineteenth theory gained acceptance.
century and a persuasive body of modern research in We do know that by 19 19, when Gerson set u p a
nutritional biochemistry, the politically minded practice in internal and nervous diseases in Bielefeld,
spokesmen of organized medicine in the U.S. he had devised an effective dietary treatment for the
remained long committed to surgery and radiation a s migraine headaches which frequently disabled him,
the sole acceptable treatments for cancer. This com- despite the best efforts of his colleagues. In 1920,
mitment persisted, even after sound epidemiological while treating migraine patients by this salt-free vege-
data showed that early detection and removal of tarian diet, he discovered that it was also effective in
malignant tumors did not "cure" most kinds of cancer lupus vulgaris (tuberculosis at the skin, then consid-
(Crile, 1956; updated by Cairns, 1985). ered incurable) and, later, in arthritis a s well (U.S.
The historical record shows that progress lagged Congress, 1946, 98).
especially in cancer immunotherapy - including nutri- Trained in the theories of specific disease causa-
tion and hyperthermia - because power over profes- tion and treatment that began to dominate western
sional affiliation and publication (and hence over medicine for the first time in history - a s bacteriologi-
practice and research) rested with men who were nei- cal discoveries multiplied in the late nineteenth cen-
ther scholars nor practitioners nor researchers them- tury, Gerson was at first uneasy about using a single
selves, and who were often unequipped to grasp the therapy in such seemingly disparate conditions. But
rapidly evolving complexities of the sciences underly- he was committed to the primacy of clinical evidence,
ing mid-twentieth century medicine. which he liked to express in Kussmaul's dictum: "The
Nowhere is this maladaptation of professional result at the sick-bed is decisive" (quoted in Gerson,
structure to medicine's changing scientific content 1958, 2 12).
more tragically illustrated than in the American expe- - Dr. Patricia Spain Ward, History of
rience of M a x B. Gerson (1881-1959), founder of the the Gerson Therapy, 1988.
best-known nutritional treatment for cancer of the
pre-macrobiotic era. A scholar's scholar and a
superlative observer of clinical phenomena, Gerson
was a product of the German medical education which
Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
considered so superior to our own that all who could
afford it went to Germany to perfect their training
(Bonnier, 1963).
As a medical graduate of the University of Freiburg
in 1909, Gerson imbibed all of the latest in scientific
medicine, with the emphasis on specificity which bac-
teriology had brought into Western medical thought in
the preceding decades. Gerson subsequently worked
with leading German specialists in internal medicine,
Wishing you good health,
Gerson Institute
Chapter 1: Procedures Used
While in the Hospital

the stopcock. Lubricate rectal or enema tube for about

2" at end with petroleum jelly. Hang the enema bucket
not more than two feet above you. Lying on your right
side, draw both legs close to the abdomen, relax and
breathe deeply.
Getting started Insert the tube into your rectum 5" to 8". Open the
stopcock and allow fluid to run in very slowly to avoid
Following admission, under physicians orders, you cramping. Retain the solution for 12- 15 minutes.
should have been issued: If you have trouble retaining or taking in the full 32
Plastic enema bucket with plastic hose oz., lower the bucket; if you feel spasms, lower the
J a r of coffee bucket to the floor to allow the flow to back up a bit to
Distilled water dispenser relieve the pressure. After 12-20 seconds, slowly start
Pad to place under you while taking enemas raising the bucket toward its original level. You can
Vaseline also control the flow of solution by pinching the tube
Hotplate with your fingers or adjusting the plastic ring in a par-
tially closed position. You will quickly learn what
works best for you.

Coffee Enemas
(Reference: A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty
Keep your equipment clean!
Don't place the tube back into the bucket until after
Cases, pp. 190, 247). Timing and frequency of ene- you have thoroughly cleaned both the tube and the
mas will vary throughout the entirety of your therapy. bucket. Use a biodegradable, food-use detergent
Your physician will instruct you and answer questions and/or hydrogen peroxide and rinse well. Rinse at
concerning use of coffee enemas. least once a day with hydrogen peroxide 3%. The
bucket and the tube are very good growing grounds
for bacteria.

Always keep the pot with the distilled water on the Frequency of Enemas
warmer. It will not boil and will always be ready. Frequency of enemas is increased with symptoms of
If your bucket's plastic hose becomes kinked, run a toxicity such a s headache, fever, nausea, intestinal
small amount of hot water through it to soften it. spasms and drowsiness. Upon awakening in the
morning if headache and drowsiness are experienced,
an additional enema is recommended during the fol-
General Procedure for Coffee Enemas lowing night.
The coffee solution should be used at body tempera-
ture. Run a little of the solution through the tube into Nourish first - then detoxify.
the toilet to warm the tube and get rid of the air; close As a general rule, eat some raw or steamed fruit before
Procedures Used While in the Hospital 2

perature can be a sign of an impending "flare-up." ing the night and in the early morning before breakfast.

your first coffee enema of the day to activate the upper during the enema, since the oil will still tend to sepa-
digestive tract. A small piece of fruit is sufficient. This rate from the coffee. If you are not a contortionist,
rule applies whenever considerable time has elapsed have somebody stir the solution for you. You may
since the last meal, juice or snack. retain the castor oil enema for a short time, but it is
not required.

Castor Oil beatment Medications

Castor oil by mouth (Reference: A Cancer Therapy: Results of NfZy
(Reference: A Cancer Therapy: Results of FifZy Cases, pp. 235,236,236b). Each morning, the nurs-
Cases, pp. 81, 247). Every other day, 2 tablespoons ing staff will supply you with your daily medications in
of castor oil are given by mouth at about 5:30 AM, fol- a plastic box divided into compartments marked with
lowed by a cup of black coffee with raw brown sugar. the hour of the day each pill is to be taken.
The coffee serves to stimulate the musculature of the Please return your medication box to a nurse after
stomach to empty the castor oil into the small intes- dinner. It will be refilled and returned to you.
tine, thus lessening the discomfort of the castor oil.
To avoid stuffiness and cramping with castor oil by Mealtime medications
mouth, eat frequently and drink peppermint tea. Acid01 pepsin - before each meal.
Please see footnote 19, pp. 247-248, A Cancer Pancreatin tablets - when the meal is completed.
Therapy - Results of 50 Cases. Other medications - during the meal.

Castor oil enema

(Reference: A Cancer Therapy: Resu lts of Fifty
Cases, pp. 191, 247). At about 10:30 AM, 5 hours
after your castor oil by mouth, the castor oil enema
will be brought to your room to be administered. The
castor oil should be mixed first with 112 tsp. Ox-bile
powder, then with the coffee for optimum results.
Because oil and water normally separate, you need to
swish a bar of soap (not detergent "bar")around briefly
in the coffee to help the two liquids mix. Be careful not
to get too much soap into the coffee, since soap can
irritate the colon. Add the castor oil to the solution,
and stir. The solution should be stirred continuously
3 Gerson Therapy Handbook


ft -
5 LY 6
z 8 g
.- '6 d P i
F 4 w 6 8 8 I-

8:00 Orange Breakfast 2 4 3 1 1 3 Once Every 4 Every As

- -. ~~ -- Daily
-- -- - -
Hours Other Day-.. Directed

9:00 Green
- --- -.

9:30 Apple-Carrot

10:OO Apple-Carrot

11:00 Carrot

12:OO Green

2:00 Green

6:00 Green 1
- - - --

Diet and Juices:

Annotated hourly schedule
(Written for the 3rd edition of A Cancer Therapy -
The diet and juices are described on pp. 187-190,
235, and 237-245 of A Cancer Therapy: Results of
Results of 50 Cases.) Patients and assistants should Nfty Cases. The diet must be modified during reac-
read and understand pages 187-248 and Appendix I1 tions and flare-ups (pp. 190, 201-203 of A Cancer
of A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty C a s e s before Therapy: Results of Nfty Cases). Soured, nonfat
attempting to reproduce the treatment at home. dairy proteins (yogurt and unsalted, non-fat pot
cheese) should be added at (not before) the 6th to 8th
I CAUTION: The above schedule reflects normal week according to the physician's judgement (pp. 80,
diet and dosages for the initial weeks of treat- 145, 146, 235 of A Cancer Therapy: Results of
ment. As suggested by the following note, it is Nfty Cases).
essential that the diet and dosages be regularly Exceptions: use churned, not cultured buttermilk.
adjusted by a physician trained in the Gerson Because low nutrient levels and pesticide content of
Therapy. commercial produce may prevent healing, organically
grown produce is extremely important (pp. 146-151,
Call your Gerson consulting physician to 167-185,220,410of A Cancer Therapy: Results of
discuss adjustments to your schedule. ~ f t Cases).
Procedures Used While in the Hospital 4

Flax Seed Oil (a.k.a. Linseed Oil): Thyroid:

Never fry, cook, or heat oil. Cold pressed flax seed oil Dosage (first 3-4 weeks only): 5x1 grain daily. In the
plays an important role in the therapy and should be example case on page 235 o f A Cancer Therapy:
included. Cold pressed oil must be used because heat- Results of Fifty Cases, the dosage was reduced to
ing changes chemical composition, making it damag- 3x112 grain for 8 weeks, then 3x114 grain for 14
ing to the body. Linseed oil assists the body in utiliz- weeks. More frequent adjustments by the physician
ing Vitamin A, a fat soluble vitamin. It is a source of are common. Tachycardia (pulse over 120) may indi-
linoleic acid, as well a s lacking in cholesterol and cate overdosage. Discontinue temporarily during
effective in lowering cholesterol in the blood. During menses (pp. 205, 206, 235, 246, 409 o f A Cancer
the first month of therapy, two tablespoons of flaxseed Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases).
oil per day are given. Following the first month and
during the balance of the therapy the use is limited to Niacin:
one tablespoon per day. Follow your physician's Dosage: 50 mg at least 6 times daily for 6 months. In
orders. For more detailed information, see the Gerson advanced cases, Dr. Gerson used 50 mg. every hour
Healing Newsletter, No. 22-23, 1988: "Fats that around the clock (Rev. Gastroenterol, 12(6):419,
Heal, Fats that Kill." 1945). Reactions (flushing: hot, red skin) are tempo-
rary and harmless. Minor bleeding are no cause for
Acidol Pepsin: concern, but discontinue during menses or in case of
capsules are the source of supplemental hydrochloric hemorrhage. Niacinamide is not allowed. Use only
acid and pepsin, a digestive enzyme, used by Dr. niacin (pp. 99, 209,235,246 o f A Cancer Therapy:
Gerson. Take BEFORE meal. Results of Fifty Cases).

Potassium: Pancreatin:
(10% solution, see pg. 246 o f A Cancer Therapy: Dosage: 3 tablets 4 times daily, or according to
Results of Fifty Cases) - Dosage (first 3-4 weeks): 4 patient's needs. A few patients do not tolerate pancre-
tsp. solution in each of 10 orange, carrot/apple, and atin well, but most benefit with less digestive trouble,
green-juices (10x4 tsp. daily). Thereafter. the physi- gas spasms, and less difficulty gaining weight and
cian will normally reduce the dosage to 10x2 tsp. for strength (pp. 211, 212, 235, 246, 411 o f A Cancer
20 weeks, then 8x2 for 12 weeks, and 6x2 for the Therapy: Resu lts of Fifty Cases).
duration of treatment. However, more frequent adjust-
ments by the physician are common (pp.207-208, Royal Jelly:
235, 246, 393, 409, 410 o f A Cancer Therapy: (optional) - Dosage: 100 mg. in capsules or honey,
Results of Fifty Cases).When you arrive home, place one hour before breakfast. Do not take with hot food.
one 100 gm. container of potassium compound salts Available from some health food stores (pp. 200, 235
into a one quart glass jar and fill to the top with dis- o f A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases).
tilled water. Store bottle in a dark place. Does not
need refrigeration. Liver Extract (crude) and BI2:
(by injection): Dosage: 3 cc liver and 0.1 cc BI2 com-
Lugol's Solution: bined in a single syringe, injected into gluteus medius
(half-strength) Dosage (first 3-4 weeks only): 3 drops daily, for 4-6 months or more. The physician will nor-
in each of 6 orange and carrot/apple juices (6x3 mally reduce frequency gradually over the course of
daily). Do not put Lugol's in green juice. Thereafter, therapy (pp. 80-82, 196, 210-211, 235, 240, 246,
the physician will normally reduce the dosage to 6x1 393, 407, 409, 411, 412 o f A Cancer Therapy:
for 8 weeks, and 3x1 for the duration of treatment. Results of Fifty Cases).
Lugol's solution is a 10Y0solution of 10 gm. potassium
iodide and 5 gm. iodine in water to total 100 ml. of Coffee Enemas:
solute. The Lugol's Solution for Gerson patients is pre- (pg. 247 o f A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty
mixed half strength (5%solution). Use Lugol's a s sup- Cases) - Dosage (first 6 weeks minimum): While lying
plied. Do not dilute (pp. 32, 205, 235, 246, 409 o f A on right side, retain for 12-15 minutes - EVERY FOUR
Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases). HOURS. For limited periods of time, against severe
5 Gerson Therapy Handbook

pain, coffee enemas may be used a s frequently a s

every two hours. However, physician must monitor
serum electrolytes frequently. nt Therapies
e Gerson Therapy is your primary manage-
~ e c a u s the
Castor oil: ment, any agent, material, technique, or procedure
Dosage: 2 Tbsp. by mouth and five hours later a cas- added to the Gerson Therapy must be characterized
tor oil and soap enema (pg. 247 of A Cancer a s adjuvant, or supportive in nature, e.g.: when a
Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases) EVERY OTHER Gerson patient elects to use laetrile, the new material
DAY. Later, a s necessary or a s prescribed, (pp. 81, cannot replace the central and continuous work of the
166, 190-195, 198, 201-203. 206. 235, 393, 406- Gerson Therapy. The Gerson Therapy must not be
410, 416-418 of A Cancer Therapy: Results of altered in the hope of improving the performance of
Fifty Cases). the laetrile (some laetrile therapists recommend
dietary measures which would be counter-productive
Tests: if introduced into the Gerson Therapy). Always con-
Blood Chemistry, Complete Blood Count, T3, T4, sult your Gerson Therapy Physician with regard to
Urinalysis - All tests should be taken before beginning ANY promising new addition to your treatment.
treatment and at 4-6 week intervals for at least the The following procedures and materials are among
first 6 months. Test results may be affected by healing those that are available at Gerson facilities in a form
reactions and flare-ups (pp. 235, 415 of A Cancer compatible with the Gerson Therapy. It is important to
Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases). (See Appendix I: remember that each Gerson Therapy Center is sepa-
Lab Tests, for a more in depth description of rately owned and operated under the certification
tests, Pg. 33). Note: Please mail or fax copies of all guidelines of the Gerson Institute. The following or
blood work to your Gerson consulting physician. additional therapies may be available at any given
facility. Your Gerson physician may choose to recom-
All other Medications: mend the addition of one or more additional proce-
Do not abruptly discontinue any medications you are dures to your therapy.
taking prior to using the Gerson Therapy. In certain
cases, Gerson trained physicians will advise gradual Amygdalin/Laetrile:
discontinuance. Laetrile is the purified form of amygdalin, also called
vitamin B-17, which occurs naturally in the pits of
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) apricots and in some other foods. Laetrile is a
This substance is employed in the Gerson Therapy cyanogenic glycoside (containing cyanide). While we
during infections. A crystalline (powdered) form such believe laetrile to be non-toxic, laetrile by itself does
a s Bronson's is preferred. The Gerson diet contains not cure. It has been used at some Gerson Therapy
large amounts of natural Vitamin C, so routine daily facilities a s a n analgesic (for pain relief). Laetrile has
supplementation should not be necessary. other purported anti-cancer properties. Gerson
patients may request laetrile from their physician, but
Bee pollen: it is not part of the routine Gerson Therapy.
This is a n addition to the Gerson program that can be
employed in cancer from about the tenth to twelfth Polarizing Treatment:
week. Non-cancer patients can start earlier, about the One addition to the Gerson therapy protocol is the
sixth week. Some patients may have allergies to bee polarizing treatment pioneered by Dr. Demetrio Sodi-
pollen. The initial dosage is 112 tsp. per day. Pallares, a noted Mexico City cardiologist and
researcher. He was formerly director of the Mexican
Liver juice: Medical Association and the National Institute of
Liver Juice has been discontinued. Substitute: Carrot Cardiology of Mexico City. He is the author of several
juice plus 2 liver capsules for each liver juice. books and many articles on cardiology. He places
(Reference, A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty nutrition in its proper role for prevention and treat-
Cases, Appendix 111, pg. 421) ment of disease.
The basic Polarizing solution (GKI)can be found in
Merck's Manual of Standard Medical Procedures, a
Procedures Used While i n the Hospital 6

standard medical text. Sodi-Pallares found that in which oxygen is available to them. This is probably the
many patients who are deficient in potassium, it is basis for the age-old observation that local immunity
necessary to provide a transport mechanism to help is proportional to blood supply.
potassium travel through the cell membrane. He Normally, leukocytes move and digest bacteria
achieved this by using a potassium solution (K) equally well by using anaerobically or aerobically
together with glucose (G) and a tiny bit of insulin (I) derived energy. However, the capacity of leukocytes to
which is given together intravenously. kill bacteria depends largely on molecular oxygen.
Polarizing treatment promotes healing in the dis- Bacterial killing is usually conceived of a s comprising
eased heart, and in tissues damaged by cancer and two major components. The first involves degranula-
other degenerative diseases. Patients with edema tion and ingestion of the bacteria. The second mecha-
(excess fluids in feet, abdomen) note a rapid reab- nism, called "oxidative killing," depends on molecular
sorption and release of the fluids from the body. oxygen, which is captured by leukocytes and con-
verted to high-energy radicals - such a s superoxide,
Oxygen therapy: hydroxyl radicals, peroxides, aldehydes, hypochlorite
Preliminary clinical studies indicate that oxidative and hypoiodite - which are toxic to bacteria in varying
therapy might produce desirable results in cancer degrees. The rate of production of toxic radicals - and
treatment. Most hostile micro-organisms probably hence the adequacy of oxidative bacterial killing - is
require lower oxygen levels than the body's cells. directly proportional to local oxygen tension.
Boosting serum oxygen levels may revitalize normal
cells while damaging some viruses and other The following organisms have been found
pathogens. Two basic types of oxygen therapy are directly susceptible to oxidative killing:
ozone therapy and the absorption of hydrogen perox-
ide at very low concentrations. Hydrogen peroxide Staph aureus Hohn, Surg Forum, 1976
(H202),is produced when ozone (03) contacts water. It
can be taken orally if diluted with water (112% or Proteus vulgaris Mandel G., lnfec Immun, 1974
less), absorbed through the skin by bathing in it (from
Salmonella typhimurium Mandel G., lnfec Immun, 1974
4-5 pints of 3% H202 in a standard size bathtub),
used topically, or taken rectally. Ambient air ozone
Klebsiella pneumonia Mandel G., lnfec Immun, 1974
generators are used to benefit patients. In addition to
the intensive Gerson Therapy, some adjuvant proce-
Serratia marcescens Mandel G., lnfec Immun, 1974
dures are being made available to patients. These are
scientifically based additions to the Gerson Therapy to Staph albus McRipley RJ, J Bact, 1967
add to the patients' ability to heal. Patients should
discuss these additions to their treatment with their Pseudomonas aeruginosa McRipley RJ, J Bact, 1967
Gerson physician. Also extra charges will apply, con-
sequently please check with the hospital office. Eschericha coli Selverai NJ, Nature, 1960

Adjuvant Reatments
There is much e:vidence that increasing the patient's
Well-oxygenated leukocytes are far more efficient
than hypoxic leukocytes.
blood oxygen level helps fight tumor tissue and Clinically, sufficient hypoxia can occur to inhibit
increases the body's immune system response. leukocytes and sufficient hyperoxia can easily be
Phagocytic leukocytes (white blood corpuscles) are achieved to facilitate WBC function.
The immunological benefits of raising tissue pH; out
the first and most important line of defense against
of the "critical zone" is roughly equivalent to the effects
infection. In the daily care of patients, physicians and
of antibiotics.
surgeons usually assume that granulocyte function is
The effects of oxygen and antibiotics are equivalent.
normal - unless they have evidence to the contrary.
However, data now clearly show that the killing capac-
ity of granulocytes is normal only to the degree to
7 Gerson Therapy Handbook

These experiments show that oxygen effects are not

only clinically evident, but are clinically important. Tahebo Tea (also known as Pau d'Arco)
(The above was taken from the notes of the Winter and Essiac Tea:
Symposium on Baromedicine, January 12- 15, 1994, These are certain herb combinations which have been
by Robert Bartlett, MD, FACEP). used by native Indians of the Americas and have been
shown to have anti-cancer properties. These teas may
Ozone: be available at your Gerson hospital.
another form of oxygen, is offered by rectal insuffla-
tion. About 30cc of ozone is inserted into the rectum Live Cell Therapy:
from where it is easily absorbed into the blood stream. This therapy is much more effective after good detoxi-
Ozone is not well tolerated by tumor tissue, while nor- fication and should not be tried during the initial
mal tissue is supported by extra oxygen. stages of Gerson Therapy. It may be available on
request from your Gerson Therapy facility.
Laetrile (amygdalin):
Another treatment which has been used for a number
of years is Laetrile. This material is present in a s many
a s 2,400 common foods, grains and grasses. For med-
icinal purposes, it is extracted mainly from apricot
pits. It contains a fraction which helps the body to
Adjuvant Therapeutic
destroy tumor tissue but is harmless to normal cells.
It has been shown that Laetrile, when given to cancer
patients, increases the temperature around the tumor Pain Relief
- part of its capability of fighting cancer. Pain medications are often toxic and may interfere
with the Gerson diet therapy. Whenever possible, use
Hydrotherapy: non-toxic methods to reduce and control pain.
For this treatment, the patient is immersed in a bath-
tub containing water above body temperature. This More frequent enemas:
will cause a mild induced fever. When Laetrile has During reactions, pain can be caused or worsened
already been injected prior to the bath, the tempera- when substantial amounts of toxins are circulating
ture at the tumor site is further increased which gives throughout the blood system. They irritate the nerves
the body a still better opportunity to destroy the in damaged and diseased areas of the body. By lower-
tumor tissue. Normal healthy body tissue can easily ing toxic levels, this irritation and pain can be less-
withstand temperatures u p to 104" F, however tumor ened. This is done by more frequent enemas.
tissue cannot. Research has shown that the body has its own nat-
ural pain killers. It is thought that some factor in the
Vitamin C: coffee enema may stimulate the release of these pain
Vitamin C is another addition to the adjunctive treat- killers. Most patients can testify to the fact that ene-
ment protocols. It has numerous beneficial effects. It mas relate directly to lowered pain levels.
can be used orally and rectally. One protocol uses
Laetrile and Vitamin C for the treatment of patients Pain triad:
that have previously had chemotherapy. The triad should be used sparingly. Do not exceed 6
dosages in a 24 hour period unless prescribed by your
Wobe Mugos: physician.
These are highly concentrated pancreatic enzymes. 50 mg. Niacin
The basic Gerson Therapy contains a fair amount of 500 mg. Ascorbic Acid
pancreatin. This helps to dissolve and digest tumor 5 gr. Aspirin
tissue. In some patients, especially if they carry a
heavy tumor load, the additional intensive pancreatin The Pain triad becomes progressively more effective
(Wobe-Mugos) has improved the patient's ability to a s the body undergoes detoxification. It can be used at
digest and destroy tumor tissue. bedtime to assist in going to sleep for those patients
with substantial pain.
Procedures Used While in the Hospital 8

circulation is improved. Heat often assists in pain

Castor oil pack: relief. Increased circulation lowers toxin levels thereby
1. Soak 3 pieces of white flannel with castor oil - reducing the nerve irritation which causes pain.
squeeze out excess castor oil. Treatments aid in repair of diseased tissues. They
2. Place flannel pack over liver or other affected affect not only the immediate skin areas, but also
area. exert reflex effects elsewhere in the body through the
3. Place slightly larger sheet of plastic over the flan- nervous system. For instance, heat over the abdomi-
nel. nal wall decreases spasms of the intestinal tract; heat
4. Use medium temperature heating pad over area. over kidneys and lower abdomen increases urine pro-
Don't let the pack get cold or uncomfortably hot. duction.
5. Keep on 1- 1/ 2 hours; apply every four hours. You The treatments are non-toxic and safe.
can re-use the castor oil pack. Contraindications may be seen in patients with multi-
ple sclerosis (cold hydrotherapy is more beneficial),
The castor oil pack is used during severe flare-ups diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and vascular dis-
involving liver pain, bile system spasms, or severe eases. These patients will need prior medical review.
pain at other sites. This procedure can also be used by For the cancer patient there is an additional impor-
arthritic patients over swollen, painful joints. It is a bit tant benefit in the hot water treatments. Many types
messy when used over hands and feet, but effective. of cancer cells are much more sensitive to heat than
are normal cells. If temperatures can be raised high
enough (104" F or more) and long enough, death of
cancer cells may result. Research has shown that fol-
lowing intravenous or rectal application of laetrile
Hydrotherapy (hot tub bath, hot fomentation) is one of
there may be a temperature increase in the tumor
mass of 4"-5" F. When this localized increase is added
the best remedies for pain. It dulls and calms the to total body hyperthermia many benefits have been
pain. Hydrotherapy is also a great assist to detoxific~- noted, including tumor shrinkage and stimulation of
tion by improving the circulation of the blood and lym- detoxification.
phatics. Patients with nervous system disease
such a s MS should not be subjected to high tem-
perature. Cool compresses are more beneficial for
these patients.

The Theory Behind Hydrotherapy Hyperthermia treatment

Hydrotherapy may be defined a s the use of water in Hot tub bath
any of its three forms, solid, liquid, or vapor, internally Procedure
or externally, in the treatment of disease or trauma.
Hyperthermia is the application of heat, hot tub bath, Full treatments should not be taken during healing
hot fomentations, hot foot baths, etc. reactions, though relaxing baths at lower tempera-
Heat treatments play an important role a s an tures are allowed. Patients will need to have a medical
adjunct to the Gerson program. Treatments increase examination and EKG in preparation. The accompa-
heart rate and respiratory rate, increase metabolism nying person is invited to attend the treatments to
important for healing, and increase perspiration observe the procedures so they can be continued in
which assists in detoxification. Treatments stimulate the home environment. Do not use chlorinated
an increase in leukocytes (white blood cells) and neu- water for this treatment.
trophils, thus mobilizing the body's defenses against
disease. The resultant increased blood flow brings
about greatly improved oxygenation necessary for Preparing for and Undergoing Hydrotherapy
proper healing. Oxygenation assists in the fight
against cancer which does not like an oxygenated 1. Don't eat: Patient should eat nothing for 3-4 hours
environment. Congestion of internal organs, such a s before treatment. Liquids (juices, tea, etc.) can be con-
the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, etc., is relieved. Poor tinued. If the patient is scheduled soon after a meal,
9 Gerson Therapy Handbook

only a light meal may be taken. 14. Stay in warm bed: The body temperature is
maintained in the bed for another 15-20 minutes at
2. Coffee enema: One hour before scheduled treat- which time the blankets are slowly removed, one by
ment a coffee enema is taken. one. This cooling-off process will take about another
20 minutes. Upon leaving the tub and entering the
3. Shower: At this time a thorough cleansing shower bed, sips of hot herb tea are given. As the cooling-off
is to be taken. process continues, cooler fluids (never cooler than
room temperature) can be given until, at the time of
4. Laetrile treatment: Those patients taking laetrile completion, several glasses of orange juice are recom-
will have it applied 15 minutes before the scheduled mended.
15. Shower: When the patient returns to his room, a
5. Herb tea: 15 minutes before the treatment a cup of lukewarm shower should be used to further assist in
hot herb tea is given. washing off the skin. A restful afternoon is indicated.
Many patients sleep for several hours following treat-
6. Bathing suit: Upon arrival in the department the ment. Regular meals and juices need not be inter-
patient changes into a bathing suit. rupted.

7. Tub: From the hot shower, the patient goes to the

tub. The tub is entered slowly, submerging until the
shoulders are covered and a comfortable position
The room should be warm and free of drafts.
8. Tea: A second cup of herbal tea is taken upon Protect bedding, furniture, rugs, etc. with waterproof
entering the tub.
Assemble Supplies before starting procedures.
Use care when adding hot or cold water. Avoid chill-
9. Cover head with towel: The head will be covered
ing. Patient should be dry and warm after treatment.
by a towel to limit heat loss.

10. Monitor temperature and pulse: Temperature

and pulse will be monitored frequently a s the body
temperature increases.
Clay poultice
11. Relax: The patient is encouraged to relax. A s the
temperature increases, breathing exercises are used, Definition:
e.g.: breathe in through the nose, pulling the air in A soft composition, usually heated and spread on a
with the "stomach muscles," then out through the cloth, and applied to a sore or inflamed part of the
mouth. Swab the face, and fan with a wash cloth. body.

12. Time: 20-30 minutes: It takes about 20-30 min- Effects:

utes for the average patient to reach 103" - 104" F. On Clay powder has an adsorptive effect like that of char-
the first treatment a lower temperature is attempted coal and aids detoxification.
(10l o - 102") to begin acclimatization. The final tem-
perature is determined by what the patient feels he Indications:
can tolerate. Diarrhea, poison, gastrointestinal problems, inflam-
mation, insect bites, swellings from arthritis, pain.
13. Heat the bed: Preheat the patients bed using a n
electric blanket over the other blankets. Help the Procedure
patient into the warmed bed and disconnect the elec- 1 . Prepare enough warm water to mix needed
tric blanket. amount of clay powder into a paste.
2. Apply quickly to square of clean muslin to
Procedures Used While in the Hospital 10

prevent cooling.
3. Place on area to be treated.
4. Cover with plastic and wool cloth.
5. Pin in place. Leave on overnight or until dry.
6. Remove - rub cold wet cloth over part.
7. Repeat as needed.
Chapter 2: Going Home,
The Gerson Household

These studies are monitored primarily to screen for

possible infections, determine time to introduce the
Aollow-up medical care and dairy proteins, and evaluate general organ functions
such a s kidney, liver and pancreas.
laboratory monitoring
Medical consultations and the monitoring of labora-
A single laboratory result is not definitive. A series
of three results may show a trend. Routine laboratory
tory studies are of utmost importance. Through this studies have been shown not to be valid during or just
means, the Gerson physician can be kept u p to date after a healing reaction. The chemistry of the blood
a s he assists the patient in adjusting the various med- can be altered during the healing reaction. Wait at
ications and the diet, and evaluating the body's least seven to ten days after the healing reaction has
response to the therapy. Continued communication cleared to have new laboratory tests done.
with the Gerson physician also keeps the patient
abreast of advances in the Gerson program. Outpatient follow-up checklist
Medical guidance is provided to the Gerson patient cf Approximately five weeks after you arrive home,
through your Gerson hospital's consulting office. have the following blood and urine work done:
Telephone and fax numbers will be provided through
the hospital office. CBC differential
Note: Time does not usually allow correspondence in SMAC-21 (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Blood Chemistry Test)
writing regarding test result information. Please use the
U/A (Urinalysis)
telephone consultation program.

cf Send lab rest results to your Gerson consulting

physician by mail or Fax.
Laboratory monitoring
Monitoring of blood and urine values on a continual
cf Have your questions and concerns written down
basis is important. These laboratory tests should be
on paper next to the phone to save time. Have blank
repeated about every six weeks, depending upon the
paper and a pen handy to write down your doctor's
severity of the disease process. In the early stages with
suggestions - it is not easy to remember details later.
the debilitated patient, every four weeks is recom-
mended. Before you leave the Gerson hospital your
Note: factors for adjustment and modiBcation of diet,
doctor will suggest a time for your next tests to be
medication, enemas, etc.:
done. Copies of results should be sent to your Gerson
1. Length of time on therapy
consulting doctor.
2. Lab evaluation
3. Clinical information (medical)
These laboratory studies must include:
1. Complete blood count (CBC) with differential
2. Blood chemistry panel (SMAC-24 or SMA-21, etc.)
3. Analysis of urine (U/A)
Going Home, The Gerson Household 12

Medication supplies
Required items for 3 m o n ~ h ~ s u p p -l ySeveral days in
Instructions for giving
advance of departure, please arrange with the hospi-
tal office for your order. Please take inventory of items when you return home, you will probably be adminis-
before departure. tering your own injections. During your stay a t The
Gerson Therapy Center, injections are administered
by your medical staff. Learn how to give your own
q Item Qty. Description i injections by observing, experiencing, and asking
Syringes 90 3cc with 22 or 23 gauge questions.

needle x 1 "
- ~ e e d & 1. Assemble items needed:
---crude Liver 9 Alcohol

Vit. 8-12 30Fbottle for injection V Cotton

-~hyroid~ grain (32.4 mg), 1000- V Syringe

count tabs V Extra Needle


Lugol's bottle of 1 /2 strength- 9 Crude liver extract

V Vitamin B-12
- -- Lugolfssolution
- ~~

2. Bottle: Remove protective metal covers from rubber

Potassium Gluconate stopper.
I 5
boiks of 100 caps each
bottle of 1000 tabs, 50 3. With alcohol swab, clean tops of bottles.
mg. each
Pancreatin I 1 bottle of 1000 ~ a p s325
, 4. Keep needle and syringe sterile (do not touch).

yn each
1 bottle of 1000 caps, 500 5. Turn B I 2 bottle upside down and push syringe nee-
mg. each dle through stopper. Pull out 0.1 cc (just a few drops,
Tx-~ile ' 1 i bottle to the first small line on the barrel of the syringe).

1 bottle Ion Min Clay pow- Withdraw needle from BI2;. Draw 3cc of air into
i Ion Min syringe. Turn the crude liver bottle upside down and

Enema Buckets 1 2
- 7
der - -

extra enema buckets push needle u p through center of stopper. Keeping the

i I 11
bar of soap
liver extract bottle in a n upside-down position, push
some air into the crude liver bottle and pull some liver


ffioxseed~il bottles extract out, repeating this process until you have
1 Foley Food Mill , 81 two quart size pulled out 3cc of liver extract (pull plunger to first line
below 3cc marking to allow for BI2).
Non-required but recommended items:
pancreatin-extra strength, 1200 mg 6. Remove and discard needle. It is now too dull for
Wobe enzymes injection use.
nelaton enema catheter
hydrogen peroxide 30% 7 . Screw new needle into syringe. (Use 25 gauge 5 / 8 "
organic coffee - 1 kg. bags or 1" needle.) Gently tap the side of the syringe to
charcoal tablets gather bubbles to the top of the syringe. When bub-
water distiller bles are gathered, press plunger until a tiny bit of fluid
home ozone generator spurts from the needle. Syringe is now ready to be
electric hot plate used. (Put needle cover on loosely.)
8. Clean injection area well with alcohol and cotton.
13 Gerson Therapy Handbook

Locating Injection area: Locate the ridge of your hip-

bone (iliac crest) where your side pants seam runs, Finding organically
roughly in the middle of your side. Measure down the
width of two fingers and back one inch (1").That is grown food
Check the local yellow pages for health food stores and
where the needle goes. The needle should go through
the fatty tissue into the muscle. Alternate sides with co-ops. Call and ask if they supply organically grown
each injection. produce. They may know where you can go.
Contact OFPANA, Box 1078, Greenfield, MA,
10301, (413) 774-751 1. Ask them for the names,
Hanson's Modification of Classic Method
addresses, and phone numbers of the organizations in
of Locating Upper Outer Quadrant
your area (OCIA, CCOF, TILTH, etc.) Ask about dis-
tributors, growers, and possible retailers.
Order the Organic Wholesaler's Directory And
Yearbook from Community Alliance with Family
Farmers. It has an in-depth list of organic wholesalers
by State. Once you contact the wholesalers, you can
learn who their retailers are. You can contact them at
Box 464, Davis, CA 95617, (916)756-8518.
Americans For Safe Food, Center for Science in the
Public Interest has an organics mail order list avail-
able, should you need to order organic produce
through the mail. You can contact them at 1875
Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC
20009, Tel: (202) 332-91 10, Fax: (202) 265 4954,

Get certification! If produce is not clearly marked

with a printed label, it is probably not organic.
Demand proof.

9. Spread skin and push needle in.

Organic coffee information
It is just a s important to use organic coffee a s to use
10. Push plunger down slowly.
organic fruits and vegetables. If organic coffee is not
11. Pull needle out and rub area with alcohol for 30 used, any toxic material in the coffee such a s pesti-
seconds. If bleeding occurs, press cotton to wound. It cides, herbicides, fungicides, or chemical fertilizer will
will stop bleeding very shortly. be readily absorbed rectally direct into the blood sys-
tem. Harbor House Coffee (Organic Coffee), 12586
12. Break needle and disassemble syringe. Keep bro- Foothill Blvd., Box 1879, Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423.
ken needles in a small cardboard box. Tape box shut Telephone (707) 998-4654, Toll-free: 1-888-902-6333.
when full and discard.

13. Clean open liver and B12 bottles with alcohol and
store in refrigerator. Protect with fresh baggie after
each use. Store unopened liver extract bottles in Organic Certification Logos

Going Home, The Gerson Household 14

Measuring Spoons: for measuring small amounts

The Gerson household: Metal spatula

Potato masher: O f solid wood or heavy wire

kitchen supplies
The following checklistwill be found useful in arrang-
for mashing foods
Soup ladle: For serving soups
Apple corer: to remove apple cores
ing a household to accommodate the Gerson patient. Garlic press: for crushing garlic
Most items may be purchased locally at a general Thermoses: for soup, juices, tea
department store, health food store or gourmet shop. Kitchen scale: 10 or 25 Ib.
Glass storage jars: dry coffee, potassium solution, etc.
Appliances Jar for coffee concentrate with 1 C calibration marks
Juicer (press type) Pill container: with 6 sections
Water distiller
Liquid warmer: low temperature burner plate Condiments and staples
Second refrigerator (optional) Herbs and Spices (see permitted spices, p. 242 in
Yogurt maker (optional) A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases)
Orange juicer, reamer type Drip ground organic coffee
Blender: can be used instead of rotary food Honey
mill with some recipes Organic rolled oats (old fashioned)
Pure maple syrup
Cookware Crude raw brown sugar (organic dried cane sugar)
Stainless steel pots and pans with tight fitting lids Dried fruits (soak before cooking)
1 qt. saucepan Flaxseed oil (in black bottles)
2 qt. saucepan Red wine vinegar
3 qt. saucepan Unsulphured blackstrap molasses
4 qt. saucepot Peppermint tea
8 qt. saucepot Chamomile tea
Pyrex or Corningware baking dishes with covers Lemons

Note: Teflon and other inert non-stick surfaces are not Paper goods
allowed. Absolutely No Aluminum! (Aluminum-clad Paper Towels
stainless steel pots are OK). No Pressure Cookers! Muslin or cheesecloth
Toilet paper
Kitchen utensils Juicing cloths
Vegetable brushes: for scrubbing and Waxed paper
cleaning vegetables
Plastic cutting boards (assortment of sizes) Bathroom supplies
Rotary food mill: for milling special soup Enema Bucket
(can use blender) Castile soap
Sixty minute timer: for juices Castor oil
Wire bristled brushes: for cleaning juicer parts Ox bile powder
Glass measuring cups: 1 Cup and 4 Cup Paper towels
Oven thermometer: for checking oven Wooden spoon
temperature Enamel pitcher
Funnels: for filling jars and bottles Toilet paper
Strainers: for coffee, tea Toothpaste (Chloresium, Tom's, Shaklee, Waleda,
Colander: (a perforated bowl) for straining unfluoridated, and without baking soda)
coarse vegetables Shampoo (natural shampoo, no artificial coloring
Mixing bowls: a set of convenient sizes or proteins added. Some brands: Nature's Gate,
Grater: To grate food fine to coarse Tom's, Shaklee)
Knives: Various sizes including 2-3 paring knives Vaseline
15 Gerson Therapy Handbook

Pollution in and around the home

Pollutants and toxins in the living environment need
to be eliminated. Check your home and eliminate a s
many contaminants a s possible:
Gerson patients need pure water, especially for coffee
17 Asbestos enemas. Most cities have bottled water businesses
17 Urea formaldehyde insulation that deliver purified and distilled water to homes.
0 Synthetic materials in rugs, draperies, bedding Water can also be purified at home with reasonably
and clothing (use natural fibers) priced equipment that may be purchased or rented.
Cigarette smoke Water purification equipment is everywhere now.
Pesticides and herbicides You can get reverse osmosis units, distillers, carbon
Fluoride in the water filters and more from just about anyone. People go
17 New carpeting door to door selling all sorts, sizes and combinations.
Solvents, Polishes Fluoride can only be removed by distillation. You
should only use reverse osmosis if your tap water is
not fluoridated.
Grocery list for a week
I Hardball sales pitch
Carrots, 50 Ibs. Maybe you've seen the guy who takes a glass of your
j Tomatoes, 10-15 lbs. regular tap water and tests it with a "special chemical"
Potatoes, 25 Ibs. that causes gobs of white grungy looking stuff to
Onions, 20/week (purchase 25 Ib. sack) appear and settle to the bottom. Now he informs you
j Leeks, 2 bunches that you can get all that poison out with a carbon fil-
I Beets, 5 branch tops for juice and
ter, and he proves it by filtering your water and
bottoms for eating repeating the test. Voila! No grunge.
Green Peppers, 8 weekly In a well researched article in their Consumer
Celery, 2-3 bunches Reports: 1992 Buying Guide Issue, Consumers Union
Celery Root, 2 roots (if available) I (CU) staff members explained that the "special chemi-
Romaine, 20 good size cal" is doubtless a flocculating agent that causes
Chard, 4 bunches harmless minerals in water to precipitate.
Endive, 3 heads Unscrupulous sellers use this bogus water test to con-
Lettuce, 15 heads (red leaf, green leaf, vince potential buyers of the unpotability of tap water
oakleaf, butter leaf, etc.) in their homes.
Watercress, 2 bunches I
Escarole, 2-3 heads I Unsafe tap water
Parsley, 1 bunch I
In fact, your tap water may be teeming with hazards,
Parsley root, 2 bunches (if available) I none of which would be recognized by such a "test."
I Various vegetables, in season According to CU writers, there are more than 70,000
j 17
Apples 40 lbs. (pippins or granny
recognized water contaminants ranging from indus-
I smith apples) I trial or agricultural wastes to heavy metals and radon.
17 Oranges, 10-15 Ibs. I Microbes are also known to flow from the household
j Garlic, 1 bulb
tap. If your municipal water supply is fluoridated, it is
I Coffee, 3-5 Lbs. I
I imperative that you use distilled water for all patient
I Distilled water, 15 gallons I
intake: soup, cooking, teas and coffee for enemas and
I I drinking after castor oil.
I Note: Depending on regional water supplies, van- I
I ous forms of water punflcation may be purchased Labs that test water
I or leased a t considerable savings over purchased I For the Gerson household, it is probably unnecessary
I bottled water. Various combinations of distillation, I to carry out lab tests for contaminants because of the
I carbon filtration, and reverse osmosis should be ( demand for really pure water. However, friends and
I considered. Consult regional authorities. I
I relatives interested in water quality issues may wish
Going Home, The Gerson Household 16

to use one of these CU listed labs: lead, nitrate, and selenium.

National Testing Laboratories

6 15 1 Wilson Mills Road Buy or rent?
Cleveland, O H 44 143 If you are in a locale that is not serviced by a reputable
Tel.: 800-458-3330 water company, e.g.: Culligan, you may have to pur-
chase equipment. Your costs may run from $500 to
Water Testing Laboratories $1,400 for either of the effective combinations. Also,
4600 Kutztown Rd. bear in mind that your costs won't end with your pur-
Temple, PA 19560 chase.
Tel.: 800-433-6595 Distillers typically draw 1500 Watts, and electricity
is expensive. Extrapolating CU writers' numbers, it
WaterTest looks like five gallons of water will cost $1.50 on the
33 S. Commercial St. utility bill. For patients, the electricity cost alone may
Manchester, NH 031 01 run approximately $30 per month.
Tel.: 800-426-8378 Carbon filters are replaced frequently, on the order
of every six months for high volume usage.
These tests are expensive, ranging easily u p to $200. Replacement costs run from $5 to $100.
Reverse osmosis units allow u p to 80% of water to
CU writers were most concerned about lead, radon, flow by the membrane and down the drain. When it's
and nitrate a s water contaminants. There are good time to replace the membrane, usually once a year,
reasons to remove added fluorides and chlorine, a s costs range from $45 to $234.
well. If, after reading the above, you still want to own
your own gear, we recommend that you use the CU
ratings guide to make good choices within a reason-
No single machine does it all able budget.
The big surprise is that no single form of water purifi-
cation, tested by CU was able to remove all contami-
nants; not distillers; not reverse osmosis units; and You may choose to rent
not carbon filters. On the other hand, you may choose to rent. Many
companies rent and maintain a n under-the-sink com-
In order to get really pure water, it's necessary to bination reverse osmosis and carbon filtration unit.
combine techniques. You have two choices: The customer pays no replacement costs for filters or
1. Carbon filtration with reverse osmosis membranes. A test light signals when the unit needs
2. Carbon filtration with distillation servicing. Most units make plenty of water, allowing
up to five gallons per day when needed.

