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a barter system does not use money

a budget deficit increases national debt

a budget surplus shrinks the debt
A market in which there are many buye competitive market
A pair of shoes that costs $80 last inflation
A recession is a short term downfall of economic
a recession results in all the above
All of these are components of the expe taxes
an individual has ___ in producing a goo comparative advantage
completed goods counted in the gdp final goods
Congress cutting taxes is an example of fiscal policy
fiscal policy aims to influence the econ government spending and taxation
GDP, CPI, and the unemployment rate economic indicators used to determine
how does a budget deficit relate to the budget deficits create the national debt
How many stages 4
If congress increases government spen increase
If minimum wage laws were repealed employers would hire more people
if the economy is in a recession, which expansionary fiscal policy
if the quantity of money demanded the interest will rise
increasing reserve requirements is stop inflation
is a way to illustrate how a regular Consumer price index
qIt captures the prices of goods and servi Consumer price index
It is the continuing increase of the gen inflation
It is the decrease in the general level deflation
It is the measure of a country's total GDP
It is the study of the nations economy Macroeconomics
It is the total market value of all final GNP
Macroeconomics is the study of the entire economy
money loses its value when it it becomes too plentiful
open market operations and discount Monetary policy
people can get more of what they TRUE
People usually use what to purchase car loan
Raising discount rate raises all interest rates
Saying that net exports are positive is there is a current account surplus
Select the three macreconomic policy keep growing >limit unemploym >keep prices
solve the gdp using the expenditure 423M
someone without a job who has quit discouraged worker
Someone without a job, but looking Unemployed
The government should increase their all the above
The labor force consists of all employed & unemployed civilian workers
The value of money is greater as prices FALSE
The___ model is a model of how a ___ Supply and demand; competitive
This happens when there is an increase economic growth
To much money in our economy leads inflation
To promote higher economic growth increase gov spending & decrease taxation
Unemployed plus employed labor force
unemployment caused by lack of skills structural unemployment
What do you call an economic policy fiscal policy
What does CPI stand for consumer price index
What is a trade tariff a tax on traded goods
what is competitive advantage conditions that allow a company to make stuf
What is inflation the general increase in prices
what is money any item accepted as payment for goods or
what is the fiscal policy when the government changes tax rates
What is the monetary policy the changing of interest rate and influencing
When economist say that money serves a monetary unit for measuring and comparing
When the government spends more Deficit
Which agency is tasked of creating mon bangko sentral ng pilipinas
Which is an example of government spe road construction
Which is considered a sin tax tax on tobacco
Which is not a function of money traded item
Which is true of the sin tax all the above
Which of the ff are responsible fiscal The president and congress
Which of the ff is a monetary policy increasing the money supply
Which of the ff is not an economics ind presidential policy
Which of the ff scenarios would cause lowering interest rates
Which of the ff would be most likely to increasing consumer confidence
which of the following situation descri sharon just graduated from college
which of the following type of spending imports
Which of these is most likely to occur Consumer spending decreases
Which of these is not a monetary Balance accounts
Which pairs of operations Best fit fiscal government spending & taxation
Who's economic slowdown has China

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