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Basic Steps in Contemporary Arts

There are many basic steps in contemporary arts. It was created to show emotion
and a more "human" side to the art, there are no strict rules and guidelines of ballet,
which was the most popular style of dance. The following steps are base on what I
see on a video and internet.

(1) heels touching and feet forming a straight line; (2) heels apart and feet forming a
straight line; (3) one foot in front of the other with the heel against the instep; (4)
feet apart, one in front of the other; and (5) one foot in front of the other with the
heel against the joint of the big toe. (6) body roll: A rolling movement through the
body. (7) bridge: Also called a back bend. (8) chest lift: With back on the floor, chest
lifts off the floor.

(9) compass turn: Like an arabesque turn, but the toes stay in contact with the floor.

(10) coccyx balance: Balance on the coccyx, both knees bent with lower legs parallel
to ceiling and feet pointed, torso may tilt slightly

backward, arms are parallel with lower legs. [Horton technique]. (11) Tightening the
abdominals, tucking the pelvis, and forming a “C” with the torso so that the
shoulders are over the pelvis. and many more.

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