Strengths and weaknesses

For practical purposes, distillers are better at organic Finding a vendor
health hazards than reverse osmosis units, but they Water companies can be found in the Yellow Pages
miss the volatile ones like benzene, carbon tetrachlo- and most offer a filtration service.
ride and trichloroethylene. These minor differences
disappear when either type of water purification is The quality of tap water almost everywhere, is
coupled with carbon filtration. less than acceptable for the Gerson Therapy.
Only carbon filtration is able to remove chlorine, Fortunately, purification units are available,
benzene, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, and affordable, and effective.
radon. Carbon filters sound pretty good so far, but
they fall apart when they get to the inorganic health
Only distillers or reverse osmosis units will take
out arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, fluoride,
17 Gerson Therapy Handbook

Schedule for the day

The following is an example of one way to arrange your
schedule to do the Gerson Therapy at home. This Morning
schedule was set u p for a regular day on full therapy Rise and shine
including 13 juices and 5 coffee enemas. Whoever is Coffee Break (Be sure to eat a bite of fruit
doing the kitchen work should allow about 10- 15 min- before enema)
utes to prepare a juice and to clean u p the juicer, so 1) Start oatmeal and coffee concentrate
start making the juices about 15 minutes before the 2) Make citrus juice (Lugol's and potassium)
hour. Juices are followed in this list by the medica- 3) Sort medications for the day
tions (in parentheses) which may be added. Please do Eat breakfast (Orange juice + meds)
not exceed daily total medication levels prescribed by 1) Wash the vegetables and fruits that you will
your physicians. use for the day's juices and meals
2) Strain the coffee
Getting organized 3) Start the Special (Hippocrates) soup
If at all possible, have someone at home organize (see recipe, pg. 80 )
things before you leave the Gerson hospital. They will Green juice (potassium)
need to: Carrot-Apple juice (Lugol's and potassium)
1. Locate and purchase organic produce. Carrot-Apple juice (Lugol's and potassium)
2. Locate and purchase organic coffee. Carrot juice (2 Liver tablets)
3. Set up the Juicer. Prepare potatoes and vegetables for lunch
4. Reorganize the kitchen (see list) paying special Coffee Break
attention to remove all sprays, poisons, perfumed
items, and aluminum pots and pans. Afternoon/Evening
5. Clear the counters. Get everything off but the juicer 1) Green juice (potassium)
and the cutting boards. 2) Prepare lunch
6. Knives: You will be doing a lot of cutting so make Salad
sure the knives are sharp. Start vegetables and watch that they
7 . Purified Water: See previous page 15 for information do not burn
on obtaining purified water. Special (Hippocrates) soup (see recipe, pg. 80)
8. You may need to rearrange the bedroom and Eat lunch
bathroom to accommodate coffee enemas. A bench Carrot-Apple juice (Lugol's and potassium)
will be necessary if movement is impaired. Green juice (potassium)
Carrot juice (w/2 Liver tablets)
Coffee Break + Carrot juice (w/Liver tablets)
Carrot-Apple juice (2 Liver tablets)
Green juice (potassium)
Prepare dinner, salad, potatoes, vegetables,
carrot apple juice, etc.
Eat dinner + Carrot-Apple juice + Meds
Coffee Break
Put together a fruit plate to nibble
on through the night
Coffee Break (Be sure to eat some fruit first)

Late Night/Early Morning

Coffee Break, if ordered by physician. (Eat first)
Chapter 3: General Procedures,
Common Reactions and Personal Care

Note: The physicians recommend that coffee concen-

trate be used only as an alternative to the above recipe
Enema Recipes
It is very important for all fluids that are placed in the
for convenience when traveling.

rectum to be sterile. Use boiled water only! Be sure Apply enema following instructions on page 191 of
you allow fluids to cool to body temperature before A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases, or see
placing in rectum. (For further information, see pp. page 19 in this handbook.
247-248, A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty
Cases) Chamomile Tea Enema:
Use full strength and according to your doctor's
advice. Retain the tea enema for about five minutes.
After release, immediately start the coffee enema. In
This recipe is used full strength: do not dilute! severe problems, chamomile concentrate can be
added to all coffee enemas.
3 Rounded Tbsp. coffee grounds (not instant)
1 Quart distilled water

Boil 3 minutes uncovered to drive off oils; then cover,

lower heat and simmer an additional 15 minutes. 4 Tbsp. Chamomile flowers, dried
Strain and allow to cool. Add distilled water to make 1 Quart distilled water
a full quart. Use at body temperature.

I Boil 5 minutes, and strain.

Use when cooled to body temperature.

I Place in saucepan
1 Cup coffee grounds (not instant) 1 Cup Chamomile flowers, dried
1 Quart distilled water 2 Cups distilled water

Boil 3 minutes uncovered. Cover, lower heat and sim- Simmer 10 minutes in covered saucepan. Strain and
mer for 15 minutes. Strain into 1 quart jar, allowing press chamomile flowers to extrude fluid. If some has
grounds to drain well. Add distilled water to make a boiled away, add distilled water to make 1 pint.
full quart. For convenience: Mark the jar indicating Storage: Keep in covered glass bottle no longer than
1 Cup increments. Diluting: This recipe makes 3 days. To Use: Pour 4 oz. concentrate into enema
enough concentrate for 4 enemas (1 cup concentrate bucket and fill with distilled water. Recipe makes
plus 3 Cups boiled/distilled water) Storage: This con- enough concentrate for 4 enemas.
centrate will keep in a refrigerator for up to 2 days.
19 Gerson Therapy Handbook

NOTE: Some conjision has existed because of an Some patients find it difficult to retain 32 oz. of the
apparent contradiction between chamomile enema liquid, you may want to start with 24 oz. and later,
instructions on page 194 and page 248 of Gerson's A slowly increase the amount of fluid.
Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases. Actually, the Before you start your coffee enema, eat a small
recipes are consistent. Page 194 includes instructions piece of fruit to activate the gastric tract If enema is
for use of a chamomile concentrate a s well a s directions taken on an empty stomach, some people may experi-
for preparation of a single dose. Page 248 contains ence problems.
instructions for both preparation and use of chamomile Note: More information on enemas is available in A
concentrate. In both cases, the ratio of chamomileflow- Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases on pages 191
ers (in tablespoons) to total ounces of water will be the and 247 and in Gerson Healing Newsletter Vol. 10, No.
same: 4 Tbsp. / 3 2 oz. enema. 4, pg. 6, and Gerson Healing Newsletter # 13, pg. I.
Please understand that the concentrate is prepared
by using 1 Tbsp. of chamomile flowers for each ounce
of watec one cup (16 Tbsp.) chamomile flowers boiled
in 1 pint (16 oz) water makes four doses. Gerson's
'k~lass" equals 8 oz, just a s with your juices. One half
glass equals 4 oz.
Enema Reactions and
Intestinal Spasms and Cramping:
Enema Procedure These frequently painful symptoms are caused by
strong irritation to the intestinal tract and lead to
Definition: problems with the enemas. It becomes difficult to
An enema by definition, is the introduction of solu- instill the full 32 oz. of coffee solution, difficult to hold
tions into the rectum and colon in order to stimulate the enema the full 12-15 minutes or, on the other
bowel activity and to cause emptying of the lower hand, the enema becomes trapped and cannot be
intestine. released. Following is a list of possible remedies which
have proved useful to patients:
Coffee enemas should be administered by having the
patient lie on the right side. Check The Enema Technique:
Be sure that the tip of the enema tube is inserted five
Cut Here
to eight inches past the anal sphincter. Do not try to
Enema Bucket \ force the tube into the colon. The temperature of the
enema solution must be body temperature. Don't
raise the enema bucket too high. If the flow is too
rapid it can set u p spasms. About eighteen to twenty-
four inches is the correct bucket height. Even at that
height, spasms can occur. If so, immediately lower the
Enema Tube
bucket to allow the flow to back u p a few inches into
the tube to relieve the pressure. After 20 to 30 seconds
slowly start raising the bucket toward the original
level. The flow can also be controlled by pinching the
To connect bucket, tube and connector: tube with your fingers or adjusting the plastic ring to
The enema bucket comes with a clear plastic hose a partially closed position. It may take some time to
which has a hole at the front and one on the side. You get the enema completely instilled, but this is accept-
cut off the tip to eliminate the side opening. able.
You order a small plastic connector plus a soft rub-
ber tube (catheter) both available from STAT. S.A. Put Heat Over The Abdomen:
one end of the connector onto the cut end of the plas- This can be applied by a heating pad. Mild heat has a
tic enema tube: the other end into the wide opening of calming effect on the irritated, hyperactive intestinal
the rubber catheter. tract.
General Procedures, Common Reactions and Personal Care 20

seemed to have almost disappeared, such a s tubercu-

Add Potassium Compound To The Enema: losis, and even syphilis, are making a threatening
Potassium compound solution helps relieve spasms comeback.
by supplying potassium to the depleted intestinal It must be assumed that our poor general nutri-
tract. It can also help to promote bile flow when given tion, together with excess consumption of fats, pro-
rectally. This solution is the same a s that used in the teins and salt, has caused this health problem.
juices. The dosage is two Tbsp. in each enema. Obviously, patients suffering from cancer have a seri-
Procedure should be discontinued after 10 days to 2 ously weakened immune system - since a fully func-
weeks. tioning immune response is capable of protecting the
body from ever developing cancer. So, we know that in
Lower The Dosage: all cancer patients, we have a problem if they 'catch'
This can be accomplished by either using less coffee cold or develop a flu. Even after a few months on the
concentrate in each enema, or by using only part of a Gerson Therapy, which among other things restores
prepared enema. Please consult with physician. the immune system, the former cancer patient does
not yet have a good defense against cold and flu
viruses. For that reason, much care has to be taken to
Back To Back Enemas: protect the recovering patient from visitors, children
When the first enema is "clutched" and the abdomen or other household members who have colds. They
congested, a second enema may be taken "back to should be completely segregated from the patient.
back" with the first. Potassium compound solution Friends or visitors with colds should be urgently
(see above) may be added to the second enema to pro- requested not to visit, or, if they have come into the
mote effectiveness. Another potentially valuable aid is house, the patient should quietly, even unsociably
hydrogen peroxide (1-2 tsp. of 3%) added to the sec- disappear behind his/her bedroom door.
ond enema. Chamomile concentrate may be added to If a recovering patient does develop a cold or flu, at
counter the irritating effects of either peroxide or the very first signs, he should take penicillin (other
potassium taken by rectum. antibiotics if he is allergic to penicillin) together with
the 'triad' (one Aspirin, one 50 mg. Niacin, one 500
CAUTION: If you tun into chronic problems, mg. Vitamin C), at least once every six hours for a s
please do not resort to a long series of consecutive long a s symptoms are present, plus one day. It is also
enemas (use no more than 2 back to back). At wise to gargle with chamomile tea in which you use
least four hours must be allowed between back to 112 ounce of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, at
back enemas in most cases. Please be in touch least three times a day. A very warm bath with at least
with your physician. 4 pints of 3% hydrogen peroxide twice a day is
extremely helpful. Be sure that the patient is not
Castor Oil Enema: may also be used in some cases if chilled upon leaving the bath and immediately goes
a back to back enema is "clutched." Castor oil enemas into a warm bed. A cold should be treated with great
are extremely pushy and should be used cautiously - respect since it can cause recurrence of tumors. If you
generally only one in a 24 hour period. Consult your report to your Gerson consulting doctor with possible
physician. regrowth of tumors, be sure you mention whether or
not you had a cold or flu in the recent past, and
whether you have overcome it.
Because of the seriousness of possible colds, it is
suggested on the list of medications to take home, that
Golds and Flus
There is quite a serious problem presently in the gen-
you take penicillin with you. If, at the very first symp-
toms of a cold, you first have to go to a doctor for a
eral population, consisting of depressed immune sys- prescription, or ask for penicillin to be mailed to you -
tems. We are seeing a constant increase in infections it will be much too late to take it. It is mainly used to
that were virtually unknown two decades ago: AIDS, avoid opportunistic germs from aggravating the virus
'chronic fatigue syndrome' (CFS, or Epstein-Barr), infection - but you need to have it on hand in case of
genital herpes, hepatitis of all kinds and Candida need. Do not use it for any other reason.
(yeast infections). Other infectious diseases that once
21 Gerson Therapy Handbook

ered breast cancer patients in Carmel, California,

after two years on the therapy and total recovery, won
Dr. Gerson felt very strongly that a cancer patient just
several tennis tournaments. J u s t be patient and heal
starting on the therapy, urgently needs rest. He even
had patients who were not particularly debilitated,
stay in bed for a full six weeks! The Gerson Therapy
itself speeds up the metabolism, and that requires
energy. This extra energy requirement often causes
patients starting the treatment to be tired. This is an
Flare-ups and reactions
Notes from a lecture b y Dr. D a n Rogers, M.D.
urgent message from the body to rest! Do not force Definition of Flare-up/Reaction: A response by the
exercise when you are tired. It will not 'build you up' body in general, and the immune system in particular,
at all; on the contrary, it will slow down or stop the causing a n increase in detoxification and healing
healing process if you waste your energy. processes.
Early on in the treatment, it is a good practice to do Causes: The causes can be many; the body's attempt
some trampolining. A little 'rebounder' is quite inex- to rid itself of dead and diseased tissue and cells, elim-
pensive, and can be very helpful. In the beginning, use inate toxins of all types, and rebuild healthy cells and
it only by lifting your heel and bending your knees - tissues.
don't jump. Also, it is best to use it for only 30 seconds
at a time, but several times a day - a s often a s 5-6
times. This very mild exercise stimulates lymphatic
circulation and also helps to overcome pain, especially
bone pain. But, again, don't overdo or exhaust your-
Flare-ups may include any of
When patients first return home, they usually feel
much better, but not yet strong. It is extremely impor-
the following symptoms:
tant that they do not immediately jump into their jobs Flu-like symptoms:
or housework - since the Therapy with all the foods General aches and pains, sore muscles and joints, or
and juices is very labor intensive. The patient needs a n "achy all over feeling" are fairly common in most
continued rest and HELP. Usually, after about three patients. The duration of these symptoms is usually
months, energy returns. That, too, can be a period of 24-48 hours. Usually self-limited, but may require
danger: when the patient is recovering and feels mild definitive treatment.
energy again, he/she may well begin strenuous activ- Rx: Treat symptomatically including clay/castor oil
ities - overexerting himself, and stopping the healing. packs, pain triad, hydrotherapy, and/or bed rest.
Do not overdo. As your energy returns, you can begin
some very mild exercise: a five minute walk (not in Nausea:
extreme heat or cold). This can soon be extended to 8- This reaction may be intense, lasting for several days.
10 minutes, but, if the patient is very tired, stop, and Usually self-limited.
go back to the last amount of walking that didn't Rx: Treat symptomatically. Increase intake of pepper-
exhaust you. Increase the time for a walk very slowly mint tea and oatmeal. May need to decrease oral solid
if you can easily handle it. More strenuous exercise intake or exchange it for raw grated apples, apple-
(tennis, squash) must be avoided for a year or so. Try sauce, raw grated carrots, mashed banana, water-
to avoid walking on or near a golf course, a s the grass melon, etc. Also, change juice composition by adding
is heavily sprayed with toxic chemicals. Swimming is u p to 50% gruel per juice. May also give gruel straight.
a problem: all chlorinated pools must be completely
avoided and ocean water is too salty for the patient. So Vomiting:
what remains? A clean mountain stream or lake. Does not occur in most cases. If it does occur it usu-
"Clean" means that there are no factories that drain ally lasts 24 hours or less. Some cases can be intense
chemicals into the water above the place where you and of longer duration, requiring definitive treatment,
swim. And, of course, the weather must be mild or especially when complicated by other body fluid loss
warm, so the patient is not chilled. One of our recov- (such a s diarrhea), or in a patient with reduced body
ieral Procedures, Common Reactions and Personal Care 22

mass (i.e. child, cachexia, etc.). most part should be treated with physical means.
Rx: Increase peppermint tea intake to a s much a s 1 Areas of precaution include high fevers (greater than
gallon or more and substitute oatmeal for regular 104" F.) for a period greater than 2 hours, and
meals when needed. May need to decrease oral solid patients with reduced body mass (i.e.:child, cachexia,
intake or exchange it for raw grated apples, apple- etc.).
sauce, raw grated carrots, mashed banana, water- Rx: For chills, use physical means a s first treatment
melon, etc. Also change juice composition by adding of choice. Put the patient to bed, warm patient with
up to 50% gruel per-juice. May also give gruel straight. blankets, pajamas, etc. May also enjoy warm bath, hot
Juices not taken orally can be given rectally a s a herb tea, etc. Bed rest is required.
retention enema. If emesis lasts longer than 24 hours, For fever, also use physical means a s first treat-
or if severe, definitive treatment may be required ment of choice. Reduce amount of constrictive cloth-
including antiemetics (oral, I.M., or I.V.), and I.V. flu- ing, remove most blankets, but maintain normal envi-
ids. Serum electrolyte and acid/base levels need to be ronmental temperatures. Use vinegar/alcohol rub
carefully monitored. If vomiting bile (green, bitter) down, cool water rub down, damp cloth on neck/fore-
reduce coffee enemas to 1 or 2 a day and take head, etc. Bed rest is necessary. If the patient's tem-
chamomile enemas between coffee enemas. perature continues to rise, cool chamomile tea/cof-
feelwater enemas may be needed. Also, cool baths
Diarrhea: with u p to full body immersion may be used. If fever
Frequent passage of unformed, watery bowel move- is still rising, the pain triad, with emphasis on aspirin,
ments. If it occurs it is usually self-limiting, lasting may be employed. Try to avoid the use of any stronger
24-48 hours. If it persists any longer, definitive treat- antipyretic agents, except for very unusual circum-
ment may be required, especially when complicated by stances. Careful monitoring of the patient is ESSEN-
other body fluid loss such a s vomiting, or in a patient TIAL if physical means are to be successful in control-
with reduced body mass (i.e.: child, cachexia, etc.) ling fever, especially if body temperature remains at
Rx: Treat symptomatically. As an initial measure, 104" F or more. If physical means plus aspirin and
combine 118 tsp. potassium gluconate and 114 tsp. careful monitoring do not control fever at a manage-
clay in peppermint tea, to be taken every 2-4 hours. If able level, definitive treatment must be employed.
particularly severe or lasting longer than 24-48 hours,
antispasmotics (i.e.: polvo mixto, lomotil, etc.) may be Foul smells:
needed. Also, routinely do lab testing, e.g. ova and This general category includes breath, body odor,
parasites, stool culture and sensitivity, serum elec- smelly enemas, etc. At least one of these symptoms is
trolytes, etc. I.V. fluids may be necessary, especially if fairly common in patients during their first reactions.
diarrhea is complicated by increased loss of other , They are self-limiting, lasting the duration of the reac-
body fluids. tion, and u p to 48 hours post reaction. No special pre-
cautions need to be taken, except for the comfort of
Pain: the patient and any visitors.
May be prodromal (i.e.: signaling a flare-up) starting Rx: Breath: brush teeth several times per day. Eat
a s much a s 48-72 hours prior to reaction. Usually garlic. Drink extra juiceltea. Body Odoc bathe and
self-limiting. Duration u p to 72 hours post reaction. change clothes often. Vinegar/alcohol rubdown. Drink
May require definitive Rx. extra juice/tea. Enema odor: increase number of
Rx: Treat symptomatically. Use increased enemas, enemas, including castor oil (check with your physi-
clay/castor oil packs and pain triad a s first treatment cian). Instruct everyone to leave the room at enema
of choice. Laetrile (Amigdalin)is a good Rx alternative time and open the bathroom windows, even in the
especially with bony metastases. Hydrotherapy works winter. May need to repaint the room.
well with many types of pain. Acupuncture, Neural
therapy with lidocaine also works well. May need triad Depression:
(1 Aspirin, 1 Niacin 50 mg., 1 Vitamin C 500 mg.), etc., This symptom is very common to many patients, espe-
depending upon the type of pain and location. cially during the first several reactions. It is due in
part to the toxins released into the blood, reacting in
Chills and Fever: the brain and effecting its functions. It may be a pro-
May last 24-48 hours, usually self-limited. For the dromal sign of a n upcoming reaction, occurring a s
23 Gerson Therapy Handbook

much a s 72 hours before the reaction starts. It wors- often due to the lipstick. If the patient refrains from its
ens a s the reaction occurs, and may last u p to 72 use for a few days, and instead uses a little Vaseline,
hours following the flare-up. It is usually self-limiting. the lips 'heal' and will feel normal.
The patient especially needs a s much extra TLC (ten- We feel very strongly about any underarm anti-per-
der loving care) a s possible at this time. spirant or deodorant. All these are harmful, even if
Rx: Treat symptomatically. Lots of support, TLC, purchased in a 'health food store.' Many contain alu-
encouragement, companion and family support are minum, and other chemicals which should never go to
especially critical here. block lymph passages underarm. They not only block
but are absorbed and toxic. The passages should be
Jaundice: clear and open for elimination of toxic perspiration. If
Duration usually limited to 48 hours, post flare-up. sweat is smelly, wash frequently and keep the lymph
Rx: No definitive treatment. Increase juices and ene- passages open. To block them is to force the toxic
mas. materials back into the lymph passages, causing new
harm. Once the body is well detoxified, it will not have
Note: Rememberflare-ups can consist of one or more of any unpleasant smell.
the above symptoms, and perhaps all of them. Nail polish keeps the nails from breathing. Do not
use it while on the Gerson Therapy; nor any artificial
nails. If you are wearing it at the hospital, a nurse will
provide you with nail polish remover.
We need not mention permanents or hair dyes,
Laboratory Test Changes
Almost any lab value is susceptible to change during
since these are mentioned on the list of forbidden
items in A Cancer Therapy: Results of EYBy Cases,
flare-ups. Especially sensitive to change are serum p. 238. However, hair sprays, lacquers with acetone
values such a s electrolytes, Alkaline Phosphatase, solvents, are also very harmful and have to be
GGT, GGP, SGOT, etc. A complete blood count and avoided. On the therapy, your hair will become health-
differential may show a relatively higher number of ier and have natural 'body'. You will not need some of
leukocytes and a n increase in the lymphocyte count if the toxic cosmetics.
it was low before the flare-up began, or a decrease in
the lymphocyte count if it was high before the reaction Sunscreen
started. Also, urinalysis shows trace amounts of albu- Dr. Gerson did not want patients to be exposed to
min and a greater amount of sodium excretion. If sun, nor to sunbathe. During the last few years, it has
your blood/urinalysis tests were done within 3 days of become fashionable to recommend 'sunscreen'
a reaction, be sure to tell your doctor. Your doctor because many doctors claim sunlight can cause skin
may otherwise misinterpret the results. cancer. Dr. Gerson's reason for recommending
patients avoid sunlight is that it is radiation, it is
wearying and irritating; so the patient must avoid it.
Sunscreen is not the answer. On the contrary: the lat-
est information has it, the sunscreen which people are
supposed to use and put on their children's skin
becomes a carcinogen (cancer causing agent) when
Cosmetics exposed to the sun! If you are going out, wear a long-
All substances which go on the skin, at best clog sleeved shirt, preferably white cotton, or a blouse. Use
pores, keeping the skin from breathing and eliminat- a hat with a wide brim or visor to protect your face.
ing toxins. At worst, these materials are absorbed into You need not stay indoors altogether when the
the blood stream and damage the patient. While on weather is sunny. J u s t don't expose yourself without
the intensive therapy, the patient should refrain from clothes, to 'sunbathe'. It is always suggested that you
using any skin lotions, creams, and ointments what- take in fresh air, in the shade, under a tree or
soever. Especially, women need to refrain from using umbrella. If you are using the sun 'to warm you',
lipstick which is regularly licked off the lips and there- rather use extra covers, sweaters, coats or blankets,
fore ingested. Sometimes, women complain that their but stay in the shade.
lips are dry or raw if they do not use lipstick. This is
General Procedures, Common Reactions and Personal Care 24

ten months on the therapy. She continued the therapy

faithfully, a s she had been instructed. Nevertheless,
Dental Hygiene and Care after another six months or so, she had a new malig-
nant lesion in her colon. When she returned to the
Toothpaste Gerson Therapy hospital, upon intensive questioning,
JZxtremely Important: Never use toothpaste with it turned out her dentist had suggested she brush her
fluoride or baking soda! teeth with baking soda. She did - and her tumor
returned. When she stopped this practice, she healed
Dental Abscesses again!
A very important consideration for success on the We need to warn our patients not to follow such
Gerson Therapy is the need to clear any possible den- dentists' instructions. Also, please note that A Cancer
tal root abscess. Sometimes, these abscesses cause no Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases, on p. 238, states
symptoms and the patient is not aware of them. Also on the list of forbidden items not to use baking soda
some patients are overly concerned about X-rays, to also for gargling, etc. The above patient did not
the point that they even refuse the small amount of remember or check on this before following her den-
radiation used to diagnose possible dental problems. tist's instructions. Please also note that many brands
That is a mistake. The amount of radiation is not of toothpaste presently contain baking soda - since
harmful; but the possible existence of dental root dentists recommend it. Please do not use such tooth-
canal infections or abscesses will negate the effective- pastes.
ness of the Gerson Therapy. Sometimes seriously
damaged or infected teeth have to be removed in order Root Canals
to eliminate the constant re-infection caused by these An entirely different situation exists when patients
toxins in the mouth. Please check your teeth and have been treated by their dentist with "root canal"
make sure that there are no dental problems a s you fillings. In order to treat the root, the dentist has to
start on the Therapy. drill any loose or infected material from the canal
which houses the nerve. But when the nerve is dead
Silver-Mercury Amalgam Fillings and removed, the tooth also dies. A wonderful book
Many of our patients and readers are informed about called The Root Canal Cover-Up, published by Dr.
the dangers of silver-amalgam fillings. These consist George E. Meinig, DDS, F.A.C.D. in 1993 gives the
of a mixture of metals that can contain u p to 50% extensive and detailed research done by Dr. Weston A.
mercury. The problem, of course, is that mercury is a Price, DDS, F.A.C.D., early this century. Dr. Meinig for
highly toxic heavy metal, with a powerful effect on the many years headed the group of dentists engaged in
central nervous system. Over the course of 20 years, doing root canals. He also states he did many hun-
it has been shown that up to 95% of the mercury can dreds himself. However, when he became aware of the
leach out of the fillings into the system and into cir- dangers inherent in this treatment, he incorporated
culation. Some people are a great deal more sensitive his new findings in his practice and now spends his
to this circulating mercury than others. It has been time and energies in making the public, a s well a s
shown to cause Multiple Sclerosis in some patients. dentists, aware of the research.
When the silver amalgam fillings were removed, the The first indication of problems due to root canals
patients recovered. Other people have had silver fill- came from a patient who was bedfast and virtually
ings in their teeth for many years with no apparent paralyzed due to rheumatoid arthritis, for some rea-
problems. son, her root canal filled tooth was removed, although
it looked healthy, and after some months, she could
Baking Soda walk and her health was totally restored. But Dr. Price
Your dentist can cause you considerable trouble if he took the extracted tooth, sterilized it thoroughly, and
recommends that you brush your teeth with baking implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. Within 5 days,
soda. The chemical name for baking soda is sodium the rabbit was suffering with severe rheumatoid
bicarbonate. Sodium is readily absorbed through the arthritis, and in 10 days it died of the disease.
mucus membranes in the mouth and quickly enters Subsequently, many other patients had root canal
the blood stream. A patient who came to u s with colon filled teeth extracted: some suffering from kidney dis-
cancer was completely cleared of cancer after about ease, others from heart disease, and many more with
25 Gerson Therapy Handbook

arthritis. In virtually all cases, the patients showed to be removed. He explained that he could not obtain
considerable improvement, to even total recovery, good results without this procedure.
after the offending teeth were removed. But, again, As this is something that is appearing more and
many more times. Dr. Price implanted the teeth under more often in our patients, we recommend that this be
the skin of rabbits. In each case. the tooth removed discussed with your physician if you have had root
from the patient caused the patient's disease in the canal work done in the past.
rabbit. Dr. Price went even further to try to clear the Some dentists are now claiming that newly avail-
apparently infectious material from the extracted able materials they use in the root canal are "safe." Do
teeth: he autoclaved them (sterilized by steam pres- not allow any root canals to be performed, a s it is not
sure, usually at 250 degrees F or 12 1"C). This made the dental material, but the dead tooth that causes
no difference: the rabbits with the sterilized tooth the problem.
implanted still developed the disease and died, usu-
ally within 10 days. Then Dr. Price implanted a Dental Anesthesia for the Gerson Patient
healthy tooth under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit There are several things to remember when it comes
lived without showing any signs of problems for about to dental anesthesias. On the one hand, the Gerson
15 years, its normal life span. patient since s / h e is well detoxified, has a higher
The underlying problem is very interesting: when threshold of pain - so average pain 'doesn't hurt a s
the nerve is removed from a tooth, it is no longer liv- much'. On the other hand, a Gerson patient is also
ing, nor is it supplied with nutrients. It is dead. much more sensitive to drugs and, under certain cir-
However, the normal structure of the tooth includes cumstances, the full average dose (2cc) of Xylocaine
tiny 'canules' (similar to capillaries in every human (or other pain killer drug) could cause serious prob-
tissue) that carry nutrients to the living tooth. Once lems. It is important that the patient advise his den-
the tooth is dead, nutrients stop circulating through tist a s follows:
these canules, instead they become infested with
germs and viruses. Not only that, but the filling of the 1. Compound the anesthesia drug without epinephrine
nerve canal shrinks a tiny little bit, enough for more 2. Use no more than 113 of the average dose
bacteria and viruses to lodge there, too. None of this 3. Start to work promptly. If a 20 minute wait is allowed
shows on X-rays. A dead tooth is thus a potent source for the drug to 'take' it will have worn off.
of bacterial and viral toxins and infections that can
spread throughout the system. Many people with a
good immune system and powerful defenses, can live
with this constant source of trouble without showing
any symptoms. Careful X-rays in many cases show
that with time "cavitation" (hollowing out of the sur-
Milk Proteins
After a period of about 6 weeks on the full intensive
rounding jaw bone) occurs around the root canal therapy, Dr. Gerson allowed cancer patients to add
treated tooth. As the resistant patient ages or is weak- modified milk proteins to their diet. Your Gerson doc-
ened by accidents, colds and flu, or severe stress, the tor may suggest a different amount of time before
ability to overcome this 'focal infection' is reduced and allowing the addition of milk products.
can either cause or contribute to cause severe chronic
disease. It is important that milk products be:
In view of the above, it will not come as a surprise 1. Fat free (not low fat)
that we urgently suggest patients remove any tooth (or 2. Soured (pre-digested,such as in yogurt or 'pot cheese')
teeth) with root canal fillings. 3. Salt-free
A German physician. Dr. Josef Issels, heard a lec-
ture by Dr. Gerson back in the 1950's and subse- In his book, A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty
quently successfully used alternative treatments in Cases, Dr. Gerson describes these milk proteins a s
helping many cancer patients. Dr. Issels spent some 'buttermilk and pot cheese'. Unfortunately, at the pre-
time at the Gerson Therapy Center and also pointed sent time, these products are not readily available a s
out the severe damage caused by root canal fillings. originally prescribed. Consequently, the currently
He further stated that he refused to treat any cancer available products cannot be used by patients on the
patient who did not allow all 'devitalized' (dead) teeth Gerson Therapy. The buttermilk which Dr. Gerson
Gerieral Procedures, Common Reactions and Personal Care 26

prescribed was true, churned buttermilk. This was Other problems occur with yogurt. It has to be
totally fat-free through the churning process, and con- non-fat and unflavored. Some patients are trying their
tained no additives. This type of buttermilk is no best to do right, and look for raw, unpasteurized milk
longer available anywhere, a s far a s we know. On the yogurt. Be careful. You will possibly find raw goat's
other hand, present day buttermilk is 'cultured' and is milk yogurt, and think you have it made. Not so.
usually made from left-over milk, treated with thick- Goat's milk is, by nature, homogenized, and it is diffi-
eners, flavoring agents, and even salt, a s shown in the cult to remove the cream - so, it is full of fat. We lost
list of ingredients. This is not usable for a Gerson one patient because the care-giver was not aware of
patient and could cause harm. Unless you have your the danger of raw goat's milk yogurt.
own churn, or are close to a milk farmer who churns Please be careful, don't go by names, but by ingre-
butter and has buttermilk left from his processing, dients. Cottage cheese or yogurt should contain no
you cannot use ("cultured")buttermilk while on the added salt and no fat. Some patients have expressed
Gerson Therapy. doubt about their yogurt when its "contents" label
The problem of 'pot cheese' is even more complex. showed that it contained a small amount of sodium.
Dr. Gerson's patients, some 40-50 years ago, had Please understand that all milk (and vegetables, too,
access to a non-fat, unsalted large curd type of cottage by the way) naturally contain a little sodium. So, if
cheese. This, too, is no longer available. Cottage you see sodium listed under 'contents', don't worry. It
cheese, on the other hand, is salted and 'creamed' should not show under 'ingredients' since this would
(cream added). You may see some which is labeled mean that salt was added.
"low fat", but this contains a minimum of 2% butter- Occasionally, you may be able to find 'Farmer's
fat (too much) and is quite heavily salted. The "regu- Cheese', which contains no fat and no salt and would
lar" cottage cheese contains 4% butterfat plus salt. be acceptable. (Check your labels!) Also, some dairies
Neither is acceptable for the Gerson patient. produce "Baker's Cheese" to be used in baking pas-
The only way that patients can use 'cottage cheese' tries such a s Cheese Danish. If this baker's cheese
is if they are able to obtain skim milk and allow it to contains no salt or fat it may be used, whipped u p
curdle (see Appendix 111: Recipes, pg. 98) and pass it with some non-fat yogurt and onions, garlic or chives
through several layers of cheese cloth, or preferably - since it is quite lacking in flavor without additions.
through some porous tea towel, to separate the curds Also, Safeway used to produce cheese for the same
from the whey. purpose, called "Dry Curd." This is also free of salt and
We saw one lady who had originally shown excep- fat and can be mixed with onions, garlic, etc. and can
tionally dramatic results with the Gerson Therapy, be a delicious spread for baked potatoes and vegeta-
eating 'cottage cheese' at home. This was a hard bles; or with a little maple syrup or honey, it can be
cheese, possibly made a s part of a 'cottage industry', used over stewed fruit, or as a sauce with some
and sold a s cottage cheese. Hard cheeses are espe- dessert.
cially harmful: they usually contain u p to 40% (!) but- Very rarely, a patient is lactose intolerant and can-
terfat, and are heavily salted. Naturally, this lady, too, not handle any milk products. Your doctor may advise
experienced regrowth of tumors, until she stopped you to take spirulina, blue-green manna, or bee
using this cheese. pollen. This can also sometimes cause allergic reac-
We had another patient who had done very well on tions. If you are trying it, use just a few grains at first,
the Gerson Therapy and most of his tumors were gone and add a few at a time before reaching your pre-
or were reduced. When his doctor allowed him to have scribed amount. If it causes you any allergic reaction,
yogurt, he could only find "low fat" yogurt, and he don't use it.
decided that was okay for him. In a short time, his
tumors were growing again and he came back to the
Gerson Therapy Hospital to find out what the problem
was. In only a few days on the full intensive therapy in
Mexico, his tumors were again much smaller. Then he
received the results of a n analysis he had ordered of
his low-fat yogurt. The result showed a fat content of
this low fat' yogurt of 3.2% butterfat - enough to start
tumors growing!
Chapter 6: Psychological Considerations
for the Gerson Patient

by Beata Bishop event can overwhelm our cells. It is no exaggeration

to claim that our every thought and emotion equals a
According to a brief but precise definition, in holistic biochemical act. In the words of neuroscientist Dr
medicine the physician treats the patient, not the dis- Candace Pelt co-discoverer of endorphins, "Cells are
ease. This certainly applies to the Gerson Therapy conscious beings that communicate with each other,
which heals by restoring the health of the whole body, affecting our emotions and choices." It is equally true
rather than concentrate a n a specific complaint. But that our emotions and beliefs affect the activity of our
its powerful effects extend to the patient's non-physi- cells.
cal self a s well. In order to make the Gerson program Clearly, the patient's emotional health is of vital
fully holistic, the psychological aspects of healing importance if we want to ensure that the Gerson
must also be considered. Therapy brings optimum results.
Body and mind are two sides of one coin. They Any cancer diagnosis equals a major trauma. It
sicken together and must be healed together. evokes powerful emotions: panic, fear, rage, or, at the
Whatever affects the one will affect the other. Our opposite pole, resignation, numbness, despair. Either
task is to evoke the patient's self-healing potential and way, most patients experience a sense of isolation, of
make sure that some disregarded psychological prob- being cast out of normal life and deprived of a future.
lem does not sabotage the therapeutic process. Harrowing memories of personally known cancer vic-
There is now solid scientific evidence to prove that tims arise - contributing to a superstitious fear of the
our moods, emotions and general outlook have a disease.
direct and measurable impact on our immune system. This fear springs from two sources. One i$ ratio-
The proof comes from psycho-neuro-immunology nal, based on the very real threat of suffering, disfig-
(PNI), a new medical specialty which has been rapidly urement, drastic treatments with vile side elects, and '

developing since the late seventies, thanks to a better probably no cure in the end. But there is a non-ratio-
understanding of brain chemistry and of the subtle nal fear, too, which sees cancer a s a n intruder, an evil
connections that exist on the cellular level within the alien that has breached our defenses and may kill us.
body. In a nutshell, the limbic system of the brain In their panic-stricken state very few patients realize
and the central nervous system release certain hor- that tumors don't come from outer space but from the
mones that fit into receptor sites all over the body, ,
faulty functioning of their own bodies. Alf these emo-
causing them to release various secretions. The qual- tions are negative - heavy, distressing. And they are
ity of the hormones and the secretion determines made worse by the average physician's response
whether the immune system is boosted or weakened, which is normally defensive and reserved, if not down-
switched on or off; and that quality, in turn, depends right cold. (it was certainly cold in my experience
on our emotions, beliefs and prevailing psychological when I pl;esented with a secondary tumor and my pre-
orientation. viously friendly surgeon-oncologist suddenly turned
A positive, hopeful, determined attitude strength- icy, implying with his manner that by producing a
ens immune competence, while despair negativity and lump in my groin I had somehow let the side down.)
fear weaken it. Lasting unhappiness or a traumatic If the patient then spends time in a n average hos-
Psychological Considerations for the Gerson Patient 28

pital, the additional handicap .of dependence, loss of me that those events only represented the last straw
adult autonomy and privacy will make things even that ultimately broke the camel's back; that, indeed,
worse. The patient becomes a massive sufferer, with those people had long existed in what they had felt
no say in what is being done to him or her. In the was a life trap, an impossible existential situation that
telling phrase of Ivan Illich, "Modern medicine turns apparently could neither be borne nor changed.
the patient into a limp and mystified voyeur in the grip LeShan and Carl Simonton, M.D., describe this life
of bio-engineers." trap in detail. My own case material bears out its
These observations apply to cancer patients diag- existence, and also the fact that those who feel unable
nosed and treated in an orthodox medical framework. to escape eventually reach a stage when they don't
But a s almost all patients come to the Gerson Therapy care whether they live or die. As many of them have
from that system we must recognize their depressed, told me, "Something snapped." I suspect it was the
fearful or numb state and do something about it - fast. last strand of their will to live.
Ordinarily, humanity demands that we try to relieve And, a s the well-known saying has it, "Cancer is a
their sense of isolation, fear and hopelessness, by giv- socially acceptable form of suicide."
ing them time, space and permission to unload their What we are dealing with here is the mysterious
huge emotional burden. interaction of biochemist and emotions, a vast new
But beside ordinary humanity, in the light of PNI's area of body-mind medicine which we are only begin-
findings there are also sound medical reasons for ning to explore. But there is already enough orthodox
urgently re-programming the patients' inner state clinical, a s opposed to anecdotal, evidence to prove
from negative to positive. "No attempt should be made that inner attitudes can make a big difference to sur-
to cure the body without the soul," wrote the Greek vival.
philosopher Plato nearly 2400 years ago. In today's In a now classical study, British researcher
terms, even the brilliant Gerson program cannot do its Stephen Greer interviewed a group of women three
best if something deep down in the patient's con- months after they had undergone mastectomies, to
sciousness keeps saying "No" to life. - find out how they were coping. He found four distinct
And that something may be a totally separate diag- types among them who showed, respectively, fighting
nosis. It may have to do with what Lawrence LeShan, spirit, denial, stoic acceptance, and hopelessness.
pioneer researcher of the body-mind link in malignant After 5 and 10 years, 80% of the fighters, but only
disease, dubbed "the cancer-prone personality". 20% of the hopeless had survived. These rates had
Other researchers soon confirmed his observation nothing to do with medical prognoses.
that certain personality traits seemed to pre-dispose In the U.S., David Spiegel, M.D., of Stanford,
some people to cancer. In LeShan's formulation, invited a group of 56 women with metastasized breast
these traits include low self-esteem, difficulty in cancer to attend weekly meetings for a year, where
expressing anger or aggression, a tendency to please they could share worries and sorrows, encourage each
others and ignore his/her own needs and feelings. In ether, and change their mental attitude. A control
other words, the true self of such a person has disap- group of 50 women attended no such meetings.
peared behind a false self, developed probably in early Spiegel only wanted to discover whether the group
childhood and maintained in adulthood, although no activity enhanced the members' quality of life, which
longer necessary. it certainly did. But, to his amazement, he found that
Naturally, this personality profile is only a model they also lived twice a s long a s those that did not
and does not apply to all cancer patients, although in attend.
my work with sufferers over nearly fourteen years I These studies, a s well a s my own case histories
have often come across these character traits. What suggest that the fighters, unlike the despondent
matters is that - together or separately - they signal a patients, give positive non-verbal messages to their
negative outlook on life which a cancer diagnosis can bodies which boost their immune system, and get
turn into bleak despair; and PNI tells u s clearly what results accordingly. Not always. Humanity's mortal-
that means in trends of reduced immune competence. ity rate remains obstinately loo%, but we don't all
It is well known that cancer often appears 18 have to go at once.
months or two years after some untoward life event, Still, on the orthodox side, an interesting insight
such a s bereavement, divorce, career crisis, fiscal comes from U.S. oncologist-surgeon Bernie Siegal,
blow, and so on. Experience with clients has shown M.D., author of several best-selling books which have
29 Gerson Therapy Handbook

helped to extend public understanding of the body- the patient recognize and release self-defeating pat-
mind link in health and sickness. He claims that 15- terns, old unfinished business, and resentment -
20% of cancer patients unconsciously or consciously especially resentment, since the repeated reliving of
want to die, no doubt to get out of a bad life trap. 60- old hurts, rage or pain puts the autonomic nervous
70% wish to get well but are passive and expect the system into distress mode, which is the last thing the
doctor to do all the work. 15-20%, however, are patient needs.
exceptional: they refuse to play victim, they research Reprogramming means shifting the emphasis from
their disease, don't obey the doctor automatically but negative to positive. To quote LeShan once again, his
ask questions, demand control and make informed basic question is "What's right with you?" What are
choices. In Bernie Siegel's words, "Difficult or unco- your special ways of being, relating, creating? What is
operative patients are most likely to get well. " blocking their expression? What do you need to fulfill
Apparently they have more killer T-cells than docile yourself? Above all, what do YOU want to do with
patients. I suspect that many Gerson patients would your life?"
qualify for membership in Bernie Siegel's groups of I agree with LeShan's claim that under the circum-
Exceptional Cancer Patients. stances it is permissible to ask questions which one
So how do we go about promoting a positive out- would avoid otherwise. Questions like: If you had
look and a fighting spirit in the patient? another thirty years to live, would you remarry your
The best I can offer is what I have learned and spouse? or stay with your partner? or remain in your
practiced over the years. The following steps refer to present career?
all patients with cancer or other chronic degenerative Once these important basics have been clarified, it
diseases; the specific needs of Gerson patients will be is time to switch from the passive to the active mode
discussed afterwards. The first step is to de-mystify and point out the enormous potential open to the
the disease, discuss it openly, in a natural voice, with- patient, if only he or she will act, not just react, and
out euphemisms or technical jargon. This helps to start making personal decisions. After all, there is
provide a safe space where the patient can find emo- nothing to lose.
tional release, encouraged by being listened to with If possible, the family dynamics should also be
total, non-judgmental attention. explored. A toxic relationship - to a spouse, an over-
I always ask the initial question, "Do you want to demanding parent or antagonistic children - may con-
live?" If the answer is yes, I ask, "Do you want to live tribute to the disease. Without recognizing the situa-
unconditionally?" Another firm "yes" settles that mat- tion there is no way to ease it.
ter. But often a "yes, but ..." reply identifies an unde- A great deal can be achieved in a short time. The
cided individual, and the need for further exploration. main tool of the physician or therapist is his or her
It is important to build a therapeutic partnership personality and calm, reliable presence. Often this
with the patient and give him or her responsibility and presence is the only solid support to the patient's con-
a n active role to play. We must be totally honest, have fused, chaotic world. Other tools, such a s teaching
the courage to say "I don't know" when we don't refuse relaxation techniques, simple meditation, and creative
any kind of prognosis. If a patient tells u s that 85% visualization, focused on self-healing, can and should
of people with his condition die within three years, we he used later, by suitably trained counselors and ther-
invite him to join the 15% who don't. (I recall with joy apists.
and admiration the fragile little lady riddled with can- Beside the trauma and psychological needs experi-
cer who, when told that she had six months to live, enced by cancer sufferers in general, Gerson patients
brightly replied, "Oh good, I have six months to get have extra burdens to bear. Far too many come to the
well." And get well she did, on the Gerson Therapy ...) therapy a s a last resort, after conventional treatments
The 18-24 months of the patient's life prior to the have failed them, leaving behind a sense of disap-
diagnosis can yield valuable clues. Did some major pointment, betrayal, and a range of severe after-
stress drive the patient to drink, drugs or other effects. For them, embarking on the Gerson Therapy
destructive habits which caused significant liver dam- is like taking a mad gamble, an end-of-the-line deci-
age? Gentle questioning often allows u s to identify sion.
some life trap; the next task is to show that there is a Others choose the Gerson path at an earlier, less
way out, other than dying. serious stage of their disease, with fewer preventable
To flush out the inner saboteur, we need to help changes in their bodies, but with a poor prognosis.
Psychological Considerations for the Gerson Patient 30

