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Y IS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? ‘To attain a deeper appreciation of Filipino culture, in this unit, you will learn to demonstrate understanding of precolonial Philippine literature (carly times~1560s), which showcases a rich collection of folk speeches, folk songs, and folk narratives that affirm our close-knit connection with neighboring Southeast Asian nations. Through these oral literary traditions, this unit will allow you to access various sets of language skills such as observing correct subject-verb agreement, using appropriate speed-reading styles, and applying prosodic features of speech effectively. After all these learning, you are expected to have harnessed your potentials that will help you establish a better understanding of yourself. aunesryy amddqiyy yBnoay sip end SupsaDy *SHANOd DULWTT HSI Embracing Origins to Celebrate Yourself ‘A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.” —Marcus Garvey ‘There is a famous Filipino proverb (salawikain or sawikain) which goes, “Ang taong hindi marunong tumingin sa pinanggalingan, hindi makararating sa paroroonan.” This proverb highlights how important it is for an individual to acknowledge and understand his/her roots or origins. Your roots may be found in the everyday stories that you hear at home, the local delicacies that you often crave for, the clothes you wear, and the songs you listen to. Generally, your origins refer to your own culture, social values, and beliefs. These indicate your belongingness to a particular social group, which shapes the way you interact with other groups. Your roots influence you, even if you are not fully aware of them. Exploring your origins can offer a valuable variety of benefits. It gives you a sense of identity that can help you live a meaningful life. It can also help you grow some personal assets and develop self-esteem. Aside from these, being aware of your roots allows you to understand the generations that came before you and know about their history. In this way, you can keep positive practices alive for the future generations to follow. Finally, if you know how to value your origins, you will learn to appreciate other perspectives and traditions, making your cross-cultural relationships harmonious. LEK TENG © Learning Targets In this activity, you will be able to accomplish the following objectives: + Describe one’s personal feelings after listening to a material + Recognize main points and key message of the material listened to + Express realizations afer listening to the material Today, Filipinos are more exposed to the different cultures from around the world because of foreign relations formed mainly through travels and cyberspace. We now have a taste of these cultures’ food, music, clothing, and other products. Many jobs have also been created to cater to the continually growing number of tourists who visit our country to experience our rich and vibrant culture. Though this social phenomenon enriches our own culture, it may also endanger it. Listen to the song, Tayoy mga Pinoy, composed by Heber Bartolome, which was first performed by his group, Baywhay, in 1978 during the first Metro Manila Popular Music Festival. This classic Filipino folk rock song expresses nationalistic sentiments and rejects the colonial mentality of Filipinos. It exposes the general truth about Filipinos preferring forcign things over the locally produced ones. The message of the song is very clear—we are all Filipinos, so we have to be proud of who and what we are. Form a group of three and examine the lyrics of the song. Afterwards, share and discuss your insights with the group by answering the following questions. 1. What did you feel after listening to the song? 2. What lines from the song do you find most interesting? Why? 3. If you are to choose berween a foreign brand and a local brand, what will you pick? Why? 4. Why do you think it is important to patronize Filipino products? 5. What are your realizations after knowing and understanding the song's message? UNIT 1, WY UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? aunyelay) auddgiyg WBnoayy sos Sendue] SUIDY “SBIAO DULWAT HST Pop Up Points Proverbs, which are usually in the form of poetic two lines, suggest specific action, behavior, lesson, or judgment that guide people in their everyday dealings, or teach them. about the essential truths in life. Damiana L. Eugenio, considered as the Mother of Philippine Folklore, compiled and edited a wealthy collection of Filipino proverbs taken from the different regions of the country. She emphasized that proverbs form part of our native spirit and led our elders to righteous and meaningful living. RETEST aay 6 Learning Targets In this lesson, you will be able to accomplish the following objectives: + Demonstrate an understanding of the myth, The Creation of the Earth and the First People, by providing sensible responses to the questions raised + Distinguish between slang and colloquial expressions + Determine the theme of a literary piece by looking at its elements Before the arrival of the Spaniards in our country, we already have a rich collection of folk literature, which includes all kinds of verbal folklore. Folk literature has three classifications, namely, folk narratives, folk speech, and folk songs. “The text that you will read is a kind of folk prose narrative known as myth. Myth is a story that narrates the origin of the world, of humankind, and of every creature found in nature. It may also tell a story about the love affairs, the triumphs and defeats, or the human relationships of a deity. Myth is considered sacred because it may be a portrayal of a group's faith to what they consider divine, as well as their religious rituals. Some people, even up to this modern era, consider myths as truthful accounts of what happened in the past. Literary Jump-Pad Below is a Subanon myth that narrates the story of how the Earth and the first people were made by extraordinarily powerful Philippine mythological gods. Read the text below, then demonstrate your comprehension by accomplishing the various tasks that follow. The Creation of the Earth and the First People by Damiana Eugenio (shortened version) (1) Before the earth was created, Diwata, the Supreme ruler, lived in heaven with his beloved son, Demowara. Then one day, Demowata asked his father for another place to live in. So Diwata took a piece of heaven and gave it to his son. He summoned his trustee, Balag, who presently appeared handsomely in a glittering body of gold, to help Demowata carry a piece of heaven. The three made a long journey in search of a place on which to place the new abode of Demowata. At long last, they found the right place, and Diwata named the piece of heaven Banwa (which in Subanon means earth). 