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(4)______ (register) their complaints. They (3) _____— (be) just not as happy and contented as they (6)_______ (be) before, and it (7)___ (show) in their behaviour: That (8) (aux + mean) anything from a simple lessening of enthusiasm to acts that (9) ____. (aux + be + describe) as spiteful. However, what at first (10) (appear) to be an act of spite by a cat (1!) ______ (be + motivate) more often that not by anxiety or boredom. This is probably the underlying cause of Mouser attacking the leg of the couch while you (I2) (be) away, even though he (13) {be) normally happy to use the scratching post in the kitchen. He (14) ______ (have) no way of knowing how soon you (/5) (intend) to return. Maybe over the previous days you (16) ______ {be) out for the same amount of time and Mouser (17)_________ (react) to it now. But, for whatever reason he may have, today he (18) _____ (need) you close. When you (9) _________ (be + not) there, his comfort and security level drop and anxiety (20)_______ (build) up within him, eventually finding this outlet. b. Revise the following sentences, making the verbs in them consistent. I. Soon after he joined the union, John appears at a rally and made a powerful speech that impressed the audience. 2. If you saw yourself as | see you, you will understand why | get angry and frustrated. 3. First, scrape off any paint that is peeling; then you should paint the bare wood with a first coating. 4, The policewoman is walking down the street, and suddenly she stops, as a shot rang out. 5. | had hoped to see the specialist that afternoon, but he calls to say he won't be in. 6. We were walking along the path slowly, when suddenly a motorcycle races in front of us and crashes into a tree. 7. The main character in the novel suffered emotionally because she has a deep scar on the right side of her otherwise pretty face, but she eventually triumphs over this handicap. 8. If | knew what you are thinking; the problem we had to overcome is money. 9.. Thomas ran to the baseline, returned the shot, and immediately rushes to the net to retrieve a delicate drop shot. 10. Cook the mixture slowly, and you should stir it until the gravy begins to simmer.

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