Either way they embark on an unfamiliar treatment, Garden of Eden where everything is done for the
much of which sounds bizarre a t first. patient, and reality must be faced at home. For the
They step outside the boundaries of orthodox med- patient who starts a t home, chaos sets in - temporar-
icine, the network of doctors, consultants, hospitals, ily from Day One.
referrals; a whole system which has been unable to At first, the sheer tasks of the day seem impossible:
heal them yet still carries a n aura of great power. preparing juices, food, enema coffee, washing u p end-
Some may have been shown the door by their physi- lessly, securing deliveries, checking on the helper,
cian. Others face pressure and doubts from family cleaning u p after the helper - above all, remaining
members and friends who don't see how a weird, sane. At this stage, practical help is essential almost
never-heard-of therapy can succeed where modem round the clock, to stop the patient from giving u p at
high-tech medicine has failed. once.
The would-be patient's own doubts spring largely Act One is so busy and active that there is little
from the sheer length of the therapy. In the more space and time for psychological matters.
familiar allopathic field of medicine there is a pill for
every ill, you either recover or you die, but at least Act Two
things happen fast. To face two years of unremitting The main part (possibly the longest second act on
effort, strict discipline and monotony sounds pretty Earth). The daily routine has been established and is
horrendous, especially because there is no guarantee rolling along, but even with helpers it demands time,
of success a t the other end. This explains why only a effort and perseverance. The monotony and boredom
small percentage of inquirers chooses to embark on begin to tell on the patient who feels restricted, under
the therapy (in the U.K. the uptake is around 20%) virtual house arrest. In theory it is possible to go out
after digesting the first batch of information. after dinner, in practice it does not happen often.
We can assume a certain toughness and determi- Then there is the problem of flare-ups or healing
nation, or sheer despair, in those who are willing to reactions which can be vile yet have to be welcomed,
make a start. At this stage, their main need is for since they signal that the body is responding to the
reassurance, for sober hope mixed with honest real- therapy. By way of psychological support the reasons
ism. They need to hear that theirs is a serious disease and symptoms of flare-ups must be explained in
indeed, but it is possible to recover from it, and the advance, so that the patient does not panic (while feel-
Gerson Therapy is the most logical way to regain their ing terrible). "This, too, will pass" is the best comfort
health. This is when the cognitive approach works we can offer.
best, explaining the "how"and the "why"of the Gerson An opposite problem, admittedly much rarer, is
program. It needs no medical background to under- when there are no flare-ups for a while, and the
stand why rebuilding the immune system is a better patient immediately concludes that the therapy is not
idea than knocking it out with radiation and a cock- working, there is no hope left. I remember my own
tail of toxic substances. despondency all those years ago when, except for one
And so, by this stage having settled the emotional almighty flare-up, 1 did not have any for months. It
overload of the patient, we work along rational lines, really worried me. Then I had twenty-six in a row,
explaining, answering questions, not asking anything which gave me something else to worry about.
to be taken on trust. This reinforces the patient's Physical detoxification inevitably brings about psy-
involvement in the healing process as a n equal part- chological detoxification, too. Toxins passing through
ner and ally of the doctor or specialist counselor. the central nervous system evoke strange reactions
To get a n overview, it helps to imagine the two or and out-of-character behavior: violent mood swings,
more years of the Gerson Therapy a s a drama in three snappiness, anger, instability, unfair accusations and
acts. aggression. The patient's normally civilized behavior
gives way to drives and emotions that have been
Act One denied and repressed for a long time, perhaps since
Starting out. A time of excitement and exploration, childhood. The adult "censor" within is pushed aside
unfamiliarity, drastic changes in lifestyle, diet, daily by a raging infant, at least for a while, and then takes
routine. Much to learn all the time. It is a great over again, amidst profuse apologies.
advantage to start the therapy at a Gerson clinic. But, This, too, has to be prepared for, and not taken
sooner or later, there follows the expulsion from that personally; it is part of the process. In whatever
31 Gerson Therapy Handbook

capacity we work with the patient, we remain calm, found it helpful to make a solemn contract with the
caring, unchanged, waiting for the inner upheaval to patient who undertook to stick to the diet meticu-
pass. lously for a fortnight. As a rule, quick improvement
However, we need to be more active if depression followed and extending the contract proved easy.
sets in. This, too, can be the result of the detoxifica- The need to observe the rules cannot be overstated.
tion process, or of some small adverse symptom which Small lapses and occasional exceptions, often asked
is immediately seen a s ominous. A bad result in the for by patients, are out of the question, for what
latest blood test or a n apparent change in a palpable exactly is small, and how often does a n occasional
tumor can plunge the patient into black despair. This exception occur? Once the rules are broken, the safe
has to be dispelled fast by pointing out that there are boundaries of the therapy are damaged, and the con-
many ups and downs and fluctuations within the sequences can be serious. However, a s carers or ther-
healing process, so that single symptoms are not sig- apists we must enforce the rules with tact and affec-
nals of doom. tion, otherwise we may end u p in the role of the over-
Depression can also set in when the patient gets strict parent, with "Thou shalt not" written all over us.
terminally fed u p and wants to quit the therapy, During the long main part of the therapy, the
although improvements are noticeable. It is best not patient's boredom can be relieved by providing rele-
to contradict the patient's grumbles but, on the con- vant reading material and tapes, set u p networking
trary, agree that the process is demanding, monoto- with other Gerson Persons, or encourage a fresh
nous, restricting and boring; and then point out the hobby or study that can be fitted in between juices,
good results so far, ask tactless questions, such as, enemas and meals. Friends' behavior can be crucial.
"Would you rather have chemotherapy?" or "All right, Can they bear the patient's illness and face their own
you give u p - and then what?" and wait for the answer. fears, or do they fade out of the picture? And how are
Remember: this, too, will pass. the family members coping? Are they bearing the bur-
Taking life day by day, one day at a tine, is a good den of the therapy without making the patient feel
way to handle the apparent endlessness of the ther- guilty?
apy, without losing sight of the ultimate aim. In fact,
interim goal-setting - what would the patient want to Act Three
achieve in one week, one month and three months - Winding down. The intensive therapy is over. Now
helps even further to break u p the monotony. The is the time to taper it off more and more, cutting down
aims should be realistic and modest, and warmly gradually on juices, enemas, medication, preparing to
acknowledged when they are achieved. Those that did re-enter the world.
not work out can be rephrased or postponed but not This can be a very tricky phase. The same patients
written off a s failures. who used to ask, "Is there life after Gerson?" now are
Food can be a major issue during the main part of reluctant to let go of the routine. It has become a way
the therapy. Many people take to Gerson food at once of life which has served them superbly. They feel and
and enjoy it. Others do not. When resistance wells u p look well, they are symptom-free, with good test
and turns mealtimes into the adult equivalent of nurs- results and no complaints. But they do not want to
ery tantrums, we are u p against the deep emotional come off the therapy.
investment many people have in certain types of food, By then it has become their safety device and sym-
however unhealthy. Their attachment is probably to bolic life-and-health insurance, with the implied fear
the food mother gave then in childhood when food that stopping the therapy may bring on a relapse.
equaled love, even if it was low-grade junk. At a This fear must not be dismissed lightly: it requires a
fraught time such people may feel that what they eat careful, patient "weaning process" to ensure that the
is their last area of free choice, and even though on a tube of the enema bucket does not turn into a substi-
mental level they accept the rightness of the Gerson tute umbilical cord. Sticking with the dietary princi-
diet, on a deeper non-rational level they reject it, ples set out by Dr. Gerson is very necessary for the
sometimes literally. rest of one's life, in order to safeguard one's bravely
This is where wise counseling is needed. The rebuilt health.
patient must be reminded that the food on offer is There are others, of course, who have to be
medicine, that the diet is not for ever, and that accept- restrained from rushing back into their erstwhile dis-
ing it now is a sound investment in the future. I have astrous eating habits at the end of Act Three. As a
Psychological Considerations for the Gerson Patient 32

rule, the attempt is doomed: their detoxified, cleared,

optimally nourished systems tend to shrink away from
so-called normal food, heavy with fat and painfully
salty. If their understanding does not object to junk
food, their taste buds will.
In my experience, after recovery there is no way
back into the pre-disease state. The experience of the
holistic Gerson Therapy changes you, not only in your
lifestyle and eating habits but also in your value sys-
tem, priorities and general outlook. You have been
reborn without the need to die first, and you may eas-
ily and naturally decide to help others, by way of
repaying a debt to life.
Appendix I: Lab Tests

Laboratory testing of blood and will be the Webster's Unabridged mal limits, warrant retesting and
urine are a standard part of your International Dictionary (pub- future monitoring.
Gerson physician's follow-up pro- lished by Merriam Co.). The following laboratory test
tocol for Gerson Therapy patients. One of the first realizations the report is an example taken from
The following compendium of reader will have is that lab values the chart of a Gerson patient.
explanations and interpretations shift frequently, rapidly, and for a Headings below are number-refer-
is provided to help people feel less wide variety of reasons. Even enced to this report. Please note
intimidated by unfamiliar terms, large shifts which fall within or that no two laboratories use the
and to acquaint them with cur- close to normal indicated limits same forms or necessarily group
rent knowledge. should not be cause for alarm. tests in the same way. Although
Either Gould's Medical Results of a single set of most labs are now using stan-
Dictionary or Tuber's Cyclopedic chemistries or counts are never dardized reporting systems, some
Medical Dictionary will prove an conclusive. Remarkable results, labs will use ranges of findings
indispensable aid. Also valuable those which fall far outside of nor- which differ from those below.



mg/dl (M 2-65) IU/L mg/dl mg/dl

TSH Uric Acid Glucose Iron

Thyroid tests not reliable when iodine (Lugol's)

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. and Thyroid hormone are given. 20. 21. 22.

x l06/mm3 g/dl % 1.13 W9 % x l03/mm3 x l03/mm3 (45.75%) (0-5%)

(M 4.3-5.9) (M 13.9-18.0) (M 39-55) (80-100) (26-34) (31-37) (140-440) (4.0-10.5) (1.5-8.0)
(F 3.5-5.5) (F 12.0-16.0) (F 36-48)
(See WBC differential)
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. % ABSOLUTE VALUES

A comment applied to this test has been printed in the body of the report.
Appendix I: Lab Tests 34

I adults. Calcium levels can rise a s

I 1. Calcium, serum high a s 12 mg/dl (3.0 mmol/L) 2. Phosphates, serum
This test measures serum levels during phases of rapid bone This test measures serum levels
of calcium, a predominantly growth. of phosphates, the dominant cel-
1 extracellular cation that helps lular anions. Phosphates help
regulate and promote neuromus- Implications of results store and utilize body energy, and
cular and enzyme activity, skele- Abnormally high serum calcium help regulate calcium levels, car-
tal development, and blood coag- levels (hypercalcemia) may occur bohydrate and lipid metabolism,
ulation. The body absorbs cal- in hyperparathyroidism and and acid-base balance. Phos-
cium from the gastrointestinal parathyroid tumors (caused by phates are essential to bone for-
tract, provided sufficient vitamin oversecretion of parathyroid hor- mation; about 85% of the body's
D is present, and excretes it in the mone), Paget's disease of the phosphates are found in bone.
urine and feces. Over 98% of the bone, multiple myeloma, metasta- The intestine absorbs a consider-
body's calcium can shift in and tic carcinoma, multiple fractures, able amount of phosphates from
out of these structures. For exam- or prolonged immobilization. dietary sources, but adequate lev-
ple, when calcium concentrations Elevated serum calcium levels els of vitamin D are necessary for
in the blood fall below normal, may also result from inadequate their absorption. The kidneys
calcium ions can move out of the excretion of calcium, a s in excrete phosphates and serve a s a
bones and teeth to help restore adrenal insufficiency and renal regulatory mechanism. Because
blood levels. disease; from excessive calcium calcium and phosphate interact
Parathyroid hormone, vitamin ingestion; or from overuse of in a reciprocal relationship, uri-
D, and to a lesser extent, calci- antacids such a s calcium carbon- nary excretion of phosphates
tonin and adrenal steroids control ate. increases or decreases in inverse
calcium blood levels. Calcium and Low calcium levels (hypocal- proportion to serum calcium lev-
phosphorus are closely related, cemia) may result from els. Abnormal concentrations of
usually reacting together to form hypoparathyroidism, total para- phosphates result more often
insoluble calcium phosphate. To thyroidectomy, or malabsorption. from improper excretion than
prevent formation of a precipitate Decreased serum levels of cal- from abnormal ingestion or
in the blood, calcium levels vary cium may follow calcium loss in absorption from dietary sources.
inversely with phosphorus; a s Cushing's syndrome, renal fail-
serum calcium levels rise, phos- ure, acute pancreatitis, and peri- Purpose
phorus levels should decrease tonitis. To aid diagnosis of renal disor-
through renal excretion. Since the ders and acid-base imbalance.
body excretes calcium daily, regu- Clinical Alert: Observe the To detect endocrine, skeletal,
lar ingestion of calcium in food (at patient with hypercalcemia for and calcium disorders.
least 1 g/day) is necessary for deep bone pain, flank pain caused
normal calcium balance. by renal calculi, and muscle Values
hypotonicity. Hypercalcemic cri- Normally, serum phosphate levels
Purpose sis begins with nausea, vomiting, range from 2.5 to 4.5 mg/dl (0.80
To aid diagnosis of neuromuscu- and dehydration, leading to stu- to 1.40 mmol/L) or from 1.8 to 2.6
lar, skeletal, and endocrine disor- por and coma, and can end in mEq/liter. Children have higher
ders; arrhythmias; blood-clotting cardiac arrest. serum phosphate levels than
deficiencies; and acid-base imbal- In a patient with hypocal- adults. Phosphate levels can rise
ance. cemia, be alert for circumoral and a s high a s 7 mg/dl (2.25 mmol/L)
peripheral numbness and tin- during periods of increased bone
Values gling, muscle twitching, growth.
Normally, serum calcium levels Chvostek's sign (facial muscle
range from 8.9 to 10.1 mg/dl spasm), tetany, muscle cramping. Implications of results
(atomic absorption; 2.25 to 2.75 Trousseau's sign (carpopedal Because serum phosphate values
mmol/L). In children, serum cal- spasm), seizures, and arrhyth- alone are of limited use diagnosti-
cium levels are higher than in mias. cally (only a few rare conditions
35 Gerson Therapy Handbook

directly affect phosphate metabo- sodium-water balance through interpreted in light of the patient's
lism), they should be interpreted aldosterone, which inhibits state of hydration.
in light of serum calcium results. sodium excretion and promotes Elevated serum sodium levels
Depressed phosphate levels its resorption (with water) by the (hypernatremia) may be caused
(hypophosphatemia) may result renal tubules, to maintain bal- by inadequate water intake, water
from malnutrition, malabsorption ance. Low sodium levels stimulate loss in excess of sodium (as in
syndromes, hyperparathyroidism, aldosterone secretion; elevated diabetes insipidus, impaired renal
renal tubular acidosis, or treat- sodium levels depress aldosterone function, prolonged hyperventila-
ment of diabetic acidosis. In chil- secretion. tion, and occasionally, severe
dren, hypophosphatemia can vomiting or diarrhea), and sodium
suppress normal growth. S p e c i a l Note: In the context of the retention (as in aldosteronism).
Elevated levels (hyperphos- Gerson Therapy, both sodium and Hypernatremia can also result
phatemia) may result from skele- chloride levels may occasionally from excessive sodium intake.
tal disease, healing fractures, fall below normal limits for the Clinical Alert: In a patient
hypoparathyroidism, acromegaly, general population. When this with hypernatremia and associ-
diabetic acidosis, high intestinal occurs, frequent monitoring of elec- ated loss of water, observe for
obstruction, and renal failure. trolytes and continuous clinical signs of thirst, restlessness, dry
Hyperphosphatemia is rarely clin- observation are warranted. In and sticky mucous membranes,
ically significant; however, if pro- most cases, sodium spilling is sev- flushed skin, oliguria, and dimin-
longed, it can alter bone metabo- limiting. Reduction of edema ished reflexes. However, if
lism by causing abnormal cal- through elimination of sodium is increased total body sodium
cium phosphate deposits. the goal of sodium restriction and causes water retention, observe
potassium supplementation. The for hypertension, dyspnea, and
body mechanisms which are accel- edema.
3. Sodium, serum erated by the Gerson Therapy in Abnormally low serum sodium
This test measures serum levels order to remove sodium from dis- levels (hyponatremia) may result
of sodium, the major extracellular eased tissue will not normally from inadequate sodium intake or
cation. Sodium affects body water cause a severe reduction of serum excessive sodium loss caused by
distribution, maintains osmotic sodium which is essential for life. profuse sweating, gastrointestinal
pressure of extracellular fluid, Note: When below normal sodium suctioning. diuretic therapy, diar-
and helps promote neuromuscu- levels occur, the Gerson physician rhea, vomiting, adrenal insuffi-
lar function; it also helps main- should be immediately consulted. ciency, burns, or chronic renal
tain acid-base balance and influ- insufficiency with acidosis. Urine
ences chloride and potassium lev- Purpose sodium determinations are fre-
els. Sodium is absorbed by the To evaluate fluid-electrolyte and quently more sensitive to early
intestines and is excreted primar- acid-base balance, and related changes in sodium balance and
ily by the kidneys; a small neuromuscular, renal, and should always be evaluated
amount is lost through the skin. adrenal functions. simultaneously with serum
Since extracellular sodium To evaluate the effects of drug sodium findings.
concentration helps the kidneys therapy (such a s diuretics) on In a patient with hypona-
to regulate body water (decreased serum sodium levels. tremia, watch for apprehension,
sodium levels promote water Values lassitude, headache, decreased
excretion and increased levels Normally serum sodium levels skin turgor, abdominal cramps,
promote retention), serum levels range from 135 to 145 mEq/liter and tremors that may progress to
of sodium are evaluated in rela- (mmol/ L). convulsions.
tion to the amount of water in the
body. For example, a sodium Implications o f results
deficit (hyponatremia) refers to a Sodium imbalance can result 4. Potassium, serum
decreased level of sodium in rela- from a loss or gain of sodium, or This test, a quantitative analysis,
tion to the body's water level. The from a change in water volume. measures serum levels of potas-
body normally regulates this Serum sodium results must be sium, the major intracellular
Appendix I: Lab Tests 36

cation. Small amounts of potas- Values an ECG provides the definitive

sium may also be found in extra- Normally, serum potassium levels diagnosis.
cellular fluid. Vital to homeosta- range from 3.8 to 5.5 mEq/liter Clinical Alert (2): Observe a
sis, potassium maintains cellular (mmol/ L). patient with hypokalemia for
osmotic equilibrium and helps decreased reflexes; rapid, weak,
regulate muscle activity (it's Implications of results irregular pulse; mental confusion;
essential in maintaining electrical Abnormally high serum potas- hypotension; anorexia; muscle
conduction within the cardiac sium levels (hyperkalemia) are weakness; and paresthesia. ECG
and skeletal muscles). Potassium common in patients with bums, shows a flattened T wave, ST
also helps regulate enzyme activ- crushing injuries, diabetic depression, and U wave elevation.
ity and acid-base balance, and ketoacidosis, and myocardial In severe cases. ventricular fibril-
influences kidney function. infarction - conditions in which lation, respiratory paralysis, and
Potassium levels are affected by excessive cellular potassium cardiac arrest can develop.
variations in the secretion of enters the blood. Hyperkalemia
adrenal steroid hormones, and by may also indicate reduced sodium Interfering factors
fluctuations in pH, serum glucose excretion, possibly because of Excessive or rapid potassium
levels, and serum sodium levels. renal failure (preventing normal infusion, spironolactone or peni-
A reciprocal relationship appears sodium-potassium exchange) or cillin G potassium therapy, or
to exist between potassium and Addison's disease (caused by the renal toxicity from administration
sodium; a substantial intake of absence of aldosterone, with con- of amphotericin B, methicillin, or
one element causes a correspond- sequent potassium buildup and tetracycline increases serum
ing decrease in the other. sodium depletion). potassium levels.
Although it readily conserves Note: Although elevated serum Insulin and glucose adminis-
sodium, the body has no efficient potassium is uncommon in Gerson tration, diuretic therapy (espe-
method for conserving potassium. patients, if it does occur, supple- cially with thiazides, but not with
Even in potassium depletion, the mental potassium should be dis- triamterene, amiloride, or
kidneys continue to excrete continued and the Gerson physi- spironolactone), or 1:V. infusions
potassium; therefore, potassium cian should be immediately con- without potassium decrease
deficiency can develop rapidly and sulted. serum potassium levels.
is quite common. Clinical Alert: Observe a Excessive hemolysis of the
Since the kidneys excrete patient with hyperkalemia for sample or delay in drawing blood
nearly all the ingested potassium, weakness, malaise, nausea, diar- following application of a tourni-
a dietary intake of at least 40 rhea, colicky pain, muscle irri- quet increases potassium levels.
mEq/day (mmol/d) is essential. tability progressing to flaccid
(A normal diet usually includes paralysis, oliguria, and bradycar-
60 to 100 mEq [mmol/d] potas- dia. Electrocardiogram (ECG) 5. Chloride, serum
sium.) reveals a prolonged PR interval; This test, a quantitative analysis,
wide QRS; tall, tented T wave; and measures serum levels of chlo-
Purpose ST depression. ride, the major extracellular fluid
To evaluate clinical signs of Below-normal potassium val- anion. Interacting with sodium,
potassium excess (hyperkalemia) ues often result from aldostero- chloride helps maintain the
or potassium depletion nism or Cushing's syndrome osmotic pressure of blood and
(hypokalemia). (marked by hypersecretion of therefore helps regulate blood vol-
To monitor renal function, acid- adrenal steroid hormones), loss of ume and arterial pressure.
base balance, and glucose metab- body fluids (as in long-term Chloride levels also affect acid-
olism. diuretic therapy), or excessive base balance. Serum concentra-
To evaluate neuromuscular and licorice ingestion (because of the tions of this electrolyte are regu-
endocrine disorders. aldosterone-like effect of gly- lated by aldosterone secondarily
To detect the origin of arrhyth- cyrrhizic acid). Although serum to regulation of sodium. Chloride
mias. values and clinical symptoms can is absorbed from the intestines
indicate a potassium imbalance, and is excreted primarily by the
37 Gerson Therapy Handbook

kidneys. por, rapid deep breathing, and samples are drawn too late to dis-
weakness that may lead to coma. play elevation.
Purpose To monitor patient response to
To detect acid-base imbalance some forms of chemotherapy.
(acidosis and alkalosis) and to aid 6. Lactic dehydrogenase
evaluation of fluid status and (LDH) Values
extracellular cation-anion bal- Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) is a n Total LDH levels normally range
ance. enzyme that catalyzes the from 48 to 115 U / L. Normal dis-
reversible conversion of muscle tribution is a s follows -
Values pyruvic acid into lactic acid. LDH(I): 17.5% to 28.3% of total
Normally serum chloride levels Because LDH is present in almost LDH(2): 30.4% to 36.4% of total
range from 100 to 108 mEq/liter all body tissues, cellular damage LDH(3): 19.2% to 24.8% of total
(mmol/ L). causes a n elevation of total serum LDH(4): 9.6% to 15.6% of total
LDH, thus limiting the diagnostic LDH(5): 5.5% to 12.7% of total
Implications of results usefulness of LDH. However, five
Chloride levels relate inversely to tissue specific isoenzymes can be Implications of results
those of bicarbonate and thus identified and measured, using Since many common diseases
reflect acid-base balance. heat inactivation or electrophore- cause elevations in total LDH lev-
Excessive loss of gastric juices or sis: two of these isoenzymes, els, isoenzymeelectrophoresis is
of other secretions containing LDH(1) and LDH(2), appear pri- usually necessary for diagnosis.
chloride may cause marily in the heart, red blood In some disorders, total LDH may
hypochloremic metabolic alkalo- cells, and kidneys; LDH(3), pri- be within normal limits, but
sis; excessive chloride retention or marily in the lungs; and LDH(4) abnormal proportions of each
ingestion may lead to hyper- and LDH(5), in the liver and the enzyme indicate specific organ
chloremic metabolic acidosis. skeletal muscles. tissue damage. For instance, in
Elevated serum chloride levels The specificity of LDH isoen- acute MI, the concentration of
(hypercloremia) may result from zymes and their distribution pat- LDH(1) is greater than LDH(2)
severe dehydration, complete tern is useful in diagnosing within 12 to 48 hours after onset
renal shutdown, head injury (pro- hepatic, pulmonary, and erythro- of symptoms. This reversal of nor-
ducing neurogenic hyperventila- cytic damage. But its widest clini- mal isoenzyme patterns is typical
tion), and primary aldosteronism. cal application (with other cardiac of myocardial damage and is
Low chloride levels enzyme tests) is in diagnosing referred to a s flipped LDH.
(hypochloremia) are usually asso- acute myocardial infarction (MI).
ciated with low sodium and potas- LDH isoenzyme assay is also use-
sium levels. Possible underlying ful when creatine phosphokinase 7. SGOT / AST
causes include prolonged vomit- (CPK) hasn't been measured (Aspartate transaminase, serum:
ing, gastric suctioning, intestinal within 24 hours of an acute MI. glutamic-oxaloacetic transami-
fistula, chronic renal failure, and The myocardial LDH level rises nase, serum
Addison's disease. Congestive later than CPK (12 to 48 hours Aspartate aminotransferase
heart failure, or edema resulting after infarction begins), peaks in 2 (AST),is one of two enzymes that
in excess extracellular fluid can to 5 days, and drops to normal in catalyze the transfer of the
cause dilutional hypochloremia. 7 to 10 days, if tissue necrosis nitrogenous portion of amino acid
Note: If below normal chloride lev- doesn't persist. to an amino acid residue. AST is
els occur, the Gerson physician found in the cytoplasm and mito-
should be immediately consulted. Purpose chondria of many cells, primarily
Clinical Alert: Observe a To aid differential diagnosis of in the liver, heart, skeletal mus-
patient with hypochloremia for MI, pulmonary infarction, ane- cles, kidneys, pancreas, and to a
hypertonicity of muscles, tetany, mias, and hepatic disease. lesser extent, in red blood cells. It
and depressed respirations. In a To support CPK isoenzyme test is released into serum in propor-
patient with hyperchloremia, be results in diagnosing MI, or to tion to cellular damage.
alert for signs of developing stu- provide diagnosis when CPK-MB Although a high correlation
Appendix I: Lab Tests 38

exists between myocardial infarc- injury, and severe passive liver iary system and a normal red
tion (MI) and elevated AST, this congestion. blood cell turnover rate.
test is sometimes considered High levels: (ranging from 10 Therefore, measurement of
superfluous for diagnosing MI to 20 times normal) may indicate unconjugated (indirect or prehep-
because of its relatively low organ severe myocardial infarction, atic) bilirubin, and conjugated
specificity; it doesn't enable differ- severe infectious mononucleosis, (direct or posthepatic) bilirubin
entiation between acute MI and and alcoholic cirrhosis. High lev- can help evaluate hepatobiliary
the effects of hepatic congestion els may also occur during the pro- and erythropoietic functions.
due to heart failure. dromal or resolving stages of con- Serum bilirubin measurements
ditions that cause maximal eleva- are especially significant in
Purpose tions. neonates because elevated
To detect recent MI (together Moderate-to-high levels: unconjugated bilirubin can accu-
with creatine phosphokinase and (ranging from 5 to 10 times nor- mulate in the brain (kernicterus)
lactate dehydrogenase). mal) may indicate Duchennne and cause irreparable tissue dam-
To aid detection and differential muscular dystrophy, dermato- age.
diagnosis of acute hepatic dis- myositis, and chronic hepatitis. Elevated indirect serum biliru-
ease. Moderate-to-high levels also bin levels often indicate hepatic
To monitor patient progress and occur during prodromal and damage in which the parenchy-
prognosis in cardiac and hepatic resolving stages of diseases that mal calls can no longer conjugate
diseases. cause high elevations. bilirubin with glucuronide.
Low-to-moderate levels: Consequently, indirect bilirubin
Values (ranging from 2 to 5 times normal) reenters the bloodstream. High
AST levels by a commonly used may indicate hemolytic anemia, levels of indirect bilirubin are also
method range from 8 to 20 U/L. metastatic hepatic tumors, acute likely in severe hemolytic anemia,
Normal values for infants are a s pancreatitis, pulmonary emboli, when excessive indirect bilirubin
high a s four times those of adults. alcohol withdrawal syndrome, overwhelms the liver's conjugat-
and fatty liver. AST levels rise ing mechanism. If hemolysis con-
Implications of results slightly after the first few days of tinues, both direct and indirect
AST levels fluctuate in response biliary duct obstruction. Also, bilirubin may rise.
to the extent of cellular necrosis low-to-moderate elevations occur
and therefore may be transiently at some time during any of the Purpose
and minimally elevated early in preceding conditions or diseases. To evaluate liver function.
the disease process, and To aid differential diagnosis of
extremely elevated during the jaundice and to monitor the pro-
most acute phase. Depending on 8. Bilirubin, serum gression of this disorder.
when the initial sample was This test measures serum levels To aid diagnosis of biliary
drawn, AST levels can rise - indi- of bilirubin, the predominant pig- obstruction and hemolytic ane-
cating increasing disease severity ment in bile. Bilirubin is the mia.
and tissue damage - or fall - indi- major product of hemoglobin To determine whether a neonate
cating disease resolution and tis- catabolism. After being formed in requires a n exchange transfusion
sue repair. Thus, the relative the reticuloendothelial cells, or phototherapy because of dan-
change in AST values serves a s a bilirubin is bound to albumin and gerously high levels of unconju-
reliable monitoring mechanism. is transported to the liver, where gated bilirubin.
Maximum elevations are asso- it is conjugated with glucuronic
ciated with certain diseases and acid to form bilirubin glucuronide Values
conditions. For example, very and bilirubin diglucuronide - Normally in a n adult, indirect
high elevations (more than 20 compounds that are then serum bilirubin measures 1.1
times normal) may indicate acute excreted in bile. mg/dl or less; direct serum biliru-
viral hepatitis, severe skeletal Effective conjugation and bin, less than 0.5 mg/dl. Total
muscle trauma, extensive excretion of bilirubin depends on serum bilirubin in neonates
surgery, drug-induced hepatic a properly functioning hepatobil- ranges from I to 12 mg/dl.
39 Gerson Therapy Handbook

Implications of results determining compliance with bone marrow, and platelets.

Elevated serum levels of indirect treatment of alcoholism. GGT is Prostatic and erythrocytic
bilirubin indicate hemolysis (for more sensitive than alkaline enzymes are this group's two
example in G-6PD deficiency, phosphatase in predicting major isoenzymes; the prostatic
autoimmunity, or transfusion cholestatic processes and neo- isoenzyme is more specific for
reaction); hemolytic or pernicious plastic liver disease. However, its prostatic cancer. The more wide-
anemia or hemorrhage; hepato- sensitivity to induction by drugs spread the tumor, the more likely
cellular dysfunction (possibly is problematic in regard to speci- it is to produce high serum acid
resulting from viral hepatitis or ficity. phosphatase levels. The acid
congenital enzyme deficiencies, phosphatase assay is usually
such a s Gilbert's disease and Purpose restricted to adult males to detect
Crigler-Najjar syndrome); or To aid diagnosis of obstructive prostatic cancer.
neonatal hepatic immaturity. jaundice in neoplastic liver dis- This test measures total acid
Elevated levels of direct conju- ease and detection of recent alco- phosphatase and the prostatic
gated bilirubin usually indicate hol consumption. fraction in serum by radioim-
biliary obstruction, in which When used with alkaline phos- munoassay or biochemical
direct bilirubin, blocked from its phatase, to suggest the source of enzyme assay.
normal pathway from the liver elevated alkaline phosphatase
into the biliary tree, overflows into levels. Purpose
the bloodstream. Biliary obstruc- To detect prostatic cancer and to
tion may be intrahepatic (viral Values monitor response to therapy for
hepatitis, cirrhosis, chlorpro- The normal range for GGT varies prostatic cancer; successful treat-
mazine reaction), extrahepatic considerably with age in males ment decreases acid phosphatase
(gallstones, gallbladder or pancre- but is not affected in females. The levels.
atic carcinoma), or result from normal range in males between
bile duct disease. If biliary ages 18 to 50 is 10 to 39 U/L. In Values
obstruction continues, both direct older males, it ranges from 10 to Serum values for total acid phos-
and indirect bilirubin may be 48 U/L. The normal range in phatase range from 0 to 1.1
eventually elevated because of females is 6 to 29 U/L. Usually, Bodansky units/ml; 1 to 4 King
hepatic damage. In severe chronic elevated GGT levels signal a Armstrong units/ml; 0.13 to 0.63
hepatic damage, direct bilirubin cholestatic liver process. Bessey-Lowery-Brock (BLB)
concentrations may return to nor- Alternatively, elevated GGT levels unitslml; and 0 to 6 U/L in SI
mal or near-normal levels, but occur within 24 hours of signifi- units, common to all these meth-
elevated indirect bilirubin levels cant alcohol ingestion. When both ods. Normal range of radioim-
persist. alkaline phosphatase and GGT munoassay results is 0 to 4.0
In neonates, total bilirubin lev- levels are elevated, the source of ng/ml.
els that reach or exceed 20 mg/dl the alkaline phosphatase is most
indicate the need for exchange likely the liver. Note: GGT fre- Implications of results
transfusion. quently rises above normal levels Generally, high prostatic acid
in response to the immune-stimu- phosphatase levels indicate a
lating effect of the Gerson tumor that has spread beyond the
9. Gamma-glutamyl Therapy. prostatic capsule. If the tumor
transpeptidase (GGT), has metastasized to bone, high
serum Acid phosphatase acid phosphatase levels are
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (not listed on example above) accompanied by high alkaline
(GGT) is most commonly elevated Acid phosphatase, a group of phosphatase levels, reflecting
in hepatobiliary disease. This phosphatase enzymes most active increased osteoblastic activity.
enzyme is very sensitive to drug at a pH of about 5.0, appears pri- Misleading results may occur
induction and, therefore, is often marily in the prostate gland and if alkaline phosphatase levels are
used to detect recent alcohol semen, and to a lesser extent, in high, because acid and alkaline
ingestion, which is important in the liver, spleen, red blood cells, phosphatase enzymes are very
Appendix I: Lab Tests 40

similar and differ mainly in the To assess hepatotoxicity of some about pH 9.0. Alkaline phos-
optimum pH ranges. Some alka- drugs. phatase influences bone calcifica-
line phosphatase may react at a tion and lipid and metabolite
lower pH and thus be detected a s Values transport. Total serum levels
acid phosphatase. Acid phos- ALT levels by a commonly used reflect the combined activity of
phatase levels rise moderately in method range from 10 to 32 U/L; several alkaline phosphatase
prostatic infarction, Paget's dis- in women, from 9 to 24 U/L. The isoenzymes found in the liver,
ease (some patients), Gaucher's normal range for infants is twice bones, kidneys, intestinal lining,
disease, and occasionally, in that of adults. and placenta. Bone and liver
other conditions, such a s multiple alkaline phosphatase are always
myeloma. Implications of results present in adult serum, with liver
Very high ALT levels: (up to 50 alkaline phosphatase most promi-
times normal) suggest viral or nent - except during the third
1 0. SGPT/ALT severe drug-induced hepatitis, or trimester of pregnancy (when the
(Alanine transaminase, serum; other hepatic disease with exten- placenta originates about half of
glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, sive necrosis. (AST levels are also all alkaline phosphatase) . The
serum) elevated but usually to a lesser intestinal variant of this enzyme
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), degree.) can be a normal component (in
one of the two enzymes that cat- Moderate-to-high levels: may less than 10% of normal patients;
alyzes a reversible amino group indicate infectious mononucleo- a genetically controlled character-
transfer reaction in the Krebs sis, chronic hepatitis, intrahep- istic found almost exclusively in
cycle (citric acid or tricarboxylic atic cholestasis or cholecystitis, the sera of blood groups B and 0);
acid cycle), is necessary for tissue early or improving acute viral or it can be a n abnormal finding
energy production. Unlike aspar- hepatitis, or severe hepatic con- associated with hepatic disease.
tate aminotransferase, the other gestion due to heart failure. The alkaline phosphatase test
aminotransferase, ALT primarily Slight-to-moderate eleva- is particularly sensitive to mild
appears in hepatocellular cyto- tions of ALT: (usually with higher biliary obstruction and is a pri-
plasm, with lesser amounts in the increases in AST levels) may mary indicator of space-occupy-
kidneys, heart, and skeletal mus- appear in any condition that pro- ing hepatic lesions; additional
cles, and is a relatively specific duces acute hepatocellular injury liver function studies are usually
indicator of acute hepatocellular - such a s active cirrhosis, and requil;ed to identify hepatobiliary
damage. When such damage drug- induced or alcoholic hepati- disorders. Its most specific clini-
occurs, ALT is released from the tis. cal application is in the diagnosis
cytoplasm into the bloodstream, Marginal elevations: occa- of metabolic bone disease.
often before jaundice appears, sionally occur in acute myocardial
resulting in abnormally high infarction, reflecting secondary Purpose
serum levels that may not return hepatic congestion or the release To detect and identify skeletal
to normal for days or weeks. This of small amounts of ALT from diseases, primarily characterized
test measures serum ALT levels, myocardial tissue. by marked osteoblastic activity.
using the spectrophotometric or To detect local hepatic lesions
the colorimetric method. Interfering factors causing biliary obstruction, such
Opiate analgesics (morphine, a s tumor or abscess.
Purpose codeine, meperidine) may falsely To supplement information from
To help detect and evaluate elevate ALT levels by increasing other liver function studies and G1
treatment of acute hepatic dis- intrabiliary pressure. enzyme tests.
ease - especially hepatitis, and To assess response to vitamin D
cirrhosis without jaundice. in the treatment of deficiency-
To help distinguish between 1 1 . Alkaline phosphatase induced rickets.
myocardial and hepatic tissue This test measures serum levels
damage (used with aspartate of alkaline phosphatase, a n Values
aminotransferase [AST]). enzyme that is most active at The normal range of serum alka-
41 Gerson Therapy Handbook

line phosphatase varies with the from pancreatic cancer raise alka- syndrome, pancreatitis, hepatic
laboratory method used. Total line phosphatase levels without a disease, hypothyroidism, and
alkaline phosphatase levels range concomitant rise in AST levels. hyperthyroidism.
from 30 to 120 U/L in adults; 40 Isoenzyme fractionation and
to 200 U/L in children. Since additional enzyme tests - serum Values
alkaline phosphatase concentra- gamma glutamyl transferase, acid Total cholesterol concentrations
tions rise during active bone for- phosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase, vary with age and sex, and com-
mation and growth, infants, chil- and leucine aminopeptidase - are monly range from 150 to 200
dren, and adolescents normally sometimes performed when the mg/dl.
have high levels that may be three cause of alkaline phosphatase
times a s high a s those of adults. elevations (skeletal or hepatic dis- Implications of results
Pregnancy also causes a physio- ease) is in doubt. Rarely, low The desirable blood cholesterol
logic rise in alkaline phosphatase serum alkaline phosphatase lev- level is below 200 mg/dl. choles-
levels. els are associated with hypophos- terol levels of 200 to 240 mg/dl
Normal range is from 1.5 to 4 phatasia and protein or magne- are considered borderline or at
Bodansky unitsldl; for the King- sium deficiency. high risk for CAD, depending on
Armstrong method, normal adult other concurrent risk factors.
values range from 4 to 13.5 King- Cholesterol levels that exceed 250
Armstrong unitsldl; 0.8 to 2.5 12(a). Cholesterol, total mg/dl indicate high risk of cardio-
Bessey-Lowry unitsldl; and 30 to This test, the quantitative analy- vascular disease and require
110 U / L by SMA 1260. sis of serum cholesterol, mea- treatment.
sures the circulating levels of free Elevated serum cholesterol
Implications of results cholesterol and cholesterol esters; (hypercholesterolemia) may indi-
Significant alkaline phosphatase it reflects the level of the two cate incipient hepatitis, lipid dis-
elevations are most likely to indi- forms in which this biochemical orders, bile duct blockage,
cate skeletal disease, or extra or compound appears in the body. nephrotic syndrome, obstructive
intrahepatic biliary obstruction Cholesterol, a structural com- jaundice, pancreatitis, and
causing cholestasis. Many acute ponent in cell membranes and hypothyroidism.
hepatic diseases cause alkaline plasma lipoproteins, is both Hypercholesterolemia caused by
phosphatase elevations before absorbed from the diet and syn- high dietary intake requires mod-
any change in serum bilirubin thesized in the liver and other ification of eating habits and, pos-
levels. Moderate rise in alkaline body tissues. It contributes to the sibly, medication to retard
phosphatase levels may reflect formation of adrenocorticoid absorption of cholesterol.
acute biliary obstruction from steroids, bile salts, and androgens Low serum cholesterol (hypoc-
hepatocellular inflammation in and estrogens. holesterolemia) is commonly
active cirrhosis, mononucleosis, A diet high in saturated fat associated with malnutrition, cel-
and viral hepatitis. Moderate raises cholesterol levels by stimu- lular necrosis of the liver, and
increases are also seen in osteo- lating absorption of lipids, includ- hyperthyroidism. Abnormal cho-
malacia and deficiency-induced ing cholesterol, from the intestine; lesterol levels frequently necessi-
rickets. a diet low in saturated fat lowers tate further testing to pinpoint the
Sharp elevations of alkaline them. Elevated total serum cho- disorder, depending on the type of
phosphatase levels may result lesterol levels are associated with abnormality and the presence of
from complete biliary obstruction an increased risk ofatheroscle- overt signs. Abnormal levels asso-
by malignant or infectious infil- rotic cardiovascular disease, par- ciated with cardiovascular dis-
trations or fibrosis. Such ticularly coronary artery disease eases, for example, may necessi-
markedly high levels are most (CAD). tate lipoprotein phenotyping.
common in Paget's disease and, Note: Cholesterol levels often drop
occasionally, in biliary obstmc- Purpose below normal levels in Gerson
tion, extensive bone metastases, To assess the risk of CAD. Therapy patients due to the
or hyperparathyroidism. To evaluate fat metabolism. extremely low fat nature of the
Metastatic bone tumors resulting To aid diagnosis of nephrotic diet, such results are not clinically
Appendix I: Lab Tests 42

