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DEMOTOR 09/16/2020


Why programming is important?

Programming is definitely important. As what I've seen in the video, it used to create
software and applications that help computer and mobile users. It also enhance and increase
the power of computers and the internet. Programming is also important for speeding up the
input and output processes in a machine. Due to all these reasons, it's really important to
learn how to use programming in our daily life.

What is Coding?
Coding is used to develop apps, website, software and other technologies we interact with
everyday. Without it, we'd have none of the most popular technology we've come to rely on
such as Facebook, our smartphones, the browser we choose to view our favorite blogs, or
even the blogs themselves. It all runs on code.

How software is Made

Any rogram is written using any language that is understandable for a human is called
source code and after making this source code with the help of the compiling process is
converted into executable file/software.

Coding is Not Difficult- Bill Gates

Many people will say no, it is hard to learn code. And it's a sad fact that a lot of these
people give up and fail. But for me, coding is'nt hard, it just requires more time and practice.
If you have that, then coding is not hard to learn.

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