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@echo off

if not defined ADB set ADB=adb

if not defined VLC set VLC="B:\Programas Instalados\VLC\vlc.exe"
if not defined SNDCPY_APK set SNDCPY_APK=sndcpy.apk
if not defined SNDCPY_PORT set SNDCPY_PORT=28200

if not "%1"=="" (
set serial=-s %1
echo Waiting for device %1...
) else (
echo Waiting for device...

%ADB% %serial% wait-for-device || goto :error

%ADB% %serial% install -t -r -g %SNDCPY_APK% || (
echo Uninstalling existing version first...
%ADB% %serial% uninstall com.rom1v.sndcpy || goto :error
%ADB% %serial% install -t -g %SNDCPY_APK% || goto :error
%ADB% %serial% forward tcp:%SNDCPY_PORT% localabstract:sndcpy || goto :error
%ADB% %serial% shell am start com.rom1v.sndcpy/.MainActivity || goto :error
echo Press Enter once audio capture is authorized on the device to start playing...
pause >nul
echo Playing audio...
%VLC% -Idummy --demux rawaud --network-caching=50 --play-and-exit
goto :EOF

echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%

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