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CHROMOSOMES: DNA + histones (when dividing)

more appropriately CHROMATIN

5% of chromosomes are GENES: physically a segment of that DNA (the rest are
regulatory etc); specific sequence of bases that specify a polypeptide or RNA

somatic: 46 chromosomes -> 46 DNA molecules

germ: 23 chromosomes -> 23 DNA molecules

GENOME: all genes

informational (genetic: inheritable traits) bioinformation

EUK: 1 gene = 1 portein/polypeptide

PROK: 1 gene = 1 or more

CISTRON: functional element to make a polypeptide

THYMINE: has a methyl group at carbon 5; both ketones
similar lower parts

smaller ring (right part 789) similar)
GUANINE: ketone
ADENINE: amino

NUCLEOSIDE: base and sugar monosaccharide ribose covalently bonded

Nitrogen 1 of pyrimidine is attached to Carbon 1 of sugar (prime)
"glycosidic bond"
beta: bond is oriented upwards
N: not to carbon
"-side": sugar bonded

Nitrogen 9 of purine is attached to Carbon 1 of sugar (prime)

phospho-ester bond for phosphate to sugar
anhydride bond connects phosphate groups
can be mono (DNA), di, triphosphates (start)
at Carbon 5

DNA: no oxygen (O) at the Carbon 2 prime position

ATP: Adenine at Nitrogen 9 to Carbon 1 prime of ribose


sequence of nucleotides
5' to 3' (where to attach next nucleotide too; free hydroxyl group)
sugar-phosphate backbone

Nomenclature of Nucleotides
base | base + ribose (nucleoside) | base + sugar + phosphate (nucleotide)
Adenine | Adenosine | AMP or Adenylic acid or adenylate
ordered arrangement
double helix
hydrogen bonds with bases
A two bonds with T: C=O and HN + NH and N
C three bonds with G: NH and C=O + N and HN + O and HN

negatively charged phosphates in the DNA
positively charged histones with Lys and Arg
electrostatic interaction

NUCLEOSOME: eight histones with DNA helix wrapped around twice

2 x H2A
2 x H2B
2 x H3
2 x H4
plus H1
can condense further to form "beads on a string"
then "solenoid" - six nucleosomes per turn coiled
then "loops" on to a protein matrix scaffold (50 turns per loop)
then "miniband" (18 loops)
then "chromosome" (stacked minibands)

2/3 RNA 1/3 protein

Gene Expression: transcription, translation, template for RNA synthesis

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