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c. Fill in the blanks with verbs in the correct time dimension in the following speech extracts. That spot (1). (be) not there yesterday. There on my cheek. (@)___— (be + start)) another Honestly, my face is a mess. | wish | (3) - (have) good skin.1 wonder if this new cream that (4) ____ advertise) on TV (be) any good? Bet it (6) —_____—_ (willtnot) (take) 6 work on my face, My hair is awfully limp too. It (7) a fantastic shampoo to make it (@)_______—. (shine) like silk as the advertisement (9) (claim). Wow, so much to (19) (do) to myself, Oh, no, not another wrinkle! Those lines around the eyes (1) ________ (be + suppose) to indicate that | @) (be) a wise, mature person. Well, | think they (3) _—. (be) ugly: as far as | (4) _______ (be + concern), they reveal age not character. What about my hair? It is so insipid, )—________ (aux + look) | ______ better with it shorter? Maybe not. There (6) —_________ (be) a time when it (7) _____—_ (suit) me, but | now it (8) (turn) against me. It’s about time | (9) ________. (dye) my hair. One consolation though. | (10). {look) quite trim, considering how little exercise | {get) nowadays. Let's see. Not bad at all. My ears (1) ______— (stick) out a bie, but otherwise | (2). (be) quite pretty. My hair Cees (be) thick and easily ¢4) (control) like Sharon Stone's. | shall have it (5) (sweep) back, covering the ears. Now, what (6) (aux+ pur) |_____ on? Shall | wear my gold chain? Personally, | am not keen on chains, but they (7) (be) fashionable so 4 (@) —____ (aux + use) them as well.

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