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Present Simple Practice
For third person singular verb forms in the present simple, we add -s, -es or -ies at the end
of the verb.
A. Add -s / -es / -ies to the following verbs.
1. teach teaches 9. buzz buzzes
2. fly flies 10. watch watches
3. run runs 11. sit sits
4. push pushes 12. guess guesses
5. fix fixes 13. stop stops
6. do does 14. worry worries
7. dance dances 15. finish finishes
8. go goes 16. have has

What are the spelling rules for third person singular verb forms in the present simple?
For most verbs we add s
For verbs ending with a consonant and y we chance to ies
For verbs ending in -s, -z, -ch, -sh, or -x we add es
For verbs ending with o we add es
For the verb 'have' we chance to has

B. Underline or circle the correct verb form for each sentence.

1. My family go / goes on holiday together in the summer.
2. I often eat / eats dinner at my friend’s house.
3. Emma do / does her homework when she gets home.
4. I play / plays badminton every afternoon.
5. Harry seldom listen / listens to me.
6. My brother never watch / watches television.
7. He never finish / finishes his homework on time
What are the rules for
8. Mrs White sweep / sweeps the floor twice a week. subject-verb agreement in
the present simple?
9. My dog bark / barks at night.
10. Tom listen / listens to the radio in the morning
Las reglas para los verbos
11. Becky and Liz go / goes to the swimming pool every week. de acuerdo con la primera
persona como I, you, they,
12. I never feed / feeds my cat.
we no cambia. Por el
13. My parents live / lives in Paris. contario para las terceras
personas como He, she, it
14. We eat / eats eggs for breakfast every morning.
hay diferentes reglas para
15. She take / takes a shower every morning. los verbos:
1. Si el verbo termina en
“y” se la cambia por
“ies” ©20I4 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
2. Si el verbo termina en
Complete the positive and negative sentences. Remember the third-person negative form
uses 'doesn’t'.

C. Fill in the correct form of the verb.

1. Tom (not play) doesn´t play football. He likes to (play) play computer
2. Fish (not fly) doesn´t fly . They (swim) swim .

3. I (dry) dry the dishes but I (not put) don’t put them away.

4. They (not do) don´t do homework before they (eat) eat dinner.

5. Neil (try) tries to be a good boy, but he (not behave) doesn’t behave well.

6. Sarah (brush) brushes

her hair every morning before she (go)
goes to school.

7. I (not catch) don’t catch a cold in the summer, but I often (catch) catch

a cold in the winter.

8. The sun (not rise) doesn´t rise in the west. It (rise) rises in the east.

9. Natalie usually (not sit) doesn´t sit in the sun. She rarely (go) goes

to the beach.

10. A spider (not have) doesn´t have wings. A bird (have) has wings.

What are the rules for negative verb forms in the present simple?
Se utiliza auxiliares como “do” para pronombres personales
como I, you, they, we
Y para tercera persona se utiliza el auxiliar “does” para
pronombres personales como he, she, it.

INTEGRANTES: Adriana Narvaez , Alison Delgado, Maria Jose Chacua.

Adverbs of frequency are often used with the present simple because they indicate repeated
or routine activities.

D. Rewrite the following sentences, putting the adverbs of frequency and the
frequency expressions in the right place.

1. We are at home on Sunday. (often)

2. I’m not busy on Monday. (usually)

3. The cleaner works here. (five days a week)

4. My parents visit us. (once a month)

5. They are happy to have guests. (always)

6. We have bacon for breakfast. (sometimes)

7. Birds build their nests on this roof. (every summer)

8. They sing very loudly. (generally)

9. Sally is late for school. (rarely)

10. Mike has lunch before one o’clock. (seldom)

11. We laugh at people in pain. (never)

12. My parents help me with my homework. (hardly ever)

Where do we place adverbs of frequency in a sentence?

For sentences that contain the verb to be

For sentences with one main verb

For negative sentences

For frequency expressions

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