5 , UNIT 1s WHYS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? une addy YBnouy sys 23eR8ue) SupSADY 'SBLOA DULWAT NSTI (2) Diwata installed a sun to light the new home of Demowata. Then he divided Banwa into two by drawing a circle on it. Inside the circle, he made the land to appear. Outside, he placed the water. He filled the land with trees, plants, and animals. He named the beautiful place Langkonayan. Then, Diwata ascended back to heaven; and Demowata was left in his new abode. Balag stayed with him. (3) Demowata felt very happy with his new home. He roamed around the beautiful garden. He played with the animals until he felt tired and sleepy, but he could not sleep because the sun was too bright. He asked Balag to go to heaven and ask his father to put out the light so he could sleep. So Balag went to heaven, and Diwata granted the request. Darkness filled Langkonoyan and it became night. + (4) When Demowata woke up, the earth was still dark. So he asked Balag to request his father to provide him a torch. Diwata gave his son thousands of torches which he scattered ) in heaven and became the stars. But ~" Demowata wanted more light than the stars could give. So he asked Balag to ask his father to give him a big torch. Diwata gave him a big beautiful moon to light the earth at night. Demowata £ and the animals rejoiced. (5) Demowata had already everything he had asked for, but he was getting bored again because he had only the animals to play with. He longed for 7 companions. Balag did not want to play \ with him. So he asked Balag to tell his father about his problem. DN (6) Balag flew up to heaven to tell Diwata about his son’ wish. Diwata ordered Balag to gather the stones in heaven and place them in a golden jar. Then, Balag went back to earth and gave Demowata the golden jar. And Demowata poured out the contents on the ground. ‘The small scones turned into elves and dwarfs. The big ones became giants. And Demowata was delighted to see the new creatures. (7) Bue Balag was envious. He hated Demowata for treating him like a slave. In heaven, he was the best of Diwata’s attendants. He thought of killing Demowata. He knew which instrument could kill Demowata, It was the golden sword called the alis, which was kept in the golden trunk in heaven. (8) So Balag gathered all the giants, dwarfs, and the elves. He told them that he was the real son of Diwata, because he could ascend to heaven while Demowata could not. They believed him. Immediately, they devised a plan to kill Demowata. “The giants and dwarfs dared Demowata to ascend to heaven to show his divine power. He asked Balag to get permission from his father to allow him to ascend to heaven. But Balag only grinned. The trick was working. He hurriedly flew to heaven whereupon he saw Diwata sleeping on his golden hammock. So he stole the alis from the golden trunk and hurriedly went back to earth. (9) Balag saw Demowata sleeping soundly under a big shady tree. He took the golden sword and thrust it at Demowata, But at the instant, the heaven roared and opened up. A ball of fire fell to earth and struck Balag, after which Balag lay there writhing in pain. The golden sword flew back to heaven. And when the fire was ‘extinguished, Balag’s body had become black. He was alive but he could not stand. He had lost his feet and arms. Diwata ordered Balag to live in the water. The once majestic Balag, now a lowly, ugly creature, crawled into the water, his abode. He had become the first eel. (10) Diwata, in anger, drove out all of Balag’s accomplices. The giants hid in the big trees and rocks. The dwarfs and elves took refuge under the big leaves of trees and other plants. And Demowata was left alone in the midst of Langkonoyan. (11) Demowata begged his father to create another companion for him who should look like him in build, size, and appearance. He promised his father that if he failed again, he would go back to live with him in heaven. Diwata, after a moment of thought, decided to give Demowata another chance. He took a mass of clay and molded it in the likeness of Demowata. Unfortunately, the molded clay cracked due to the heat of the sun. Diwata took the cast to the river and sprinkled it with water, Immediately, the crack split open dividing the molded figure into two identical creatures. They were the first humans in the world. They stood in front of Diwata and Demowata. Diwata called them Le and Le Bon, a UNIT [. WHY 1S UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? sume auddqiy ySnoay sys 8en8ue) SupHADY “SBS OMBT RST Enriching Vocabulary In the text that you read, there are underlined words. You may find some of these words unfamiliar, so you have to know thei meanings in order for you to better understand the story. To do this, fill out the puzzle below with the difficult terms used in the story. You may use your print or electronic dictionary to identify the correct word referred to by the definitions below. After answering the puzzle, discover the mystery phrase hidden in ic. 1. feeling or showing a desire to have what somebody else has 2. the house where somebody lives 3. _ people who work with someone to commit a misdeed or wrongdoing 4, to put out something that is burning (past tense) 5. exactly the same as or equal to something else, or alike in every respect 6. to order someone to appear in or come to a place 7. to twist the body due to pain 8. a swinging bed usually made of netting and slung by cords to support each end 9. to make a sudden, strong, forward movement at someone with a weapon 10. impressively beautiful 11. a place that provides protection from danger or trouble 12. to plan something (past tense) 13, servants who serve and help a superior 14, to move and rise toward the sky Pop Up Questions Were you able to reveal the mystery phrase in the puzzle? Do you give importance to your origins? In what ways do you show this? What benefits have you gained or are gaining from knowing and understanding your roots? SLANG AND COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE Talking to different kinds of people requires different levels of formality in your language use. You participate in conversations with the conscious intention of being understood. Therefore, you need to adjust the way you speak, as well as the words you use depending on who you are talking with. For this reason, two formality levels or registers are predominantly used in oral communication, These are colloquial language and slang. Though people often use these words interchangeably, they are actually two different language forms with different purposes. Study the Venn diagram below. COLLOQUIAL SLANG informal but still considered part of used in specific social groups, the standard like teenagers + generally Both are: or members of geographic in estan torte of a certain ethnic nature because it vanguege. group usually belongs to 7 + expressions that a regional or local are not part of the language * level used in conversations with classmates, teachers, and visitors They provide a sense of identity to the users. standard language + level used when speaking with people close to us UUNNIT 1, WHY UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT sumer addy YBhoay sys 28en8ue) SupsIDY 'SHLWOM DUNT NSTI ‘The following are few examples of colloquial terms alongside their slang equivalents. Colloquial Terms Slang crazy, foolish, wild > tus tired, exhausted —P_ beat complete disaster or failure >_> epic fail leave, go away —P__buzoff I'm sorry > My bad loosen up, rest, relax => chillout How are you? > __What's up? Have fun! —P__ Have a blast! tough, cool, stylish > gangsta, hipster addicted (with something) —P_ hooked (on something) Now, think of the most appropriate colloquial equivalent for the following ‘American slang words and phrases in the T-chart below. ‘American Slang Words or Phrases Colloquial Equivalents 10. eo ePrnanaen feeling blue couch potato hyped hang out pig out zonked (out) dumped hella wheels ain't Pop Up Questions Can you think of slang expressions which you often use when communicating with close friends? What are their equivalents in colloquial or everyday speech? Do you think these “inventions” improve the Filipino language and establish our identity as Filipinos? Why or why not? C. Idea Deck Analyze the question or task in each item. Use the previous literary text you have read as basis for your answers. 