signif7cant in this context. As well as acting as a carrier of analysis permits early identifica-
these essential compounds, tion of hyperlipemia (characteris-
Interfering factors dietary fat is necessary for their tic in nephrotic syndrome and
Cholesterol levels are lowered by eff7cient absorption from the gas- other conditions) and the risk of
cholestyramine, clofibrate, trointestinal tract. coronary artery disease (CAD).
colestipol, cholchicine, dextrothy- Triglycerides consist of one
roxine, estrogen, dilantin, Purpose molecule of glycerol bonded to
glucagon, heparin, kanamycin, To assess the risk of CAD. three molecules of fatty acids
haloperidol, neomycin, niacin, (usually some combination of
nitrates, para-aminosalicylic acid, Values stearic, oleic, and palmitic). Thus,
and chlortetracycline. Levels are Since normal cholesterol values the degradation of triglycerides is
raised by adrenocorticotropic hor- vary according to age, sex, geo- associated with several lipid
mone, corticosteroids, androgens, graphic region, and ethnic group, aggregates, primarily chylomi-
bile salts, epinephrine, chlorpro- check the laboratory for normal crons, whose major function is
mazine, trifluoperazine, oral con- values. An alternate method transport of dietary triglycerides.
traceptives, salicylates, (measuring cholesterol and When present in serum, chylomi-
thiouracils, and trimethadione. triglyceride levels, and separating crons produce a cloudiness that
Androgens may have a variable out HDL by selective precipitation interferes with many laboratory
effect on cholesterol levels. and using these values to calcu- tests.
Failure to follow dietary restric- late LDL) provides normal HDL-
tions may interfere with test cholesterol levels that range from Purpose
results. 29 to 77 mg/100 ml and normal To determine the risk of CAD.
LDL-cholesterol levels that range To screen for hyperlipemia.
from 62 to 185 mg/ 100 ml. To identify disorders associated
12(b). Lipoprotein-choles- with altered triglyceride levels.
terol fractionation Implications of results
Cholesterol fractionation tests High LDL levels increase the risk Values
isolate and measure the choles- of CAD. Elevated HDL levels gen- Triglyceride values are age-
terol in serum - low-density erally reflect a healthy state but related. Some controversy exists
lipoproteins (LDL) and high-den- can also indicate chronic hepati- over the most appropriate normal
sity lipoproteins (HDL) - by ultra- tis, early-stage primary biliary cir- ranges, but the following are fairly
centrifugation or electrophoresis. rhosis, or alcohol consumption. widely accepted:
The cholesterol in LDL and HDL Rarely, a sharp rise (to a s high a s
fractions is significant, since the 100 mg/dl) in a second type of Age Triglycerides
Framingham Heart Study h a s HDL [alpha(2)-HDL] may signal mg/dl rnrnol/L
shown that cholesterol in HDL is CAD. Although cholesterol frac- 0-29 10-140 0.1-1.55
inversely related to the incidence tionation provides valuable infor- 30-39 10-150 0.1 -1.65
of coronary artery disease (CAD) - mation about the risk of heart 40-49 10-160 0.1-1.75
the higher the HDL level, the disease, other sources of such 50-59 10-190 0.1-2.10
lower the incidence of CAD; con- risk - diabetes mellitus, hyperten-
versely, the higher the LDL level, sion, cigarette smoking - are at Implications of results
the higher the incidence of CAD. least a s important. Increased or decreased serum
Note: A minimal amount of fat triglyceride levels merely suggest
is essential in the diet and is a clinical abnormality, and addi-
included in the Gerson Therapy to 1 3. Triglycerides, serum tional tests are required for defin-
provide an adequate supply of cer- This test provides quantitative itive diagnosis. For example, mea-
tain polyunsaturated fatty acids analysis of triglycerides - the surement of cholesterol may also
(the essential fatty acids) and of main storage form of lipids - be necessary, since cholesterol
fat-soluble vitamins which cannot which constitute about 95% of and triglycerides vary indepen-
be synthesized in adequate fatty tissue. Although not in itself dently.
amounts for optimal body finction. diagnostic, serum triglyceride High levels: of triglyceride and
43 Gerson Therapy Handbook

cholesterol reflect an exaggerated gamma. The first three types act total protein with a reversed A-G
risk ofatherosclerosis or CAD. primarily a s carrier proteins that ratio suggests myeloproliferative
Mild-to-moderate: increase in transport lipids, hormones, and disease (leukemia, Hodgkin's dis-
serum triglyceride levels indicates metals through the blood. The ease) or certain chronic infectious
biliary obstruction, diabetes, fourth type, gamma globulin, is diseases (tuberculosis, chronic
nephrotic syndrome, endocrin- an important component in the hepatitis).
opathies, or excessive consump- body's immune system.
tion of alcohol. Markedly Electrophoresis is the most
increased levels without a n iden- current method for measuring 18. Blood urea nitrogen
tifiable cause reflect congenital serum proteins. However, deter- (BUN)
hyperlipoproteinemia and neces- minations of total protein and This test measures the nitrogen
sitate lipoprotein phenotyping to albumin-globulin (A-G) ratio are fraction of urea, the chief end
confirm diagnosis. still commonly performed. When product of protein metabolism.
Note: Increased levels are some- the relative percent of each com- Formed in the liver from ammonia
times seen in flare ups and reac- ponent protein fraction is multi- and excreted by the kidneys, urea
tions on Gerson Therapy and are plied by the total protein concen- constitutes 40% to 50% of the
of no negative clinical significance. tration, the proportions can be blood's non-protein nitrogen. The
Decreased serum levels are converted into absolute values. blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level
rare, occurring primarily in mal- Regardless of test method, how- reflects protein intake and renal
nutrition or abetalipoproteinemia. ever, a single protein fraction is excretory capacity, but is a less
In the latter, serum is virtually rarely significant by itself. The reliable indicator of uremia than
devoid of beta-lipoproteins and usual clinical indication for this the serum creatinine level.
triglycerides, because the body test is suspected hepatic disease Photometry is a commonly used
lacks the capacity to transport or protein deficiency. test method.
preformed triglycerides from the
epithelial cells of the intestinal Purpose Purpose
mucosa or from the liver. To aid diagnosis of hepatic dis- To evaluate renal function and aid
ease, protein deficiency, blood diagnosis of renal disease and to
dyscrasias, renal disorders, and aid assessment of hydration.
14,15,16,17. Protein elec- gastrointestinal and neoplastic
trophoresis, serum diseases. Values
This test measures serum albu- BUN values normally range from
min and globulins, the major Values - 8 to 20 mg/dl.
blood proteins, in an electric field Normal levels range as follows:
by separating the proteins accord- Total serum protein 6.6-7.9 g/dl Implications of results
ing to their size, shape, and elec- Albumin fraction 3.3-4.5 g/dl Elevated BUN levels occur in
tric charge at pH 8.6. Because Alpha(1)-globulin 0.1 -0.4 g/dl renal disease, reduced renal blood
each protein fraction moves at a fraction flow (caused by dehydration, for
different rate, this movement sep- Alpha(2)-globulin 0.5-1.0 g/dl example), urinary tract obstruc-
arates the fractions into recogniz- Beta globulin 0.7-1.2 g/dl tion, and in increased protein
able and measurable patterns. Gamma globulin 0.5-1.6 g/dl catabolism (as in burns).
Albumin, which comprises Depressed BUN levels occur in
more than 50% of total serum Implications of results severe hepatic damage, malnutri-
protein, maintains oncotic pres- The A-G ratio, the balance tion, and overhydration.
sure (preventing leakage of capil- between total albumin and total Note: Due to initial decreased
lary plasma), and transports sub- globulin, is usually evaluated in dietary protein intake, the Gerson
stances that are insoluble in relation to the total protein level. patient's normal value is slightly
water alone, such a s bilirubin, A low total protein and a reversed under that considered normal for
fatty acids, hormones, and drugs. A-G ratio (decreased albumin and the average person.
Four types of globulins exist - elevated globulins) suggest
alpha(l), alpha(2), beta, and chronic liver disease. A normal
Appendix I : Lab Tests 44

Sulfobromophthalein or phenol- Gierke's disease), acute infectious

19. Creatinine, serum sulfonphthalein given within the diseases (such a s infectious
A quantitative analysis of serum previous 24 hours can elevate mononucleosis), hemolytic or
creatinine levels, this test pro- creatinine levels if the test is sickle cell anemia, hemoglo-
vides a more sensitive measure of based on the Jaffe reaction. binopathies, polycythemia,
renal damage than blood urea Patients with exceptionally large leukemia, lymphoma, metastatic
nitrogen levels, because renal muscle masses, such a s athletes, malignancy, and psoriasis.
impairment is virtually the only may have above average creati- Depressed uric acid levels may
cause of creatinine elevation. nine levels, even in the presence indicate defective tubular absorp-
Creatinine is a nonprotein end of normal renal function. tion (as in Fanconi's syndrome
product of creatine metabolism. and Wilson's disease) or acute
Similar to creatine, creatinine hepatic atrophy.
appears in serum in amounts 20. Uric Acid, serum
proportional to the body's muscle Used primarily to detect gout. this Interfering factors
mass; unlike creatine, it is easily test measures serum levels of uric Loop diuretics, ethambutol, vin-
excreted by the kidneys, with acid, the major end metabolite of cristine, pyrazinamide, thiazides,
minimal or no tubular reabsorp- purine. Large amounts of purines and low doses of salicylates may
tion. Creatinine levels, therefore, are present in nucleic acids and raise uric acid levels. When uric
are directly related to the derive from dietary and endoge- acid is measured by the colori-
glomerular filtration rate. Since nous sources. Uric acid clears the metric method, false elevations
creatinine levels normally remain body by glomerular filtration and may be caused by aceta-
constant, elevated levels usually tubular secretion. However, uric minophen, ascorbic acid, lev-
indicate diminished renal func- acid is not very soluble at a pH of odopa, and phenacetin.
tion. Determination of serum cre- 7.4 or lower. Disorders of purine Starvation, a high-purine diet,
atinine is commonly based on the metabolism, rapid destruction of stress and alcohol abuse may
Jaffe reaction. nucleic acids (such a s gout), raise uric acid levels.
excessive cellular generation and Aspirin in high doses, coumarin,
Purpose destruction (such a s leukemia), clofibrate, cinchophen, adreno-
To assess renal glomerular fil- and conditions marked by corticotopic hormone, and phe-
tration and to screen for renal impaired renal excretion (such a s nothiazines may decrease uric
damage. renal failure) characteristically acid levels.
raise serum uric acid levels.
Creatinine concentrations in Purpose 21. Glucose, fasting blood
males normally range from 0.8 to To confirm diagnosis of gout and sugar (FBS)
1.2 mg/dl; in females from 0.6 to to help detect kidney dysfunction. Commonly used to screen for dis-
0.9 mg/dl. orders of glucose metabolism,
Values mainly diabetes mellitus, the fast-
Implications of results Uric acid concentrations in men ing plasma glucose test measures
Elevated serum creatinine levels normally range from 4.3 to plasma glucose levels following a
generally indicate renal disease 8mg/dl; in women, from 2.3 to 6 12-to 14-hour fast.
that has seriously damaged 50% mg/dl. In the fasting state, blood glu-
or more of the nephrons. Elevated cose levels decrease, stimulating
creatinine levels may also be Implications of results release of the hormone glucagon.
associated with gigantism and Increased serum uric acid levels Glucagon then acts to raise
acromegaly. may indicate gout, although levels plasma glucose by accelerating
don't correlate with severity of glycogenolysis, stimulating glyco-
Interfering factors disease or impaired renal func- neogenesis, and inhibiting glyco-
Ascorbic acid (Vit. C), barbitu- tion. Levels may also rise in con- gen synthesis. Normally, secre-
rates, and diuretics may raise gestive heart failure, glycogen tion of insulin checks this rise in
serum creatinine levels. storage disease (type I, von glucose levels. In diabetes, how-
45 Gerson Therapy Handbook

ever, absence or deficiency of ease, brain trauma, chronic ill- state of other iron compartments,
insulin allows persistently high ness, or chronic malnutrition, such a s myoglobin iron and the
glucose levels. and is typical in eclampsia, labile iron pool. Bone marrow or
anoxia, and convulsive disorders. liver biopsy, and iron absorption
Purpose Depressed glucose levels can or excretion studies may yield
To screen for diabetes mellitus result from hyperinsulinism more information.
and other disorders of glucose (overdose of insulin is the most
metabolism. common cause), insulinoma, von Purpose
To monitor drug or dietary ther- Gierke's disease, functional or To estimate total iron storage.
apy in patients with diabetes mel- reactive hypoglycemia, hypothy- To aid diagnosis of hemochro-
litus. roidism, adrenal insufficiency, matosis.
To aid determination of insulin congenital adrenal hyperplasia, To help distinguish between iron
requirements in patients with hypopituitarism, islet cell carci- deficiency anemia and anemia of
uncontrolled diabetes mellitus noma of the pancreas, hepatic chronic disease.
and in those who require par- necrosis, and glycogen storage To aid evaluation of nutritional
enteral or enteral nutritional sup- disease. status.
To aid evaluation of patients Values:
with known or suspected hypo- 22. Iron, serum, and total Normal serum iron and TIBC
glycemia. iron-binding capacity values are as follows:
Iron is essential to the formation Serum iron TlBC Saturation
Values and function of hemoglobin, a s mcg/dl mcg/dl
Normal range for fasting blood well a s many other heme and Men:
glucose varies according to the non-heme compounds. After iron 70- 150 300-400 20% - 50%
laboratory procedure. Generally, is absorbed by the intestine, it's Women:
normal values after a n 8 to 12 distributed to various body com- 80- 150 350-450 20% - 50%
hour fast are a s follows: fasting partments for synthesis, storage,
serum, 70- 100 mg/dl; fasting and transport. Since iron appears Implications of results
whole blood, 60 to 100 mg/dl; in the plasma, bound to a glyco- In iron deficiency, serum iron lev-
nonfasting, 8 5 to 125 mg/dl in protein called transferrin, it is els drop and TIBC increases to
persons over age 50, and 70 to easily sampled and measured. decrease the saturation. In cases
115 mg/dl in persons under age The sample is treated with buffer of chronic inflammation (such as
50. and color reagents. in rheumatoid arthritis), serum
Serum iron assay measures iron may be low in the presence of
Implications of results the amount of iron bound to adequate body stores, but TIBC
Fasting blood glucose levels of transferrin; total iron-binding may be unchanged or may drop to
140 to 150 mg/dl or higher, capacity (TIBC) measures the preserve normal saturation. Iron
obtained on two or more occa- amount of iron that would appear overload may not alter serum lev-
sions may be considered diagnos- in plasma if all the transferrin els until relatively late, but in gen-
tic of diabetes mellitus if other were saturated with iron. The per- eral, serum iron increases and
possible causes of hyperglycemia centage of saturation is obtained TIBC remains the same to
have been ruled out. Nonfasting by dividing the serum iron result increase the saturation.
levels that exceed 200 mg/dl also by the TIBC, which reveals the
suggest diabetes. Although actual amount of saturated trans-
increased fasting blood glucose ferrin. Normally, transferrin is 23. Erythrocyte count (Red
levels most commonly indicate about 30% saturated. blood cell count)
diabetes, such levels can also Serum iron and TIBC are of This test reports the number of
result from pancreatitis, hyper- greater diagnostic usefulness red blood cells (RBCs) found in a
thyroidism, and pheochromocy- when performed with the serum microliter (cubic millimeter) of
toma. Hyperglycemia may also ferritin assay; together these tests whole blood, and is included in
stem from chronic hepatic dis- may not accurately reflect the the complete blood count.
Appendix I: Lab Tests 46

Traditionally counted by hand hemorrhage. Further tests, such Adult males 14 to 18 g/dl
with a hemacytometer, RBCs are a s stained cell indices, and white Elderly males 12.4 to 14.9 g/dl
now commonly counted with elec- cell studies, are needed to confirm Adult females 12 to 16 g/dl
tronic devices, which provide diagnosis. Elderly females 1 1.7 to 13.8 g/dl
faster, more accurate results. The Note: If total bedrest has been
RBC count itself provides no qual- ordered, RBC counts may com-
itative information regarding the monly drop considerably due to 25. Hematocrit (Hct)
size, shape, or concentration of decreased oxygen requirements. Hematocrit (Hct) measures the
hemoglobin within the corpuscles percentage by volume of packed
but may be used to calculate two red blood cells (RBCs) in a whole
erythrocyte indices: mean corpus- 24. Hemoglobin (Hgb), blood sample; for example, a n Hct
cular volume (MCV) and mean total of 40% (0.40) means that a 100-
corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH). This test, usually performed a s ml sample contains 40 ml of
part of a complete blood count, packed RBCs. This packing is
Purpose measures the grams of hemoglo- achieved by cetrifugation of anti-
To supply figures for computing bin found in a deciliter (100rnI) of coagulated whole blood in a capil-
the erythrocyte indices, which whole blood. Hemoglobin concen- lary tube, so that red cells are
reveal RBC size and hemoglobin tration correlates closely with the tightly packed without hemolysis.
content. red blood cell (RBC) count, and is Hct depends mainly on the num-
To support other hematologic affected by the hemoglobin-RBC ber of RBCs, but is also influ-
tests in diagnosis of anemia and ratio (mean corpuscular hemoglo- enced by the average size of the
polycythemia. bin [MCH])and free plasma hemo- RBC. For example, conditions
globin. In the laboratory, hemo- such a s elevated concentrations
Values globin is chemically converted to of blood glucose and sodium,
Normal RBC values vary, depend- pigmented compounds and is which cause swelling of erythro-
ing on age, sex, sample, and geo- measured by spectrophotometric cytes may produce elevated
graphic location. In adult males, or colorimetric technique. hematocrits.
red cell counts range from 4.5 to Test results may be used to
6.2 million/microliter (4.5 to 6.2 x Purpose calculate two erythrocyte indices:
1012/L) of venous blood; in adult To measure the severity of ane- mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
females, 4.2 to 5.4 million/ micro- mia or polycythemia and monitor and mean corpuscular hemoglo-
liter (4.2 to 5.4 x 1012/L) of response to therapy. bin concentration (MCHC).
venous blood; in children, 4.6 to To supply figures for calculating
4.8 million/ microliter of venous MCH and mean corpuscular Purpose
blood. In full-term infants, values hemoglobin concentration. To aid diagnosis of abnormal
range from 4.4 to 5.8 states of hydration, polycythemia,
million/microliter (4.4 to 5.8 x Values and anemia.
1012/L) of capillary blood a t Hemoglobin concentration varies, To aid in calculating red cell
birth; fall to 3 to 3.8 depending on the patient's age indices.
million/microliter (3.0 to 3.8 x and sex, and on the type of blood To monitor fluid imbalance.
1012/L) at age 2 months; and sample drawn. Except for infants, To monitor blood loss and eval-
increase slowly thereafter. Values values for age groups listed in uate blood replacement.
are generally higher in persons Normal hemoglobin levels are To conduct routine screening a s
living at high altitudes. based on venous blood samples. part of the complete blood count.

Implications of results Normal hemoglobin levels Values

An elevated RBC count may indi- Age Hemoglobin level Hct values vary, depending on the
cate primary or secondary poly- Less than 7 days 17 to 22 g/dl patient's sex and age, type of
cythemia, or dehydration; a 1 week 15 to 2 0 g/dl sample, and the laboratory per-
depressed count may indicate 1 month 11 to 15 g/dl forming the test. Reference values
anemia, fluid overload, or recent Children 11 to 13 g/dl range from 40% to 54% (0.40 to
47 Gerson Therapy Handbook

0.54) for men, and 37% to 47% gen and globulin) encourage
(0.37 to 0.47) for women. Values aggregation, increasing ESR.
The range of normal red cell The ESR is a sensitive but
Implications of results indices is a s follows: nonspecific test that is frequently
Low Hct may indicate anemia or the earliest indicator of disease
hemodilution; high Hct suggests MCV: when other chemical or physical
polycythemia or hemoconcentra- 84 to 99 microliters3 /red cell(fL/red cell) signs are normal. It often rises
tion caused by blood loss. significantly in widespread
Note: Post-test care. If a MCH: inflammatory disorders caused by
hematoma develops at the 26 to 32 pg/red cell infection or autoimmune mecha-
venipuncture sites, applying ice, nisms; such elevations may be
followed later b y warm soaks, MCHC: prolonged in localized inflamma-
eases discomfort. 30% to 36% (300 to 360 g/L) tion and malignancy.
Note: ESR is also frequently
Implications of results raised during and after reactions
26, 27, 28. Erythrocyte The red cell indices aid in classifi- and fevers induced by the Gerson
indices Red cell indices cation of anemias. Low MCV and Therapy.
Using the results of the red blood MCHC indicate microcytic,
cell (RBC) count, hematocrit. and hypochromic anemias caused by Purpose
total hemoglobin tests, the red iron deficiency anemia, pyridox- To monitor inflammatory or
cell indices provide important ine-responsive anemia, and tha- malignant disease.
information about the size, hemo- lassemia. A high MCV suggests To aid detection and diagnosis of
globin concentration, and hemo- macrocytic anemias caused by occult disease, such a s tuberculo-
globin weight of a n average red megaloblastic anemias, caused by sis, tissue necrosis, or connective
cell. The indices include mean folic acid or vitamin B-12 defi- tissue disease.
corpuscular volume (MCV), mean ciency, inherited disorders of DNA
corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), synthesis, and reticulocytosis. Values
and mean corpuscular hemoglo- Because MCV reflects average vol- Normal sedimentation rates range
bin concentration (MCHC). ume of many cells, a value within from 0 to 20 mmlhour; rates
MCV, the ratio of hematocrit normal range can encompass gradually increase with age.
(packed cell volume) to the RBC RBCs of varying size, from micro- Implications of results
count, expresses the average size cytic to macrocytic. The ESR rises in pregnancy,
of the erythrocytes and indicates acute or chronic inflammation,
whether they are undersized tuberculosis, paraproteinemias
(microcytic), oversized (macro- Erythrocyte sedimentation (especially multiple myeloma and
cytic), or normal (normocytic). rate (ESR) Sed rate Waldenstrom's macroglobuline-
MCH, the hemoglobin-RBC ratio, (Not listed on example above) mia), rheumatic fever, rheuma-
gives the weight of hemoglobin in The erythrocyte sedimentation toid arthritis, and some malig-
an average red cell. MCHC, the rate (ESR) measures the time nancies. Anemia also tends to
ratio of hemoglobin weight to required for erythrocytes in a raise ESR, since less upward dis-
hematocrit, defines the concen- whole blood sample to settle to placement of plasma occurs to
tration of hemoglobin in 100 ml of the bottom of a vertical tube. As retard the relatively few sediment-
packed red cells. It helps distin- the red cells descend in the tube, ing RBCs. Polycythemia, sickle
guish normally colored (nor- they displace a n equal volume of cell anemia, hyperviscosity, or low
mochromic) red cells from paler plasma upward, which retards plasma protein level tends to
(hypochromic)red cells. the downward progress of other depress ESR.
settling blood elements. Factors
affecting ESR include red cell vol-
Purpose ume, surface area, density, aggre- 29. Platelet count
To aid diagnosis and classifica- gation, and surface charge. Platelets, or thrombocytes, are the
tion of anemia. Plasma proteins (notably fibrino- smallest formed elements in the
Appendix I: Lab Tests 48

blood. They are vital to the forma- salts, hydroxychloroquine,

tion of the hemostatic plug in vas- indomethacin, isoniazid,
cular injury, and promote coagu- Implications of results mephenytoin, mefenamic acid,
lation by supplying phospholipids A decreased platelet count methazolamide, methimazole,
to the intrinsic thromboplastin (thrombocytopenia) can result methyidopa, oral diazoxide,
pathway. Platelet count is one of from aplastic or hypoplastic bone oxyphenbutazone, penicillamine,
the most important screening marrow; infiltrative bone marrow penicillin, phenylbutazone,
tests of platelet function. disease, such a s carcinoma, phenytoin, pyrimethamine, quini-
Accurate counts are vital for mon- leukemia, or disseminated infec- dine sulfate, quinine, salicylates,
itoring chemotherapy, radiation tion; megakaryocytic hypoplasia; streptomycin, sulfonamides, thi-
therapy, or severe thrombocytosis ineffective thrombopoiesis caused azide and thiazide-like diuretics,
and thrombocytopenia. A platelet by folic acid or vitamin B- 12 defi- and tricyclic antidepressants.
count that falls below 50,000 can ciency; pooling of platelets in a n Heparin causes transient,
cause spontaneous bleeding; enlarged spleen; increased reversible thrombocytopenia.
when it drops below 5,000, fatal platelet destruction caused by
central nervous system bleeding drugs or immune disorders; dis-
or massive gastrointestinal hem- seminated intravascular coagula- 30. White blood cell (WBC)
orrhage is possible. tion; Bernard-Soulier syndrome; count Leukocyte count
Properly prepared and stained or mechanical injury to platelets. Part of the complete blood count,
peripheral blood films provide a An increased platelet count the white blood cell (WBC) count
reliable estimate of platelet num- (thrombocytosis),can result from reports the number of white cells
ber if the sample shows at least hemorrhage; infectious disorders; found in a microliter (cubic mil-
one platelet for every 10 to 20 red malignancies; iron deficiency ane- limeter) of whole blood by using a
blood cells visible in a n oil-immer- mia; recent surgery, pregnancy, hemacytometer or a n electronic
sion field. A more accurate visual or splenectomy; and inflamma- device, such a s the Coulter
method involves use of a hemacy- tory disorders, such a s collagen counter.
tometer counting chamber and a vascular disease. In such cases, On any given day, WBC counts
phase microscope. The most the platelet count returns to nor- may vary by a s much a s 2,000.
accurate measurement, however, mal after the patient recovers Such variation can be the result
employs the voltage pulse or elec- from the primary disorder. of strenuous exercise, stress, or
tro-optical counting system. However, the count remains ele- digestion. The WBC count may
Nevertheless, results from such vated in primary thrombocytosis, rise or fall significantly in certain
automated systems should myelofibrosis, with myeloid meta- diseases, but is diagnostically
always be checked against a plasia, polycythemia Vera, and useful only when interpreted in
visual estimate from a stained chronic myelogenous leukemia. light of the white cell differential
blood film. When the platelet count is and of the patient's current clini-
abnormal, diagnosis usually cal status.
Purpose require$ further studies, such a s
To evaluate platelet production. a complete blood count, bone Purpose
To assess effects of chemother- marrow biopsy, direct antiglobu- To detect infection or inflamma-
apy or radiation therapy on lin test (direct Coombs' test), and tion.
platelet production. serum protein electrophoresis. To determine the need for fur-
To aid diagnosis of thrombocy- ther tests, such a s the WBC dif-
topenia and thrombocytosis. Interfering factors ferential or bone marrow biopsy.
To confirm visual estimate of Medications that may decrease To monitor response to
platelet number and morphology platelet count include acetazo- chemotherapy or radiation ther-
from a stained blood film. lamide, acetohexamide, anti- apye

mony, antineoplastics, Leukocytes White blood cor-

Values brompheniramine maleate, carba- puscles. There are two types:
Normal platelet counts range from mazepine, chloramphenicol, granulocytes (those possessing
130,000 to 370,000/mmA [I30 to ethacrynic acid, furosemide, gold granules in their cytoplasm), and
49 Gerson Therapy Handbook

agranulocytes (those lacking infestations of animal parasites. white cells, it provides more spe-
granules). Granulocytes include Lymphocytes are not phagocytic. cific information about a patient's
juvenile neutrophils (3 to 5%), B-cell lymphocytes produce anti- immune function than the WBC
segmented neutrophils (54 to bodies and T-cell lymphocytes are count. In this test, the laboratory
62%), basophils (0 to 0.75%), and important in producing cellular classifies 100 or more white cells
eosinophils (1 to 3%). immunity. in a stained film of peripheral
Agranulocytes include lympho- A greatly diminished number blood according to two major
cytes, large and small (25 to 33%), of erythrocytes is found in the types of leukocytes - granulocytes
and monocytes (3 to 7%). anemias, and a greatly increased (neutrophils, eosinophils, and
Not all leukocytes are formed number of leukocytes (leukocyto- basophils) and non-granulocytes
in the same place nor in the same sis) is usually indicative of bacte- (lymphoctyes and monocytes) -
manner. Granulocytes are formed rial infection. A leukocyte count is and determines the percentage of
in the bone marrow, arising from usually taken preoperatively if each type. The differential count
large cells called megakaryocytes. infection is suspected, such a s in is the relative number of each
Lymphocytes are formed in the appendicitis. A count may also be type of white cell in the blood.
lymph nodes and probably in taken following surgery to be sure Multiplying the percentage value
bone marrow. Monocytes are than a n occult wound infection of each type by the total WBC
formed from the cells lining the has not developed. count provides the absolute num-
capillaries in various organs, ber of each type of white cell.
probably principally in the spleen Values Although little is known about the
and bone marrow. The WBC count ranges from 4.1 function of eosinophils in the
Function: Leukocytes act a s to 10.9 x 10". Implications of blood, abnormally high levels of
scavengers, helping to combat results these cells are associated with
infection. They travel by ameboid An elevated WBC count (leuko- various allergic diseases and
movement and are able to pene- cytosis) usually signals infection, reactions to parasites. In such
trate tissue and then return to the such a s a n abscess, meningitis, cases, a n eosinophil count is
bloodstream. The direction of appendicitis, or tonsillitis. A high sometimes ordered a s a follow-up
movement is probably due to the count may also result from to the white cell differential. This
stimuli from injured cells, called leukemia and tissue necrosis test is also appropriate if the dif-
chemotaxis. When invading bac- caused by burns, myocardial ferential WBC count shows a
teria destroy them, the dead infarction, or gangrene. depressed eosinophil level.
leukocytes collect in the form of A low WBC count (leukopenia)
pus, causing an abscess if a ready indicates bone marrow depres- Purpose
outlet is not available. sion that may result from viral To evaluate the body's capacity
Leukocytes, especially the infections or from toxic reactions, to resist and overcome infection.
granular forms, are markedly such a s those following treatment To detect and identify various
phagocytic, i.e., have the power to with antineoplastics, ingestion of types of leukemia.
ingest paniculate substances. mercury or other heavy metals, or To determine the stage and
Neutrophils ingest bacteria and exposure to benzene or arseni- severity of a n infection.
small particles; other cells such cals. Leukopenia characteristi- To detect allergic reactions.
a s the monocytes and histiocytes cally accompanies influenza, To assess the severity of allergic
in the tissues ingest larger parti- typhoid fever, measles, infectious reactions (eosinophil count).
cles. They are important in both hepatitis, mononucleosis, and To detect parasitic infections
defensive and reparative func- rubella.
tions of the body. Basophils most
probably function by delivering
anticoagulants to facilitate blood 31. White blood cell (WBC)
clot absorption or to prevent differential
blood coagulation. Eosinophils Because the white blood cell
increase in number in certain (WBC) differential evaluates the
conditions such a s asthma and distribution and morphology of
Appendix I: Lab Tests 50

Reference values: White blood blood cell count is 6,00O/micro- erythremia, erythroblastosis
cell differential liter, and whose differential shows foetalis, incompatible transfu-
30% neutrophils and 70% lym- sions, sudden hemolysis.
For Adults: phocytes. His relative lymphocyte 7 . Miscellaneous conditions:
Cells count would seem to be quite high coronary occlusion, rapidly grow-
(Rel. Value - Absolute Value) (lymphocytosis); but when this ing carcinoma, for twelve to
Neutrophils figure is multiplied by his white thirty-six hours after major oper-
(47.6 to 76.8% - 1950 to 8400 microliters) cell count - 6,000 x 70% = 4,200 ation, burns.
lymphocytes/microliter - it is well 8. Physiological conditions: stren-
Lymphocytes within the normal range. uous exercise, pregnancy, labor,
(16.2 to 43% - 660 to 4,600 microliters) This patient's neutrophil during digestion, after hot bath,
count, however, is low (30%) and fear, pain, dehydration, extreme
Monocyies when this is multiplied by the sunlight and high altitude.
(0.6 to 9.6% - 24 to 960 microliters) white cell count - 6,000 x 30% =
1,800 neutrophils/microliter - the A decrease in neutrophils is
Eosinophils result is a low absolute number. found in the following:
(0.3 to 7% - 12 to 760 microliters) This low result indicates 1. Bone marrow damage.
decreased neutrophil production, 2. B /Folic acid deficit.

Basophils which may mean depressed bone 3. Lupus erythematosus.

(0.3 to 2% - 12 to 200 microliters) marrow. 4. Splenomegaly.
5. Anaphylactic shock.
For children (age 6 to 17): An increase in neutrophils 6. Typhoid and malaria.
Cells (polys)is found in the following:
(Relative Value) 1. Infectious processes, systemic: Eosinophils are increased in:
septicemia, pneumonia, meningi- 1. Blood diseases: eosinophilic
Neutrophils tis, gonorrhea, diphtheria, leukemia, myelogenous leukemia,
(boys: 38.5 to 71.5%, girls: 41.9 to 76.5%) poliomyelitis, herpes zoster, acute polycythemia Vera, slightly in per-
rheumatic fever, chickenpox, nicious anemia, and menses.
Lymphocyies scarlet fever, erysipelas, peritoni- 2. Parasitic diseases: trichinosis,
(boys: 19.4 to 51.4%, girls: 16.3 to 46.7%) tis, and tetanus. schistosomiasis, infestation with
2. Infections processes, localized: some intestinal parasites, and in
Monocytes pyogenic abscess, furunculosis, massive infestation with Taenia
(boys: 1.lto 11.6%, girls: 0.9 to 9.9%) tonsillitis, mastoiditis, otitis solium and amebiasis.
media, sinusitis, cholecystitis, 3. Skin diseases: psoriasis, der-
Eosinophils pyelitis, pyelonephritis, salpingi- matitis herpetiformis, erythema
(boys: 1 to 8.1%, girls: 0.8 to 8.3%) tis, appendicitis. multiforme, urticaria and
3. Metabolic disorders: acidosis, angioneurotic edema. Also radia-
Basophils uremia, gout, and eclampsia. tion exposure/ therapy.
(boys: 0.251 01.3%, girls: 0.3 to 1.4%) 4. Drugs and poisons: digitalis, 4. Neoplasms: Some cases of
epinephrine, foreign proteins, malignant granuloma (Hodgkin's
Interpreting the differential venoms, mercury, lead, carbon disease), ovarian and bone neo-
To make an accurate diagnosis, monoxide, potassium chlorate, plasms, and neoplasms showing
the examiner must consider both camphor, coal tar products, pyri- extensive necrosis.
relative and absolute values of the dine, benzol compounds, turpen- 5. Allergic diseases of the respira-
differential. Considered alone, rel- tine. tory tract: bronchial asthma, hay
ative results may point to one dis- 5. Acute hemorrhage: particularly fever, and pollinosis.
ease, while masking the true when the hemorrhage is into a 6. Poisons: phosphorus, copper
pathology that would be revealed body cavity, e.g., ruptured tuba1 sulfate, camphor, and pilo-
by considering the results of the pregnancy. carpine.
white cell count. For example, 6. Diseases of the hemopoietic 7. Disease of unknown or doubt-
consider a patient whose white system: myelogenous leukemia, ful etiology: Loeffler's syndrome,
51 Gerson Therapy Handbook

chorea, scarlet fever. system-lowered healing capabili- sulfonomides, barbiturates, ami-

8. Specific infections: Brucellosis, ties. dopyrine, benzol, dinitrophenol,
tuberculosis. thiouracil compounds, tridione,
Monocytes are increased in the pyribenzamine, arsenic, quinine,
Basophils are increased: following conditions: Monocytic chloramycetin, thioglycolic acid,
1. Blood diseases: basophilic leukemia, brucellosis, typhus nitrogen mustards, and most
leukemia, myelogenous leukemia, fever. Rocky Mountain spotted cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs.
polycythemia Vera, chronic fever, Kala azar, cutaneous leish- 6. Radiation: x-rays, radium, and
hemolytic anemia. maniasis, malaria, trypanosomia- radiation from atomic disintegra-
2. Miscellaneous: sometimes in sis, sometimes in Hodgkin's dis- tion.
Hodgkin's disease, chickenpox, ease, Niemann-Pick's disease, 7 . Portal cirrhosis, anaphylactoid
small pox, following splenectomy, Hand-Schiller-Christian's dis- shock, rheumatoid arthritis,
colitis and myxedema. ease, poisoning by tetra- Felly's syndrome, cachexia, and
Basophils are decreased in hyper- chlorethane. A decrease is of no debilitated states.
thyroidism and hyperadrenalism. significance.
Lymphocytes are produced by the Plasma Cells: Plasma cells are
spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes and not found normally in the periph- Urinalysis (UA), routine
other lymphoid structures. They eral blood. They are round cells Routine urinalysis is a n impor-
support the physiological with deep blue cytoplasm and a n tant, commonly used screening
immune / defense mechanism. eccentric nucleus containing test for urinary and systemic
deep-staining chromatin arranged pathologies. Normal urine find-
Lymphocytes are increased in like the spokes of a wheel. Plasma ings suggest the absence of major
the following conditions with cells are found in the peripheral disease. Abnormal findings sug-
an increased white cell count: blood in the following conditions: gest disease and mandate further
1. Lymphocytic leukemia, infec- Plasma cell leukemia, scarlet urine or blood tests to identify it.
tious mononucleosis, pertussis, fever, and chickenpox. May be The elements of routine urinalysis
tuberculosis, congenital syphilis, present in multiple myeloma and include the evaluation of physical
secondary syphilis, rickets, thy- serum reactions. characteristics (color, odor, and
roxicosis, and malnutrition. Leukopenia: (Less than 4,800 opacity); the determination of spe-
WBCs). Usually due to a cific gravity and pH; the detection
Lymphocytes are increased in decrease in neutrophils. and rough measurement of pro-
the following conditions with a Causes: tein, glucose, and ketone bodies;
normal or decreased white cell 1. Acute and chronic infections: and the examination of sediment
count: typhoid, brucellosis, miliary for blood cells, casts and crystals.
1. Pernicious anemia, familial tuberculosis, overwhelming pyo- Urinalysis methods include
splenic anemia (Gaucher's dis- genic infections. visual examination for appear-
ease), typhoid fever, influenza, 2. Measles, rubella, small pox u p ance; reagent strip screening for
undulant fever (Brucellosis), to about the fourth day, influenza pH, protein, glucose, and ketone
infectious hepatitis, German after third or fourth day, infec- bodies; refractometry for specific
measles, and mumps. tious hepatitis, sand fly fever gravity; and microscopic inspec-
(passataci fever), sometimes in tion of centrifuged sediment for
Lymphocytes are possibly infectious mononucleosis. cells, casts, and crystals.
decreased in: 3. Aplastic anemia, agranulocyto-
1. Myelocytic leukemia (with sis, aleukemic leukemia, relapse Purpose
increased myelocytes). of pernicious anemia, chronic To screen for renal or urinary
2. Lupus erythematosus. hypochromic anemia, Banti's syn- tract disease and to help detect
3. Neutrophilic (poly) leukocyto- drome, familial splenic anemia metabolic or systemic disease.
sis. (Gaucher's disease).
4. Radiation exposure (acute- 4. Systemic Leishmaniasis, Normal Findings in routine
early). malaria except during paroxysm. urinalysis
5. Severely depressed immune- 5. Certain drugs and poisons: Element Finding
Appendix 1: Lab Tests 52

