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Application Form

1. Name your application form after this structure:

[Your first priority department] [Your full name]

(Ex: [Human Resources] [Nguyen Van A])

2. Submit your application form to
After this subject:
[BSAR 2020] [Your 1st priority department] [Your full name]
(Ex: [BSAR 2020] [Human Resources] [Nguyen Van A])

DEADLINE: 23:59 – January10th 2020

For further information, feel free to contact us via:
Phone number: 0931277665 (Ms. Ngoc Thien)
Facebook: BELL UEH
Address:E408, Sơn Kỳ apartment, CC5
street, Sơn Kỳ, Tân Phú, Hồ Chí Minh

Class (Ex: MR001):AB001

Batch (Ex: 45):44

(Your picture)
Student ID:31181021081
Full name:Nguyễn Gia Bảo
Phone number:0855208111
Facebook link:Gia Bảo Nguyễn
Date of birth:04/05/2000
1. In 150 words, tell us about yourself.
Your answer:

I am Bao, who is studying agriculture bussiness in UEH. I have a great interested in

learning English and communicating with foreigner. As a young and motivated boy, I
always have a dream to travel around the world to discover something new such as
meeting new people or learning about other cultures. My favorite sport is football,
watching Juventus and the Vietnam national team playing always make me feel so
excited. About personality, I am an optimistic person who is rarely think about failure
when I start to do something new, that is also the way how I can deals with pressure.
Especially, i have a great ability in talking to the crowd and I will never miss a chance to
have a presentation. At the moment, I am looking for something that is a bit challenge
and attractive, trying to improve myself day after day is also my priority.

2. English skills: Estimate your English skills with the following levels:
A. Advanced, B. Good,C. Fair,D. Basic.
Speaking Listening Reading Writing
3. Please enter this link to take DISC test: Press “ctrl’ and click here
For example:
Your result: DOMINANCE

(Tip: Press “prt sc” on your keyboard and paste your result).
1. Have you ever participated in any activities or programs which you consider the most
memorable? Did you find something special that change your outlook?
Your answer:
I have already participated in the football competition of the economics branch. I
always consider it at one of the most memorable events that I have ever competed.
Althought my team could not go far, it helped me a lots to improve my fibred, football
skills and especially physical appearance. Moreover, I could have a chance to
communicate and make new friends with the other teams.
2. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Your answer:
Strengths: I never mind to talk to the crowd or to present a presentation. I also good
at teamwork. Weaknesses: I finds myself as a hot-headed boy, who always mess
everything up when I get angry
3. In 150-200 words, please answer ONE of the questions below:
A. If you can choose one, would you choose to be the brightest star in the sky or a part of a
constellation in the galaxy? Please explain your choice.
B. Where do you see yourself in the next 4 years?
Your answer:

B: In the next 4 years, I will graduate from the university, then get an ielt degree with
6.5 point or higher. My dream is to become a tour guide, it may not what i am learning
in the university now but it is what I want to become. Getting a good position in my
job will not be that easy, life is always full of challenge and I must accept it. However,
I should learn how to control my emotion, try to be carefull when I make a decision.
Secondly, I want to live a healthy and balance life, which I can get up early in the
morning, enjoy my breakfast and jogging around. It will be more excited if I still keep
contact with my old friends and play football with them. Last but not least, get
married with someone is too early for me at that age, but if i can have a girlfriend, that
will be great.
4. If you have read our booklet,you would be informed about our club. We have 4 departments with
different features and responsibilities. It is time for you to choose the department you want to be
in the most.
Your 1stPriority is: EXTERNAL RELATIONS
Why do you think you are suitable for this department?
Because I always love to make new friend, contact with other partner. I am realy
confident on getting people’s attention

Your 2ndPriority is: HUMAN RESOURCES

Why do you think you are suitable for this department?
Because I always ready to take part in any activities, I also have the ability to connect
my team’s member


Question in NEXT PAGE

1. Describe a member of External Relations department in 3 words? Why do you choose these
Your answer:

Energetic, Outgoing, Friendly. I choose these words because I think it can describes
truly what a member of External Relations department is. An energetic member can
take part in any activities while an outgoing one is always ready to make new
partners. Then, the friendly member can get on with these partner easily.

2. Have you ever failed to control your work?

A. If your answer is yes, please share us your way to fix it.
B. If your answer is no, how do you plan to accomplish many important tasks at the same time?
Your answer:

A: Yes, I have. Sometimes in my life, espicially my last year in high school, I must
deal with a lot of pressure from my teacher, my homework,... Everything seems so
difficult for me at that time. Whatever happened, I recommended myself to keep calm
and think about my future targets. That all I can do to control my work, not much but
very effective.
1. Where did you get information about BELL CLUB?
☐x BELL’s Fanpage
☐ Youth UEH’s website
☐ Members of the club (Click or tap here to enter text.)
☐ Other
2. Have you ever joined any programs held by BELL CLUB? What do you think aboutthem?
No, I haven’t. But if I have a chance to join, I will not miss it

3. What do you expect when you join BELL CLUB?

I always have a feeling that BELL CLUB is a friendly environtment. I expect to get a lot of
friend, improve my English skills and take part in some interesting activities. Hope that
BELL CLUB can become a place that I can achieve my goal.

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