1, Who are the main characters in the story? Describe each of them. 2. What did Balag do due to his jealousy towards Demowata? Provide the sequence of Balag's actions in order to carry out his plan by completing the following flowchart below. 3. Stare why or how the following creations came about based on the Subanon myth. Write your answers in the boxes provided. @ Earth, Night, and Day Lo ~ “yk J Giants, Elves, and Dwarfs a AA 4 id CK LY [ *eanseion "1 UUMNIT 1, WY IS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? dunje_yy adding YBnowy 505 endUE] SUHDy SLAOM DULRWTT HSTBIG 12 Literary Skill Focus Literary texts serve different functions. They may be written to teach a lesson, to guide people on how to behave or react in various social situations, or to inform the readers of some aspects of human condition. Some other forms of literature are used simply to entertain the readers, usually through stories thatend with unexpected twists. Through literary works, themes are creatively expressed by the writers. THEME ‘Theme is the controlling idea around which all or most elements of the literary work revolve. Typically, it reflects how the writer views the world or how he/she thinks about human nature. It may refer to subjects which interest readers the most, such as religion and spirituality, family ties, national identity, educational concerns, or intimate relationships. Read the comic strip below and think about its message. TAKE IT EASY! JUST START SOMETHING AFTER DINNER ‘AND DEDICATE ONE HOUR The comic strip presents a mother advising her daughter. The conversation between the two shows a problem-solution pair as it shows the daughter stating her problem in accomplishing her school requirements, and her mother who is giving her pieces of advice to solve her problem, But what are the details of their conversation? Study the table below and analyze how the details in the comic strip were used to come up with its theme. Important Details ‘Theme What is the problem? The daughter has too many school assignments to ‘ submit on Monday. Time management is What is her mother's advice? pee haem nin numerous school tasks. ‘The mother told her daughter to take things easily, and to dedicate time to work on each assignment. Did you notice that the important details point ro the central idea or to the chief message of the text? In the example, the theme is a general truth that guides a person to overcome a challenge. It can also be understood by readers from different walks of life, which makes it universal. Universal themes that are drawn from literary works are expressions of experiences that all readers can relate to and that develop their idea of being human. ‘To discover and to reveal the theme of a text, you have to strike a balance in using objective facts and subjective information. Objective facts are the words, expressions, and dialogues used in the story or poem that are essential in identifying the message, while subjective information refers to the reader’ feelings or insights based on his/her personal experiences, which are connected to the objective facts presented. Now, with a partner, read the following non-narrative Tagalog folk song about a Filipino maiden, also called as dalagang Filipina. Afterwards, study how the theme was identified. The Filipine Maiden translated by Damiana L. Eugenio The Filipino maiden goes to the river, bringing a palupalo," 2 there she washes the rags. Her tapi?is of dyed cotton, 4 [= pce of wood used to pound ie class | _‘rcamise of red clean, Navan and her long hair is loose. 6 If you should arrive at * a rectangular piece of cloth wrapped around her lowly home, you'll see that 8 cera am ne waist | the stairs are shiny as mirrors, . | the floors are like silk. 10 The posts are the color of gold, the lamp bright as a star, 12 the ceiling the color of heaven, | the windows the color of clouds. 14 | See 13 UNIT 1, WHY UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? ner andy yay 95 aed, SupDY SLYON DULRIT] HSTBIG Important Details Classifications Themes Who is the subject of the folk song? a Filipino maiden What is the subject doing in the folk song? Objective facts, as_—_| The Filipino She is washing the rags by the river with | proven by lines 1-3, | maiden keeps her palupalo. 8-10, and 11-14 home clean. What did she use the rags for? She used the rags to keep her home tidy. How would you describe the subject? Subjective + She likes her home clean. information, as aon ° + She is industrious when it comes to inferred from the lines | industrious, specified above ing the cleanliness of her home. As you observed from the table above, there can be more than one theme for the literary text. However, you may have also noticed that the first one taken from objective facts is the more dominant theme. ‘Though being able to maintain cleanliness in your home is a sign of being industrious, it does not necessarily follow all the time. Therefore, itis important for you to know which among the themes you came up with captures the real message of the literary work. When trying to figure out the theme of a literary piece given to you, remember the tips presented in the diagram below. The Literary Work Move beneath the text's surface details + ask Wh: questions about the information presented in the text + relate the answers to these questions to one another + come up with several themes Buyueow 8,3x9} 043 oyu} Jedeep 09 + choose a theme that best represents the literary work 14 After reading a literary selection, you may also engage in a speed-reading technique called skimming in order to pinpoint the texts theme. Though this technique is commonly used during pre-reading where a text is previewed to prepare for a more accurate and detailed representation of the text later, skimming is also helpful for reviewing text already read in order to make more sense of it. When skimming a text, read the title first as it may hint ro the summary of the content. Then, identify the main idea for each paragraph and establish the rclationship among them. You may also delve into the