Macroscopic urine and the composition of Note: Beets cause pink or even
color straw crystals. An alkaline pH (above light red urine, often mistaken for
odor slightly aromatic 7.0) - characteristic of a diet high bleeding b y new Gerson patients.
appearance clear in vegetables, citrus fruits, and Odor: In diabetes mellitus,
specific gravity 1.005 to 1.020 dairy products but low in meat - starvation, and dehydration, a
pH 4.5 to 8.0 causes turbidity and the forma- fruity odor accompanies forma-
protein none tion of phosphate, carbonate, and tion of ketone bodies. In urinary
glucose none amorphous crystals. An acid pH tract infection, a fetid odor is
ketones none (below 7.0) - typical of a high-pro- common. Maple syrup urine dis-
other sugars none tein diet - produces turbidity and ease and phenyiketonuria also
formation of oxalate, cystine, cause distinctive odors. Note:
Microscopic amorphous urate, and uric acid Asparagus causes a strong fruity
red blood cells crystals. odor which is of no clinical signif-
0 to 3/high power field Protein: Normally absent from icance.
the urine, protein can appear in Turbidity: Turbid urine may
white blood cells urine in a benign condition contain blood cells, bacteria, fat,
0 to 4/ high power field known a s orthostatic (postural) or chyle, suggesting renal infec-
proteinuria. This condition is tion.
epithelial cells most common during the second Specific gravity: Low specific
few decade of life, is intermittent, gravity (less than 1.005) is char-
appears after prolonged standing, acteristic of diabetes insipidus,
casts and disappears after recumbency. nephrogenic diabetes insipidus,
none, except occasional Transient benign proteinuria can acute tubular necrosis, and
hyaline casts also occur with fever, exposure to pyelonephritis. Fixed specific
cold, emotional stress, or strenu- gravity, in which values remain
crystals ous exercise. 1.010 regardless of fluid intake,
present Sugars: Also usually absent occurs in chronic glomeru-
from the urine, sugars may lonephritis with severe renal dam-
yeast cells appear under normal conditions. age. High specific gravity (greater
none The most common sugar in urine than 1.020) occurs in nephrotic
is glucose. Transient, non-patho- syndrome, dehydration, acute
parasites logic glycosuria may result from glomerulonephritis, congestive
none emotional stress or pregnancy heart failure, liver failure, and
and may follow ingestion of a shock.
Implications of results high-carbohydrate meal. Other pH: Alkaline urine pH may
Variations in urinalysis findings sugars - fructose, lactose, and result from Fanconi's syndrome,
may result from diet, nonpatho- pentose - rarely appear in urine urinary tract infection, and meta-
logic conditions, specimen collec- under nonpathologic conditions. bolic or respiratory alkalosis. Acid
tion time, and other factors. (Lactosuria, however, can occur urine pH is associated with renal
during pregnancy and lactation). tuberculosis, pyrexia, phenyike-
The following benign variations Red cells: Hematuria may tonuria and alkaptonuria, and all
are commonly nonpathologic: occasionally follow strenuous forms of acidosis. Note: The
Specific gravity: Urine exercise. Gerson Therapy causes constant
becomes darker and its odor alkaline tides in high urinary pH.
becomes stronger a s the specific The following abnormal find- Protein: Proteinuria suggests
gravity increases. Specific gravity ings generally suggest patho- renal diseases, such a s nephritis,
is highest in the first-voided logic conditions: nephrolithiasis, polycystic kidney
morning specimen. Color: Changes in color can disease, and renal failure.
Urine pH: Greatly affected by result from diet, drugs, and many Proteinuria can also result from
diet and medications, urine pH metabolic inflammatory, or infec- multiple myeloma.
influences the appearance of tious diseases. Sugars: Glycosuria usually
53 Gerson Therapy Handbook

indicates diabetes mellitus but number of epithelial cells sug- able size, and frequently, signs of
may also result from pheochro- gests renal tubular degeneration. budding. The most common para-
mocytoma. Gushing's syndrome, Casts: (plugs of gelled pro- site in sediment is Trichomonas
and increased intracranial pres- teinaceous material [high-molec- vaginalis, a flagellated protozoan
sure. Fructosuria, galactosuria, ular-weight mucoprotein]): Casts that commonly causes vaginitis,
and pentosuria generally suggest form in the renal tubules and col- urethritis, and prostatovesiculitis.
rare hereditary metabolic disor- lecting ducts by agglutination of
ders. However, a n alimentary protein cells or cellular debris,
form of pentosuria and fructo- and are flushed loose by urine
suria may follow excessive inges- flow. Excessive numbers of casts
tion of pentose or fructose, result- indicate renal disease. Hyaline
ing in hepatic failure to metabo- casts are associated with renal
lize the sugar. Because the renal parenchymal disease, inflamma-
tubules fail to reabsorb pentose or tion, and trauma to the glomeru-
fructose, these sugars spill over lar capillary membrane; epithelial
into the urine. cast, with renal tubular damage,
Ketones: Ketonuria occurs in nephrosis, eclampsia, amyloido-
diabetes mellitus when cellular sis, and heavy metal poisoning;
energy needs exceed available cel- coarse and fine granular cast,
lular glucose. In the absence of with acute or chronic renal fail-
glucose, cells metabolize fat, an ure, pyelonephritis, and chronic
alternate energy supply. Ketone lead intoxication; fatty and waxy
bodies - the end products of cast, with nephrotic syndrome,
incomplete fat metabolism - accu- chronic renal disease, and dia-
mulate in plasma and are betes mellitus; red blood cell cast,
excreted in the urine. Ketonuria with renal parenchymal disease,
may also occur in starvation renal infarction, subacute bacter-
states and in conditions of acutely ial endocarditis, vascular disor-
increased metabolic demand ders, sickle cell anemia, scurvy,
associated with decreased food blood dyscrasias, malignant
intake, such a s diarrhea or vomit- hypertension, collagen disease,
ing. and acute inflammation; and
Cells: Hematuria indicates white blood cell cast, with acute
bleeding within the genitourinary pyelonephritis and glomeru-
tract and may result from infec- lonephritis, nephrotic syndrome,
tion, obstruction, inflammation, pyogenic infection, and lupus
trauma, tumors, glomeru- nephritis.
lonephritis, renal hypertension,- Crystals: Some crystals nor-
lupus nephritis, renal tuberculo- mally appear in urine, but numer-
sis, renal vein thrombosis, ous calcium oxalate crystals sug-
hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, gest hypercalcemia. Cystine crys-
scurvy, malaria, parasitic infec- tals (cystinuria) reflect a n inborn
tion of the bladder, subacute bac- error of metabolism.
terial endocarditis, polyarteritis O t h e r c o m p o n e n t s : Yeast
nodosa, and hemorrhagic disor- cells and parasites in urinary sed-
ders. Numerous white cells in iment reflect genitourinary tract
urine usually imply urinary tract infection, a s well a s contamina-
inflammation, especially cystitis tion of external genitalia. Yeast
or pyelonephritis. White cells and cells, which may be mistaken for
white cell casts in urine suggest red cells, can be identified by their
renal infection. An excessive ovoid shape, lack of color, vari-
: Newsletter Excerpts from
the Gerrson Healing Newsletter
with a tone of exasperation; "you post from chemical-free sources."
won't find bugs on any of my For many years, the U.S.
Nutritional stuff."
I was already walking away
Department of Agriculture has
maintained that there is no dis-
Superiority of from his booth a s his voice
dropped to a disgruntled mutter. I
cernible difference between con-
ventional and organic produce"
Organically had decided a long time ago that
whenever I could avoid pesticide
while organic growers have main-
tained that theirs is better."' ''
Grown hods exposure I would. I chose to eat
organically grown foods because I
Some results of our survey
We found that early experi-
Experimental evidence for reasoned that they were likely to ments support the possibility that
the nutritional superiority of be safer, considering especially organic methods can and do pro-
foods grown with organic the inadequacy of testing in the duce foods nutritionally superior
fertilization U.S. and the ineptitude and care- for some species of animals. But
lessness of the least competent they are not conclusive regarding
(Excerpted from the Gerson handlers of these dangerous the human population. Animal
Healing Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. chemicals. feeding experiments conducted in
2, 1989) But, imagine with me for a the 1920's by McCarrison2' and
moment what it might be like if later supported by findings of
by Gar Hildenbrand pesticides were no longer a prob- McSheehyI4 are compelling evi-
lem. Envision, if you will, a world dence that there is something
People who grow and eat organic in which consumer preference fundamentally different and bet-
produce like to tell other people has eroded the market for foods ter about plants grown with the
that organic fruits and vegetables grown with toxics. Instead, inte- benefit of organic composts. In all
not only taste better, but that grated pest management and bio- these experiments, animals fed
they are "better for you". People logical controls are being used. organically fertilized foods outper-
who grow and eat commercial In this new scenario, will we formed those fed chemically fertil-
produce tend to think that this is really need organically grown ized foods.
a lot of hogwash. foods anymore? Are they so much It has been established a s sci-
I remember stopping at a nice better than chemically grown entific fact that plants derive
looking stand in a farmers' mar- foods? nutrients from the soi1.15l q In
ket to ask, "Is any of your produce To learn more, we must return 1929, Rowlands and Wilkinson
organic?" to an unsettled argument about wrote in the British Medical
The farmer squinted at me, the different effects of pure chem- Journal that their findings con-
stonefaced, a s though I had spo- ical fertilizers versus organic com- firmed those of McCarri~on.'~ In
ken to him in Swedish. After a posts.' "his controversy h a s their rat study, they compared the
short and uncomfortable silence, brewed since the turn of the cen- healthy growth of rats fed organi-
he answered, "Of course it's t~ry.'~ Commercial farmers use cally fertilized seed with the
organic. If it grows in the ground growth stimulating nitrogen, abnormal growth and disease of
it's organic." phosphorus and potassium (NPK) rats fed chemically fertilized seed.
I asked, "Do you spray it for in sometimes very large quanti- They used vitamin B replacement
insects?" ties; organic growers fertilize with to correct the poor health of rats
"Of course I do," he answered only farmyard manure and com- fed "artificial seed", and proposed
55 Gerson Therapy Handbook

that such seed may be lacking in Germany's Federal Institute for proved daunting to even their fine
vitamin B. Research of Quality in Plant intellects.
That micronutrients non- Production. 1 found the going very rough,
essential for plant growth are In 1974, after thirty-six years but after some fretting and frus-
important in animal and human of research comparing the soils tration over identification of
nutrition is a c ~ e p t e d . ~Whether
' and plant products of organic idioms and grammatic intent,
these micronutrients must be compost fertilization with those of meaning surfaced gradually in the
supplied by agricultural products chemical fertilizers, Schuphan murky translation. Schuphan's
is debated by industry.22 published findings and conclu- solid experimental design and
Some argue that all necessary sions based on a 12-year compre- intelligent classical methodology
nutrients are supplied by conven- hensive experiment. Conclusions revealed themselves in simple
tionally grown foods which are regarding importance of his find- clarity.
held to be exactly equivalent to ings to human nutrition were
organically grown foods in nutri- based on Schuphan's prior labors Strong study designs
tive value. 2 3 ~ 2 6 in human infant feeding experi- Knorr h a s written intelligently
Advocates of organic growing mentation. regarding the collective shortcom-
methods are united around the Schuphan was definite and ings of the majority of efforts to
idea that organically grown foods emphatic that organically fertil- compare plant products of differ-
are nutrition-ally superior to ized foods (Stable Manure or ent methods and materials of fer-
chemically grown foods. 1-7~'3~'4~")~27-2"
Biodynamic Compost) are nutri- tilization. He h a s pointed3' to
Major differences of opinion tionally superior to foods grown three weaknesses common to
stem from the discovery that conventionally with either most studies comparing organic
plants of superior size and Nitrogen + Phosphorus + and conventional agricultural
appearance can be grown in Potassium (NPK)fertilizer, or even systems: 1) the insufficient dura-
widely differing soils with the NPK-amended barnyard manure tion of the studies (most are only
addition of large quantities of fertilization. In Qual.Plant - one or two years), 2) the choice of
growth stimulating nitrogen, PI.Fds.hum.Nutr. XXIII,4:333- pots or plots instead of comparing
phosphorus, and potassium 358, 1974, Schuphan wrote, whole systems (separate farms),
(NPK) fertilizer. USDA hailed NPK "That the consumer would benefit and 3) the use of fresh weight
a s a great advance in farming by the higher biological value of (which is quite variable) with
because its remarkably increased products of (fertilization by) emphasis on yield and food qual-
yields promised to feed the Stable Manure and Biodynamic ity (organoleptic tests for taste
world.:"' Compost is beyond question, a s and smell), instead of more accu-
But comparisons of organic confirmed by.. . data based on 12 rate dry weights and essential
and chemically grown foods years' chemical investigations." nutrient assays.
require much more concrete vali- It is puzzling to me that excel- While it is true that Schuphan
dation than can be supplied by lent writers in the field, like chose to use plots, their great
beliefs, convictions and opinions, Dietrich Knorr"' and Katherine number, the study's long dura-
no matter how passionate or C l a n ~ ywho
~ ~ have both cited tion, and the use of two different
assertive they may be. Schuphan's 12-year experiment, soils minimized the types of bias
did not comment on its signifi- and error usually found in "flower
Best experiments cance which derives from the pot" studies. For example,
To my knowledge, the only scien- strength and chronological length Schuphan's comparisons of yield
tific experiments of adequate of Schupan's study designs. for spinach, grown on four differ-
design and sufficient duration to Perhaps the answer lies in Qual. ent fertilizers over five harvests,
address questions regarding the Plant's clubfooted English trans- incorporated data from 130 sepa-
composition of organic vs. chemi- lation of results of the 12-year rately planted plots.
cally fertilized foods in terms of study. That translation (in a n oth- Measurements of nutrient con-
nutrients are those of Doctor erwise generally excellent jour- tent for potatoes represent data
Werner Schuphan, Professor, nal), with its frequently jabber- collected from 104 separately
Lecturer, and for years Director of wocky syntax could certainly have planted plots. Absolutely none of
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 56

Schuphan's findings were taken Forschungsring fiir biologisch- which is designed a protocol for
from only one harvest. dynamische Wirtschaftsweise simultaneous production of mul-
Rather than fresh (wet) weight, (Research Circle for Methods of tiple replications. Additionally, he
Schuphan used dry weight to Biodynamic Application) in has analyzed a representative set
measure yield, and conducted Darmstadt-Eschollboicken. of replications for reproducibility
nutrient assays, soil tests, humus The Stable Manure itself was and has shown high statistical
evaluations, and, importantly, of "low quality" (low nitrogen) and significance. With the exception of
toxicology tests. varied little from year to year. No the Biodynamic fertilizer (due per-
Allaway called in 1975" for notes were supplied by haps to the sheer weight of fertil-
strong study designs and replica- Schuphan, regretfully, regarding izer required), all other experi-
tions with emphasis on the inher- the nature of the animals nor ments have been carried out four
ent deficiencies in some soils. their feed, e.g.: fresh grasses, times on each of two soils per har-
Schuphan has created a study grains, silage, hay. In future stud- vest. In this way, each crop was
with many replications which uti- ies, such information could be grown in 26 plots per harvest.
lized both rich soil and nutrient- valuable in comparisons of vari- That, ladies and gentlemen, is a n
poor sand. ous Stable Manuring materials excellent example of the tradi-
Through his conscientious and practices. Likewise not sup- tional methods of the Golden Age
efforts to be scientifically thor- plied was information regarding of German Science.
ough, Schupan has far exceeded the specific genetic strains of Where applicable, results were
any measures necessary to com- seeds. averaged according to four mor-
ply with guidelines implied by phological types represented by
both Knorr and Allaway. I am Statistical significance spinach, savoy, potatoes, and car-
convinced that Schuphan's To test for conformity of yield, rots.
design has anticipated any of the potatoes were planted in eight
usual critical attacks. plots, four sand and four fen, and Yield
fertilized with Stable Manure Unfortunately, yield is the con-
Schuphan's Study alone. The strong statistical sig- temporary farmer's first concern.
To start, 25 concrete framed plots nificance of the uniform results in We have made it so. If, instead,
were filled with sand and 25 with these potatoes can be held a s evi- his first concern were the nutri-
fen (lowland rich soil). Each plot dence for the reproducibility of tional value of the produce, his
had 10 square meters surface the Biodynamic crops which, practice would be considerably
(107.64 square feet) and was filled unlike all the others, were grown different. The structure of our
to a depth of .9 meters (2.95 feet). in only two plots per harvest (one economy has not made it desir-
The top layer of the sand plots fen and one sand). able or possible for the farmer to
was mixed with a small amount of With the exception of the put his emphasis on biological
fen to improve water holding at Biodynamic crops, all other fertil- value.
the surface. The plots were desig- izers were tested by planting each Schuphan found that organic
nated to receive one of the follow- crop (e.g.: potatoes) in four fen fertilization could in no way com-
ing types of fertilization: a) NPK, plots and four sand plots per fer- pete in terms of yields with NPK.
b) Stable Manure, c) Stable tilizer per harvest, and by growing He wrote, "These data reflect at
Manure +NPK, or d) Biodynamic each crop a number of times over the same time the tremendous
Compost. the 12 year period. Eight crops role of fertilizer practice on yield,
It is important to note the were rotated: spinach, lettuce, and the function of the soil a s a
exceptionally large quantity of savoy (cabbage), potatoes, celeriac significant environmental factor
Biodynamic Compost applied, (celery root), carrots, fodder beets, influencing yield."
equivalent to 38.38 tons per acre, and sugar beets. Most rotations Dr. Schuphan chose NPK-
in contrast to 13.39 tons of Stable were successional, meaning two stimulated crop yields a s the rep-
Manure. crops per year in one plot. resentative norm. However, if
Biodynamic Compost and Herein lies the strength of growers adopt "biological value"
directions for its application were Werner Schuphan's studies. He a s their prirnary goal, such gigan-
supplied by Dr. Heinze of the has built an experiment within tic chemically pushed yields may
57 Gerson Therapy Handbook

become impossible. Never-the- Effect on soil growth.

less, using NPK fertilization a s the Soil analyses provided some sur- Schuphan observed and
standard (100%) for conventional prises. Schuphan wrote, "Our reported a n apparent paradox:
yield, the bar graph in figure one expectations after 12 year's exper- Fen soil in those plots which
shows that Stable Manure by imental work - that humus con- received the largest yearly quanti-
itself produces only a 54% yield tents of soil would correspond to ties of organic inputs (Biodynamic
on fen and a n even lower 44% humus supply by organic matter - Compost and Stable Manure)
yield on sand. By comparison, was not realized in fen soil." tested with the lowest levels of
Biodynamic Composting scored Humus is the organic portion humus a t the end of 12 years of
yields of 80% on fen and 72% on of the soil, from decaying plant consecutive fertilization.
sand. The combination of NPK and animal matter. It is rich with The breakdown was a s follows:
and Stable Manure produced the microbes. Theoretically, according Fen soil in plots treated with NPK
highest result, 117% yield on fen to Schuphan, humus is thought + Stable Manure exhibited the
and 104% on sand. to provide abundant plant nutri- highest humus content on analy-
It is important to note that ents which are released by sis, some 70+ mg/100g soil. In
Schuphan reported that repre- warmth and moisture, the same second place for humus content,
sentatives of Biodynamic manage- conditions that stimulate plant again surprisingly, was soil from
ment plans suggest that yields
will be low for five building years.
Total Yield in 12 Years) Experi-
Different plants laokq/h ments (1960 - 1972)kqetable- and Fod&r- Crops
Considerable differences in yield &/ha) - N P K a - ~ t o Monure
~ e m-St M.*NPK 0 - b d . b m p d
are seen in Schuphan's compari-
son of spinach (a rosette), savoy (a
large terminal bud), potatoes (a
stem tuber), and carrots (a stor-
age root). Highest yields in suc-
ceeding crops (two crops in one
plot in one season) were attained
on fen in 1963 by early savoy and
carrots, followed by spinach and
celeriac in 1969. In single main
crops, fodder beets in 1968 led all
As expected, in comparisons of
four different crops grown by the
four methods of fertilization,
increased yields of all NPK treated
crops are remarkable. In spinach
and in savoy, NPK surplus yields
ranged u p to slightly more than
80% above the competing fertiliz-
ers. In carrots, NPK yields were
u p to 53% increased, and in pota-
toes u p to 41%. There was one
surprising exception to this gen-
eral rule: potatoes grown on
Biodynamically fertilized plots
yielded u p to 19% above those
grown on NPK. Figure 1
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 58

those plots treated with only NPK, More minerals in organics 30% (Biodynamic Compost) to
at 67mg/100g soil. Third place Regardless of what was happen- 54% (Stable Manure) more ascor-
went to plots treated with Stable ing with the humus, the most bic acid.
Manure, important findings resulted from Savoy on organically fertilized
65mg/ 100g soil. Biodynamic nutrient assays of crops. fen contained 76% (Stable
Compost treated plots were tested In his own words, Schuphan Manure) to 91% (Biodynamic
at a n astonishingly low 55 reported: "Let u s draw the most Compost) more ascorbic acid.
mg/100g soil, despite the addi- remarkable results to your atten- Savoy on sand tested at 64%
tion of the equivalent of more tion. The most convincing facts (Biodynamic Compost) to 85%
than 38 tons per acre of are the much higher contents of (Stable Manure) more ascorbic
Biodynamic Compost yearly for minerals - with the exception of acid than that grown on NPK.
12 years (compared to 13.39 sodium - due to organic fertiliz- On fen soil, both Stable
tons/acre/year of Stable ing. Potassium and iron show the Manure and Biodynamic Compost
Manure). greatest increases overall. increased the ascorbic acid con-
Please look at the above para- Magnesium and calcium were tent of lettuce by 59%. On sand,
graph again. Note that fen soil also remarkably increased in the increase was only 6% (Stable
from NPK treated plots, which savoy. Contents of sodium, with Manure) to 9% (Biodynamic
produced the highest crop yields, the exception of potatoes, are Compost).
and which received absolutely no markedly decreased. " Against the trend toward
organic amendments, finished 12 In 1972"",chuphan pointed higher nutrient contents,
years of consecutive, successional out that fruits and vegetables carotene-containing crops
cropping with a higher content of have a health-favoring" high showed moderate decreases with
humus than either those plots potassium to low sodium and organic fertilization, a s much a s
fertilized with Stable Manure or chloride ratio. This is directly almost 20% below the NPK norm.
those treated with Biodynamic opposed to animal products such Schuphan noted that carotene is
Compost. Why? a s meat, milk, eggs, etc., which do a "surplus product of plant
Schuphan did not attempt a n not have a good ratio. Schuphan metabolism, its synthesis being
answer. It is interesting to note wrote, "It must be taken into promoted by mineral fertilizing
that there was a very small account that according to our and favorable ecological condi-
buildup, especially with experimental results, attractive tions."
Biodynamic Compost, of humus cooking methods in which one The need for more study, both
in the sand-containing plots cooks with plenty of water, throws of carotenes in biological (animal)
which received organic amend- away the cooking water, and sea- systems, and of their intrinsic
ments. Again, Schuphan made sons strongly with salt, cause a n nature in plants, is obvious.
the observation without discus- unfavorable partial displacement
sion. Comparisons of humus and of minerals and significant loss of Proteins
plant nutrients in fen and sand potassium. This points strongly Relative protein, a concern for
are not without d i f f i ~ u l t i e s . ~ ~ toward the great value of pressed those on limited diets, is
Schuphan conservatively vegetable and fruit juices for increased in crops grown on
avoided a discussion of mecha- dietetic purposes. " organically fertilized fen soil. The
nisms for the buildup of humus in increase in spinach is from 4%
NPK-treated soil. In addition, he More nutrients in organics (Stable Manure) to 6%
reported extremely high contents J u s t a few of the overall findings (Biodynamic Compost), in savoy
of K20, Fe, P20s, Ca and Mn in will suffice to show a trend. from 33% (Stable Manure) to 40%
fen soil plots treated for 12 years Compared with that grown on (Biodynamic Compost), in lettuce
at with Biodynamic Compost. NPK-fertilized fen, spinach grown from 15% (Biodynamic Compost)
Rationalizing the latter, on organically fertilized fen soil to 24% (Stable Manure), in cele-
Schuphan suggested that low contained from 64% (Biodynamic riac 24% (Biodynamic Compost)
yields against high organic inputs Compost) to 78% (Stable Manure) to 37% (Stable Manure), and in
might result in such mineral more ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). carrots from 2 1% (Biodynamic
buildups. In sand, spinach contained Compost) to 25% (Stable Manure).
59 Gerson Therapy Handbook

In potatoes, the increases were ion, enhancement of lysine con- the gain in dry weight was a s high
only slight, never a s much a s tent of crops, which increases a s 69% above the NPK norm.
10%. with nitrogen fertilization, is not Some crops treated with
In sand fertilized by organic worth the loss of methionine and Biodynamic Compost ranged up
inputs, the results were similar to overall biological value of conju- to 96% beyond those fertilized
the above, with a large difference gated plant proteins. Lysine is with NPK.
showing only in carrots which touted by some nutritionists a s
were only barely higher than playing a major role in the accel- Lower toxic nitrates
sand-NPK carrots. erated growth of young people of Schuphan earlier published34con-
the Western World. It is richly cerns regarding potential health
Biological value of protein supplied by animal foods of which hazards to infants of high Nitrate
The argument of organic vs. there is plentiful supply. There is crops, especially over-fertilized
chemical fertilization hinges on no need to devalue plant proteins spinach. In this study he wrote,
two opposing issues: 1) maximum in search of lysine stores for the "The most surprising result is the
yield against 2) biological value.34 public. behavior of nitrate-N in spinach.
Figuratively, biological value can Schuphan wrote, "We may Organic manuring both with
be thought of a s the sum of the come to the conclusion that Stable Manure and Biodynamic
actions of all components, both organic manuring un-equivocally Compost results in extremely low
those that exhibit positive action favors sulfur-containing methion- contents of nitrate-N. No hazards
like the vitamins, and those with ine, one of the most important to health whatsoever could be
negative action like the nitrate^.^" amino acids. Breeders are very expected when such a "low-
Schuphan's findings regarding keen on genetically improving nitrate-spinach' was fed to
amino acids and conjugated pro- plant proteins by increasing their infants."
teins in the above and the current methionine contents. We have
studies throw much weight to the made it clear, however, that tech- Benefits In pest control
biological value side of the bal- niques of cultivation - more pre- Nitrogen fertilized plants attract
ance. cisely, techniques of fertilization - aphids more than is normal.39
Heavy nitrogen fertilization may also help in this respect." Observing that aphids require free
results in a decrease in crops of amino acids from the stream of
the sulfur-containing amino acid Less water weight In organics the vascular bundles of plant^^",^'
methionine.""' Methionine is Good looking, giant fruits and Schuphan observed that organi-
essential in plant metabolism for vegetables are considered desir- cally grown plants are less sus-
the transfer of methyl (CH3) from able in the food industry. ceptible to aphids for three rea-
one compound to another. However, the measure of their sons: l ) they have more col-
According to the above and earlier food value is not their size and lenchymatous thickening and
findings of Schuphan, diminished harvest weight, but rather their subsequently more strength in
methionine content of crops due dry weight, which is a measure of cellular walls, 2) they have lower
to heavy nitrogen fertilization their actual contents. Large, water content, and 3 ) they have
results in decreased biological beautiful vegetables can be water- lower contents of free amino
value of plant proteins.38 logged and low in nutritional val- acids.
In the current experiments, ues. As one might suspect from
both potatoes and spinach grown the increased nutrient levels in Infant feeding studies
on organically fertilized fen and organically fertilized crops, their In a nine-year set of three sepa-
sand exhibited increases in dry weight is above that of their rate infant feeding experiment^^^ 44
methionine (expressed a s a % of chemically fertilized counterparts. high contents of vitamins and
crude protein) from 11% to 47% Using chemically fertilized minerals in crops were associated
ahove the NPK norms. crops a s the standard (loo%), with health benefits to infants,
Schuphan observed a concur- Schuphan demonstrated including increases in daily
rent slight decrease in both glu- increases in dry matter in organi- weight gain, carotene in blood,
tamic acid and lysine in organi- cally fertilized plants. In some vitamin C in blood, tolerance to
cally fertilized plants. In his opin- crops treated with Stable Manure teething, serum iron, and a n
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 60

improved red blood picture. again a t the experiments of

Schuphan points out that the McCarrison and McSheehy. Factors having a negative
nutritional constituents analyzed Findings of this sort in animals, biological Influence:
in the current studies are the tied now to human nutrition NPK Organic
same a s those used to determine through the labors of Schuphan, Nitrates 100% 7%
nutritional value in the infant suggest the horrible reality that (determined in spinach only in
feeding experiments which ran contemporary human nutrition 1962,1969, and 1972)
from 1936-1944. He asserts, constitutes a long term deficiency Free Amino Acids 100% 58%
"That is the reason why we claim feeding experiment. Sodium 100% 88%
validity for expressing our results Standardization of organics
in nutritional values." industry practices must include Figure 3
generation and collection of the
Bottom line best scientific data regarding And we must therefore call for
On the whole, Schuphan's results nutritional values in order to fur- wide researches into nutritional
support the argument that ther the philosophical and practi- qualities of foods grown by differ-
organic manuring produces foods cal knowledge and intent which ent methods of organic fertiliza-
which are nutritionally superior gave birth to the industry. tion. Schuphan's twelve-year
to those grown on chemical fertil- Industry credibility, which is vital, study with its basis in prior infant
izer. Let's look at some averages can be enhanced only by careful feeding experimentation should
to help u s to understand science. serve a s a model for future
Schuphan's experimental evi- It is important here to point researches. Other defined meth-
dence for the nutritional superior- out that Schuphan's results can- ods of organic growing should be
ity of crops grown with the aid of not be said to apply directly to all put to similar tests.
either Stable Manure or produce grown by various organic Industry inertia is massive,
Biodynamic Compost. farming methods. It gives u s some and a way of doing business has
In comparison with NPK-fertil- specific knowledge regarding sev- been entrenched for many years
ized crops which are assigned the eral specific methods of organic which favors yield and cosmetics
relative norm of loo%, crops fertilization and crop manage- instead of biological value. But
grown in both fen and sand with ment. But what we are not told is increasing numbers of consumers
Stable Manure fertilizer or far greater in scope than what we are more and more aware, vocal
Biodynamic Compost fertilizer are told. and active, sometimes militantly,
averaged higher in positive biolog- against toxics and for nutrition-
ical factors and lower in in nega- Factors having a positive ally superior organically grown
tive factors (Figures 2 and 3). biological Influence: food.
Schuphan asserts that chemi- NPK Organic There is a great, long journey
cal fertilizers are used solely for a Dry Matter 100% 123% ahead. But tomorrow holds hope
one-sided economic benefit to the Relative Protein 100% 118% if we will only pick u p our bags
food industry through remarkable Ascorbic Acid 100% 128% and walk there.
increases in yield. In my opinion, Total Sugars 100% 119%
this does not necessarily translate Methionine 100% 123% References:
into gains for the farmer, whose (determined in potatoes 1. Rodal*, J.l.,(editoO, 'The Doctors' Attitude Toward

commodities are therefore avail- and spinach only) Fertilizers' in Organic Gardening fJ-bra<<yNo.l,Organic

able often in such surplus that Potassium 100% 118% Gardening. 1847, Rodale Press, Emmous, PA.
they are grossly devalued in a Calcium 100% 110% 2. Howard, Sir Albert, 'An Agricultural Testament', 1940,
desperate effort to compete for Phosporus 100% 113% Oxford University Press.
buyers on the exchanges." Iron 100% 177%
3. Vogtmann, H,, 'Effects of Agricultural Practices on Soil
Now that Schuphan has estab- (determined in spinach only)
and Plant Quality'. jfoorn BuH. 24: 1-6,1978.
lished a factual basis for the
4. Howard, Sir Albert, 'The Soil and Health' Schocken
nutritional superiority of organi- Figure 2
Books, N.Y.
cally grown foods a s they relate to
5. Grigga, B,, 'The Food Factor', 1986, Viking Penguin
human nutrition, let u s look
61 Gerson Therapy Handbook

Ltd., Honnondsworth, Middlesex, Englond. 22. Hopkins, H.T. I 01, "Soil Factors ond Food 38. Schuphan, W., 'Der Einfluss einer steigenden N -

6. McCorrlcon, Sir Robert, 'Nutrition and National Composition", Amer. M. of Clinical Nutr. Vol. 18:390- OOngung ouf den Geholt on essentiellen Aminosauren

Health'. 1936. Fober ond Pober Ltd., 24 Russell Squore, 395, May 1966. und ouf die Biologische Eiweisswertigkeitvon Kortoffein

London. UK. 23. Leverton, R, "Orgonic, Inorganic: Whot They Mean", (EAS-Index noch B.L. Oser)", i. Pflonzenem., Dong.,

7. Balfou, Lady Eve, The Living Soil', 1943, Fober ond in 1974Yeorbook of Agriculture. pp. 70-73, published Bodenkde. 86(131):1-14,1959.

Fober Ltd., 24 Russell Squore, London. UK. by USDA, U.S. Gov't Printing Office. 39. Schuphon, W., "Problemotik dongungs-bedingter

8. OFPANA (Orgonic Foods Production Assn. of North 24. Institute of Food Technologists 'Scientific Stotus Httchstertroge ous phytochemischer und

Americo), 'Guidelines for the Orgonic Foods Industry'. Summary', Food Tecnnology 23. 71 -74, 1974 (in Knorr, emahrungsphysiologischerSichf, Quol.Piont.Moter.Veg.

1986. OFPANA. Box 31, Betehertown MA 01007, pg. 5. see ref. 31). 25:35-64,1970.

9. USDA (US. Dept. Agriculture). 'Report and 25. Pockord, VS., 'Natural? Orgonic? Whot Do They 40. Scholler, G., 'AminosAuren im Speichel und

Recommendotions on Orgonic Forming', July 1980, U.S. Really Mean?', Prof.Nut. 1 O(3):1 -3,1978. Honigtou der grtinen ApfelbloMous Aphis pomi deg',

Gov't. Printing Office, pgs. 64-65. 26. Jukes, "The Orgonic Food Myth', JAMA. 230:276- Homopter0.Ent.exp.A oppl. 4:73-85,1961.

10. Hordlng,T., "Opportunities in og', AERO Sun Times, 277,1974. 41. Morkkulo, M. ond Louremo, S., "The effect of omino

Spring 1987. 27. Cloncy, K.L., The role of sustoinoble ogriculture in ocids, vitamins, ond trace elements on the development

1 1 . Hording, T, "Organic Foods Production Association improving the sofety and quolity of the food supply, of acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Horn., Aphidioe)',

of North Americo', Complementary Mod., Sept./Oct. Am.J.AIt-Ag.. 1 (1):l1 - 1 6, Winter 1986. Annoles Agriculturoebennioe 0:77-80,1967.

1986, pp. 48-50; and 'OFPANA Seeks Uniformity, 28. USDA, 'Report and Recommendotions on Orgonic 42. Dost, F.H. and Schuphan, W., 'Ober

Commonolity, Verification of Organic Foods', Whole Forming', pg. 1 1 , July, 1980. Emahrungsversuche mil verschieden gedongten

Foods, Sept. 1986, pgs. 17-20. 29. Svec, L.V. et 01, 'Chemical Evoluotion of Vegefobles GemOsen Ill', Die Emohrung 9:l-27,1944.

12. Food Morketing Inotituto, 'Consumer attitudes ond Grown with Convention01 or Orgonic Soil Amendments', 43. Schuphon, W,, Dost, F.H. and Schotolo, H., 'Eine kri-

the Supermorker, 1987. Commun. in Soil Science and PlontAnolysis. 7(2):213- tische Stellungnohme von Agrikulturchemie und Meoizin

13. McCorrlson, Col. Robert 'The effects of manurial 228,1976. zur Frage der alTeinigen StollmistdOngung bei

conditions on the nutritive and vitamin volues of millet 30. USDA, "Yearbook', 1938: "Soils and Men" ond GemOse, Toil A undleil B', Die Ernihrung +5:29-37;

and wheot', Indian J.Med.Pes. 14:351-378.1927. 1939: "Food and Life'. 37-42,] 940.

14. McSheehy.T.W., 'Nutritive value of wheot grown 31. Knorr, D. and Vogtmonn, H. "Quantity ond Quolity 44. Wendt, H. et 01, "Ober Emohrungsver-suche mit ver-

under organic and chemical systems offorming', Dual. Determination of Ecologically Grown Foods' in schieden gedongten GemOsen', Die Emohrung 3:53-

Plont. -Pl.ds. Hum. Nutr. 27(2):113-123,1977. "Sustainable Fooo Systems', 1983, AVI Publishing Co., 69,1938.

15. Lilienthol, D., 'Nutrition and Soil Conservotion', Westport, Conn., pgs. 352- 381.

J.Am.Diet.Assn. 14:424-430, June-July, 1938. 32. Allowoy, W.H., 'The Effect of Soils and Fertilizers on

16. Aucter, E.C,, USDA Chief of the Bureou of Plont Humon and Animol Nutrition', USOA-ARSAg.lnf.Bull.

Industry, 'The lnterrelotion of Soils and Plont, Animol No. 378, W0sh.D.C.

and Human Nutrition', Scwlce89(2315):421-427.May 33. Vetter, H. and Frdchtenicht, K., "Abstutung der

12,1939. Nohrstoff- Grenzwerte mit steigendem Humusgeholt',

17. Sherwood, EW., el 01, 'Effect of Fertilizotion on the Londw.Forsch. 26:)-9,1973.

Nitrogen, Calcium, and Phosphorus Contents of Posture 34. Schuphan, W., "Effects of the Application of

Herbage', Am.Soc.Agron.J.39{W):W,Oct. 1947. Inorganic and Orgonic Monures on the Market Quality

18. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureou, 'Humon ond and on tne Biologicol Value of Agriculturol Products',

Animol Health in Relotion to Soil Factors' (205 onno- 0uol.Plont.Moter.Veg. 2 1 (4):381-398,1972.

toted references), 1977, Slough, UK. 35. Schuphan, W., 'Zur Quolitot der Nohrungspflonzen',

19. Beeson, K.C., "The Effect of Fertilizers on the BLV-Verlogsges., 1961, MOnchen, Bonn, Wien.

Nutritional Quality of Crops', Michigan State University, 36. Oser, B.L., "Methods for integrating essential omino

Centennial Symposium, pg. 45,1955. acid content in the nutritionoF evoluotion of protein',

20. Rowlond*, M.J. ond Wilkinson, B, "The Vitamin B J.Amer.Dietet.Assn. 27:396-402,1951.

Content of Gross Seeds in Relationship to Monures', 37. Schuphon. W., "Methioningehalt und Eiweissquolitot

B~ochem.J.24: 199-204,1930. von Biottpflonzen in Abhongigkeit von der

21. Beor, Firmon E, in 'Earth: The Stuff of Life', 1962, U. Stickstoffdongung', Quol.Piont.Moter.Veg. 8:261-283,

of Oklahoma Press, pp. 164-165. f961.

Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 62

.able additional cooking time. Do early 20th century clinical obser-

not overcook. It is not possible to vations of the protective effect of
Eat Only Organic fry at such low temperatures and fruits, vegetables, whole grains
without fat (oil). and dairy. Diets supplying pre-
By Gar Hildenbrand and Please allow no more than 25% dominantly these foods are
Christeene Lindsay of your diet to consist of meats, inversely correlated to (they pro-
nuts, eggs, fish, cakes, cookies, tect against) the incidence of our
(Excerpted from the Gerson candies, breads and other baked two great modern epidemics: car-
Healing Newsletter, VoZ. 5, No. goods, and only if you enjoy excel- diovascular disease and cancer.
1, 1989) lent health. While we do not pro- The U.S. Senate's McGovern
hibit the use of red meats, they Committee reiterated them in
Readers of this newsletter have should be taken infrequently and 1977 a s U.S. National Dietary
repeatedly and urgently then in moderation. Be aware that Goals. The National Academy of
expressed a desire to know what nuts and seeds of all types are Sciences' (NAS)National Research
they themselves might do to sources of mostly fat. They should Council's (NRC) Committee on
improve their health and to pre- not be regarded a s protein foods. Diet, Nutrition and Cancer made
vent disease. In this day of mira- While these are not prohibited the same recommendations in
cle medicines and potent patented foods, they are not part of the pri- their interim dietary guidelines of
pills, what do the authoritative mary recommended diet, but 1982. The American Cancer
leaders, the frontier guides, of the rather a n allowable addition. The Society (ACS) followed suit in
Gerson Institute recommend? I s moment your health declines, 1983, and shortly thereafter the
there some new supplement, whether this involves infection, National Cancer Institute (NCI).
some special herb, some .newly trauma (injury), poisoning, emo- Subsequently we have seen
refined co-nutritive factor which tionallmental stress, or chronic dozens of books based on these
might be the missing link? disease, discontinue most of these recommendations written by
Yes. We can make some rec- marginal foods. oncologists, cardiologists, physi-
ommendations: ologists, dietitians, nutritionists,
Please eat an unsalted, very Time and time again journalists, reporters, and popu-
low-fat diet of "organically grown" Why, in a world so modern, do we lar authors promising long
fruits, vegetables and whole repeat these well worn recommen- healthy life without heart disease
grains. Supply eight ounces daily dations? After all, on the strength and cancer.
of dense nonfat dairy protein (dry of clinical observations, these There is, of course, a direct
curd) or its equivalent in quite same recommendations were correlation between food and
moderate amounts of animal already the accepted dietary wis- health. It is nutrition which sus-
products, mostly poultry and fish. dom of the Golden Age of German tains us, and it is our food which
75% of the diet should be com- Medicine before WWII, when nourishes u s or destroys us.
prised of fruits and vegetables . fruits, vegetables and dairy were What is nutrition? A good defi-
altered a s little a s possible, much called the "protective foods". In nition is found in Taber's
of it raw and freshly prepared. the U.S., these guidelines were Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary:
Please intelligently avoid all brought forth in July of 1945, this "the sum total of the processes
additives, including emulsifiers, time a s prophylaxis against heart involved in the taking in and uti-
preservatives, colorings, and fla- disease and cancer, before the lization of food substances by
vorings even when these are U.S. Senate by the great German- which growth, repair and mainte-
labeled "natural" (an intentionally American tuberculosis specialist, nance of activities in the body a s
deceptive term). Dr. Max Gerson, pioneer of a whole or in any of its parts are
When you cook, please use no sodium restriction, potassium accomplished. Nutrition includes
fats (oil, lard, vegetable shorten- supplementation, protein-calorie ingestion, digestion, absorption,
ing, butter) and no cooking water. restriction, and dietotherapy and metabolism".
Use tightly covered bakeware at based on the protective foods. Nutrition is responsible for
temperatures below the boiling Modern epidemiological obser- repair not only in the rebuilding of
point of water, allowing consider- vations have now confirmed the damaged tissues, but also in the
63 Gerson Therapy Handbook

correction of disease through cell- ous effects will result. Of course, "organically grown" foods in all
mediated and humoral immuni- many continually consume far too grocery stores. Purchase only
ties. Nutrition is also responsible much high quality, hormone-free, those foods with certification
for maintenance of normal cellu- organically fed meat, eggs, labels clearly stating "organic".
lar integrity and tissue function, cheeses, fats, etc., in spite of Foods grown by inappropriate
a n important aspect of which may knowing full well the high price technologies may actually be
be characterized a s resistance to which must eventually be paid to directly harmful to your health
disease. the piper. due to residues and/or metabo-
All genuine authorities are We know of no satisfactory lites of insecticides, fungicides,
now agreed on the relationship of psychological theories or physio- herbicides, rodenticides, and
diet, nutrition and health/dis- logical explanations for the failure growth regulators. Such agricul-
ease. All informed laymen know of our increasingly well-informed tural inputs frequently result in
it. Only a few sociopathic mad- intelligent adult population to changes of the chemical composi-
men and industrially sponsored confront and correct its known tion and, presumably, in the
prostitutes-masquerading-as-sci- suicidal dietary patterns. steric (atomic spatial) relation-
entists continue to deny .it. But you can be different. You ships of molecules within the
Then why do we repeat these can become nutritionally street- plants themselves. Thus, a com-
recommendations? Because they wise and eat toward survival. You mercially grown fruit which is
are still not a matter of personal can stop worrying about vitamin apparently a beautiful apple may,
practice for the majority of the and mineral pills a s well a s heart in fact, be something quite differ-
population. Although many pos- disease and cancer. You can also ent. Do you remember the story of
sess a n intellectual understand- stop nervously reading labels for Snow White?
ing of these guidelines, mysteri- Recommended Dietary In this issue, we will provide
ous compulsions often act to Allowances (RDAs),which a s we'll you with basic information about
override our intellects, leading u s explain later were never intended organic foods, what they are and
to consume exactly the wrong to be used by the individual seek- how they are better than chemi-
foods. This behavior can be ing to improve his daily nutrition. cally grown foods. We'll look at
observed even, and perhaps most All you really have to do is eat who is growing them, who is sell-
clearly, in the most conscientious according to the original Gerson ing them, and we'll provide you
of u s by auto-experimentation. Or dietary guidelines which were with information that will help
it can be seen by paying close part of the Congressional Record you locate them. We'll also
attention to coworkers, friends more than three decades before explain how you, personally, can
and family. the printing of "Dietary Goals for help u s to improve the safety and
People fully knowledgeable of the U.S.", and nearly four decades nutritional quality of the nation's
the negative health consequences before the adoption of the same food supply.
of chronic food abuse, people who guidelines by NCI and ACS.
might lecture u s regarding the Quad me nutruit me destruit
evils of inappropriate diets, will But there's a catch. That which nourishes me also
give voice to their intentions to eat You must eat only "organic" destroys me. Man's food is his
a diet fit for the human species Not all fruits and vegetables are poison. Never before in history
and, in the next breath, will order equally valuable. Methods of has this been so inescapably cor-
a junk food pizza for dinner and growing have an effect on the rect, for now a s never before, we
invite their friends to join them. nutritive quality of foods. This have plenty to eat and it is pro-
For many putatively healthy and effect, which is probably vastly duced with plenty of poison.
sane adults, junk food consump- beyond contemporary estimates, What do we know of nutrition?
tion is the dominant dietary pat- is currently immeasurable with Nutrients are molecular compo-
tern when graphed over time. the exception of a narrow group of nents of foods. They are observ-
Even if the relative quality of markers known a s nutrients and able and measurable and serve a s
foods consumed is high, if the reflected commonly in the RDA markers for the evaluation of
ratio of protective foods to the rest tables. whole foods. They are correlated
of the diet is insufficient, deleteri- Warning: Do not expect to find to normal plant growth and to
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 64

health in humans. Some of them quarks. Our government Is not protect-

have been shown to prevent spe- Suddenly, we find ourselves in ing us. The supermarket shelves,
cific "deficiency" diseases such a n expansive realm where we restaurants, and dinner tables of
as pellagra, kwashiorkor, have to admit that Benveniste's the United States of America are
beriberi, rickets, night blindness, homeopathic experimental anti- daily poisoned by a n enemy from
anemia and scurvy. gen reactions produced with within. The system used by the
But there is more to nutrition water dilutions a t the 120th Environmental Protection Agency
than the known nutrients. power need not be explicable for (EPA) to establish so-called "safe"
The erroneous impression has them to be real. (If you are unfa- levels of residues is methodologi-
been created that a science exists miliar with these experiments, cally unsound. Serious flaws in
in which the multiple processes of please read "The haunting of logic stemming from factual
nutrition are understood. Nature" below.) Is it so inconceiv- errors and incorrect assumptions
Nutrition has been observed. able that water might "remem- have propelled EPA to act exactly
Some of the key nutrients - some ber", might carry a "homeopathic contrary to its Congressional
of them - have been identified and ghost", when all matter is thought charter. EPA has failed to remove
extensively studied. These are to be made u p of energylmass almost all .known disease causing
proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vit- "wavicles" called quanta which agricultural chemotherapy prod-
amins and minerals. Components themselves exist only intermit- ucts from the market and has,
of the living organism of man have tently? this year, unbelievably deregu-
been similarly studied. However, Add to our overwhelming igno- lated previously controlled haz-
our studies have just begun. rance of the actual workings of life ardous agricultural chemicals.
The marriage of the medical the horrifying knowledge that we What is worse, we have no protec-
sciences (based in wet chemistry) are continually manufacturing tion from the responsible regula-
with particle physics (quantum chemical death messages and tory body, the Food and Drug
mechanics) has left u s freshly spraying them onto our agricul- Administration (FDA), an agency
astonished at the foot of a great tural commodities. These death a s dysfunctional and inept a s a
mountain, facing our basic lack of messages are present at high chronic alcoholic and a s danger-
understanding of the workings dilutions in the living water of ous a s a drunken driver.
of living organisms. fruits and vegetables sold to the Pesticides are damaging this
At the subatomic level, man public. No one knows what they nation's health. America's econ-
and plant are only vaguely com- are doing. No one. omy is being relentlessly eroded
prehended by us. The actual The authors have spent con- by lost worker productivity and
dynamics of the myriad interac- siderable time investigating pesti- monumentally disproportionate
tions between these are enig- cide safety testing, tolerances, health care costs. Added to this is
matic, shrouded and invisible. residue-monitoring, and protec- the tragic economic collapse of
Oftentimes, we don't even know tion of the public. We've come to the traditional American family
what we are looking at. Are we hold some very strong opinions farming system, which suffers
perhaps studying the effects of simply stated a s follows: from both the unanswerable
our attempts to observe? Our foods are poisoned. Fresh financial challenges and the toxic
All that we know is gross, fruits, vegetables, and grains side effects of long term aggres-
mechanical and simplistic. grown in this country are satu- sive agricultural chemotherapy.
Honesty forces u s to admit that rated with poisons which are J u s t a s our finest physicians
every physiological system we capable of producing both acute are powerless to either diagnose
have studied and mapped must and long-term negative health or treat the uncharted, often
now be incorporated into a new effects. Complicating this is the unrecognized maladies resulting
understanding, into a metasys- importation of 26% of all fruits from chronic exposure to agricul-
tem, in which, for example, a pan- and vegetables consumed annu- tural chemicals, our top agricul-
creas is composed of interacting ally in the United States, foods tural scientists are impotent in
electron shells and a gallbladder's which are even more thoroughly the face of multi-pesticide-resis-
functions relate to its neutrons contaminated than those pro- tant predators, insects and plant
and mu-mesons and charming duced domestically. diseases.
65 Gerson Therapy Handbook

