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Mass Media affects socialization by influencing values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior.

media is known to shape, spread and transform culture. Mass media can shape us by influencing
the products we buy. Mass media can be spreaders of culture by extending our capacity to
process information. And finally mass media transforms us in many ways for example making us
be able to multitask. It also transforms our culture to create new environments.

Politics, Economics, and Technology are all macrosystems that affect media use.
Politics affect the law under which media operates. The mass media in the US has private
ownership and cooperates profits. The media is regulated by the FCC (Federal
communications commissions) and FTC (Federal trade commission). The FCC restricts
content and structure of ownership. The FTC is in charge of making sure that advertising
and marketing practices are not harmful. The government can also control transmitters.
Economics are the sponsors that support media. Broadcasters get to sell advertising
space. They use advertising to fit the best audience. All content in media depends on the
audience because if they are not interest it will get dropped. The tastes of individuals are
very powerful. Technology affects they type and content of the media device. Major
media direct there content toward their viewers to gain the most attention.  This can make
the content be majority or popular taste. Audience increases as income increase because
people with more money can buy the newer technology. Broadcast media in the US is
designed to attract audiences to sell products.

            There are many concerns regarding the impact of Screen media on children. The
social cognitive theory believes that children identify themselves through role models.
This means they have more active behavior and can learn positive and negative things
from TV. Cultivation theory believes that the media effects children’s beliefs about the
world and alters their behavior. The displacement theory believes that watching TV
replaces important things children should be doing like playing, reading, games, and
studying. Motivation theory believes that kids younger kids are more gullible to cope
what they see form TV.   These are just a few of the many concerns regarding TV and the
affects on children.

Many mesosystems, including: community, school, peer group, and family effect
exposure, type, and message of the media. The communities response to free broad
casting has made new alternatives including public broad casting, cable, recording
devices, and public interest groups. Free public broad casting is when corporations sell
there advertising space.  Cable is when people pay for more channels including movies,
sports and even more kids programs. Now we even have recoding devices so we don’t
have to be home when favorite shows are are on. The community has made industries
strive for new media to keep consumers buying their products.many teachers are now
using media in the class room. TV in the classroom re enforces reading and lecture,
enhances student comprehension and discussion, increases student motivation, and
promotes teacher effectiveness.Peer media also affects TV programming and viewing.
Connecting with friends is very important part of the peer group now. Kids are now
expected to have cell phones, ipods, mp3. Social networking and websites also allows
teens to try different identities. The media helps children stay connected at all
times.Family influences TV programming because they monitor and choose what their
child gets to watch. Unfortunately many parents don’t monitor their child TV watching or
restrict the amount of TV they watch.

Print media can be a very important sozilizer for children. Print media is more scientifically
structured then TV because it is often long and provoke more imaginary. The words from the
print must be translated into a visual image making the experience much more personal. It is
difficult to compare socializing effects because until the child can read the parent is reading to
their child. This means that they are available for the child to ask questions instead of them
imagining it themselves. Adults play a large part in this socializing role by also choosing the
books their children read, and teachers assigning specific reading material. Print media is known
to pass on culture to the next generation. It can teach history, values and morals. A book is a
written language that helps children learns language ideas and communication. A socializing
effect of magazines is consumerism. And finally readying aloud can improve a Childs listening
skills. It also teaches them the skills of life. Prink media has very man positive affects on a
Childs socialization.
There are many ways that reading books can impact your child. Books can enhance a Childs
language, reading, and cognitive development. A Childs language tends to be more advanced the
more they read and read aloud. Reading can have an impact on your Childs psychological
development. It provides children with models of behavior including role modeling, values,
coping with parents, and understanding feelings. Some concerns with reading books include
being confused with reality and fantasy, violence, and perception of values. Many books mix
fantasy with real events which confuses children about real life events. For example some people
believe Harry potter is a very controversial series. Sometimes children tend to imitate the
violence they read in book like they do with TV. Books also tend to show many stereotype roles.
Although readying has many positive impacts on children, like everything else it also has
negative impacts as well.

Sound Media (popular music) plays a role in the socialization process. Music is a form of
communication, emotional expression, art, celebration, tradition, and employment. Music has
now become an expression of youth and also alienates many adults. As children get older they
tend to like different music. When they are younger they like kid music and then as they get
older boys like rock and girls like romantic softer music. Background and socioeconomic also
play a role in music choice. Music is a socializing unit because it engages one’s attention and
emotions with sound. Lyrics are motivation, experiences, knowledge and self concept. Teenagers
watch music videos to find out what is “cool.” Some teens use music to escape and act on the
lyrics they listen to.  Parents are very concerned with the lyrics and message of rap music. Still
rap takes over advertising, TV, and music. These angry lyrics have effect on a teen’s mood after
listening to them. Music a great form of musical expression but can have a variety off effects on
the socializing process.

Finally interaction and multimedia (computers and games) have an impact on socializing
outcomes. Interactive and multimedia enable the player to participate actively. The amount of
media that teens use has increased to more than 8 hours. Most media exposure is used with more
than one at one time. The impact on children from this media boom has caused them to become
more self-efficient because they are able to access information, entertainment and
communication.  Teachers now have to incorporate media into curriculum for enrichment, skill
practice, and independent research. Many children have access to computers. This means they
have access to educational and entertainment videos. Internet reading requires higher reasoning
and comprehension skills. It is a concern that children of lower economic class don’t have access
to learn about computers. Also some fear that children will become isolated and choose solitary
because they are too involved with their computer. The internet can be used to help in education
but also can be addictive so it is always a good idea to monitor your Childs computer use.

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