text and look for clue words that respond to Wh- questions, unfamiliar words or slang expressions, enumerations, and culturally related words, which are often italicized. Synthesize all the ideas you collected into one sentence, which now becomes the theme of the literary selection. Learning Hotspot No. 1 Form a group with three members, then skim through the Subanon myth. Identify the important details in the story. Based on these pieces of information, what do you think is the message of the text? Discuss with your group mates the possible themes for the story, and note them down. Make your own big version of the Story Cube below. Fill in each side of the cube with information drawn from the myth. Cut, fold, and glue along the lin refer to the caption provided to you. Play games with your new story cube by sharing it to the other groups. Who are the main characters in the story? Story Cube “ Conflict: Setting: Resolution: How ' ee THEME: What is the main iehia probleri ' couse What is the problem in the recived? : a message of the story? ' story? | Drawan image >>, 1 | from the story that | 1 How to build the box 1 | youcan associate | 1 Fem H with the theme of y ol 1 the story. 1 Cute meee ! 1 Apply glue ‘ , 15 UUTNIT 1s if IS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? dunes amddnyg wrong 95 Fenduey Susy ‘SWLYOM DUMWTT HST Wa SaAmAR 6 Learning Targets In this lesson, you will be able to accomplish the following objectives: * Determine the functions and types of the different parts of speech * Construct sentences using the different parts of speech One of the most important things to remember when starting to learn the English language is the different parts of speech. It is the starting point in comprehending sentence structures and constructing your own sentences. In this lesson, you are going to familiarize yourself again with the various parts of speech through a series of activities. PARTS OF SPEECH Mastery of the different parts of speech is necessary since they are essential building blocks of the English language. As a brief refresher on the eight parts of speech, read the poem that follows. The Parts of Speech Three little words you often see Are articles—a, an, and the. Every name is called a NOUN, As field and fountain, street and town; In place of noun the PRONOUN stands, ‘As he and she can clap their hands; ‘The ADJECTIVE describes a thing, ‘As magic wand and bridal ring; The VERB means action, something done— To read, to write, to jump, to run; How things are done, the ADVERBS tell, ‘As quickly, slowly, badly, wel ‘The PREPOSITION shows relation, As in the street, or at the station; CONJUNCTIONS join, in many ways, Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase; The INTERJECTION cries out, “Hark! need an exclamation mark!” Through poetry, we learn how each Of these make up the parts of speech. 16 Learning Hotspot No. 2.1 The following are the underlined words found in the Subanon myth that you read. Analyze how these words function in the sentences in which they are embedded. Then, identify what part of speech they fall under. 1. summoned 2. handsomely 3. glittering 4. abode 5. installed 6. torch 7. companions 8. delighted 9. envious 10. attendants 11. ascend 12. devised 13. hammock 14. thrust 15. writhing 16. extinguished 17. majestic 18. accomplices 19. refuge 20. identical Learning Hotspot N Form a group with three members each. Then complete the table below by providing the correct information required in cach empty column. Uncountable (Mass) Parts of Speech Kinds Functions/Definition Examples Proper ‘Common Compound Countable NOUN Collective Concrete Abstract 17 UUMNIT 1, WIS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? aungeeyy auddgiyg nowy ss ensue] Suny ‘SWAOM DULNBTT HSTBL Parts of Speech Kinds Functions/Definition Examples PRONOUN Possessive Indefinite Relative Intensive Demonstrative Interrogative Reflexive ADJECTIVE Possessive Descriptive Numeral Demonstrative Interrogative VERB Regular Irregular Transitive Intransitive ‘Auxiliary ADVERB Manner Time Place Degree 18 Parts of Speech Kinds Functions/Definition Examples Time Place Direction Agent PREPOSITION Instrument ‘Compound Double Participle Coordinating CONJUNCTION | Correlative Subordinating Learning Hotspot No. Below are some of the famous Filipino proverbs and riddles. Written below each of them is a part of speech. Circle the word in the proverb or riddle that is classified under the part of speech indicated for every item. Proverbs The ampalaya, no matter how bitter, is ‘sweet to those who like it. Common Noun Ifyou buy things that you do not need, you will soon sell those that you need. Adverb of Time If a carabao with its four feet makes a wrong step, how much more man. Possessive Pronoun Do not do unto your fellow men, what you do not wish to be done to you. Interrogative Pronoun The pain of the little finger is felt by the whole body. Descriptive Adjective 10. Riddles ‘When remembered, it was left behind; when forgotten, it was carried. Preposition of Place ‘Kumpare is still small, but he can already climb the tower. Subordinating Conjunction When kept alive, it dies; when killed, it lives longer. Transitive Verb Sky above, sky below, water in the middle. Preposition of Direction In the evening, it is @ pool of water; during the day, itis a log. Preposition of Time 19 UNIT 1s WHYS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? ungeiayy auddiyyg yBnoay) syns ensue) Supsany ‘SPIO DULRWTT HSTBIO Pop Up Points 1g, also known as bugtongan, is a significant part of Filipino oral tradition before the Philippines became a colony of Spain. In the olden times, these are used to teach the youth about the community they live in. They usually rhyme and they use simile or metaphor to provide clues to the correct answer. The riddles are composed of one to two lines and only require one specific answer. What Filipino riddles do you know? Share it to the class! Learning Hotspot No. 2.4 “The following is an excerpt from an online article published by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). Scan through it and find the word that matches each specified part of speech, written on both sides of the article. The first one has been done for you. icon: The Riverine People of Mindanao ADVERB: by Ruelo Abaya Leee>—§_| Posted on Ar 30 2015 Manner Ce [—. Time jommon Inemnoang cry (Mindanao), the Subanons are stil Compound found in the deep forests. They occupied once the present || Place downtown. But after the Spaniards came, they moved to safer Countable places like the forest areas. Many of their present descendants || Degree are sil living within the city limits like Limpapa in the northwest, Uncountable | Upper Culianan, Espasto, Upper Curuan and Upper Vital, al Collective within the city limits. They also preserved a beautiful valley || PREPOSITION: often called by writers as the Shangri-la of Zamboanga Cit Concrete ale bY oe Time In Zamboanga del Sur, they are found in Lake Wood, ‘Abstract the westem section, Titay, Siy, Kumalarang, Buug, Molave, |) Place Salug and other interior places. They