Far from providing a perma- selves taller by cutting off the soil needs activity - the natural
nent answer to the need for world- heads of alternative practitioners. cycle of growth; it needs protec-
wide supplies of agricultural com- This same media mentality has tion from erosion; and finally, it
modities, conventional farm ignored the startling truth about needs less and less artificial fertil-
chemotherapy threatens to kill pesticides and the inability of our izer, but more and more of the use
the patient through disruption of regulatory agencies to function. of organic waste material in the
living soil ecosystems, and may Consequently, you will read correct way, to maintain the soil's
very well send the rest of u s to the Congressional testimony in these productivity and life. Food pro-
gallows, our bellies full with "the pages rather than those of the duced in that way - we have to eat
prisoners last meal". nation's best newspapers. a s living substances, partly fresh
In the context of this newslet- In addition to the bad news, in and partly freshly prepared, for
ter we will provide powerful state- this issue we will paint the oppo- life begets life. Organic gardening
ments from this nation's elected site scenario. We will provide a food seems to be the answer to
officials and other leading author- sound rationale for promoting the the cancer problem.
itative critics of conventional farm growth of a n alternate system: a n
chemotherapy. You will be privy eco-agriculture, a sustainable
to a battle being fought in agriculture, whose most recogniz-
Washington which h a s been able and supportable form is
unreported to the American peo- accessible to the consumer in the
ple in one of the most curious rapidly growing infant known a s
media blackouts we at the Gerson the "organic" farming and food
Institute have ever seen. production industry.
This nation's media are a mix And in our next issue we will
of responsible genius, compe- show that, while much under-
tence, incompetence, idiocy, and investigated, there is a growing
unethical behavior. It is a difficult body of evidence which strongly
job to sort out the truth from the suggests that certain of the
propaganda, a s often the journal- organic methods of agriculture
ists themselves are relatively can indeed produce foods with
innocent and manipulated by measurably higher nutrient con-
apparent authorities. tents. Not only is organic food free
This is a n era in which from poison, but it is more vital,
Commissioner Frank Young of the and imparts health a s no chemi-
FDA entered office in 1984 tout- cally grown foods can possibly do.
ing the "anti-quack" platform, a The great Dr. Gerson was
"safe"platform to be sure, but one unafraid to make strong state-
which has no constructive ments, even when he knew that
essence. Anti-quackery is a band- they would evoke controversy. His
wagon easy to hop. Only last year, language was clear, precise, and
the Los Angeles Times ran jour- unequivocal. It is likely that the
nalist John Hurst's insensitive combined sciences will soon echo
and stupidly inaccurate "quack his visionary language of 1958:
trashing" articles, attacking "We must conclude from these
Charlotte Gerson and Dr. M a x observations that unless the soil
Gerson. The LA Times refused to is cared for properly, the depleted
print our letters in response to soil with its abnormal external
Hurst who was inspired by writers metabolism will bring about more
for the National Council Against and more abnormalities of our
Health Fraud, a self-promoting internal metabolism, resulting in
group of "quackbashing" grand- serious degenerative diseases in
standers who seek to make them- animals and human beings. The
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 66

new crops for consumption was to

be determined by testing samples
Nutrition labeling for known nutritional factors (e.g.;
vitamins). This Is almost directly
is bad for your analogous to a n old time riverboat
navigator calling off depth read-
health ings. The "go ahead" reading was
"mark twain". J u s t a s there is
by Gar Hildenbrand much more to a river than the
measurement of a point at which
(Excerpted from the Gerson its waters are deep enough to nav-
Healing Newsletter, VoZ. 5, No. igate, the RDA originators recog-
1, 1989) nized that there is much more to
whole foods than the known
I was asked recently by the editor nutrients.
of a proposed new scholarly quar- Furthermore, RDAs were
terly to prepare an article dis- intended to identify nourishing
cussing the historical beginnings whole foods to be purchased in
of the Recommended Dietary massive quantities for groups, not
Allowances (RDAs) and to com- for individuals. They were never
pare their contemporary uses to intended to tell any individual
the purposes for which their orig- how much of any vitamin should
inators created them. In the be taken, nor were they intended
process of creating an outline for to provide manufacturers formu-
the piece, I read thousands of lae to "enrich" processed foods.
pages from hundreds of articles The savvy consumer should
dating from the 1800's through to stop reading labels for "Vitamin
the present. content." Food constituents
RDAs were developed to cope thought to be valuable in the pre-
with the changes caused by World vention of cancer are not even
War 11. Normal food supplies were mentioned in the RDAs.
disrupted, new food supplies were Consumers should eat according
available, large groups of people to the dietary guidelines offered in
were being assembled in new this issue of the Healing
locations. They were also created Newsletter. Enriched manufac-
to feed our soldiers and our civil- tured or processed foods will
ian defense workers the "best" never be the nutritional equiva-
possible nutrition: nutrition not lent of whole foods. Consumers
simply to provide essentials for should wisely go to the organic
survival, but supernutrition to produce section, bypassing the
produce better fighters and a boxed, bagged, and canned foods.
stronger nation. Let u s not be a nation of mal-
To do this, RDAs were nourished, vitamin-wise idiots
intended to be used a s measures savants.
of the quality of whole foods, the
"protective foods", fruits, vegeta-
bles, whole grains, and dairy,
which had been long associated in
the medical literature with dis-
ease resistance, immunity, and
physical prowess. Suitability of
67 Gerson Therapy Handbook

applications to food crops. In a protect consumers against conta-

1985 speech before the History minated food. Instead, it was
Pesticides: Division of the American
Chemical Society, Albert Einstein
intended by Congress to protect
farmers against fraudulent pro-
How big is the College of Medicine Professor of
Surgery and Biochemistry Dr. Eli
motions of adulterated pesticides.
At that time, many arsenic com-
by Gar Hildenbrand
Seifter recalled Gerson's Senate
Testimony of 1945.
pounds were used which were
later proven to have terrible
In his address, entitled "The health consequences and were
( E x c e r p t e d f r o m the G e r s o n Contributions of Dr. M a x Gerson subsequently banned in the U.S.
H e a l i n g N e w s l e t t e r , Vol. 5, No. to Nutritional Chemistry", profes- The concept of residual chemi-
1, 1989) sor Seifter reviewed Gerson's cals found in the food supply was
advocacy of both the disease pre- not a matter of concern in
The U.S. food supply is awash in ventive and therapeutic use of Washington for nearly thirty
a sea of pesticide formulations. fresh fruits and vegetables grown years.
Some of our crops are so thor- without DDT and Chlordane. Although a 1938 Amendment
oughly and repeatedly drenched Gerson also warned that crops to the Federal Food, Drug, and
with poisons and solvents that treated with pesticides should not Cosmetic Act (FDCA) first
they could practically float to pro- be consumed. reflected concern for consumers
duce warehouses like logs down a At that time, according to by addressing tolerance levels for
river of chemicals. Seifter, Gerson was ridiculed by pesticide residues, pesticides
It is a familiar umbrage of members of the American Cancer were not regulated for consumer
doubt and suspicion which I cast Society and the U.S. Public protection, for practical purposes,
on pesticides and their manufac- Health Services. However, since until 1947. The vehicle for regula-
turers. Excellent commentaries that time, the American Cancer tion which was passed in 1947
on the subject have been recently Society h a s adopted Gerson's was a very weak Federal
written by Lawrie Mott and Karen dietary recommendations (with Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Snyder of the National Resources the notable exception of pesticide Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) which
Defense Council ("PesticideAlert", avoidance, and without credit to required registration through the
1987), Pete Price of the Assembly Gerson), and both DDT and U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of Research for the State of Chlordane, now known to be car- (USDA).
California ('The Invisible Diet", cinogenic, have been banned for FIFRA was so weak that the
1988), and the Committee on food application in the United USDA was impotent. Even if
Scientific and Regulatory Issues States. USDA considered an applicant's
Underlying Pesticide Use Patterns If Gerson's early warnings pesticide hazardous, the manu-
and Agricultural Innovation of the were vindicated, why did our facturer could obtain a so-called
Board on Agriculture of the national policy makers not act to "protest registration" to keep the
National Research Council of the prevent further abuses and to pesticide on the market.
National Academy of Sciences protect Americans from other Unbelievably, U.S. taxpayers were
("Regulating Pesticides in Food: chemical threats? What is the his- obliged to eat probable poisons
The Delaney Paradox", 1987). tory of the U.S. Government's and to pay for U.S. Government
Based on the prior labors of involvement in the regulation of sponsored testing to prove them
Dr. Max Gerson, M.D., the Gerson pest control poisons? dangerous before they could be
Institute's involvement with, and Apparently, the majority of leg- removed from the market.
vocal opposition to, chronic pesti- islators did not view pesticides a s Sixteen years from the intro-
cide abuse is a s old a s the pesti- a problem. Perhaps they simply duction of the concept of food tol-
cide industry itself. Since early in accepted the manufacturers' erances, the 1954 "Miller
the first half of this century, empty assurance, "It washes off'. Amendment" to FDCA, at last,
Gerson advocated organic enrich- The U.S. Federal Insecticide required FDA to prove pesticides
ment of food crop bearing soil and Act has been a matter of law since effective and to set tolerances on
avoidance of chronic chemical 19 10. But 'it was not designed to raw foods.
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 68

Public awareness of the prob- even one person? tinued had not the recent
lem of pesticides in food was stim- These man-made, one might Congress moved to place the
ulated by the 1962 publication of even say industrially sponsored, majority of financial burden on
Rachel Carson's powerful "Silent and so-called "reasonable" dis- the chemical manufacturers
Spring". Within less than two eases of humankind and the envi- instead of the taxpayer. In late
years, the 1964 Amendments to ronment are altogether abom- 1988, Congress amended FIFRA
FIFRA put a n end to "protest reg- inable; the more so with our to require manufacturers to con-
istration" of hazardous pesticides. knowledge of the rational and for- tribute to the toxicological evalua-
Substantial modification of FIFRA ward thinking return to economi- tion of their chemicals which had
also sharply curtailed pesticide cally, socially, and environmen- gained registration before current
manufacturing industries' ability tally successful low input (read testing criteria had been devel-
to promulgate chemicals which low chemical) sustainable agricul- oped. Under the new law, firms
would injure life forms other than ture bellwethered by the unsung will be assessed fees from $50
the intended targets. heroes of America, our indepen- thousand u p to $150 thousand.
In 1970, a s part of something dent farmers. The 1988 legislation also
called "Reorganization Plan #3", Scientists are currently unable established a nine year deadline
the Environmental Protection to predict the carcinogenic, muta- for completion by EPA of reviews
Agency was put in charge of genic, and/or teratogenic risks and evaluation of toxic health
FIFRA. EPA is still in charge of inherent in chronic exposures to risks of pesticides, some of which
registering pesticides and setting low levels of dozens and dozens of have been in use for decades now.
tolerances. probably interactive chemicals. In 1972, EPA was ordered to
The Federal Environmental There are far too many variables. review and evaluate some 400
Pesticide Control Act (FEPCA) of Funding for epidemiology is worse active pesticide ingredients. None
1972 was created under the ban- than inadequate, and no one of those studies have been com-
ner of consumer protection, but thanks a researcher for doing the pleted a s of the date of publica-
actually accomplished quite the work. tion of this issue of Healing-
opposite. This piece of legislation But our federal laws command The apparent progress of the
cast in concrete the abstract, sci- EPA to find that known and sus- above legislation was dealt a
entifically unsound assumption pected dangers of chemicals in stunning setback on October 12,
that chronic pesticide use our food and environment are bal- 1988, when the EPA announced
brought with it a benefit great anced by short term gains in lim- a n end to a 30-year ban on car-
enough to offset harm to the con- ited segments of the economy. cinogenic pesticides known to
sumer. Metaphorically, EPA h a s been concentrate in juicing and cook-
The unfortunate language of ordered to go to Heaven by hop- ing of fruits and vegetables. EPA's
FEPCA compels the EPA to regis- ping aboard a Hell-bound hand- rationale for this anti-con-
ter a pesticide if "when used in basket. sumer/pro-industry move was
accordance with widespread and My critics might argue that I that it had adopted a "negligible
commonly accepted practice, it am mistaken regarding the leg- risk" policy developed by the
will not cause unreasonable islative intent and effect of FIFRA, National Academy of Sciences.
adverse effects on man or the so I hasten to point out that In this writer's opinion, EPA is
environment, taking into account FIFRA required EPA to purchase wrong to characterize the "negligi-
the economic, social and environ- unsafe pesticides in order to ble risk" scenario of NAS a s a sci-
mental costs and benefits of the remove them from the market. entific recommendation. EPA
use of any pesticide". EPA has compensated offending chose one of four scenarios NAS
Assuming that the diseases manufacturers with at least $20 offered in a n attempt to consider
caused by pesticides will be birth million already. Would a Congress both the purely scientific issues
defects, frank mutations, neuro- interested in protecting the con- involved in chronic pesticide use
logical damage, immune incompe- sumer have forced taxpayers to and the confusing socioeconomic
tence, and cancer, to name a few, support the manufacture of sus- concept of "balancing" human
we must ask: When is it "reason- pected poisons? health risks against perceived
able" to cause these diseases in This practice would have con- economic benefits.
69 Gerson Therapy Handbook

The four NAS scenarios Times, the Des Moines Register, residue levels are outdated and
depicted a range of options which and others. Readers, why not unsupported by scientific data.*
included, allow me to stress this, write your local press corps and Yet, farmers apply pesticides
a complete ban of all oncogenic inquire regarding their lack of every day with the intention of
chemical applications to food. knowledgelinterest in this sub- staying within these EPA regula-
EPA was free to choose that ject? Perhaps you might stimulate tory limits.
option, and a similar "zero-risk" them to look into 'it. "To make a bad situation even
scenario which focused on As the hearings opened, the worse, we can only hope that our
residues in processed foods. NAS Honorable Mr. Henry Waxman, food contains no more than the
did not, and could not, tell EPA U.S. Representative from EPA-set residue levels because
what to do. EPA's directors California, spoke pointedly say- the FDA cannot tell u s with cer-
decided to deregulate carcino- ing, "The American people want to tainty that our food meets even
genic pesticides. believe that our food, whether the inadequate EPA standards."
EPA was wrong to do this. produced here or abroad, is free The Honorable Ron Wyden,
But that is where we stand from unsafe pesticide residues. U.S. Representative from Oregon,
today. Chemicals have been sanc- They want to believe that our observed in his opening state-
tioned by the U.S. Government at Government is doing all that is ments that "(T)heU.S. system for
levels considered unreasonable necessary to protect them. The inspecting food is a non-system.
and unsafe by many experts. That record compiled to date by EPA Imported foods tainted with dan-
is not to say that there is har- and FDA leaves me with little con- gerous pesticides slip by the Food
mony in the government regard- fidence that the public is getting and Drug Administration because
ing these issues. what it wants and deserves. The virtually none of this food is
The fur is flying at EPA and most generous characterization of tested. Rather than protecting the
FDA. During April of 1987, the our current situation is, simply American public, our food inspec-
powerful Chairman John Dingell put, we just don't know if our food tion system forces Americans to
of the U.S. House of is safe. play Russian roulette at the gro-
Representatives' Energy and "How can we be in this intoler- cery store. All too often, adulter-
Commerce Committee (which able predicament? The Federal ated food is permitted on the
controls the budgets for the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act shelves of our supermarkets
National Institutes of Health) held mandates that EPA allow pesti- before Food and Drug
grueling hearings into what cide residues to remain on food Administration test results are in.
Dingell characterized a s "serious only if they are safe to consume. "When imported food arrives in
deficiencies in the Federal pesti- Yet, according to testimony by this country, the Food and Drug
cide monitoring program". The EPA before the Subcommittee on Administration inspectors don't
hearings were held by the Energy Health and Environment last sample a fair cross section of that
and Commerce Subcommittee on summer, EPA has complete scien- food. Many pesticides found on
Oversight and Investigations. tific data for approximately 10 foods from major exporting coun-
Representatives Waxman, percent of the food-use pesticides tries have been banned or consid-
Sikorski, Wyden and others currently being applied to our ered serious health hazards in
joined the Hon. Mr. Dingell, who crops. Most pesticides still face this country. These toxic chemi-
also chairs the Subcommittee, in years of additional testing before cals have often been overlooked
a roast of the FDA and its EPA will have the necessary data by the Food and Drug
Commissioner Frank Young. to make a regulatory decision. Administration.
Why has the national press "In addition, EPA can only "The inspectors tend to focus
remained silent on these investi- speculate about the safety of on high volume foods, leaving the
gations? We are certain that our many of the inactive ingredients low volume foods unexamined.
readers will want to know what is used in pesticides and about the For example, in fiscal years 1983
being said and done, and by metabolites and breakdown prod- through 1985, 46 million pounds
whom. So, we are certain, should ucts of the currently used active of raspberries entered our ports
readers of the New York Times, ingredients. The bottom line is and only two samples were col-
the Washington Post, the LA that EPA approved pesticide lected; 251 million pounds of
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 70

yams were imported into this from Minnesota: "During the last out the picnic baskets and, a s
country and only 24 samples were 15 or 20 years, we have learned a surely a s summer follows spring,
taken. great deal about dangerous chem- a sequel to "Jaws" follows the
"By the time the Food and icals in the foods we eat and the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edi-
Drug Administration discovers a beverages we drink. We have had tion. And now, just when we
violation, the food usually has cancer-causing cyclamates in diet thought it was safe to go back into
been eaten. The FDA doesn't fine soda, EDB's in cake mixes, sul- the grocery store, it turns out that
the importers and can't fine the fites in our salad bars, and red the safest waters, our fresh fruits
growers. dye No. 2 in crimson M&M's. and vegetables, have become
"Who loses in the Russian "The result of all this knowl- infested with angry chemical
roulette game? Obviously, the edge has been, or so we thought, sharks.
consumer, but often the American a safer diet. Some additives have "Our regulatory lifeguard, the
farmer, who h a s to compete been banned. Although some FDA, has known about the pres-
against foreign growers who use dubious ones remained on the ence of these chemicals in
those chemicals banned in this market, at least we could act a s imported foods for many years.
country." informed consumers, knowing The American consumer remains
The most colorful and effective what foods to avoid. We could a n unwary swimmer. We have a
opening remarks were made by always go natural, to fruits and pesticide suspected of causing
the gifted and Honorable Gerry vegetables and such. gene mutations, cancer, and birth
Sikorski, U.S. Representative "It's spring, and we are pulling defects, benomyl, in bananas,"
71 Gerson Therapy Handbook

...(here the Congress-man held u p the Chiquita banana lady to a foods. His points were compelling.
a banana for visual effect)..."the serious strip search at our bor-
single largest fruit imported in the ders." FDA relies on tests which miss
United States. We eat about 6 bil- The Honorable Rick Boucher, approximately 50% of the pesti-
lion pounds of this each year. And U.S. Representative from Virginia, cides currently in use, including
we eat a lot of winter tomatoes in pointed out "that despite the identified high-health-risk chemi-
Minnesota,"...(holding a tomato in results of a number of in-house cals.
his other hand)..."which we have and independent investigations,
always thought tasted like fla- which have pointed with alarm to FDA does not know, even
vored Styrofoam strip-mined in the inadequacies of FDA's food though the information is avail-
some strange foreign southern testing and enforcement pro- able, what pesticides are used on
clime, and now we find they may grams, that the Agency receives a imported produce, and therefore
well contain EBDC's, a n acknowl- failing grade for its efforts to usually does not test for them.
edged carcinogen. ensure that our food provides
"The FDA hasn't tested a single nutrition and not the chemical FDA frequently does not remove
Mexican tomato for EBDC's and catalysts of chronic illness. even identified adulterated foods
has in 8 years only tested 2 "The purpose of today's hear- from the market in the relatively
bananas for benomyl out of 50 to ing is to uncover, a s best we can, few instances when it does detect
60 billion pounds of them. The list the foundation of that failure. Is it them. 60% of identified adulter-
of hazardous fruits and vegeta- a lack of resources? Is it a lack of ated domestic food was consumed
bles and pesticide residues goes commitment? Or perhaps is it by the American public. The min-
on. some underlying insensitivity to imum estimate of identified adul-
"In study after study by this the real health threats posed by terated imported food consumed
subcommittee, the FDA, and the pesticides for which the EPA has by Americans is 45%.
GAO (General Accounting Office), established tolerance levels?"
problems have been identified California U.S. Representative FDA normally does not fine com-
with FDA's testing program and Leon Panetta, of the Committee panies which are found to be sell-
steps have been recommended to on Agriculture, observed that ing contaminated food. Action
address the problem, but instead "about 26 percent of the food was taken against only 10% of
of action, we hear the same product that goes to our con- offenders in cases reviewed.
excuse from FDA that we hear sumers" comes from abroad,
from so many of our Federal regu- much of it containing "pesticides FDA statistics for 40 selected
latory agencies - not the Pentagon that in some instances have been foods imported into the U.S.
- under this administration. They outlawed in this country for 10 revealed that foods from some of
say, we don't have the resources years". the importing countries were not
and, yes there may be a problem, Calling the pesticide problem sampled, some for a s long a s six
but we make do with what we "a time bomb that's there and years.
have. We hear a lot about getting ready to go off', Congressman
the Government off our backs Panetta proclaimed, "It's a situa- FDA failed, during a three year
from the same people who are tion that cannot be tolerated. It is period for which GAO had
content to have more carcinogens unfair: it is unsafe." records, to test pineapples from
in our children's blood streams. Assistant Comptroller General 17 of 26 importing countries,
'The fact is FDA can't make do Dexter Peach of the Resources, including the major importer of
with what it has. To protect the Community, and Economic pineapples. FDA failed entirely to
public health and safety, it needs Development Division of the test pineapples from eight of
better data systems, more effi- General Accounting Office (GAO) those countries for six calendar
cient targeting of hazardous pes- summarized GAO's recent reports years, even though data revealed
ticides and tougher enforcement. on the EPA's re-registration and illegal residues on nearly 20% of
The FDA can no longer be bashful tolerance setting process and the the pineapples tested.
about hazardous food imports. FDA's monitoring programs for
The time has arrived to subject both domestic and imported Gaps exist in understanding the
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 72

health risks associated with many Yale University. human exposure exceeded the
pesticides. In her testimony Ms. Mott acceptable daily intake by 313
explained, "Often tolerances are percent, 258 percent, and 140
EPA lacks the data with which established (by EPA) without suf- percent, respectively.
to determine safe residue limits ficient toxicological data to assure "For 23 other chemicals, the
for many pesticides. that the levels chosen are safe (or registration standards indicated
human exposure. In some cases that EPA had insufficient data to
EPA lacks data regarding health when data do exist, they are inad- determine the amount of residues
hazards of "inert" pesticide for- equate, invalid, or even fabri- considered safe to ingest.
mula ingredients, such a s sol- cated. Nonetheless, these chemicals are
vents like 2-methoxyethanol "Further, when developing tol- continuing to be used on food.
which has been shown to produce erances EPA has relied on arbi- "Another issue rendering
adverse reproductive, and devel- trary assumptions about what EPA's tolerance setting system
opmental toxicity, effects in lab constitutes a n average diet, and ineffective is the complete failure
animals. (There are about 1,200 what safety factors should be to regulate the inert ingredients
"inert" ingredients in approxi- used. Tolerances are rarely contained in pesticide products.
mately 50,000 pesticide formula- revised when new scientific infor- "Recently, EPA reviewed the
tions). mation is received about a pesti- 1,200 commonly used inerts to
cide. Inert ingredients and other identify the chemicals of toxico-
EPA lacks data regarding health chemicals of toxicological con- logical concern. As a result, the
hazards of pesticides in ground- cerns such a s metabolites or Agency developed two lists of
water. Minimal groundwater test- break-down products that may approximately 100 inert ingredi-
ing has identified 17 pesticide leave residues in food are not con- ents that present human health
chemicals. 70 currently used pes- sidered in tolerances. risks.
ticides are suspected of being "Many pesticide tolerances "List one contained inerts of
capable of leaching into ground- were established without informa- toxicological concern, and list two
waters. tion on the chemical's potential to contained the inerts that are
cause cancer, birth defects, steril- potentially toxic based on struc-
Existing tolerances for 390 of ity or genetic mutation. For exam- tural similarities to compounds
the 400 pesticide chemicals now ple, by the end of fiscal year 1985, already known to be hazardous.
registered were set without all the EPA had reviewed tolerances for "(The National Resources
data EPA now believes is neces- 1 17 active ingredients through Defense Council) has learned that
sary to assess health risks their registration standards pro- at least 30 of these pernicious
according to current scientific gram. Only four registration stan- inerts have received exemptions
standards. dards identified tolerances a s from tolerances.. .These exempted
adequate and fully supported by chemicals that may be occurring
EPA, at the rate it is moving, the necessary health and safety a s residues in our food include
cannot possibly complete regis- data. Fourteen registration stan- the carcinogens benzene,
tration and tolerance reassess- dards revealed that the public's epichlorohydrin, formaldehyde,
ment of the 390 incompletely doc- maximum potential exposure to methylene chloride, and vinyl
umented chemicals in less than the pesticide in food may exceed chloride.
20-30 years. the amount considered safe to "At best, FDA's five scans can
ingest. cumulatively detect approxi-
Accompanying Mr. Peach was "For instance, EPA calculated mately 40 percent of the chemi-
National Resources Defense that the maximum potential cals that may leave residues in
Council Senior Scientist, Lawrie dietary exposure to the insecticide our food. Some of these chemicals
Mott. Along with colleague Karen lindane exceeds the acceptable that cannot be detected include
Snyder, Ms. Mott written daily intake by 7,883 percent. the dangerous pesticides beno-
"Pesticide Alert" which was pub- Forchlorpyrifos, ethion and endo- myl, daminozide, the EBDC's,
lished last year. Ms. Mott is a sulfan, pesticides found com- paraquat, DBCP, and dinoseb. In
molecular biochemist, trained at monly in food, the potential fact, approximately 40 percent of
73 Gerson Therapy Handbook

all the pesticides classified by Study is that they take a market sink, which you should do, but
FDA a s having a moderate to high basket from various grocery we're talking about systemic com-
health hazard cannot be detected stores in different parts of the pounds whose residues are within
by any of the five multiresidue country. This is done four times a the food itself."
scans." year in four different parts of the Shortly afterward, biochemist
Ms. Mott stated strongly a country. Then they run the food Mott added, "(S)ome chemicals
point with which the Gerson through a series of tests. From will penetrate, no matter how they
Institute fully agrees, "Due to the the information available to us, are applied, they will translocate.
numerous weaknesses in EPA's the same problems we found in Other chemicals, if you apply
tolerances that I discussed ear- FDA's pesticide monitoring pro- them late in the growing season,
lier, the public cannot assume gram exist in the Total Diet Study. will only be on the surface,
that only residues in excess of tol- That is, heavy reliance on the whereas if you apply them in the
erances are dangerous. Between multiresidue test. early season they will penetrate
the fiscal years 1982 and 1985. "For instance, the records the entire fruit.
FDA analyzed approximately according to FDA files, show that 'The other problem is that even
20,000 samples of 26 kinds of the EBDC is not tested in the if the residues are limited to the
commonly consumed fruits and Total Diet Study. surface, many chemicals are
vegetables. Pesticide residues "One of the other things is that designed not to be water-soluble,
were detected in 48 percent of all they have made some improve- because (pesticide manufactur-
the foods monitored. And this ments since 1979. At that time, ers) don't want them to wash off
number probably understates the they were targeting three age the plant in the field. (They)want
extent of pesticide residues in our groups. Currently they are target- to have the effect on the target. So
food because the FDA's routine ing eight. For instance, maybe the washing won't even remove
methods for detecting chemicals majority of the people on the sub- residues that may be limited to
only detect about half of the committee today are not covered the surface.
chemicals used on our foods." by that. In other words, the cate- "What consumers should do is
One particularly revealing gory of people 3 1 to 59 is not cov- they should try to buy locally
moment occurred during a n ered. " grown produce in season. They
exchange between Rep. Wyden Rep. Wyden asked, "Am I to may want to avoid food that is
and Mr. Kevin Donohue, group understand that the coverage of shipped great distances that
director from GAO. Rep. Wyden the Total Diet Study excludes the could have been treated to pre-
had asked whether there were high health hazard pesticides vent spoilage during travel. And
holes in the Total Diet Study, or which are not covered by mul- also, I would recommend that
Market Basket tiresidue methods, such a s the consumers ask their supermar-
Study. In 1983, FDA Associate EBDC's?" kets if they can stock organically
Commissioner Joseph Hile had "That's right," said Mr. grown food.
haled it a s "effective in showing Donohue, "they have not tested "For example, all 125 Safeway
over the years that the American EBDC's at all." stores in the United Kingdom sell
consumer's dietary exposure to Rep. Sikorski, the colorful organically grown produce. There
pesticide residues has been con- speaker who had earlier displayed is organically grown produce
sistently below acceptable limits tomatoes and bananas, offered a n available in varying degrees
of exposure set by the World important observation, "I think throughout our Nation, and the
Health Organization". After it's important to remember that food industry should consider
issuance of a critical GAO report what we're talking about are not marketing it along with commer-
in 1986, Secretary Bowen claimed things that show u p on the out- cial produce. "
that the Total Diet Study showed side. If you peel this banana, The Gerson Institute joins with
that "the U.S. consumer is not you're not free from the problem. the National Resources Defense
being exposed to harmful levels of It's in the actual meat. When you Council in urging consumers to
pesticide residues". peel the banana, you're just get- purchase organically grown foods.
Mr. Donohue responded: ting to the problem. When you eat Consumers should step out of the
"What they do in the Total Diet the tomato, you can wash it in the role of the unwitting or unwilling
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 74

victim. Stop relying on the U.S. organisms exposed to a chemical

Government to force the pesticide substance.
industry to change. We must PERSISTENT PESTICIDES:
make the changes ourselves. The Pesticides that remain in the envi-
U.S. government must follow the ronment and do not degrade or
will of the people. And industry metabolize to innocuous con-
cannot sell chemically grown and stituents for months or perhaps
poisonous produce to people who years.
will not buy it. Don't buy it! PESTICIDE: A general term (or
chemical or biological products
Glossary: used to destroy pests; (unwanted)
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: An ingre- insects, plants, fungi, rodents,
dient in a pesticide product that bacteria, or other organisms.
destroys or controls a pest. REGISTRATION: Licenses for
CARCINOGEN: A substance or specified uses of pesticide prod-
mixture of substances that pro- ucts. A pesticide product registra-
duces or incites cancer in a living tion sets the terms and conditions
tissue. of the u s e that the product,
FUNGICIDE: Chemicals used to including the directions and pre-
kill or suppress the growth of all cautions for use outlined on the
fungi or a certain fungus (mush- product label. All pesticides must
rooms, molds, mildews, rusts, be registered by EPA before they
etc). can be sold to the public.
HERBICIDE: A class of pesticide REREGISTRATION: A reassess-
used to kill or suppress the ment of previously registered pes-
growth of all or a certain type of ticides according to current scien-
plant. tific standards.
ILLEGAL RESIDUE: The presence SYNERGISM: The tendency of
of a n active ingredient in chemicals acting in combination
ammounts above the tolerance on to produce effects greater than
a crop at harvest. In some cases, the sum of the effects of the indi-
any amount of chemical present vidual chemicals.
on the crop is considered illegal if TOLERANCE: The maximum
no tolerance exists for the pesti- amount of pesticide residue that
cide on the commodity. is legally permitted in a food. EPA
INERT INGREDIENT: A substance sets a distinct residue limit for
contained in a pesticide product each individual food to which the
or formulation that is not pesticide may be applied.
intended to kill or control the tar- TOXICITY: The harmful effects
get pest but rather used to dis- produced by a chemical.
solve, dilute, propel, or stabilize
the active ingredient in the pesti-
cide product.
INSECTICIDE: A class of pesticide
that prevents, destroys, repels or
mitigates insects.
MUTAGEN: A substance or agent
that produces genetic changes in
living cells.
ONCOGENICITY: The tendency
for the development of tumors in
75 Gerson Therapy Handbook

The coffee enema is, without able to prove in 1981 that the
A Coffee Enema? question, the most unusual part palmitic acid found in coffee pro-
motes the activity of glutathione
of Gerson's combined regime ( I ) ,
Now I've Heard and often evokes astonishment
and mirth in persons who have
S-transferase and other ligands
by manyfold times above the
Everything. never experienced an enema and norm. It is this enzyme group
which is responsible primarily for
who emphatically prefer to drink
The Coffee Enema: What their coffee. Practitioners and the conjugation of free elec-
does it do?, how does it patients who have had experience trophile radicals which the gall
work? with coffee enemas, however, bladder will then release."
know that they are far more than The importance of this action
by Gar Hildenbrand a means of introducing stimulat- of coffee enemas is best described
ing caffeine into the bloodstream. against the background of mod-
(Excerpted from the Gerson From the patient's point of view, ern concepts of cell ion and water
Healing Newsletter #13, May- the coffee enema means relief content.
June 1989) from depression, confusion, gen- In most, probably all, chronic
eral nervous tension, many degenerative diseases there exists
It is difficult to describe the allergy related symptoms and, a "tissue damage syndrome" first
incredulous facial expressions most importantly, relief from described by Cope (6).When cells
which ripple across a medical severe pain. are challenged by poison, oxygen
school lecture audience a s the In 1981, writing in Medical starvation, malnutrition, or
topic of coffee enemas is intro- Hypotheses (2), Mark F. McCarty trauma (a physical blow), a uni-
duced. Embarrassed sniggering is pointed out that "At a Senate form set of reactions takes place:
heard from several seats in the Select Subcommittee hearing on cells a) lose potassium, b) accept
hall. cancer research in 1946 (3), five excess sodium and chloride, and
A wise guy heckles, "How do independent M.D.s who had had c) swell with excess water.
you take it?" Charlotte Gerson personal experience with patients According to the work of Ling,
doesn't miss a beat, answering treated by Gerson, submitted let- recently summarized in his mono-
"Black - without cream and ters indicating that they had been graph "In Search of the Physical
sugar." Laughter relaxes the surprised and encouraged by the Basis of Life" (Ling, G.N., Plenum
entire room and Gerson goes on results they had seen, and urged Press, New York, 1984), the cellu-
to explain this aspect of her a widespread trial of the method lar cytoplasm is latticed with a
famous father's (Max Gerson, (4). One of these doctors claimed protein-lipid macromolecule
M.D.) treatment: 3 tablespoons of that relief of severe pain was through which a n electron cur-
drip-grind coffee, boiled in a quart achieved in about 90% of cases. rent flows. Energy-storing adeno-
of distilled water for 3 minutes, No controlled trial of Gerson's sine triphosphate (ATP),the main
covered and simmered for 15 min- ' methods has ever been under- product of metabolism, is com-
utes, cooled to body temperature, taken. " plexed with this macromolecule,
filtered, and admitted to the colon The coffee enema has a very polarizing and energizing it, and
using a 6-8" tip while lying on the specific purpose: lowering serum forming many interactive, cooper-
right side. This is held for 12-15 toxins. Dr. Peter Lechner, who ative association sites which pre-
minutes and released. conducted a trial of the Gerson fer potassium over sodium.
Responses from the audience cancer therapy in the post-surgi- In a resting, healthy cell with
are typical: "Boy, I'll bet you get a cal treatment of liver-metasta- sufficient ATP, water is highly
buzz out of that!" "Couldn't you sized colorectal cancers under the organized in polarized multiple
just drink three or four cups of aegis of the Landes-krankenhaus layers forming a n "ice-like" struc-
coffee?" of Graz, Austria, reported (5) in ture. Water and ice are different
And the eventual "big ques- 1984 "Coffee enemas have a defi- not because their molecules are
tion" is "What does it do?" "Why nite effect on the colon which can different, but because their mole-
go to all that trouble just for a caf- be observed with an endoscope. cules relate differently.
feine high?" Wattenberg and coworkers were According to Ling's Assoc-
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 76

iation-Induction Hypothesis, water and extracellular materials, "Caffeine enemas cause dilation of
being "alive"requires not only the mitochondria1 production of ATP bile ducts, which facilitates excre-
presence of the right composition is greatly impaired with the result tion of toxic cancer breakdown
of chemical compounds, but also that cells cannot produce suffi- products by the liver and dialysis
requires that they be maintained cient energy to repair themselves of toxic products from blood
in special electronic and steric unless the challenge is removed. across the coionic wall."
(atomic spatial) relationships. The Endogenous serum toxins can Enzyme systems in the liver
living state is a high energy state be generated by cells with and small bowel are responsible
in the same sense a s a cocked impaired metabolism, by bacteria, for conversion and neutralization
gun, a drawn bow, or a set and by malignant cells. NMR of the most common tissue tox-
mousetrap. studies have suggested that sur- ins, polyamines, ammonia, toxic-
In the living cell, potassium rounding active malignancies bound nitrogen, and elec-
and nearly all water (except that there may often be a sphere of trophiles, all of which can cause
in vacuoles, etc.) is in a n damaged normal tissue in which cell and membrane damage.
adsorbed state. Potassium is pref- water structuring is impaired by In the late 1970's and early
erentially adsorbed on the beta- the chronic insult of tumor tox- 1980s, researchers in the lab of
and gamma- carboxyl groups of ins. Energy production and Lee Wattenberg (8-13) identified
certain cellular proteins while immunity are depressed in these salts of palmitic acids (kahweol
water is adsorbed in polarized cells which are swollen with and cafestol palmitate) in coffee
multilayers on a matrix of excess salt and water. Such dam- a s potent enhancers of glu-
extended protein chains. Low lev- aged tissue has decreased circu- tathione S-transferase, a major
els of sodium in the cell are due to lation because oversized edema- detoxification system that cat-
the reduced solubility of struc- tous cells crowd arterioles, capil- alyzes the binding of a vast variety
tured water. This mechanism also laries, and lymph ducts. of electrophiles from the blood
contains water content. Gerson taught that improved stream to the sulfhydryl group of
Cope reasoned that challenge circulation and tissue integrity glutathione. Because the reactive
to the cell by toxins, oxygen star- would prevent spread and, in fact, ultimate carcinogenic forms of
vation, malnutrition, or trauma cause the destruction of malig- chemicals are electrophiles, the
will result in an altered molecular nant tumors. He held a s glutathione S-transferase system
configuration state in which the axiomatic the observation that no must be regarded a s a n important
macromolecule will lose its prefer- cancer could exist in normal mechanism for carcinogen detoxi-
ence for potassium. Sodium com- metabolism. A favorite example of fication. In mice, this system is
petes with potassium for associa- his was the well known resistance enhanced 600% in the liver and
tion sites In damaged cells. of healthy lab models to tumor 700% in the small bowel when
Loss of cell potassium and transplants. Such transplanted coffee beans are added to their
increase of cell sodium in turn tumors are quickly killed in many diet. Because this system in lab
results in decreased electron flow cases by inflammation in the models is close, if not directly
through the macromolecule. This healthy host. In order to cause analogous, to that of humans a
in turn causes decreased attrac- transplanted tumors to "take" parallel stimulation by coffee of
tion of paramagnetic ions and easily, it is necessary to impair glutathione S-transferase in
subsequent disorganization of the metabolism of the host by humans is probable.
water molecules. Because bulk damaging the thyroid and adrenal With this rationale in mind, we
phase water, structured in a high- glands. Gerson's efforts were can expand on Gerson's hypothe-
energy state, is the main mecha- directed toward creating a near sized physiological actions and
nism controlling cell water con- normal metabolism in tissues effects of coffee enemas. Gerson
tent and purity, any disturbance surrounding tumors. wrote that Heubner and Meyer of
in water structuring will result in Such protective liver and gut Geottingen University, Germany,
the cell swelling with excess water enzyme systems are probably had shown in animal models that
and extracellular solutes. enhanced many fold by coffee rectal administration of caffeine
Once the internal environment enemas. Editors of Physiological would dilate bile ducts and pro-
of the cell is polluted with excess Chemistry and Physics stated (7) mote bile flow. The introduction of
77 Gerson Therapy Handbook

a quart of coffee solution into the shown coffee enemas to be well the therapy of Dr. M a x Gerson
colon will dilute portal blood and, tolerated by patients when used appears to a) reduce serum toxins
subsequently, the bile. a s frequently a s every four hours, to eliminate chronic challenge to
Theophylline and theobromine, the coffee enema may be classed damaged normal cells, b) improve
major constituents of coffee, a s the only non-reabsorbed, effec- cell potassium ion content, c)
dilate blood vessels and counter tive, repeatable choleretic in the reduce cell sodium content, d)
inflammation of the gut. The medical literature. reduce cell swelling through
palmitates of coffee enhance glu- These enemas are safe when improved water structuring, e)
tathione S-transferase which is used within the context of the increase cell mitochondria count
responsible for the removal of combined regime of Gerson. It is and activity, and f ) supply
many toxic radicals from serum. apparent that Gerson's intention micronutrients necessary for cell
Finally, the fluid of the enema in supplying a sodium restricted, energy production and repair. The
itself stimulates the visceral ner- high potassium, high micronutri- contribution of low serum toxin
vous system promoting peristalsis ent dietary of fruits, vegetables, levels by regular administration of
and the transit of diluted toxic and whole grains, was to supply coffee enemas is basic to
bile from the duodenum out the all nutrients, known and increased cell energy production,
rectum. Because the stimulating unknown, which are necessary enhanced tissue integrity,
enema is retained for 15 minutes, for cell respiration and energy improved circulation, improved
and because all the blood in the production. High potassium, low immunity, and improved tissue
body passes through the liver sodium environments tend to repair and regeneration which
nearly every three minutes, these return cell macromolecules to have been observed clinically to
enemas represent a form of dialy- normal configuration states and result from the administration of
sis of blood across the gut wall. to improve water structuring and the combined regime of Gerson.
It is obvious in light of the water content. The addition by
above that oral administration of Gerson of supplemental salts of References
beverage coffee cannot have the potassium (acetate, gluconate, 1. Gerson, M,, 1958. "A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty

same effect. On the contrary, it and phosphate monobasic) to the Cases" pp. 190-191 (4th Edition, 1986), published by

virtually insures reabsorption of diet in which malate is supplied Gerson Institute

toxic bile. by frequent use of apples proba- 2. McCorty, M,, 1981. Medical Hypotheses 7:591-597,
As a medication, the coffee bly greatly improves the efficiency "Aldosterone and the Gerson diet - a speculation"
enema is in a class by itself. While of the Kreb's cycle in mitochondr-
3. Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations
other agents classed as ial energy production. Protein
of the United States Senate, 1946, Seventy-ninth
choleretics do increase bile flow restriction, employed by Gerson
Congress, Second Session, Hearings on Bill 51875, pp.
from the liver, they do little to a s a temporary aspect of treat-
95-126, United States Government Printing Office, July
enhance detoxifying enzyme sys- ment, has been observed empiri-
1, 2, and 3,1946.
tems, and they do not ensure the cally since before the turn of the
century to aid in the reduction of 4. ibid, pp. 116-125.
passage of bile from the intestines
out the rectum. Bile is normally cellular edema. Administration of 5. Lechner, F,! 1984. Proceedings of the Oesterreicher

reabsorbed u p to 9 or 10 times high loading dosages of thyroid Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie, June 2 1-23, 1984. "Dietary

before working its way out the and Lugol's solution (iodine and Regime to be Used in Ontological Postoperative Core."

intestines in feces. The enzyme potassium iodide in dilute solu- 6. Cope, FW., 1977. Physiological Chemistry and

enhancing ability of the coffee tion) probably result in multipli- Physics, 9(6):547-553, 1977. "Pathology of Structured
enema is unique among cation of mitochondria, which Water and Associated Cations in Cells (The Tissue
choleretics. Because it does not have their own DNA and RNA and Damage Syndrome) and its Medical Treatment."
allow reabsorption of toxic bile by replicate independently of the cell.
7. Gerson, M,, 1979. Physiological Chemistry and
the liver across the gut wall, it is Additionally, thyroid is known to
Physics, 1O(5): 449-464, 1978. "The Cure of Advanced
a n entirely effective means of enhance cell oxidation of sugars
Cancer by Diet Therapy: a Summary of 30 Years of
detoxifying the blood stream and therefore ATP production. In
Clinical Experimentotion."
through existing enzyme systems this way cell energy production is
8. Chasseaud, L.F,, 1979. Advanced Concer Research,
in the liver and small bowel. probably markedly increased.
Through these mechanisms, 29:175-274, 1979. "The Role of Glutothione S-trans-
Because clinical practice h a s
Appendix II: Newsletter Excerpts 78

ferases in the Metabolism of Chemical Carcinogens and

Other Electrophilic Agents."

9. Jakoby, W.B., 1978. Advanced Enzymologyand

Related Areas of Molecular Biology, 46:383-414, 1978.

"A Group of Multifunctional Detoxification Proteins."

10. Sparnins, V.L; Wattenberg, L.W,, 1981. Journal of

the National Cancer Institute, 66:769-771, 1981.

"Enhancement of Glutathione S-tronsferase Activity of

the Mouse Forestomach by Inhibitors of Benzo[a]pyrene-

induced Neoplasia of Forestomach."

