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New Norms need to be practiced after

1. We may have to wear a face mask
outside all the time. Even if the
Government does not mandate it, we will
still feel better psychologically when we
wear a face mask.
2. Employer may ask us to work from
home and do virtual meetings a lot more
than before.
3. Schools may reduce the size of their
classes and do a lot of virtual teaching.
4. We may cook a lot more at home, or
have food delivered a lot more often than
5. E-businesses like online food
ordering, online shopping and video on
demand, will thrive.
6. Restaurants may no longer be able to
seat the same number of people, due to
social distancing requirements.
7. There will be increased sanitation and
cleaning everywhere.
8. We will try to keep a 2m distance
from everyone. Polite personal space will
have a wider circumference.
9. Temperature checks will be
conducted everywhere.
10. Cinemas and airlines will mandate
spaced out seating, as will public
transport like buses and trains.They may
also charge you double the price to cover
their operations.
11. Same for live concerts and sports, or
alternatively, those may be cancelled
indefinitely or only performed or played
for broadcast.

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