also occupied shoreline |! pinac4 areas like Margosatubig, Dinas, Dmataling and Dumalinao. |) Direction : In Misamis, they are found in Tangub, interior Oroquieta |) Agent PRONOUN: City, Katipunan, the top and the foothills of Mt. Malindang. In Possessive Zamboanga del Norte, they are found in Sibuko, Labason, |) /nstrument Piacan, Upper Sindagan, Salug and Lower Dipolog and interior |! Compound Indefinite Dapitan. ipoun Relative The Christian immigrants contributed much to make them |) Double lve in the forests. In the days past, they setled in Limpap |} participle Siorene (Zamboanga City), Lobongan (Katipunan Municipality of Demonstrative | Zamboanga del Norte) and the entire shoreline of Misamis ° ‘Occidental. Lobongan was raided by Datu Bantilan of Sulu and . Interrogative | completely depopulated it in 1775. Limpapa was discovered || CONJUNCTION: to have a cave where some inscriptions on the walls are |} Coordinati Rafetive sitll present. In the mountain sierras of the entire length of ~ Zamboanga peninsula, foot trails carved out by the ancient |) Correlative Subanon became very useful to the guerillas of the war. seat ADIECTIVE: (One of the most unique Subanon Community is found | SUPordinating Possessive in Lapuyan (Zamboanga del Sur) where everyone speaks English. This, tis inevitable to run into a naked boy inits forests . Descriptive ‘and hear him speak perfect Engish. The protestant Christian || VERB: Alliance came to teach religion which the Americans started. || Regular feral ‘The succeeding mission, although taken over by Filpinos, also |S Demonstrative | used English in propagating the religion. Irregular . With the passage of time, some modem Filipino ideas || Transitive Interrogative | rave been intoduced to Lapuyan. Today, although English is . sill the language of the inhabitants, the young generation has |} /ntransitive been influenced by Cebu--Visayan and, lately, by Tagalog. —Seuree:Mtp/ineca govphisubcammisionstusconmssien-oncunurat || AUXiliary Commoives-ondsradtoralerssecatcanta-cutvatcommuntes “nesvrne poop ot mda! 20 Pop Up Points. ‘Scanning is a speed-reading strategy that allows you to locate specific piece of information from a text. In this kind of strategy, the main objective is to provide the needed information in the shortest possible time. This means that you do not necessarily need to understand the entire text. ‘When you are scanning a literary work or any written article, always bear in mind what it is that you are searching for. Then, you have to analyze the organization of the content by letting your eyes run rapidly over several lines of print at a time. To ensure that the information you obtained is correct, read the entire sentence from which you located the needed information or detail. Fre sreanuns Z Learning Targets In this lesson, you will be able to accomplish the following objectiv + Produce correct vowel sounds and diphthongs + Read words and sentences using correct vowel sounds and diphthongs Speech is not just about saying words to express your thoughts. It also involves the proper pronunciation and enunciation of every sound in order to make your intended meaning clearly understood. A simple mistake in pronouncing a certain sound in a word can change the entire context of a statement, ‘This is why the International Phonetic Alphabet is used to guide English speakers in pronouncing the words they use to express themselves accurately. INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a system of widely recognized symbols that represent speech sounds. It is an alphabet of sound units or phonemes that is developed in order to enable the students to learn and produce the appropriate pronunciation of words in any language. The symbols used in the IPA are mostly Roman scripts enclosed in brackets or in slashes. This system of sound transcription was introduced by Otto Jespersen, and was further enhanced by A. J. Ellis, Henry Sweet, Daniel Jones, and Paul Passy in the late 19th century. “The English language has a unique rhythmic pattern or what is commonly known as the native accent. Acquiring this accent is a challenging goal to achieve, especially if you are not exposed to the American authentic way of speaking. However, in learning how to use the IPA system, you are opening yourself up to improving your pronunciation and overall accent, which will allow you to communicate with others in the English language more effectively. Remember that in English, minor changes in producing a sound unit of a word may lead to differences in meaning, such as in the case of words like of and off. or dip and deep. Therefore, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding when engaging in dialogues using the English language, you have to master the correct pronunciation of the critical sounds embedded in the words. 21 UUMNIT 1, WINS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? angela) auuddyiyg YSrowy sung aSendue) SupsaDY *SWIYO DULRWAT STD Vowel Sounds To define the IPA symbols for vowels, the articulatory phonetics have to be considered. There are four main parameters for describing the articulatory phonetics of a vowel. Study the table below. reaca been) ee ca Positions IPA Vowel Sounds | Word Samples Vowels (a) High: very close to the m beat roof of the mouth ful by Vowel Height (tongue) 7 eat (b) Mid: mid-way between Tel slate + the distance between ‘roof of tha mouthiand the tongue and the roof | jaw lol slope of the mouth (c) Low: lowered to the je] cap jaw Tal cap Tul (high) boot (a) Back: close to the 7 back of the mouth foi (mid) slope Vowel Backness (tongue) a:itew) cap + how far in the mouth _|(®) Genwral: midway | Ci) cup the tongue is positioned | gen 12 / (mid) nation Til (high) beat (c) Front: front of the — Frome Le! (mid) slate 1 @ / (low) cap (a) Rounded: lips are Tal (high back igh back) boot rounded when vowel sea nn is made To / (mid back) slope + whether the lips are rounded oe puckered 19 I (mid back) fought when you make the (b) Unrounded: lips are 1i/ (high front) beat ‘sound not rounded when /e/ (mid front) slate vowel is made 7 | (ow front) ab 1. / (low back) cop 1i/ (high, front, unrounded, tense) beat pronounced with - Tenseness greater “tensing" of Fe ni, front late ; |, te + involves “tensing” and the tongue; tongue an — , u/ (high, length of production aot is pial fear oo boot Pronounced with 70 I (mid, back, ee rounded, tense) slope 1a / (low, back, b unrounded, tense) cap 71 (high, front, bit unrounded, ax) 7 € 1 (mid, front, aa (b) Lax Vowels: unrounded, lax) pronounced with less | / & / (low, front, cap “tensing” of tongue; unrounded, Jax) tongue is further from | / @ / (mid, central, align r00f of the mouth; unrounded, lax) ‘or pronounced with less [7 j 7 (low, central, duration (length) unrounded, lax) cup 18 J (high, back, rounded, lax) Pat 1-9 I (mid, back, rounded, lax) fought Diphthongs In the English language, we also have diphthongs. A diphthong is a combination of two vowel sounds produced consecutively. This is why a diphthong ends differently from how it starts. The IPA represents a diphthong as a pair of symbols, where