11. Sparnins, V.L., 1980. Proceedings of the American

Association of Cancer Researchers and the American

Society of Clinical Oncologists, 2 1:80, Abstract 3 19.

"Effects of Dietary Constituents on Glutathione S-trans-

ferase (G-S-T) Activity."

12. Sparnins, V.L.; Lam, L.K.T.; Wattenberg, L.W, 1981.

Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer

Researchers ond the American Society of Clinical

Oncologists, 22:114, Abstroct 453. "Effects of Coffee on

Glutathione S-transferase (G-S-T) Activity and 7- 12-

dimethylbenz(a)onthracene (DMBA). induced


13. Lam, L.K.T.; Sparnins, V.L.; Wattenberg, L.W, 1982.

Concer Research, 42: 1 193-1 198, 1982. "Isolation and

Identification of Kahweo! Polmitate and Cofestol

Palmitote as Active Constituents of Green Coffee Beans

That Enhance Glutathione S-transferose Activity in the

79 Gerson Therapy Handbook
Appendix 111: Recipes

These recipes were compiled and

edited by Christeene Lindsay-
Hildenbrand. To be used in con-
junction with the Gerson Therapy
Always freshly prepared. it is impossi-
videotape: "Charlotte Gerson ble to prepare all juices for the day in
Demonstrates Basic Gerson Food the morning.

NOTE: Recipes marked with *

were contributed by Yvonne
Nienstadt, Director of Health
Services at Cal-a-Vie, Vista,
Special Soup
(formerly, Hippocrates Soup)
California. Recipes marked with + Carrot-Apple
were contributed by Susan For 1 person use a 4-quart pot, use (8 oz. juice)
DeSimone of the Gerson Institute. the following vegetables, then cover
Recipes marked with MZ were con- with distilled water: 3 Cawots (6 oz.)
tributed by Marisol Zuniga of the I Large Green Appk (6 oz.)
Hospital Meridien. Recipes I medium celety knob
marked with GSG were contributed (substitute3-4 stalks of celery)
by the Gerson Support Group, I medium parsley root
England. Recipes marked con- garlic as desired
tain restricted dairy ingredients, 2 small leeks
instructions on pg. 98 should be I 1/2 Ibs. tomatoes or more
followed carefully. 2 medium onions
I Ib. potatoes
Gerson Therapy Recipes a little parsley
Use only certified organically Green Juice
grown fruits, dried fruits, vegeta- Do not peel any of these vegetables; Of the various kinds of leaves men-
bles, grains and sweeteners. iust wash and scrub them well and cut tioned below, procure as many as
Use fresh fruits and vegetables - them coarsely; simmer them slowly for possible (no others):
no canned. 2 hours, then put through food mill in
Fruits and vegetables should not small portions; scarcely any fibers Romaine Lettuce
be peeled or scraped unless indi- should be left. Vary the amount of Swiss Chard
cated. water used for cooking according to Beet Tvps (young inner leaves)
To clean them use only lukewarm taste and desired consistency. Keep Watermss
water and brush. well covered in refrigerator no longer Sonle Red Cabbage
Gerson approved light honey, than 2 days. Warm up as much as Green Pepper (1/4 of small one)
maple syrup and sugar. Dried needed each time. Endive
organic cane sugar (SucanatB) Note: For recipes which call for Escarole
may be used in recipes calling for soup stock use the liquid from this
brown sugar. It has a strong special soup. Add one medium apple for each glass
molasses flavor. Some cooks may when grinding.
prefer other options.
81 Gerson Therapy Handbook

in a tightly covered jar in the refriger-

Preparation Of Juices ator for 48 hours.
(A Cancer Therapy, pg. 240)

Garlic & Onion Dressing

(Salad Dressing 1)
2 tsp. Lemon Juice or Wine Vinegar
2 tsp. Water
7 tsp. Brown Sugar
a little Diced Onion
7 Clove Garlic
Citrus Juices small amount of Permitted Herbs
Squeeze only with a reamer type juicer
made of glass, plastic, porcelain. Do
not use any juice press into which the
Salads & Dressing
Raw fruit or raw vegetables, when
Mix ingredients together, allow time
for flavors to mingle, and serve on
orange is inserted with the skin (if the finely grated or shredded, must be salad.
skin is also pressed out, it will emit used fresh, as quickly as possible. Raw
harmful fatty acids and aromatic sub- living tissues may not be stored after
stances contained in its surface). Do any kind of preparation.- A Cancer Herb Dressing
not use an aluminum juicer. Therapy, pg. 189 (Salad Dressing 2)
The following vegetables are very 1/3 cup Apple Cider Vingar
important (finely grated if necessary, 7 tsp. Brown Sugar
Juicers or chopped, mixed or separate): 2/3 cup Water
Use a separate grinder and a sepa-
rate press. Do not use liquifiers, cen- Knob Celery Mix these basic ingredients together
trifuges, juice mixers or masters, etc. fimatoes and add some or all of the following
Escarole (optional) and leave to infuse:
Pressing Process Romaine Zrmgon, (pushed in stalk first)
Take 1 or 2 coarsely woven cloths, Chives Shallots or spring onions, chopped
nylon - 12" square, place cupful of Green Peppers finely
pulp into center of moistened cloth, Apples and Carrots 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
fold in thirds in both directions and Lettuce (all qpes) with the back of a knij5
press. Chicory I fish bay leaf
Rinse cloths in cool water after each Watermss
juice preparation. Do not allow juice Radishes
to dry on the cloths. Wash thoroughly Scallions Orange Dill Vinaigrette
each night in warm or hot water; rinse Endives submitted by Richard Crowell
thoroughly. Keep overnight in freezer. 7/2 Cup Vinegar
It is most important to clean machine 3 Cloves Peeled Garlic
and cloths very well. Buttermilk Dre~sing*""'~~, P G 98 I Cup Orange Juice
If juice retains taste of cloth, use a new I cup churned buttprmilk (not cul- I/Z Cup Water
cloth. Allow 2 cloths per juice. Have 1 tured) 7 Green Onion
set of cloths for each type of iuice. 1/3 cup nun-fit yogurt cheese 2 a s p . Honey
Leftovers of all pressings can be used 7/4 tsp. horseradish p d r 7/2 tsp. Dried Dill
only for compost or as animal food. 2 tsp. honey 1/4 Red Bell Pepper
If the patient goes to work again, 7 tsp. cider or wine vinegar
apple and carrot juice only may be pinch dill, tarragon, or savory Blend all ingredients in Osterizer.
taken and kept in a thermos for no Makes 1 pint of zesty and sweet dress-
longer than 4 hours. Hand beat or buzz in blender until ing.
smooth. Leftover dressing may be kept
Appendix Ill: Recipes 82

Variation: Substitute juice of 1 Lime or

Lemon for Orange Juice; increase Artichoke Salad Cold Broccoli Salad*DA1RY,
pG. 98

Water. Substitute Sage or Thyme for 1 Purple Onion 2 Ibs. Broccoli

Dill. I ;Tomah
2 tbsp. Apple Cider h g a r Cut broccoli into bite-sized pieces.
1 Artichoke Stew over a low flame in a heavy pan
Spinach Dressing*DA1Ry* P G 98 I Green Bell Pepper with a tight fitting cover until barely
1 Cup non-fit yogurt 2 Cawots tender, about 25-30 minutes. Chill.
2 Cups spinach chopped raw 3 tbsp. Flax Seed Oil
or 7 Cup spinach, cooked Add:
3 geen onions chopped Wash the artichokes well and boil in 1cup Cherry ;Tomatoes
1-2 tsp. vinegar covered pot for 45 minutes to 1 hour. 1/2 cup Shallots
1/2 tsp. dill weed When ready, peel them until you can or Green Onions
pinch mace see the center. Remove the "chokes" 7 cup Buttermilk Dressing
with a spoon and discard. Cut the arti- 2-3tsp. Chives
Place in a blender & spin until smooth. choke heart and other vegetables into 2-3tsp. Parsley
bite size pieces. Combine and toss
with vinegar and oil. Combine broccoli, tomatoes, and
Yoguefort DressingDAIRy, PG 98 shallots in bowl. Mix in dressing.
3/4 Cup dry, unsalted Serve on bed of Endive and garnish
Cottage Cheese Bessarabian Nightmare' with Chives and Parsley
1 cup Yogurt 2 tomatoes, sliced
(or Churned Buttermilk) 1 small onion, sliced
1/4 Cup Vinegar or Lemon Juice I red or geen pepper (or both), Eggplant Salad'
2 tsp. Honey sliced 1 Egplant
1 clove Garlic, mshed 2-3cloves ofgarlic, mshed
1/4 tsp. Eragon, Marjoram, Permitted herbs to taste Bake eggplant for one hour at 350
or Dill degrees (180 degrees Celsius)
1/4 Cup Chives Layer each ingredient in a glass pyrex Let eggplant cool, then chop into bite
or Gven Onions, chopped baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees - sized pieces.
2 Tbsp. Linseed Oil (optional) Fahrenheit until tender. Cool and add
flax seed oil to taste when cool Combine with:
Blend the first 5 ingredients in blender enough. 1 small onion, chopped
until smooth. Add herbs and chives. 7 tablespoon cider vinegar
To thin mixture, add more yogurt. Chopped parsley
Chill before serving. Celery Root (Knob) Salad 2 sliced tomatoes
Remove loose roots from 2 Celery Flax oil
Knobs and scrub clean. Boil knobs in
Summer Cole PG. 98 jacket about 1 hour, peel and slice
I Stalk Celery, finely chopped Fruity Winter SaladGsG
1/4 Cup Minced Red Onion Add: 1/2 white cabbage
I 112 Cups Shredded Cabbage 1 med chopped Raw Onion 2 med. carrots
1/4 Cup Shredded Cawot Scallions (peen onion) 2 red apples
Pinch of Fresh Dill I oz. raisins
2 Cups Non-Fat Yogurt Toss with herb or Garlic-Onion salad I 02. dried figs
dressing. 1 oz. dried apricots
Combine all ingredients in bowl and 70 Tbsp. non-far yogurt
toss well. Serve chilled. I I/. lemon
chopped parsley

Soak dried figs and apricots in bowl of

83 Gerson Therapy Handbook

water overnight. The next day, empty

water and add finely shredded cab- Potato Salad, Fancy (2) Red And Green Salad*
bage, coarsely grated carrots and 4 Potatoes Combine ingredients and serve with
apples, and raisins. In a separate I White Onion spinach dressing
bowl, combine yogurt, lemon juice, I/+ Cup Celery 7 head Romaine Lettuce
and parsley. Combine contents of 3 gated Carrots 2 cup shredded Savoy
each bowl and toss together until well Flax Seed Oil or Green Cabbage
mixed. Serve chilled. 2 Laurel Leaves 3 Green Onions
I Purple Onion 7 cup Sunf2aver Greens
Parsley 2 Kohlrabi cut in shoe siring strips
Italian Salad 3 tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar or peeled broccoli stems
Cauliflower I Green Bell Pepper I thinly sliced Nllmv Crookneck
Broccoli Squash
Celery Boil the potatoes in their jackets, with 7 pint Cheny iramatoes
Tomatoes the laurel leaves on slow heat. Cut the or 7 large Sweet Red Pepper cut in
vegetables and saute with the apple strips
Wash and cut up all vegetables, then cider vinegar (can use wok). No oil!
toss with herb or garlic-onion salad Once the potatoes are cooked, peel,
dressing. cut into small cubes and add the Sunchoke (Jerusalem
cooked vegetables. Add the flax seed Artichoke) Salad
oil after mixture is cooled. Combine:
Peach Salad' 2 cup Sunchokes
Mix together the following: (cooked or raw)
I tomato, chopped Rice Salad' ./I cup Celery sliced diagonally
7 red pepper; chopped Mix cooked, organic, brown rice (with 1/4 cup Green Peppers
I green pepper; chopped bay leaf and a little rosemary) with 1/2 cup Salad Dressing
7 peach, chopped plenty of chopped vegetables - toma-
M cup geen and red seedless gapes toes, celery, zucchini, radishes, fresh
A fm mint leaves garden herbs and lemon and garlic Tomato and Pepper Salad'
dressing (see above). I Green pepper; cut into thin rings
Dress with lemon and garlic dressing: 2 Zmatoes, firm but n'pe, sliced
equal parts lemon juice and water. Rose, borage and/or marigold petals or chopped
Add a little brown sugar (sucanat) and look beautiful sprinkled over the
crushed garlic. salad. Add apricots which have been Dress with lemon juice and crushed
soaked in water and chopped (if garlic, fresh herbs and chopped celery
desired). leaves. Add flax oil to taste.
Potato Salad, Basic (1)
Boil potatoes until soft (1 hour) in jack-
ets, peel and slice Raw Grated Carrots & Beet Salad
Apples Boil Beets in Water for 1 hour. Peel
Add: Grate by putting through grinder of and cut tips off, slice thin. Add
Onions Norwalk: Chopped Onions and either Herb or
Scallions 2 or 3 carrots Garlic-Onion salad dressing.
Celery 7 apple, peeled
Green peppers Add 1/4 cup raisins
Herb or Garlic-Onion juice of 7/2 orange or lemon
Salad Dressing
pressure cooking pots. Lids must be
heavy and fit well into the pots.
Cooked foods (soup and fruit) may be
kept in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

Baked vegetables should be slow

cooked in a "low" oven (180-190 Artichokes
degrees, use oven thermometer) for 2 Cut ends and rinse in the center
to 2 and 1/2 hours, in a covered Bring 2 inches of water to a boil
casserole with a tightly fitting lid. This Add Artichokes. Lower temperature,
method of baking is virtually water- cover and simmer for approximately 1

Cooked Vegetable less. Use onions, tomatoes, or sprinkle

vegetables with lemon to add mois-
hour. Serve with salad dressing on the
side as a dip.

Dishes ture when necessary.

Stewed vegetables are cooked in a

Preparation Of Vegetables: heavy pot with tightly fitting lid on top
All vegetables must be cooked slowly, of the stove over a low flame, slowly
over low flame, with little or no addi- with little or no added liquid. Asparagus
tion of water. The slow cooking Bake in covered casserole with a small
process is very important, in order to Simmered vegetables are cooked on amount of soup stock or lemon iuice
preserve the natural flavor of the veg- the top of the stove over a low flame in low oven 1 hour or simmer with
etables and keep them easily in a tightly covered pan with a small 1/2" soup stock for 30 minutes or until
digestible. All vegetables should be amount of liquid. The temperature is tender.
"done" or tender. Valuable compo- kept just at the boiling point.
nents are lost in fast cooking by exces-
sive heat, because the cells burst, the Boiled vegetables (like corn and arti- Beautiful Borscht'
minerals go out of their colloidal com- chokes) are cooked on the top of the 7 onion
position and become more difficult to stove in a heavy pot with a tightly fit- 3 garlic cloves
be absorbed. A stainless steel "flame ting lid. Place 1 inch of cold water in 7 cup Special Soup
tamer" may be used to prevent burn- the bottom of the pot, add the washed 6 small beets with tops
ing. A little of the "Special Soup" may vegetables (do not peel or scrape), I laze poiuto
also be used, or tomatoes, apple cover. Cook over medium heat, slowly 7 cawot
slices, or chopped onion may be bringing the liquid to a boil (bubbles 4 red cabbage h s
placed at the bottom of the pan to breaking on the surface and steam 2 bay haves
give up more fluid. In some cases this given off). Lower the flame as much as 3 cups water
also improves the flavor. Only spinach possible, keeping the liquid boiling. 2 tomatoes
water is too bitter, contains too much Note: Bring liquids to a boil only if the
oxalic acid and must be discarded. recipe specifically calls for it. Run all the vegetables through your
Tomatoes, leeks, zucchini and onions grinder and add the water and bay
should be stewed in their own juices, 'Tightly Fitting Lids": saucepans must leaves. Cook for 30 minutes on low
as they contain an abundance of fluid be tightly covered to prevent steam heat. Serve with a dab of non-fat
by themselves. Red beets should be from escaping. Covers must be heavy yogurt.
cooked like potatoes, in their peel, in and close fitting. You may have to
water. All vegetables must be carefully place wax paper under the lid to aid
washed and cleaned. Peeling or the seal. Beets
scraping is forbidden, because impor- Bake or boil beets in their jackets.
tant mineral salts and vitamins are
deposited directly under the skin. The
pot (not aluminum) must close tightly,
to prevent escape of steam. Don't use
85 Gerson Therapy Handbook

Glazed Beets* Broccoli & HerbsMZ Cauliflower and Carrot

(serves 6-8) 2 bunches of broccoli Sauce
g Laze Beets 4-6ches ofgarlic I small Cauli+er
7/2 onion, sliced 3 carrots
Scrub 9 beets and boil in 1" water until 1/4 tsp. dill Flax Seed Oil
tender, approx. 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Peel 1/4 Cup Special Soup broth
in cold water. Slice or cut into bit sized Separate the Cauliflowerets and place
pieces. Wash broccoli and peal stems. Put in a baking dish with a little water and
garlic and onion in one pot and cook cook until soft at 250 degrees. When
Glaze for Beets until onion becomes translucent. Add ready, drain off the water. At the same
Combine: cut broccoli crowns and stems, dill time, simmer the carrots on low heat
2/3 cup fesh orange juice and broth. Cook on low heat until with enough water until they are soft.
7 tsp. cornstarch broccoli is tender. Blend Carrots in blender with the oil.
I 7/2 tsp. cider vinegar Pour sauce over the cooked
I tsp. honey Cauliflower, and place in warm oven
or crude b r i n sugar Festive Broccoli* (turned off) for 5-10 minutes, before
(or Festive Green Beans) serving.
Cook over low flame until thick. Add 7 lage bunch broccoli*
Beets and mix well. Variation: Use 7 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup apple juice and 3 tsp. lemon I small onion, diced Carrots and Honey
juice in place of orange juice. I medium sweet red or y e l h bell Wash Carrots, cut off ends, and slice.
peppec cut in strps Do not peel or scrape. Stew in a small
2 tsp. kmon juice (optional) amount of soup stock for 45 minutes
Beets, Cooked 7/4 tsp. dried or 7 tsp. or until tender. Last 5-10 min.
& "Creamed'fDA'RY j k h dillweed
3 cooked beets add:
6 Tbsp. non-fit yogurt * This recipe works well with green I/' tsp. Honey fir sight Pavoring
I Tbsp. fish snipped chives beans as well. Replace broccoli with;
2 Tbsp. finely chopped onion 3 I/Z cups sliced beans.
finely chopped parsley Chard Rolls, StuffedMZ
Select dark green bunch of broccoli I bunch of chard
Put cooked, chopped beets into a with no yellowing. Wash well and cut 6medium potatoes
saucepan with the yogurt, chives into spears, peeling tougher stalks at 4 carrots
and onion and heat gently. Put base. Place onion, and garlic in pot. 1/2onion, sliced
into serving dish and sprinkle Cover and stew on low flame for 45 3 large cloves ofgarlic, minced
with chopped parsley. min. or until tender. Add pepper strips
for last 20-25 minutes of cooking. Cook onions and potatoes separately.
Add lemon just before serving - will In another pot, cook carrots and gar-
discolor broccoli if added during lic. When done, puree each potfull
cooking. Sprinkle vegetables with dill separately, then mix together. Put
and serve. chard leaves in very hot water, assur-
ing not to overcook. Spread each leaf
and remove tough center stem. Then
Broccoli Cauliflower place puree in center of leaf and roll
Bake in a covered casserole in low Wash and break into sections. 2-3 tightly. Display on tray and serve with
oven with onions or a small amount of tomatoes, sliced and cut into chunks. "ketchup" (see recipe, pg. 92).
soup stock for 1-2 hours. Serve with Stew for approximately 45 minutes (or
tomato sauce. until tender) on low heat.
Appendix Ill: Recipes 86

Dilly Beans * Eggplant pG. 98

3 cups Green Beans with Red Pepper Sauce

7/3 cup Onion sliced in halfrngs The Sauce:
Corn 7/2 tsp. Dill Weed 1red peppet; quartered & de-seeded
Corn may be baked in the husk 2 tsp. Lemon Juice 7onion, flnely chopped
wrapped in foil. Bake in low oven for Green Or White Cabbage 2 tomatoes, chopped
1 hour or place in boiling water for I clove garlic, crushed
approximately 7 minutes Combine in pan: 6 Tbsp. water
7/2 Cabbage, shredded thinly
pinch mavoram The Roulade:
Corn with Mixed Vegetables 3-4 tsp. Apple Cider Wnegar 2 eggplants
3 stalks of Celery 1 large Tamato I pot of cottage cheese
2 Cawots Chopped Sage (unsalted, non-fit)
2 ears of Corn I Onion, diced 2 tomatoes, skinned and chopped
2 Zucchini Squash herbs (such as parsly
Combine and bake in low oven in a or coriander)
Wash the corn well and husk it. Cut covered casserole until tender. Stew
the kernels off. Slice the other vegeta- approximately 1 hour, until tender. Do To make the sauce, cook the pepper,
bles into smaller pieces. Put the corn not add water onion, tomatoes and garlic in the
in a baking dish and add the vegeta- water, and simmer for 20 minutes.
bles. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees Put through the food processor or
for 1 hour. blender. For the roulade, cut the egg-
plants lengthways into 1/4 slices. Put .
in an oven-proof dish and cook a little
Creamed Corn in the oven to soften them. In the
3 ears of Corn meantime, mix together the cottage
1 Green Bell Pepper cheese and herbs and prepare the
Eggplant, Baked tomatoes. Then spread a little cottage
Husk corn and cut off the kernels. Put Put some soup stock in bottom of cheese over each partially cooked
kernels from 2 ears in a blender and large covered baking dish piece of eggplant, scatter with toma-
blend. Add the kernels from the third toes and roll up. Place back into the
ear to the blended corn. Place in a Add in layers: oven-proof dish and cook for 15-20
baking dish and on the top place 1 chopped Onion minutes. Serve hot, garnished with
sliced green pepper. Bake in the oven 1 Eggplant, sliced the pepper sauce.
1 1/2 hours at 200-250 degrees. 2 fimatoes, sliced and skinned

Cover and bake In low oven for 2 Fennel Treat'

Corn With Orange Juice hours. 1 bulb of Fnnel
2 ears of Corn 7 large tomato cut into $4 inch slices
I glass of Orange juice 2-3 cloves garlic) peeled, sliced thin
Eggplant, Stewed
Wash the corn well, husk, and cut off Combine in stew pot: Cut stalks and leaves off fennel. Slice
the kernels. Put this in a baking dish 7eRgPant) cut into cubes bulb in half lengthwise so you have
with a lid and bake in the oven at 250 2 onions, chopped two flat halves. Rinse halves under
degrees until done. Pour the corn iuice 3 tomatoes (peeled and chopped) running water to remove sand and put
off, and add the orange juice. Let set them in a baking dish with cut side up.
5-10 minutes before serving. Stew approximately 30 minutes (until Cover halves with tomato slices and
tender). Do not add water. place garlic slices on top of tomatoes.
Cover dish and bake at 250 degrees
for 1-2 hours. Serve with a baked
87 Gerson Therapy Handbook

potato and a salad of grated carrots 4 med. fimatoes Core the pepper with a sharp knife,
on a bed of pretty greens. 7/2 tsp. Cornstarch removing all seeds.
4 sprigs jkesh Panley Mix the pot cheese with the cooked
dash Ticlyme and Sage vegetables and fill the pepper using a
Green Chard Rolls or pinch dried Parsky small spoon.
4 leaves of Green Chard Stand the pepper in a suitable baking
2 Carrots Mix all ingredients except herbs. dish and bake for 40 minutes at 350
7/4 head Broccoli Simmer about 15 minutes (until ten- degrees.
2 cloves Garlic der) Thicken with cornstarch mixed Serve with French Tomato Sauce,
I/Z Cup Rice, uncoohd with a little water. Just before serving baked potato and a green vegetable.
1/4 head Caulif2mer add herbs.
2 small Zucchini Squash
7 ear of Corn (cut hrnels o f l
7 7/2 fimataes Onions and Raisins
7 Onion, peeled and chopped
Wash the vegetables well. Put the 1/4 cup Raisins
chard leaves in hot water long enough Potatoes
to wilt them so they will bend. Cut the Stew in tightly covered pot approxi- Potatoes are most often boiled slowly
other vegetables into small pieces, mately 30 minutes. in a covered pot over medium-low
and put them in a pan with a little bit heat approximately 1 hour, until ten-
of water to boil on low heat. When der.
cooked, drain the water off. Make a Onions, Cheese
sauce in the blender with the tomatoes MarinatedDA'RY,PG. 98
and garlic, and pour this sauce on top 2 Tbsp. lemon juice Baked Potatoes
of the vegetables and raw rice. Place 3 oz.pot cheese (unsalted non-fat) Baked potatoes should be thoroughly
some of the vegetables-rice mixture in 1/2 tsp. brmn sugar washed, not scraped or peeled. Bake
the center of each leaf and roll them 2 Cups onions, sliced thick in a low oven for 2-2 and 1/2 hours
up. Put these in a baking dish with a or bake 50 minutes to 1 hour at 350
lid and bake in the oven for 1 to 1 1/2 degrees.
hours at 250 degrees. Stuffed Pepper+DA'Ry, P G 98

I l a g geen or v d pepper
4 oz. pot cheese Mashed Potatoes
54 onion Peel and cube potatoes. Place in pan
1 zucchini with one small onion and enough
I small carrot water to bring to a boil and simmer
3 tomatoes until done. When done, there should
I small turnip be no water left. Mash with enough
Green Peppers r clove garlic non-fat yogurt to make smooth.
2-4sliced geen peppen 7 tablespoon fi.esh mixed herbs
2-4sliced onions 4 oz. Hippocrates soup
Mashed Potatoes and
Stew in tightly covered pot approxi- Put the pepper in a saucepan with a Chard
mately 30 min. (add no water) little water and cook over low heat Take one bunch of chard, green or
(covered) until tender. Remove from red, wash and shred and put in pan.
the pan and leave the pepper upside Add small amount (4-5 Tbsp.) of
Lima Beans And Zucchini down to drain and cool. water or soup stock, and start to boil.
7 large Onion Finely chop the onion, zucchini, car- when boiling, turn down to simmer.
7 clove Garlic rot, herbs, tomatoes, turnip and gar- Meantime, peel 3 large or four
7/2 CUPSOUP stock lic. Place in a small saucepan with the medium/large potatoes; cube and
7 Cup fkesh Lima Beans soup and simmer over low heat for 45 place on top of the chard. Let simmer
3 Cups Zucchini minutes to an hour. until potatoes are soft and done.
Appendix Ill: Recipes 88

Remove water if any remains, and 3-4 n s p . Soup stock diced

add approximately 6-8 oz. of non-fat 1/2 Cup unsulphuzd raisins
yogurt. Mash all together. Add a little Wash and slice carrots into pan. Peel or prunes (pit prunes and chop)
more yogurt if the mixture is too dry. and slice potatoes and chop onion. I tsp. each sage and savory
The same recipe can be used with Add all together in pan with soup 2 tsp. thyme
kale. When using kale, remove central stock. Let simmer until done, adding a 1/3 Cup fish parsly
stems, by stripping them before shred- bit more Soup Stock if necessary. finely chopped
ding into pan. When done, no water should remain 1/4 Cup fish orangejuice
in pan.
* I love the texture and taste of this
Parsley Potatoes Japanese squash - it's very meaty and
Boil several potatoes in their skins until Red Cabbage sweet, but you could use pumpkin,
done. Remove the peel and roll in Combine in pan: turban or acorn squash (cut latter in
some chopped parsley after slightly 1/2 Cabbage, shredded half and seed). You may also use 2 or
brushing with flaxseed oil. 3 tsp. Vinegar 3 smaller sized squashes rather than a
3 Iage Chopped Onions large one. This makes a very attractive
2 Bay Leaves presentation, especially if the squash
Potato Puffs a little Soup Stock are of different sizes.
(marginal food, to be eaten only Cook rice and wild rice together in
rarely) Stew over low heat approximately 1/2 vegetable stock for 45 minutes or until
Take a baking potato and cut it into hour. rice is done. Using stock to cook the
thin (1/2") slices. Place the slices on grain adds both nutrition and flavor.
the oven rack and, without any addi- Last half hour add: Just save your vegetable trimmings,
tion, bake at HIGH heat (425 F) to 3 Apples, peekd andgated carrots, parsnips, chard stems or
puff, turn over and lower heat to 325" I tsp. Raw Sugar greens, celery, celery root, onion all
F (with oven door cracked). Bake for work well. Avoid cabbage family veg-
another 20 minutes. The slices puff up gies as they impart a strong flavor.
and become crisp and tasty, almost Spinach Cover with pure water and simmer
like fried potatoes. Done when shiny After cutting off roots wash 3-4 times. until done. Use in soups, to make
brown on both sides. Put in large, tightly covered pot which sauces or what have you.
has a layer of onions on the bottom of Carefully cut the top off of the squash
the pan. Do not add water. Stew over as you would when carving a pump-
Scalloped Potatoes a low flame until spinach wilts. Pour kin. Remove seeds. Place squash face
Take a glass baking dish and place off excess iuice Serve chopped with down on baking pan together with the
one whole chopped onion in bottom. slice of lemon squash lid and prebake for 25 to 30
Slice potatoes and place one layer on minutes in a 350 degree oven. Take
top of the onion. Then place a layer of care not to over cook - a mushy
sliced tomato on top, another layer of Stuffed Holiday Squash* squash cannot be stuffed.
sliced or chopped onion. Sprinkle with 7 Lrg. Kabocha squash Place onion and garlic, peas and cel-
a dash of marioram and/or thyme (about 4 1/2 lbs.) ery in a pot and cook on low for 20
and bake in a low oven 1-2 hours or 3/4 Cup raw brown rice minutes to barely tenderize. Add diced
until done. 7/4 Cup ray wild rice, rye or wheat pepper, raisins, herbs, citrus iuice, and
berries, or morP brown rice cooked rice, mixing well. Fill squash
2 I/. cups vegetabk stock with stuffing, packing it down. Return
Potatoes and Carrots, or pun'fied water to oven and bake 25 to 30 minutes, or
Westphalian Style I Cup onion, diced until squash is tender, but still firm. If
6-8 small Carrots, sliced 3 cloves garlic, rninced there is extra filling, bake in a covered
or 4-5 l a g Carrots, sliced 7 1/2 cup fish peas, shelled casserole with a tablespoon of stock
3 medium potatoes or sprouted lentils or juice, or fill a bell pepper or two
or z laxe Potatoes 3/4 Cup celery diced and do the same.
I large onion 3/4 Cup yellow or red bell peppec To serve, arrange a platter with fresh
89 Gerson Therapy Handbook

kale or other leafy greens. Place -ICarrot Put in pan, sliced side up, cover each
squash in center of platter and artisti- 7 Leek half with chopped onions bake in low
cally prop squash fid up against 7 Cup Orange /uice oven 1 hour. Save juice to put into
squash. Spoon out each helping, 7 Tbsp. Honey soup
making sure to get some of the deli- 7 Tbsp. Vingar
cious squash meat. Alternatively, if I tsp. Allspice
squash is cooled a bit before serving, Green Tomato Mincemeat
it may be sliced in wedges. Ladle Clean all vegetables, removing stem I qt. Grzen -Tomatoes
Parsley Yogurt Sauce (see recipe from snow peas, slicing white stalk 2 02. Golden Raisins
below) over each portion, if dairy is and green leaf of bok choy into strips, 7/2 cup Brmn Sugar
allowed, otherwise a squeeze of slicing yellow squash lengthwise and 7/4 cup Water
orange iuice adds a bit of zing. Enjoy! then into half circles. You can make 2 02. Seeded Raisins
attractive planks out of the zucchini by 7/4 tsp. cloves
trimming off each end, and then cut- 7/4 cup Wine I4negar
Stuffed Squash* ting in half, then half again. Stand I
I pt. tart Apples
3-4Acorn Squash each barrel of squash on end and
7/2 Cup Onion, diced slice down into 1/8" planks. Dice red Put tomatoes through coarse chopper.
1/2Cup Cekry, diced onion, then slice carrots oriental style Combine all ingredients except
7/2 Cup Camt, diced as thin as possible at a 45 degree apples. Heat to tender about 30 min.
I 7/4 Cup cooked Bravn Rice angle into ovals. Slice leek in similar stirring. Add chopped apples and
I/Z Cup Lentils, sprouted fashion across stalk into ovals. Put I cook until thick.
7/4 Cup Raisins or chopped orange juice, honey, allspice, and
prunes, soaked & drained vinegar into a blender, then pour into
3 tsp. fish pars19 minced a suitable-sized steam pot. Cover Tomatoes Stuffed with
1/2 tsp. rubbed sage with all the vegetables and simmer I Mixed Vegetables
7/2 tSp. t h y m ~ 15-20 minutes until tender. Very suc- 4 -Tomatoes
7 large c h e garlic, crushed" culent!
Vegetables: as much of as many kinds
Slice squash lengthwise and remove as desired
seeds. Combine remaining ingredi- String Beans 2 -Tomatoes
ents, fill squash halves. Cover and 1 Ib. Green Beans (cut tips, wash and 6 Garlic Ches
bake at 300 - 325 degrees F., for 1 cut into any size piece desired)
1/2 hours, or until squash is tender. Add: Wash tomatoes well. Hollow out the
Delicious with Apricot Sauce or 7 med Onion, chopped four tomatoes. Cut the vegetables into
Golden Gravy (see Sauces & Dips). some Soup Stock @st enough to small pieces and boil in a little water
**Try using 6-8 whole cloves garlic for keep beans moist) for half an hour. Put cooked vegeta-
a delicious mild flavor. Crushing Stew approximately 50 minutes (until bles in the tomatoes and place them
releases the strong aromatic oils, tender) in a baking dish without the lid. In the
whereas using garlic uncut imparts a blender, blend the two tomatoes and
very mild flavor. garlic. Spread sauce on top of each
Sweet Potato tomato. Preheat oven for ten minutes.
Cut off tips and wash Turn it off. Put tomatoes in for another
Stir Steam Snow Perforate with knife to let steam ten minutes.
Peas Medley escape place in casserole (covered for
submitted by Richard Crowell soft skin, uncovered for crisp skin)
I Pound Snow Peas bake in low oven for 2 to 2 and 1/2
I Bunch Bok Choy hours.
7 Medium Zucchini
I Medium Crookneck
fillow Squash Tomatoes, Grilled
7 Small Red Onion Slice tomatoes in half
Appendix Ill: Recipes 90

drink as a hot broth immediately. It's

Spaghetti With Beetballs * delicious.
Wash one medium spaghetti squash
and cut in half. Scoop out seeds and Beet Balls
place cut side down on baking sheet. 2 tsp. Parsley, minced
Zucchini Bake in low oven for 2 hours or until 7 sm. Onion, minced
Combine: tender. OR place cut side up in a large I med Beet, gmted
sliced Zucchini covered pot with 1" water and steam 3-4med. Carrots,gated
raw chopped Onion over low flame for 1 hour or until OR 7 cup E&ant, pound
chopped Tomatoes done. 1/2 cup Essene Rye Bread or
touch of Soup Stock Note: Spaghetti squash is a yellow Saltless, Fatless Rye
hard winter squash developed by a I 1/2 cup 2 day old Lentils, gemi-
Stew for 20 minutes or cut squash into Japanese farmer some 30 years ago. nated*
small pieces and place in a baking When cooked, it comes out in strands I sm. bunch Endive, Spinach or
dish. In the blender blend the toma- like spaghetti. It is now widely avail- young Chard fine?, rhopped
toes, onion, and 4 garlic cloves. Pour able especially in organic growers' cir- 2-3cloves Garlic, minced
sauce over squash and bake 1 & 1/2 cles.
hours at 200-250 degrees. Put lentils and eggplant (if used)
Sauce through food grinder or Norwalk
2 lb. r
ip Tomatoes (6-8 large) Juicer using grid #2. Mix with bread
Zucchini And Rice 3-5 clwes Garlic, minced crumbs and remaining veggies. Mix
7/2 lb. organic Brown Rice I med. Onion, diced fine well. Form into 2" balls and place on
7 Carrot I Green Peppec diced baking sheet well sprinkled with oat or
7 Zucchini 2 stalks Celery, diced rye meal to prevent sticking. Cover
2 Garlic Cloves or 7 sm. Fennel Bulb, diced and bake in low oven for 1 hour.
2 sm. Zucchini, sliced Uncover and bake 1 hour more.
Wash the rice and vegetables well. Put or 7 cup Eggplant, cubed Arrange cooked spaghetti squash on
rice in a baking dish and add 4 tsp. fish Parsley minced a plate with one or two beet balls,
chopped up parsley, carrot, celery, pinch each Rosemary, nyme, cover with sauce and enioy!
and zucchini squash. At the same time Sage & M a e m * *Cover lentils with distilled water and
blend tomato and garlic in the 112tsp. Fennel Seeds allow to soak (germinate) overnight.
blender and spread on top of the rice Drain.
and vegetables. Bake in the oven for 1 Cook whole tomatoes over a low
& 1/2 hours at 250 degrees. flame for 30-35 min. or until tender. Variations
To ensure a thick, rich sauce, pour off Use 3 large white or 3 med. sweet
the extra juice drawn from the toma- potatoes in place of ground lentils.
Zucchini and Tomatoes' toes during cooking.** Put drained Boil until tender, then put through
6 small zucchini, sliced tomatoes through food mill or sieve to food mill or grinder with skins.
I medium or l a v onion, chopped remove skins and seeds. Pour sauce Proceed as with above. Replace bread
2-3tomatoes, chopped back into pot and add remaining veg- crumbs with 1/2 cup cooked brown
Garlic and herbs to taste (thyme, gies and seasonings. Cover and stew rice or 1/3 cup oat flakes ground in
mace, marjoram) over low flame for 1 hr. or until veg- Norwalk.
gies are done to your liking. For a lit-
Saute onion, tomatoes and season- tle extra bite add a dash or two of
ings in a little water. Add zucchini wine vinegar with a tsp. of honey. Veggie LoaP
when half done, and simmer. Serve as *Basil and oregano, both favorite Grind in Norwalk or food grinder:
a vegetable or potato topping. Italian seasonings, are not allowed on 2 Cup htils, geminard'
Gerson Therapy due to the aromatic 7/4 Cup fish patsley
oils they contain. I 1/2 Cup emlant, diced or
**Please be sure to keep extra tomato Parsnips or Yams
liquid for soup or gravy, or better still,
91 Gerson Therapy Handbook

I Cup Onions diced fine Tomato and Mint SoupGSG
3/4 Cup Beets. pated 2 lbs. &matoes (roma prefirably)
3/4 Cup Carrotsgated 5 peen onions (scallions)
7 Cup Celery diced fine 2 small cooking apples
3 cloves Garlic) minced 5 Tbsp. cider vinegar
7 I/Z Cups cooked Brown Rice I tsp. brown sugar
pinch Thyme 2 large Ierr~ons
pinch Rubbed Sage 6-8 sprigs fesh mint
pinch Tnrragon 200 g. (6-8 or.) nonfat
7 tsp. Lemon juice yogurt (optional)DA'Ry,PG 98

Bake in covered pan in low oven for

Soups Chop tomatoes, slice spring onions,
approximately 2 hours. Uncover and Potato Soup core and slice apple. Put these into a
baste with Golden Sauce or Tomato I large Onion saucepan with the cider vinegar and
sauce. Bake another 30 minutes to 1 7/2 small Celery Knob sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer
hour. Serve with extra sauce. Parsley gently for 3 0 minutes. Put through
2 large Potatoes food mill.
7 Leek Either leave to cool, adding last ingre-
Veggie Strogan~fP"'~~, pG 98 2 stalks Celery dients later, or add the lemon iuice
7 Cup onion, diced 2 quarts Water and beat in the yogurt (if opted)
I Cup cgydant) diced immediately. Just before serving, add
7- I/Z Cups cauli~owerets Clean and dice all vegetables. Place the chopped mint, leaving some scat-
or cabbage in covered saucepan with water. Bring tered over the top of the soup for dec-
7-1/2 Cups sliced carrots to boil. Lower heat. Cover. Simmer 2- oration.
or tomatoes 3 hours. Mash through food mill. Makes four generous, or six small
7 Cup broccoli or peen pepper servings.
7 Cup celery or zucchini, sliced
Special Soup
Stew vegetables for 1 - 1/2 hours until (See page 80 for recipe) Tomato Soup with
tender (you may want to add soft veg- Potato & Onion
gies like tomatoes and zucchini last). 2 [age Tomatoes
Set aside and let cool to 140 degrees Tomato Soup with I medium Onion
while making sauce as follows: Lemon & Garlic 7 tsp. Brown Sugar
2 to 3 /age Tamntoes 2 medium Potatoes
3 tbsp. wine or cider vinegar 7 clove Garlic 7 tsp. Wine Wnegar
tsp. dllweed
7 7 Bay Leaf small piece of Bay Leaf
2 Cup yogurt juice of I/Z Lemon
I Cup cottage cheese (non-fa salt- 2 Onions Wash and dice all vegetables. Place
less) cqeen onions or parsley fir I tsp. Oats Flakes all ingredients except sugar in covered
garnish 7 tsp. Brown Sugar saucepan with water to cover. Cook
7 1 2 cup Soup Stock (see abuve) over low flame for 1 hour. Mash
Blend sauce until smooth. Mix with through food mill and add sugar to
warm veggies. Serve over a bed of Dice all vegetables. Place vegetables- taste.
baked spaghetti squash or cooked soup stock-sugar and lemon in cov-
brown rice. Garnish with chopped ered saucepan and cook for 1 hour.
green onions or parsley. Mash through food mill. Replace in
saucepan. Add oat flakes and cook 5
more minutes.
Appendix Ill: Recipes 92

Golden Sauce Plum Sauce

Sauces & Dips Combine in a covered casserole: //2 117. pIurr1s
I small sweet potato or yan~quar- //2 tsp. Iernon juice
Apricot Sauce tered I slice toast diced
1/4 cup dried Apricots, unsrrl- 2-3 carnuts coarsely chopped t tsp. brown sugar
phured I small onion, diced 2 tsp. bread mrr~bs
I cup pure W~7techeated 1/2 cup soup stock
I/Z cup fesh Apple 1/2 cup tangerine or orange juice Wash plums. Remove pits and place in
or Orange Juice pinch thyrne and rosemary saucepan with water to half cover.
Cook 15 minutes and strain through
Wash and drain apricots. Combine Bake in low oven until tender (approx. food mill. Add sugar, bread crumbs,
with water and soak for several hours. 2 hours) Put through Foley food mill or lemon juice. Replace in saucepan.
Add iuice and stew over low flame spin in blender adding more iuice to Cook 3 minutes longer. Serve over
until apricots are very tender, about 1 achieve desired consistency. Add 2 toast if desired.
1/2 hours. Puree sauce in blender or tsp. parsley and serve.
by putting through Foley Food Mill or
Norwalk. Tomato Salsa
Ketchup/Catsup -r medium tomatol finely chopped
3 tomatoes Green onions or I medium red onion
Baba Ghanoush 1/2 head ofgarlic 2 Tbsp. fresh coriander
r lag egplant 1/2 onion leaves (cilantro), chopped
2 cluves garlic 7/16 Cup (1/2 oz.] vinegar 3 Tbsp. lemon juice
I tsp lemon juice 1/4 tsp. dill
1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1/2 Crrp Sucanat (organic b r i n Combine ingredients (don't overdo the
Lemon wedges sugar] lemon iuice), cover and chill. Best
eaten fresh but can be kept for up to 2
Bake eggplant for one hour and when Place all ingredients in pan and bring days in the refrigerator.
cool enough, peel and drain off to a boil. Cook until tender and put
excess liquid, squeezing gently. Blend through food mill or liquefier until
with garlic until fairly smooth, add smooth. Tomato Sauce, No Wait
lemon juice and parsley. Mix well. (This sauce is raw)
Serve with raw dipping vegetables I Ib. Roma Gmatoes,
such as celery, carrots, cauliflower, Parsley Yogurt SauceDA1Ry, PG cut into pieces
peppers. 1/2 Cup minced onion 3-4 cluves of Garlic
I tsp. fesh grated horseradish 3 sprigs of Parsley Herbs
or 1/2 tsp. dried horseradish (opt.) I tsp. Linseed Oil
Golden Gravy I Cup nonfit yogurt
1 srrz. Potato, quartered I n s p . lemon or lime juice Place linseed oil in blender and start.
4 Cawots, sliced r tsp. maple syrup or honey Begin adding pieces of tomato and
2 tsp. Cider Vinegar or Lemun luice 1/4 Cup minced parsley other ingredients a little bit at a time.
1 cup Soup Stock or Water Allow to whip for a minute or so until
I sm. Onion, diced Cook onions over low heat until ten- all ingredients are mixed. Yields about
1/4 tsp. Dill, MajDram or Thyme der and translucent. Remove from 2-3 cup of sauce.
I tsp. Parsly minced heat and let cool slightly. Blend
onions with horseradish, yogurt, citrus
Combine ingredients and stew over juice and sweetener in blender until Tomato Sauce
low flame for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until smooth. Stir in parsley. Combine in large pan:
tender. Remove potato skins and 4-6lacqe tomatoes
puree. 4-5l a g Onions, peeled and sliced
r l a y . or 2 medium Potatoes with
93 Gerson Therapy Handbook

skins, diced
2-3 cloves Garlic Apples, Baked
pinch Marjoram 2 medium Apples
pinch Thyme I tsp. Raisins
6 tsp. Water
Stew and let simmer for 1 hour and
pass through Foley food mill. One Wash, core and cut apples in half.
can also add a little celery or green Place with raisins in pan or baking
pepper for taste. dish in oven for about 15 minutes until
done then broil under flame until