the first is the sound the diphthong starts with, and the second is the sound the diphthong ends with. Examples of these are the words shy and toy. “There are three major diphthongs in the English language. ‘These are / aj /, / 9 /, and / aw /. ‘Try pronouncing the word shy very slowly. You will observe that after the consonant, the sound starts off with the / a / sound, but it ends somewhere near / i /, so we represent this sound in IPA as / aj /. Now, pronounce the word tay very slowly. You will also notice that the diphthong begins with the / 9/ sound, but it ends near the sound of / j /. Thus, in IPA, we use the pair /9j /. The third major diphthong is the / aw / sound, such as in how, now, cloud, and found. However, these are not the only diphthongs in the English language. There are also minor diphthongs such as the / ¢j / and the / ow / sounds. Some examples of words containing the / ¢j / sound are sleigh, rake, and gray, whereas words like bowl, slow, and borrow contain the / ow / sound. Let us put your knowledge to practice by pronouncing a few critical! pure vows! sounds. Guided by your teacher, read aloud the following pair of words. vil mW Jul 18) feet fit luke look heels hills fool full leaps lips soothe suit deep dip move moat seat sit poor push 23 UNIT 1s WITS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? une addy wang ps eUe Susy SW AYON DUNNE HSL lol lor Jel let pale pall paste pest coal call baiter better boat bought taint tent sew saw reigned tend mole mall shapely deadly rer lel Jal lel then than star stir said sad bam burn kept capped heart hurt steady straddle guard girdle dregs drags bard birth Reading tongue twisters is a good way to practice and improve pronunciation of critical English sounds. In order to improve your skill in correctly pronouncing critical vowel sounds, pair with a classmate and read the following tongue twisters. Assess each other’s performance until you can properly produce the vowel sounds. You do not only need to listen to yourself as you pronounce the sounds, but it also helps if you will listen to your partner's feedback. JE1, 111 J al), 12! Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said, “this butter’s bitter! If | putit in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.” So, she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter. When she put it in her batter, the butter made her batter better. Jil and 111 (1) The sheep on the ship slipped on the sheet of sleet. (2) The keen king kissed the quick queen on her green ring. 24 Tul PBLIAL Make some fun, funky food and with some luck You can bake a kooky cookie or stew a stupid duck You can look it all up in a cool cook book ‘Or you can find a good excuse why you shouldn't have to cook. Jul,fe,191 Once upon a barren moor, There dwelt a bear, also a boar. ‘The bear could not bear the boar. The boar thought the bear a bore. At last, the bear could bear no more Of that boar that bored him on the moor, And so one morn he bored the boar— That boar will bore the bear no more. 1€/,11/,fal,/81,/@1,/e! (1) Abig black bug bit a big black bear, it made the big black bear bleed blood. (2) I cannot bear to see a bear, bear down upon a hare. When bare of hair he strips the hare, Right there | cry, “Forbear!” 25 UUMTIT 1. YS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? unger addy Boon sng aexsue ussny SWL¥OM DUNNETT HSTBLO arning Hotspot N For each item, circle the word in the sentence that contains the vowel sound or diphthong indicated before the number, The first one has been done for you. nl fel 2. fol 3. fol 4, Ini 5. fal 6. fel 7. lil 8 fel 9. H1/ 10. vid /@/ 12. /ol 13. fad] 14, fas 15. low/ 16. Jel 17. HT/ 18. /a/ 19. Jol 20. ” He summoned his ase) Balag, Balag appeared handsomely in a glittering body of gold. “They had a long journey in search of a site on which to place the new abode. At long last, they found the right place, which Diwata named Banwa. Diwata installed a sun to light the new home of Demowata. He asked Balag to request his father to provide him a torch. Healready had everything he had asked for, but he longed for companions. Demowata was delighted to sce the giants, elves, and dwarfs. In heaven, Balag was the best of Diwatas attendants. Balag told them that he was the real son of Diwara for he could ascend to heaven. ‘The creatures believed him, and immediately devised a plan to kill Demowata. Balag saw Diwata sleeping on his golden hammock. He took the golden sword and thrust it at Demowata. Balag laid on the ground writhing in pain after being struck by a ball of fire. When the fire was extinguished, Balag's body had become black. ‘The once majestic Balag transformed into a lowly creature crawling into the water, Because of his anger, Diwata drove out all of Balag's accomplices. While the giants hid in the big trees, the dwarfs and elves took refuge under leaves. Demowata begged his father to create another companion for him. He took a mass of clay and molded it into two identical creatures, Le and Le Bon. «) AUS OSU: One important key towards fully embracing yourself is appreciating what you have. You have to learn to love yourself for who and what you arc, and make the best out of the things that complete your unique identity. By knowing how to value your identity and every feature that comes with it, you can have a more accepting view towards life and the diversity that it offers. Below is another myth that explains why we Filipinos, in general, have lat noses. Remember that one important key towards fully embracing yourself is appreciating what you have. By knowing how to value yourself and every feature that comes with it, you can have a more accepting view towards life and the diversity that it offers. Read the article carefully, then accomplish the activities that follow. Why Filipinos Have Flat Noses In the beginning of time, the early inhabitants of the earth did not have well-formed noses as we have today. What used to be the nose were two small holes located at the middle of the face. It was a little later that the Creator thought of adding noses on the face that He sent down from the heavens a boat to distribute to humankind noses to make them more pleasing to the eyes. Of the five races of man formed by God, our early Filipino ancestors belonged to the brown race. Juan and his friends were brown-skinned people among whites, the reds, the yellows, and the blacks living in the same island before the population of each race multiplied that eventually forced them to disperse in search for lands elsewhere to survive. God was experimenting with noses at the time and needed a patient to put it on. He looked down from the heavens and spotted Juan. That time, Juan was playing with his friends. The Creator made Juan stumble towards a muddy pool. When he got up, he noticed a handful of mud sticking on the middle of his face. He and his friends tried to remove it for some time but without success. Finally, he gave up. By which time the water of the pool is cleared. He was alone when he walked over to the pool to have a look at him and was very pleased with the mud formed on his face that has dried up, as was the Creator who was watching from above. From that day on, Juan became more handsome on account of the piece of mud on his face. Everyone in the island, including his friends began to envy him, ‘They flocked to him, asking him where he got the “thing,” As he was an honest boy, he told them everything, and so everybody rushed to the muddy pool to try to make the “thing” out of them, but the mud just fell off their faces, leaving them all disappointed and wondering how Juan did it. 27 UUMUIT 1s WHYS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? aumelany addy wroxy sys Fendue] Susy ‘SWLYOM DULWTI HST 28 On. another occasion, Juan who was on the way back on an errand for her mother, slipped on a banana peel and fell to the ground on his face. As he struggled to his feet, the piece of mud dropped to the ground. He tried to stick it back to his face, but the mud would not stay on. He tried several times to put it back on, but it kept falling off. Finally, he gave up. When he came home without “it,” his mother almost did not recognize him and so did his friends. ‘Then one day, Juan and his friends saw a boat anchored on the shore close to their village. Thinking it was just an ordinary boat, they ignored it and just kept on playing, Suddenly one of the white folks came running all excited towards his village that lies on the other side of the island yelling. “I've got myself a nose!” and even showed ic to his folks. He told everyone he met that he got it from a mysterious boat that anchored itself on the shore. Soon the news spread and had almost everyone rushed madly to the boat that instant. Everyone was able to get a nose. But since Juan and his friends were late in coming to the boat as they tried to finish off their game first, they found only flat noses. They were actually fattened by heavy footsteps during the earlier mad rush. With much eagerness, they all put it on and were happy with it just the same. —Source: hep:lfwnw.juantamad.comfwhy-flipinos-have-flat-nosed ‘A short story may have more than one theme, but usually, only one emerges as the dominant or central theme. Fill out the Sandwich Chart on the next page with three themes that best represent the literary work you have read. Place the most recurrent or the major theme in the middle of the chart, and explain why you chose it in the box that follows. ‘The rubric below will be used to assess your output. You outdid yourself o tedayl You've done afine work! | You'll get it next time! (8-14) _ (15-20) a Answers are accurate Answers are not completely | Answers are partial or and complete. Key points | stated and explained. Key _| incomplete. Key points are are clearly stated and points are clearly expressed, | not clear. Very few details explained. Many additional | but only few additional only slightly related to the details are provided to details relevant to the ideas | ideas are presented. Tasks ‘support the ideas. are presented are not properly done. ( Major Theme: Explanation: UNIT 1s WHYS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? enn audi ion gs eve SwssDy SWLAOM BLWTT HST B, Examine the underlined words in the selection Why Filipinos Have Flat Noses. ‘Complete the tables below by classifying these terms under the correct part of speech to which they belong. Then, provide the additional information asked. NOUN What kind of noun is it? % 2. 3. 4 5. ee What kind of verb is it? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ADJECTIVE What kind imal is | What ee an in 1 2. 3 4. 5 ADVERB What kind of adverb is it2 | W"at does it modify in the 1 2 3 4 5. 30 C. Write five sentences, each of which should contain any of the underlined words from the text. Also, include slang or colloquial expression in every sentence. Specify the word and the expression you used in the sentence by circling them. “The rubric below will be used to assess your output. 5 POINTS The part of speech and the slang or colloquial expression are used correctly without grammatical or spelling erroris. 4 POINTS: The part of speech and the slang or colloquial expression are used correctly, but with grammatical or spelling erroris. 3 POINTS: Only either the part of speech or the slang or colloquial expression is used correctly without grammatical or spelling erroris. 2 POINTS: Only either the part of speech or the slang oF colloquial expression is used correctly, but with grammatical or spelling error/s. NO POINT Both the part of speech and the slang or colloquial ‘expression are not appropriately used in the sentence. D. The following words were drawn from the text. Identify the right IPA symbol that represents the vowel sound or the diphthong for every underlined syllable. Pen Pye Pe early well-formed. nose pleasing five forced noticed success alone 10. creator 1. more 12. rushed 13. just 14. errand 15. almost 16. finally 17. white 18. showed 19. sprea 20. cagerness 31 UNIT 1 WHY 1 UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? nena audéqyg Woo ps Seve SupDy “SBIOM BULWT HSTBIO THINK & LINK © Learning Targets In this lesson, you will be able to accomplish the following objectives: * Distinguish between the features and uses of oral and written language + Recognize the common purposes of writing * Differentiate literary writing from academic writing based on content, audience, purpose, style, tone, vocabulary, and organization * Compose an informative paragraph explaining the origins of one’s name and how it establishes one's identity Ie is important to acknowledge the differences between spoken and written language. Since these two basic ways of using the language offer different features, they are used in distinct situations and can create varied effects. SPEECH VS. WRITING The following are the most important differences between oral and written language. Speech... Writing... provides auditory information -- provides visual information is generally temporary and easily . .. becomes permanent once published changed has no prosodic features, but may has prosodic features, such as rhythm, represent them by the use of stress, and intonation punctuation marks is everyday spoken language that is produced with greater deliberation, includes some cultural expressions and | __planning, and thinking that considers spontaneous personal exchanges purpose, audience, and context . uses complex forms of nonverbal + + is driven by logic, organization, and ‘communication explicitness Purposes of Writing ‘Why am I writing? What do I hope to achieve in my writing? Am I simply sharing my own personal experiences or am I trying to incite some kind of change in my reader's beliefs or values? When you are asking yourself these questions before you engage in any writing activity, then you are thinking of your purpose in writing. Purpose is the reason why a writer composes a text. Focusing on a specific purpose as you compose a piece of writing enables you to select the form you are to follow, the types of supporting details to include, the degree of formality in your style, and the audience for whom you are writing. 