Tomato Sauce, French

Makes 1.25 pints
1 Ruits & Desserts golden brown about 5 minutes. Apple
halves should stay whole. Honey may
be added to raisins - to taste.
I onion Fruits
$5 stick celery Most fresh fruits can be eaten when
5/2 small carxot ripe unpeeled. O f course fruits like Apple and Banana
I 5 pounds tomatoes oranges and bananas should be 1/2 cup Apple Sauce
A fm sprigs off-lat leafpanley peeled. Always wash fresh fruit. 1/2 ray Sliced Banana
I clove garlic Dried fruits should be washed in juice of r/z Lemon
I bay leaf clean, lukewarm, distilled water and
soaked over night in water (little more Serve raw or place applesauce and
Cook chopped onion, carrot, celery than to cover). Use the same water banana in covered saucepan and
tomatoes, parsley, garlic and bay leaf. and cook in covered saucepan until heat slowly. Serve with lemon juice.
Puree and serve hot or cold. tender. Dried fruits must be unsul-
The following fruit recipes are taken Apple Cake with
from Dr. Gerson's personal files. Maple YogurtDAIRY* P G 98
I I/. lbs. cooking apples
Desserts I lemon
Desserts should never replace the I oz. rolled oats
meals or juices of the therapy. At the I oz. oatmeal
risk of sounding like your mother, 2 oz. sultanas or raisins
"Clean your plate before dessert, 4 02. b r i n sugar
dear!" Do not eat or use as ingredients 4 oz. wholewheat flour
in desserts: ice-cream, fat, white flour, I tsp. potassium baking powder
baking soda, candy, chocolate, 1/2 Cup fish appk juice
cream, or salt. Have fun! Yogurt
maple s p p
Use only brown (Sucanator raw sugar, Put peeled and chopped apples into a
light honey, maple syrup or unsulfured large bowl and sprinkle with lemon
molasses. juice. Combine rolled oats, oatmeal,
raisins, sugar, flour and baking pow-
syrup der and mix well. Stir this mixture into
Boil 1 Ib. brown sugar in 1 quart of the apples. Pour mixture into cake
water and 1 cup apple juice until dis- pan and bake at 350 degrees F for
solved. Keep in covered jar. 20-35 minutes or until lightly browned
on top. Serve with yogurt mixed with
1-2 Tbsp. maple syrup.
Appendix Ill: Recipes 94

1 Crumb Topping crumbs (see recipe for bread crumbs

Applesauce, Cooked 2/3 cup Rolled Oats in the bread section, pg. 100).
3 medium Apples p a d '/Icup Mapk Syrup or Honey
cored and sliced pinch Allspice
Add Honey or Brown Sugar to taste pinch Mace Apple TartDAIRY, PG 98
7 / 2 Cup warm water
Put apple slices in saucepan half cov- Buzz oats briefly in blender to make a (105-770d~veesF]
ered with cold water. Boil until soft finer flake. Mix spices with oats. Mix in I Tbqx m d e brown sugar
about 15 minutes. Put through food enough sweetener to make a crumbly (Sucanat)
mill and mix with honey. mixture. I package dry yeast
2/3 Cup churned buttermilk,
non-fit yogurt or apple juice *
Applesauce, Fresh Apple Streusel Pie 7 / 2 Cup m d c brown sugar ,

3 medium Apples pared cored and 7- g " Pie Crust (see below) (Sucanat]
sliced LZ med Green Apples, sliced thin 2 7 / 2 CUPS0atfl0ur
Add Honey or Brown Sugar to taste I/" cup m d e Brown Sugar or 1/4 I Cup whole wheat or triticaleflour
cup honey 9-10nredium apples, gala, pippin
Run apples through the grinder por- 2 tsp. Cornstarch or Oat Flour or golden delicious are good
tion of the juicer. Season to taste and 2 -3 tsp. Lemon or Orange luice 4 Tbsp. maple syrup,
enjoy. 712 cup Dried Cunzmts or chopped or liquid Fruit Source t
Dates 4 Bsp. brown rice syrup t
pinch Corinnder; Mace, Allspice 1/2 Cup date sugar
Apple Spice Cake* (driedcgnound dates]
Combine: Combine dry ingredients. Coat 7 1/2 tsp. allspice
7/4 Cup Honey or Maple Syrup apples. Drizzle on honey (if used) and 7/4 tsp. mace or coriander
:, Cup fresh Applesauce juice. Fill pie crust. Sprinkle on top- Use only applejuice ifpatient is not
I 7 / 2 Cups Oat Flour ping. Bake at 300-325 F for 1 hr 15 yet allowed dairy.
3/4 Cup Whok Wheat Flour or min. or until apples are tender.
fiiticak Flour t Fruit Source is a sweetener derived
Crumb Topping from natural fruit sugars. Rice syrup,
Sift together: 2/3 cup Oat Flour derived from malted rice, is a thick and
3/4 Cup Crude Brown Sugar 3 tsp. Crude Brown Sugar creamy syrup that needs to be thinned
pinch Allspice pinch Allspice by either the maple syrup or Fruit
pinch Mace '/I cup Honey or Maple Syrup Source.
1/4 tsp. Coriander Sprinkle yeast onto warm water into
I tsp. @atherwe@ht sodium free which I tablespoon crude brown sugar
Baking Powder (optional) Apple-Sweet Potato Pudding has been dissolved. Let stand for 5 to
7 tsp. Raisins 10 minutes or until frothy. Warm but-
Add: I / . cup Bread Crumbs* termilk, yogurt or juice to 100° F. Add
2 Cups Raisins or chopped Dates 7 / 2 cup Orange /uice crude brown sugar and stir until dis-
I Sweet Potato (boiled-peeled-sliced) solved. Stir buttermilk into yeast mix,
Combine wet and dry ingredients. I Appk (raw-peeled-sliced) then add oat flour and beat vigor-
Pour into non-stick oblong bake pan. 7 tsp. Brown Sugar ously. Stir in enough of the remaining
Mix crumb topping and sprinkle on flour to make a stiff dough. Knead on
top. Bake at 325 degrees for 40 min- Place sweet potato slices in baking a floured bread board, adding only
utes or until cake tests done. Serve dish with apple slices and raisins enough flour to keep dough from
with a spoonful of fresh applesauce or spread with bread crumbs sugar and sticking. Knead until smooth and elas-
nonfat yogurt. Enjoy. orange juice and bake in oven for 30 tic, approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
*This is a potassium based baking minutes. Serve hot with 3 tsp. butter- Place in a bowl, cover with tea towel
powder. If you are a cancer patient, milk or yogurt if permitted. and let rise in a warm place until dou-
check with your physician first. *Note: never use commercial bread ble in bulk, about 1 1/2 hours. Punch
95 Gerson Therapy Handbook

down and let rise again.

Divide dough in half. O n floured Cut apricots in halves and remove Currants
board, press each part into a 15" x 9" pits. Place in pot with boiling water 7/4 box rcd curants
rectangle. Place on separate non-stick and cook for 10 minutes. Add corn- 3 tsp. brown sugar
bake sheets, or regular sheets that starch during last 2 minutes. Add
have been thoroughly coated with oat sugar when cool. Clean and wash currants thoroughly
flakes to prevent sticking. Prick surface before removing stems. Place in dish
with fork, leaving 1/4" border around add sugar and serve. Buttermilk or
the edges. Cover and let rise until Banana (Broiled) yogurt (if permitted) sweetened with
doubled, approximately 40 minutes. 7 Banana brown sugar may be used for sauce.
Quarter, core and slice apples, I Zp. Brown sugar
arranging each sliced quarter over
dough, as you cut it. Place the flat side Cut banana in half lengthwise add 1 Fruit Combination
down and the skin side up, fanning tsp. brown sugar and few drops 3 cup fish chern'cs and apricots
the slices out slightly. Leave about a lemon. Place in pan and broil under (halvcd-sliced-pitted)
1/2" border. Mix maple and brown low flame for 10 minutes. Serve hot. 2 cup water
rice syrups. Using a pastry brush, coat I/. cup b r i n sugar
the apples with the syrup. Combine 2 tsp. cornstarch dissolved in 1/3
date sugar and spices and sprinkle Banana And Apple cup cold watcr
over apples. Bake at 325" F. for 30 7 banana (pceled and finely
minutes or until bread is lightly mashcd) Place fruit with water and sugar in
browned. Serve as i s or with a spoon- I appk (peeled-corcd-gated) saucepan. Boil gently slowly for 10
ful of non-fat yogurt or yogurt cheese 70 tsp. raisins min. Add cornstarch. Cook 3 minutes
(see note below) lightly sweetened longer. Cool and serve.
with honey or maple syrup. Mix banana and apple beating thor-
Note: (Non-Gerson family members oughly with fork or egg beater. Add
could enjoy this dessert with a scoop raisins and serve. Glazed Pear Halves
of non-fat fruit sweetened frozen 4-5 Ripe. Pears
yogurt - Cascadian Farm Vanilla (the 4 Tbsp Honcy or Sucanat (organic
milk is organic) or Stars Vanilla Bean Banana And Figs died cane sugar)
are two brands Ihave enjoyed in mod- I banana
eration). 3 figs (fcsh) Cut ripe pears into halves, and core.
* Yogurt cheese is made by draining juicc off orangc Add about 4 oz. of water to honey or
non-fat yogurt through a stainless Sucanat and mix well. Place pear
steel or nylon sieve lined with a cotton Chop banana and figs fine and mix halves in baking dish and pour sugar
tea towel or cheese cloth with a bowl well with orange juice. Fill orange peel mixture over fruit. Bake in slow oven
beneath to catch the whey. Refrigerate with this mixture and serve. (275 degrees F) until done. Baste with
and drain until desired consistency is juice if necessary.
achieved, anywhere from 2 to 8
hours. A short drainage period will Cherries (Stewed)
yield a thickened yogurt, longer peri- I/. 16. cherries (washed-stemmed) Frozen PG 98

ods will produce a cream cheese like -I tsp. potato starch !/4 cup stwed fmit
texture. For our purposes, a thickened 2 tsp. brown sugar [chem'cs, apricots arc peat)
yogurt texture is what we want. 7 lb. Fat-fife yogurt

Place cherries in saucepan with water

to cover cook 10 minutes over low 1 Spoon yogurt into a thin mesh strainer
Apricots flame add potato starch dissolved in 2 that has been lined with two layers of
1/2 Ib. frcsh Apricots tsp. cold water. Add to boiling cher- cheesecloth, and place it over a deep
I tsp. Cornstarch dissolved in 2 tsp. ries. Cook 2 minutes longer. Chill and bowl. Let it drain into the bowl in the
cold Water serve. refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
2 tsp. Brown Sugar Spoon the drained yogurt into ice
Appendix Ill: Recipes 96

cube trays and, freeze. Mix fruit and on a slice of Essene bread. refrigerator for 1 hour. May be served
yogurt cubes into a food processor or in slices decorated with sweetened
the grinder of your K&K or Norwalk. yogurt (if permitted)
The consistency is thick and smooth. Peaches
Serve immediately. 1/2 lb. peaches (skinned)
2 tsp. brown sugar Pumpkin Pudding Pie*
Oatmeal Cake Wash peaches. Place in boiling water pinch Allspice
4 cup Oatmeal (dry oats) 1/2 minute, drain and peel. Cut in pinch Coriander
2 gated or blended Catxots halves. Remove pits and place in pinch Mace
Honey and Raisins as desired saucepan with boiling water. Cover. 2 t p unsulphered Molasses
Simmer for 10 minutes. Cool. Add (optional)
Combine all the above ingredients in sugar and serve chilled. 7- 8"or 9" Pie C m t
a baking dish. Put in the oven without 1/2 cup fipioca
a lid and bake for 45 minutes at 250 7 1/2 cup Dates, pitted and chopped
degrees. Pears I 7/3 cup Appk juice or Water
7 laze pear (peeled-cored-cutin 7/21 7 I/Z to 2 cup mashed Pumpkin
I tsp. brown sugar
Oatmeal CookiesDAIRY,PG 98 Soak tapioca and dates in juice
7 cup Apple Sauce Place pears in saucepan with water to overnight. In morning stew over low
7 cup Rye Flour half cover. Add sugar and cook 30 flame using a burner pad to diffuse
7 cup Raisins min. heat. Cook for 30 minutes stirring fre-
7/2 cup Buttermilk quently to prevent sticking. This will be
7/2 cup Brown Sugar very thick. Puree tapioca and pumpkin
7/2 cup Molasses Plums in Foley food mill or processor. Add
2 cup Oatmeal I/Z lb. plums spices and molasses. Pour into pre-
7 pkg. Nast 2 tsp. brown sugar pared pie crust and chill thoroughly
(may put in freezer for several hours
Mix and let stand 10 minutes. Drop Wash plums, cut in halves and remove until very firm), otherwise cutting will
from teaspoon and bake in moderate pits (Plums can also be cooked be a problem. Serve with a dollop of
oven about 20 minutes. whole). Place in saucepan with water honey sweetened yogurt cheese* if
to cover. Cook 15 min. Remove, cool desired (and permitted by physician).
and add sugar. Serve chilled.
Pasha* (Uncooked Variation
Cheese Cake)"IRy, PG 98 Use cooked squash, yams, or sweet
1/4cup fish orange juice, stnained Prune And Apricots (Dried) potatoes in place of pumpkin.
1/2 cup chopped dried fruit * 1/2 lb. of each
4 cup sofi or medium curd 7/3 cup barley Thin Buttermilk rust^*'^^, PG 98

cottage cheese 7 & 7/4 cup oat f-lour

1/2 cup honey, Soak prunes and apricots over night in 1/3 cup churned buttermilk, appk
or 3/4 cup brown sugar water to cover. Use same water and juice, or water (cold)
raisins, dates, papaya, boil with barley. Cool and serve. 2 tsp. honey
peaches, pmnes, etc. pinch allspice or mace
7 tsp. Featherwe~qht(sodium fie)
Mix all ingredients. Pour batter into a Prune and Banana Whip baking powder* (optional)
strainer or colander lined with a clean 7 cup dried prunes (soaked-cooked)
cotton cloth (muslin). Cover with a 2 small bananas Mix dry ingredients. Add honey and
plate to weight it down. Place in a 7/4 lemon juice just enough liquid to make a stiff
bowl or pan and refrigerate for 5-10 7 tsp. brown sugar dough. Knead lightly to mix. Roll out
hours or until dry and firm. Turn out on floured board or between layers of
onto a plate and slice. Good as is, or Whip together thoroughly and put in waxed paper. Carefully place in pie
97 Gerson Therapy Handbook

plate which has been thoroughly Roll, then fill. their skins until tender. Allow to cool.
coated with oat flakes to prevent stick- Slice and put into baking dish with
ing. Trim excess dough and flute alternative layers of apple. Over each
edges or make indentations with fork. Rhubarb layer, sprinkle some water, a little
Chill crust, then bake at 325 degrees ;I/Z lb. rhubarb (washed and cut sugar and some allspice. Bake cov-
for 10-15 minutes or until lightly into 7 inch pieces) ered for 20 minutes at 350 degrees F,
browned. 2 to j tsp. brown sugar (to taste) then remove cover and bake for an
Note: This will not be your traditional I tsp. cornstarch (if desired) additional 10 minutes.
flaky crust, so roll out thin.
Place washed rhubarb in saucepan.
Raised Crust* Simmer 15 to 20 minutes. Dissolve Sweet Potato
7 Cup Oat Flour cornstarch in a little cold water. Add to Stuffed Oranges
1/2 Cup Potato Flour rhubarb and allow to stew a few more 3 Ibs. Sweet Potatoes (or Yarns)
(or use nlore oat flour) minutes. Cool and add sugar, (note: Freshly made Apple Sauce
I Cup Triticak combine rhubarb with other sweet 8 Orange peel halves
or Whok Wheat Flour fruits such as apples-peaches-apricots 4 oz. orange juice
I tsp. Honey or Brayn Sugar (fresh or dried).
r/z Cup Wann Water Boil sweet potatoes (or yams) until
7 tsp. Baker's Nast done. Peel and mash with orange
Stewed Fruit Combinations juice and apple sauce to make it a
Sprinkle yeast into warm water mixed pears and plums smooth, stuffing paste. Put stuffing
with honey. When frothy add flour and plurr~sand applesauce into orange peel halves and put a dab
mix well. Let rise in a warm place for peaches and plums of apple sauce on top. Can be
1 hour. Knead on floured board for 5 apricots and plums reheated in a cake tray. Makes 4 serv-
min. Let rest for 10 min., roll out on npricots and sliced apples ings. Recipe may actually stuff 10 or
floured board. Place in pie plate that peaches and pears more orange peels and may make
has been thoroughly coated on the more than 4 servings.)
bottom with rolled oat flakes. Flute note: Stewed fruits may be served on
edge. Let rise for 15 min. Bake at 375 toasted rye bread placing a thick layer
F. for 20-25 min. of fruit - allowing it to soak through for Sweet RiceMZ
7 /2 hour before serving. I 7/2 Cups organic brown rin
Variation 4 Cups water
Omit yeast, use just enough cold I Cup organic brown sugar
water to make a stiff dough. Roll out Sunshine Smoothie' (Sucanat)
between sheets of floured wax paper. In a blender or food processor con- I Cup organic raisins
Carefully place in pie plate. Chill tainer, combine one cup non-fat
crust. Then bake at 350 F for 10- 12 organic yogurt, '/2 cup orange juice , Wash the rice and put into pot with the
min. 2 tablespoons honey, 1 cup cut-up water. Once the water begins to boil,
fresh fruit and '/2 cup crushed ice add the sugar and raisins and reduce
Essene Bread Crust* (made from distilled water); process the heat. Maintain on low heat until
2 Cup Essene Bread Crumbs until smooth. the rice is tender.
1/4Cup Honey
3 tsp. Oat Flour
Sweet Potato and
Toast slices of bread in slow oven until Apple BakeGSG
lightly brown. Let cool. Grind coarsely 12 oz. sweet potatoes
by running through grinder or 3 eating apples
Norwalk. Add flour, then honey. Press allspice
into pie plate that has been well a little brown sugar
coated with rolled oat flakes. Chill for a little water
1 hour. Bake at 350 F for 10-12 min. Cook the sweet potatoes gently in
Appendix Ill: Recipes 98

Pour mixture into sterilized glass iar(s). veggie slices. watercress or endive for
lncubate between 1 10-1 15 F for 4-8 garnish, slices of carrot, tomato,
hours by one of the following meth- onion, green or red pepper for top.
*Electric yogurt maker
*In gas oven, above pilot light

*In electric oven, low heat (gauge heat by Yvonne Nienstadt

with thermometer) 1/2 @Ion raw, non-fat nrilk.
*In a thermos (unopened - May not be available)
Dairy *In a covered pan set in a container of
Dairy is femporarily forbidden in the warm water (change water to keep Makes approx. 9 oz. (1 cup) cheese.
beginning of therapy. Consult with warm) Warm milk to body temperature (98-
your physician before adding any 100 O F ) by placing unopened bottle in
dairy to your diet. Incubation time may vary, depending sink of warm water. lncubate in warm
After 6 to 12 weeks on the therapy, upon temperature. Ready when a place (near pilot light or in oven with
upon doctor's orders, animal proteins toothpick inserted point first into the light on). It is best to leave milk in
are cautiously added to the diet in the yogurt doesn't fall over. The yogurt original container to prevent airborne
form of pot cheese, yogurt and cot- becomes set a little more firmly after bacteria or molds from contaminating
tage cheese, and churned (not cul- refrigeration. But this is a thin yogurt culture. The incubation period is about
tured) buttermilk, all made from non- because it has no fat and processed 24-30 hours. (Culture longer for a
fat milk (preferably raw) and without dried milk added. Be sure to save 3 sharper cheese) Shake several times
salt. Tbsp. for the starter for the next batch. during this period.
When starting the proteins, it must be When curd has formed, it will rise to
done slowly and carefully. Just one the top. A harder curd can be formed
tablespoon at lunch and supper of the
by putting cheese (still in bottle) in sink
solid proteins and one-half cup of the Yogurt cheese is made by hanging of warm water and gradually increas-
buttermilk per meal. After 3-4 days, non-fat yogurt in a muslin sack over a ing temperature to 1 10" for soft curd,
these levels can be increased until, at sink or bowl or in a muslin lined and to 120" for farmer style cheese.
three weeks, one cup of solid dairy strainer until it thickens to the consis- Be careful not to overheat or you will
and one cup of yogurt or buttermilk tency of cream cheese - without the fat destroy precious enzymes and benefi-
per meal. - in about 6 to 8 hours. cial bacteria. Use a thermometer to be
While adding the dairy proteins, the safe.
patient needs to watch for signs that Pour cheese into a strainer or colander
the body is tolerating the new foods. Cottage Cheese Loaf* lined with muslin or several layers of
Indigestion, flatulence (intestinal pro- cheese cloth. Gather the corners of
duction of gas) and nasal mucus pro- I cup dry Essene the cloth and press out whey. You may
duction are signs the enzyme activity or rye bread crumbs place a weight on top to speed the
cannot yet handle the dairy products. I tbsp. [ernonjuice or vinegar process.
The patient should reduce or, after 1-2 tsp. dried parsley For 'cream' style cottage cheese add
consulting the physician, eliminate the 7/2 tsp. dillweed or tarnagon approx. 1/4 cup thick yogurt per cup
proteins for several more weeks. 1/2 tsp. dry horseradish of finished cheese.
(7 tsp. i f f t s h ) For 'herbed' cottage cheese, season
2 cups mashed potatoes with any of the following: fresh chives,
2-7/3 cups d y curd cottage cheesc crushed garlic, tarragon. parsley, dill
Combine: 1/2 cup sweet red or rgneen pcpper weed. dill seed. Let set for 1/2 hr.
2 quarts raw non-fit milk I/Z C I ~ ctlery,
I diced before serving.
(heaat~dto 778 F) I small onion, diced
I pkg. "Bulgarian Yogurt Cultu~" Variations
or 3 tsp. yogurt (purchased Combine all ingredients except the Add the juice of 1 or 2 lemons or 1/8
or saved fom a prmious batch) last two. Form into a loaf. Place on Cup yogurt to the fresh milk instead of
garnished platter. Top with decorative letting it clabber naturally. These addi-
99 Gerson Therapy Handbook

tions result in different flavors and tex- 2. Gradually add flour stirring until
tures. Experiment to find the one you smooth with a wooden spoon.
like the best. Enioy!
3. Cover with cheesecloth: leave on
counter in warm draft-free place. in
Cottage Cheese about 24 hours the mixture will start to
Sour Cream*DAIRY,SEE HEADING ferment.
7/2 CUP YOgue
I Gsp. lemon juice 4. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and
I Cup dry curd cottage cheese Breads
Bread can be used as a snack, after
leave for another 2 to 3 days. Stir
starter 2 or 3 times a day.
Blend ingredients in blender. Add any breakfast, or with a meal if the patient
or all of the following: Pressed garlic, has a good appetite. Do not replace 5. Starter should be foamy at the end
grated horseradish, chives or green potatoes and vegetables with bread. of this time. Put into a plastic con-
onion, fresh mint or dried dill weed. tainer- glass jar - or crock with at least
Use to top baked potatoes or as dip Sourdough a 1 -quart capacity. Stir - cover - but
for veggies. Sourdough is sour fermented dough not with tight-fitting top.
used as leaven. Don't be put off by the
name - sourdough breads don't taste Feeding Sourdough
sour. They have a tangy flavor. Put 1 cup sourdough in mixing bowl.
Sourdough is a white substance over Add 2 and 1/2 cups flour and 2 cups
which a colorless or gray liquor called warm water. (this is known as feed-
hooch collects. Hooch enables sour- ing.) Mix thoroughly. Leave on counter
dough to complete its fermentation for 8 hours or overnight. Be sure to
You have to feed sourdough and keep replace 1 c sourdough in the jar in the
it in the refrigerator because it is a liv- refrigerator. Try to feed sourdough
ing thing - full of microorganisms. once a week or every 10 days.
Colonies of these microorganisms can Feeding is necessary to keep it alive
live for many decades with proper and may add tang to the flavor (note:
care and feeding. You can use a sourdough can be frozen).
starter batch obtained from someone
else to get your own going or buy a General Rules Pertaining
dehydrated starter or make it from To Sourdough
scratch. There are many different *Use glass, stoneware, or plastic
kinds of sourdough starters: white - bowls. Don't use metal. Wild yeast
yogurt - whole wheat - sour rye - etc. produces acids that can corrode metal
For patients on the Gerson Therapy and thus kill the starter.
Rye Sourdough is the recommended *Use a wooden spoon
variety. *Clean container about every week so
that unwanted bacteria will not grow
and ruin your sourdough.
Sourdough Starter *Wipe up spilled sourdough immedi-
I fSP. Active D f y Hast ately. It can stick like glue or cement.
3 cup warm Water *Keep covered with a loose-fitting
(105-175 degiees FJ cover in refrigerator.
3-1/2cups Rye Flour

1. Dissolve yeast in warm water in a Wholegrain Rye bread

large mixing bowl. Set aside for about 6 cups lukewarm Water
5 minutes. Sourdough Starter
3 lbs. Rye Flour or 70/30Rye
Appendix Ill: Recipes 100

and Whole Wheat Flour through the food grinder. Store in cov- LOOSELY after 2nd day Remove one-
ered container in the refrigerator. half cup for bread recipe above* Store
Mix sourdough in water, add flour. covered in refrigerator adding half
Leave covered and warm (180 cup from dough after first rising. Bring
degrees) for 12-24 hours. Replace 1 Sour Rye Bread (Black to room temperature one hour before
cup sourdough to refrigerator as Bread Russian Style) starting each new recipe
starter for next time. Note; Sour Rye is a different sour-
dough culture. You will need to make
Add: the sour rye sourdough starter from Sourdough Potato
2 cups 1ukewam-l Water scratch and keep it separate from your Rye Bread*
2 Ibs. rinsed Whole Rye Grain other starter. 7 Cup Sourdough Starter
2 Lbs. Rolled Rye 8 Cups freshly pound Whole 2 Cups wann Mashed Potatoes
(enough Rye Flour (tr~aybe2 Lbs.) Rye Flour 1-7/3 Cups Potato Cooking Water
to hold dough together) 3 Cups warm Water 2 Cups Whole Wheat or Rye Flour *
7/2 Cup Sourdough Culture 7/4 Cup Molasses (unsulphured)
Roll and cut dough to fit loaf pans, 1/3 tsp. Caraway or Fennel Seed
smooth the surface with a wet hand Mix seven cups of the rye flour with
and leave in a warm place to rise for water and sourdough culture. Cover Mix ingredients in large non-metal
2-5 hours. The taste gets stronger the and let stand in a warm place 12 to bowl. Cover and let stand in warm
longer it is left to rise and it will rise 18 hours. (Remove and save 1/2 cup place for several hours (or overnight
only a little. Cut a furrow down the of dough as a culture for next baking. for a very sour loaf). Add the follow-
middle and this should be about 1/4 Keep the culture in a tightly closed iar ing:
to 1/2 inch deep. in refrigerator.) Add remaining cup of 1-1/2 to 3 cup Rye Flour as needed to
Bake for 1 and 1/2 hours at 385 rye flour and mix well. Divide dough make a workable dough
degrees. Take out of pans immediately in half. Form oblong loaf smaller than Turn on to floured board and knead
and wrap in towels and turn upside size of pan in lightly floured hands for 5-10 minutes. Let dough rest for 5
down. Do not cut for about 12 hours, (using rye flour). minutes, then form into round or
bread can be frozen when lukewarm. Place gently into stainless steel baking baton shaped loaves. Place on Teflon
pans. Do not press: allow space or regular bake sheet (ungreased) that
around sides of loaf. has been well coated with raw oat
Bread Snack Try dusting stainless steel pan with flakes to prevent sticking. Let bread
1 slice of bread, spread with cottage flour or rye meal, no oil. Let rise for rise until almost double (when bread
cheese, topped with tomatoes, and approximately one half-hour. Bake at does not spring back when lightly
radishes or sprouts or 1 slice of bread 350 degrees F. for one hour or more. touched). Bake at 350 degrees for 50
topped with honey. Makes 2 two-pound loaves. Store minutes to 1 hour. For a very chewy
tightly wrapped in refrigerator. crust, place a pan of water in bottom
of oven to create steam, or baste
Bread Dressing bread several times during baking
7 part Chopped Onions Sourdough Culture with water. For soft crust, do not steam
7 part Chopped Celery In wide mouthed glass iar at least one or baste. Immediately wrap loaves in
2-3parts cubed Grain Bread quart in size Mix well the following cotton towels upon leaving oven. Let
I/Z part chopped Parsley ingredients: bread cool before cutting.
7/2 to 7 cup water 7 cup lukewarm Distilled Water * Dr. Gerson allowed patients to use
Sage1Garlic1Thytne 2 tsp. Baking &ast 1/3 wheat to 2/3 rye flour. The bread
7 tsp. Raw Sugar is delicious with or without wheat.
Place in an uncovered casserole and I cup Rye Flour
bake in low oven 2 hours,
Stir well once daily with a wooden Sourdough Squash
spoon (never leave a metal spoon in Rye Bread
Bread Crumbs starter).* Allow to sit for 3 to 5 days 7 Cup Sourdough Starter
Toast leftover bread in the oven. Run until sour odor is detected* May cover 2 Cups Pureed Cooked Squash
101 Gerson Therapy Handbook

(such as Butternut or Kabocha) water may enter it. Then set it in the
I 1/3 Cups Water air, that the angel of air may also Wafers or Crackers
2 Cups Rye Flour embrace it. And leave it from morning Form into 1/4" patties or roll out on
7/4 Cup Honey to evening beneath the sun, that the floured board and cut into squares.
7/4 Cup Potato Flour angel of sunshine may descend upon Bake on non-stick or oat coated bak-
it." ing sheet at 250-300 degrees for 45
Mix dry ingredients in ceramic or plas- This modern version differs from the min. to 1 hour.
tic bowl. Cover and let stand in warm original only in the use of oven heat
place to proof (85 to 95 is ideal.) instead of the sun's.
Add 2 cups rye flour, then 1 1/2 to 3 For one loaf use: 1 quart of 2 day old
cups more rye flour until achieving wheat, rye, or triticale sprouts.
workable dough. Turn into floured Refrigerate sprouts for one day,
board and knead for 5-10 minutes. uncovered, to dry slightly. Do not rinse
Let dough rest for 5 minutes, then before grinding or you will wind up
shape into loaves or rolls. Sprinkle with more of a pudding than bread.
bottom of baking pans with raw oats, Grind in hand or electric grinder or in
then let rise for 2 hours or until dou- the Norwalk using the #2 grid (sec-
bled in size. Bake at 350 for an hour. ond to the largest). Feed sprouts grad-
Let loaves cool before slicing. ually or they will set up like cement in
your grinding mechanism.
Shape into 1 1/2" to 2" high loaf.
Carrot Raisin Quick Bread* Place on non-stick or regular baking
I-+ cups Triticale or Rye Flour sheet well coated with oat flakes to
1-7/2cups Brown Rice or Oat Flour prevent sticking. Bake at 250-300
I cup Whole Wheat or Rye Flour degrees for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours (loaf
5 cups Carrots.pated should be nicely browned). Cool thor-
2-I/Z cups Orang Pulp* oughly before slicing (chilled is best).
;1/3-1/2CUPS Honey Use serrated knife with a gently saw-
2 cups Raisins ing motion. It also helps to dip knife in
T/Z tsp. each Allspice & Coriander cold water before slicing bread.
* approx. z large Navels) peeled and

Sift dry ingredients together. Stir in Variations

raisins. Mix the remaining ingredients,
then gradually stir into dry mix. Dough Fruit Bread
should be rather firm. Divide in half Add:
and fill two non-stick bake pans. Bake 1/3 or 2/3cup raisins or other
at 325 degrees for 50 minutes or until chopped dried finit
toothpick comes out clean. Let cool 1/2 tsp. coriandec mace, or allspice.
before removing from pan.

Onion or Garlic Herb Bread

Essene Bread* Add:
This naturally sweet cakey bread is 2 or 3 Tbsp. flnety rninced onion,
made with only sprouted grain. The or 2-4 ches pressed garlic
original recipe comes from The Essene 1/2 to r tsp. dill, thyme, caraway or
Gospel of Peace, a 2,000 year old flennel.
Aramaic text, which reveals the
process of sprouting wheat as follows:
"Moisten your wheat, that the angel of
Appendix IV: Adapting the Gerson
Therapy for Chemo-pre-treated Patients
Dr. Gerson's book, A Cancer tered poisons. Therefore the
Therapy - Results of 50 Cases physicians administered the cas- Basic Daily Protocol for the
does not mention chemotherapy tor oil treatment (commonly used Modified Therapy:
anywhere. The reason is that in Gerson patients) to those
during the time he practiced, patients a s well. The shock came 13 glasses of 8 oz. each of a variety
chemo was just being researched when the physicians observed of juices (apple/carrot, carrot,
and rarely used. An exception is that the castor oil tended to green, orange)
the case of Johnny Gunther remove those toxins too rapidly Reduced in severely damaged
(Appendix 11, p. 415) who had releasing them into the blood patients to 8 glasses; or thirteen
been treated with one of the first stream and actually causing 4-6 oz. glasses
experimental drugs. At the time these patients to suffer from a n 20 teaspoons of potassium
of Johnny's death, Dr. Gerson overdose of chemo. These 2 compound (2 tsp. In each of
was devastated because he truly patients had to be transferred to 10 glasses)
loved the boy. He took the blame intensive care! In other words, it 1 '/2 to 3 grains thyroid
for his death and felt it was due to became evident that chemo- 6 drops 1/2 strength Lugol's solution
the hormone treatment he had treated patients must be treated 6 tablets of 50 mg. Niacin (omit if
permitted to be used. As we have cautiously and detoxified slowly. bleeding is present)
found out in the meantime, the In the meantime, we have seen 6 capsules Acidol Pepsin
hormones could have contributed many such patients and a num- 12 tablets Pancreatin
to the damage; but the boy exhib- ber of satisfactory long term 3 cc liver extract with 50 mcg 8-12
ited what we now recognize a s a recoveries have been recorded. (1 intramuscular injection daily)
typical "6th month chemo flare- (See one case in the Gerson 3 coffee enemas
up". Since this was the very first Healing Newsletter, May/ J u n e CoQ-10 - Begin at 60 mg the first
chemo case Dr. Gerson was treat- 1999; Vol. 14, #3). day, if no side effects are observed,
ing, he didn't realize the specific We give below the suggested increase dosage to 300 mg. per
changes that take place under modifications of the basic Gerson day, then 600 mg on the third day
those circumstances.. Therapy a s described in A Cancer and thereafter.
In our 22 years of experience Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases, 2 g (2,000 mg) Vitamin C
using the Gerson Therapy under by Dr. Max Gerson. Naturally, (Ascorbic Acid)
present conditions, we have the exact treatment, number of
understandably run across a fair juices, enemas, medications etc. The diet is unchanged, and includes
percentage of patients pre-treated are adjusted by a Gerson trained 2 tablespoonfuls of organic
with now dozens of different "cyto- physician; but this is the basic flax seed oil daily.
toxic" (tissue-poisoning) drugs. daily protocol.
The first chemo-treated Castor Oil Enemas
patients that were accepted for are Omitted from the
treatment at the Mexican Gerson Modified Therapy!
Hospital at approximately the
same time were suffering from
breast cancer. It was assumed
that it would be wise to 'detoxify'
these patients a s thoroughly as
possible to remove the adminis-
Appendix V: A Gerson Patient's Problems
- How to Avoid Mistakes
By Charlotte Gerson least four major problems in the with avocados. I immediately
patient's application of the asked if the patient, too, was eat-
It has frequently occurred to me Therapy: ing them. He was! That is another
that, in order to really be sure serious mistake, since avocados
that the patients understand and 1. The water is 'hard'; it contains contain a fairly large percentage
follow the Gerson Therapy minerals. So, like other people in of fat. This is the reason why they
exactly, I ought to follow them the area, the patient's home is are forbidden, because fats tend
around their house and kitchen equipped with "water softener' to stimulate new tumor growth!
for 24 hours. The situation that equipment. His very warm, con- The lady of the house said that
occurred last week-end amply cerned and cooperative wife is she thought that avocados were
illustrates the point. I was sur- doing everything in her power to served at Meridien - which they
prised and shocked because I cer- help her husband recover. Yet she are not. The problem here is that
tainly didn't expect to find the fol- stated that she brings in "sacks of the patient or caregiver should
lowing situation. But since it was salt" for the water softener! As our not rely on memory. All these
taking place I feel that I need to readers know, in the process of items are clearly set down in the A
share my concerns with our removing the unwelcome miner- Cancer Therapy; and avocados
friends and other patients in als in the water, the equipment are the second item on the
order to make them aware and replaces these with sodium. What Forbidden list. We have to ask
prevent errors. happens a s a result is that the patients and caregivers to read
The patient in question was patient washes and bathes in and re-read the "Therapy"
not only very much interested in "softened water", loaded with salt. Chapter in the book, Chapter
the Gerson Therapy for his own Salt is very easily absorbed XXXIII, p. 237, and make sure
recovery but he feels so strongly through the skin and should that they understand all the
about spreading the word of heal- never be used by a Gerson directions exactly and follow all
ing that he organized a Gerson patient. Salt is a n enzyme instructions.
Convention Day. He also invited inhibitor and the Gerson Therapy
me to stay at his lovely home is designed to remove all excess of 3. Along with the lunch, we had a
overnight so that I could be sodium. Salt is needed for fast very nice vegetable soup. It con-
spoiled with good, organic Gerson growth of tumor tissue. It is also tained some zucchini, peas, celery
food and juices. the basis of the "tissue damage and onions and a few other veg-
The house is located in a syndrome", when normal cells etables. The patient asked me
wooded area, with beautiful huge lose their ability to hold potas- how I enjoyed the "Hippocrates
trees, and at the edge of a small sium while sodium penetrates, Soup". I had to state that the soup
lake. In other words, the air is causing edema and loss of func- we had was not Hippocrates soup,
clean and fresh and the atmos- tion. This tissue damage is, a s Dr. Gerson describes it in the
phere relaxing - no problem there. according to Dr. Gerson, the book. The combination of ingredi-
The patient's business is well beginning of all chronic disease. ents that are supposed to be in
organized and runs quite well Naturally, bathing in salt water that soup are clearly described in
with minimal attention, so he is must be avoided a t all cost. the book a s well a s in this book,
able to get a lot of rest. There is the Gerson Therapy Handbook
help in the household, so there 2. We were served a very delicious and are very specific. Actually,
are no pressures in the juice and and attractive lunch which Hippocrates (the father of medi-
food preparation. But there are at included a lovely salad loaded cine) already understood that this
Appendix V: A Gerson Patient's Problems - How to Avoid Mistakes 104

special combination of ingredi- - which is quite acceptable. But it putting it on the plate is not good
ents has a beneficial, detoxifying is also important to understand enough. The food preparation
effect on the kidneys. That is the that the main needs for nutrition tape initiates the cook into vari-
reason why Dr. Gerson used it. are the salads, soup, potato and ous areas to make foods tasty. For
He felt that this soup was so vegetables, and fruit. If all those example, cooked beets when
important that he wanted foods have been consumed, it is pealed and sliced can be reheated
patients to eat this 'special soup' alright for the patient to also have a little with some freshly made
twice daily to benefic the kidneys a slice of unsalted rye bread. apple sauce, stirred, and the veg-
and help them to clear toxins Bread should never be the main etable then resembles "Harvard
from the body. Occasionally, one part of a meal. beets". Or, the sliced beets can be
can add some extra tomatoes, in Unfortunately, in the last few dressed with onions, some green
season, to give the soup a differ- months, we have had several pepper strips and vinegar with
ent flavor; or one can cut u p and patients who failed. I also dis- flax-seed oil dressing for a beet
roast some onions on a dry cookie cussed this problem with the salad. During the summer
sheet (NO fat, butter or oil) in the most experienced Gerson Therapy months, these salads (also potato
oven. Then these can be added to doctors: Alicia Melendez and Luz salad, string bean or butter bean
the same basic soup recipe for a Maria Bravo. Aside from the salad, etc.) are very welcome,
taste treat. However, the basic above, there are other problems refreshing and appetite stimula-
recipe remains unchanged, we have run across. Let me state tors. There are many suggested
here that we (the Gerson doctors recipes in the back of the
4. The lady of the house also a s well a s myself when I talk to Handbook that, I am afraid, are
thoughtfully offered me some patients) have a serious problem. being disregarded. A s a result, we
enema coffee which I gladly When we ask the patient about get the report that the patient is
accepted. When I picked it u p for their compliance with the Gerson weak, is losing weight, and is
use, however, I seriously won- Therapy directives, even the doing poorly. Almost always, it
dered whether it was the proper above patient who made serious turns out that they have 'cravings'
strength. I have used enemas for errors, will assure u s that he is for pizza, enchilada, or some
many years and know pretty well doing everything 'perfectly'. These other greasy, salty, forbidden
what the coffee should look like. patients don't realize what is food. They are simply hungry
This solution seemed too weak to wrong with their version of the because they are not eating the
be considered, "concentrate" for Therapy. healing, nutritious Gerson meals
dilution 4 to I . The lady 'thought' When we try to help, heal, and which are not well prepared.
that she used the recipe in the direct the patient to the Gerson The Gerson food has another
Handbook and that it was right. Therapy, we rely on the various advantage: if the patient (or family
The caregiver must be sure that tools that we have specially cre- member for that matter) eats
each enema contains the equiva- ated to give the patient and family fresh, organic food, it is truly sat-
lent of 3 rounded tablespoons of every possible help and guidance: isfying and we often get reports
coffee (See A Cancer Therapy, the food preparation video-tape that the companions lose their
p.247). If a concentrate is pre- and the recipe book in the cravings for sweets or heavy
pared, each portion MUST con- Handbook; the 4-hour workshop desserts. But the key is tasty food
tain the 3 tablespoons of coffee. tape discussing in detail a s much that is prepared with imagination
The coffee enema, too, is so very of the treatment a s we can and, and inspiration from the recipes
important that it is imperative most important, Dr. Gerson's provided. I must remind, patients
that the mixture or solution is book. At this point, I need to frequently that when they are on
correct. Please check and re- stress again that the patient must a nutritional therapy, they are on
check the preparation of the cof- familiarize himself very thor- nothing if they don't eat! If
fee concentrate. oughly with this material and patients eat properly, we have
review it over and over again. seen most gain weight if they are
5. Somewhat less important than One problem area that keeps emaciated. Some who are too
the above 4 points: The patient coming up is the food prepara- heavy will lose weight on the same
enjoys some bread with his meals tion. J u s t boiling the food and regimen.
105 Gerson Therapy Handbook

The summer fruit are espe-

cially valuable, high in potassium
enzymes and the best nutrients:
cherries, apricots, peaches, nec-
tarines, plums, pears, grapes and
more. But not far behind are
apples that are available virtually
all year round. Patients (unless
they are diabetic or suffer from
Candida) should always eat much
fruit at night, first thing in the
morning, and anytime between
meals. One summer food presents
a problem: corn. It is perfectly
alright to eat corn. The difficulty
is that everybody loves corn and
during the season is likely to eat it
to the exclusion of other vegeta-
bles. That is a very bad idea. The
vegetables should provide variety
and a large selection of special
healing chemicals (phytochemi-
cals) and trace minerals. Eating
mostly one vegetable is not
acceptable and does not fulfill the
Let the guiding spirit of the
patient be: "I'll do the best possi-
ble to help my sick body heal"
rather than "I'll see how little I can
do and still get away with it".
Gerson Institute
A nun-profit o?ganization dedicated to the
holistic treatment of drgpneratiw dsease

PO. Box 430

Bonita, CA 91 908-0430

Tel: (619) 585-7600

Toll-Free: 1-888-4-GERSON
Fax: (619) 585-7610

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