32 However, one of the keys to successful writing is being able to manipulate multiple purposes in a variety of contexts. As a writer, itis essential for you to be familiar with the other writing modes or purposes so that you can express your ideas and views in different ways. This will also allow you to reach out to more readers. eae Descriptions/Definitions Examples + typically progresses chronologically, with dear description of the events that happened, and . with effective use of expressions of time; there | Personal narratives, (Narrative) should be a close attention to the details travelogues, anecdotes, to narrate + recounts a remarkable personal experience _| biographies, short where the writer shares his/her feelings and —_| stories, novels perspectives about the experience or life in general + makes imagination seem real by the use of images that appeal to the senses, as if the reader becomes a part of the writer's alimentos (Descriptive) experience araracter akan, to describe + portrays people, places, things, and moments | photograph captions or events, with vivid descriptions and details so that the readers can create a mental picture of what is being written about + refers to writing that explains or informs in an objective nature; some biases or writer's point of view may be present in the writing but there | !aboratory reports (Expository) should be an emphasis on the accuracy of the — et ep arora oe information conveyed business accounts, to explain + enlightens the readers about the whos, whats, | manuals, informative hows, whys, and wherefores of a specific issue | essays or topic through the use of evidence-based information and relevant details * seeks to convince the reader to stand by one’s position in a social or political issue + requires strong background knowledge of the matter, relevant and factual supports to the | Campaign speeches, argument, and I and technical skills on . (Persuasive) following certain ground rules in expressing a iatoreni to persuade one’s argument media platforms, + Incases of advertisements or campaigns, such as book, movie, Products or candidates do not openly criticize | or music each other for ethical reasons, but they engage in fair presentations that offen appeal to the reader's emotion UNIT 1s WHYS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT? unger audigy yBhoxyy NS ensue) Suysny 'SHAYOM OUEST HST Literary/Creative Writing Vs. Academic Writing ‘Writing is a medium of communication that uses language to convey an intended message to specific readers or audience who are members of a particular context. Generally speaking, there are two forms of writing—academic and literary—which are different in terms of content, audience, purpose, style, tone, vocabulary, and organization. ‘Academic writing .. . Literary writing... . is factual, straightforward, and a eepeaie aon Fema Content presents ideas with brevity or zZ oie aoe and conciseness pher, Sinko, personification Audience addresses a specific audience «- appeals to the general audience Purpose ~. Seeks to inform, instruct, and ~- ims to entertain, inspire, and wpe persuade provoke the readers’ emotions ~ fully includes informal and . is composed by using formal, . Style standard, and academic language; nase ee “ is humanistic and allows _ i logical and evidence-based coesation st tauibelics t ~ projects an objective, impersonal |... shows a subjective, personal fone nature nature vecabila ~ uses specialized vocabulary and ~ employs general, connotative, 7 adheres to formats and standards or creative vocabulary ‘ ~ is usually structured in an Organization |... should be sequential and systematic |“ Heually Smetana %)) Pop Up Points You are using figurative language when your writing goes beyond the literal meanings of words (meanings that are provided by dictionaries), and uses a specific word or ‘combination of words to symbolize an idea, a description, or an emotion. Below are some of the basic kinds of figurative language. Personification — an expression that uses human traits or characteristics to refer to inanimate objects, animals, or even ideas Example: The sun played hide and seek with the fluffy clouds. Hyperbole - an outrageous exaggeration that emphasizes a point, and can tum out to be ridiculous or funny Example: I've already informed her about it a million times, but still, she keeps ‘on asking me where to find the book. a Write Right! Write a paragraph which aims to inform the readers about the origin of your name, and how you think this reflects your personality, attitude, beliefs, and values in life. You may first explain where your name came from, who gave you your name, and why they gave you that name. You may end your paragraph by elaborating how your name connects to you and creates your identity. The following questions may serve as your guide in this writing task. ‘What is your name? Where did it come from? Who gave you your name? Why did he/she/they give you that name? Provide a brief narration. aye How do you feel about your name? Would you like to change it if given the chance? Why? 5. How is your name connected to your identity (personality, attitude, outlook in life, values, and beliefs)? Your work will be assessed using the Rubric for Writing a Paragraph on the Origin of One's Name found on page 356 of this book. TOP THE TRENDS! Work in a group and apply the information you learned from the lesson to a real-life task. With your teacher's guidance, perform the role assigned to you. Feeling the Filipino Vibe Goal Your task is to produce a local travel and lifestyle brochure, following the standard criteria. Role You and your group mates make up the creative team of the school's Central ‘Student Council, which is in charge of disseminating print information about the locality to foreign student/faculty visitors in the school. Audience —_| Your audience is composed of foreign students and faculty visitors from neighboring Asian countries undertaking academic international trips. Situation —_| Your team is assigned to submit a travel and lifestyle brochure featuring your own locality, as a means of informing the foreign student/faculty visitors about the beautiful spots that they have to see in your place, and its people's way of living. Product ‘Make an informative print material (travel and lifestyle brochure). In terms of describing the lifestyle of the native folks, you have to highlight the unique traditions, beliefs, and values that are being practiced in the locality. Your primary objective is to let the visitors be aware of the positive, colorful culture that exists in your locality, and how this culture can make their stay an enjoyable one. Consider the fact that your readers are nonnative speakers of the English language; therefore, make sure that the language you are to employ in the brochure is easily comprehensible. Standards | Your output will be evaluated based on the Rubric for Creating Travel Brochure found on pages 356-357 of this book 35 UMNIT 1. WHYS UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IMPORTANT?

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