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I. Pronounse the words:

1. To comment 19. Armed
2. Aerobatics 20. Weapon
3. Broadcast 21. To raise
4. live 22. Highly
5. Award 23. To praise
6. Judge 24. Squad
7. Weather 25. Literate
8. To haul 26. Athlete
9. Aid 27. Senior
10. Muscle 28. Junior
11. Metre 29. To compete
12. Event 30. Half
13. To complete 31. Effort
14. Creditable 32. Hurt
15. Dressage 33. Orchestra
16. To fare 34. Major
17. Chance 35. Launch
18. Audition

I. Translate the words and word combinations:

1. Memorable 15. Blustery weather
2. Whilst 16. Dry weather
3. Lifetime experience 17. To haul the aircraft
4. Aerobatics 18. Runway
5. To handle the controls 19. Aid
6. Top 20. Rope
7. To ride crosscountry 21. Muscle power
8. Course 22. To enjoy
9. Tricky moment 23. Exercise
10. To broadcast live 24. To improve
11. To win an award 25. Fitness level
12. Poetry 26. Long jump
13. Acting 27. To book a place
14. Judge 27. Respectively

1. Event 5. Dressage test
2. Competitor 6. To be just out of the ribbons
3. To complete creditable tests 7. To fare overall
4. Blistering heat 8. Truly excellent performance

1. Cadet 3. To take off into the blue
2. Cockpit 4. To practice the basics of flying

1. Round 2. Audition
3. To hold 10. Stage
4. To perform 11. To look forward to sth.
5. Extract 12. To be no stranger to sth.
6. Play 13. To gain
7. To patronize 14. Lead part
8. To provide 15. Production
9. Top director

1. Spring term 11. At the peak
2. To rush out into 12. Unexpectedly
3. Play ground 13. Headmaster
4. To carry 14. To join in
5. Weapon 15. Session
6. Skipping rope 16. In the bid
7. To enable 17. Community
8. To raise money 18. Highly
9. Display 19. To praise
10 Non-stop skipping 20. Accomplishment

1. under a coach 2. Squad

1. To design a website 4. To construct websites
2. To be computer literate 5. To set up a company
3. To join a club

1. Achievement 4. To follow on from successes
2. Senior 5. To pick
3. To beat one’s personal best by 2 seconds 6. Best of luck!

1. To pull together 5. Nearly 50
2. To raise money/funds 6. Staff
3. To avoid 7. Tour
4. To hurt

1. Major role 2. Launch

II. Insert the missing prepositions (see the text):

1. To feel … the top of the world 10. To gain honours … exams
2. To win awards …a festival … poetry 11. To rush … … the play ground
3. To travel… a place 12. To be held …its peak
4. To be … of the ribbons 13. To join…
5. To sit … the cockpit 14. …a coach
6. To take … … the blue 15. To set… a company
7. Congratulations … sb. 16. …the 17th of June
8. To look … … sth. 17. To beat one’s personal best… 8 seconds
9. To be no stranger …drama 18. To follow … … these successes
19. .. two months 21. To take part … sth.
20. Best … luck! 22. To praise … sth.

III. Add the missing elements so that to make word combinations:

1. top… 18. dressage…
2. blistering … 19. to perform…
3. play… 20. to be computer…
4. skipping … 21. to join…
5. to gain… 22. to set up…
6. lifetime… 23. to handle …
7. to improve … 24. to broadcast…
8. to practise… 25. to win…
9. to raise… 26. blustery…
10. tricky… 27. to improve…
11. to praise… 28. to book…
12. to design… 29. to complete…
13. lead… 30. to fare…
14. to ride… 31. truly excellent…
15. to haul… 32. to provide…
16. long.. 33. to pull…
17. to take off… 34. major…

IV. Add the missing elements:

1. … creditable tests 17. … ground

2. … an award 18. … fitness level
3. … overall 19.… an extract
4. … experience 20. … together
5. …a place 21.… highly
6. …director 22. … crosscountry
7. …heat 23. … money/funds
8. …honours 24. … test
9. … jump 25. … the controls
10. … moment 26. … performance
11. … rope 27. … training
12. … literate 28. … into the blue
13. … the aircraft 29. … weather
14.… a website 30. … the basics of flying
15. … live 31. … part
16. … a company 32. … a club

Translate into English:

1. o experienta de viata de neuitat
2. a dirija comanda
3. a merge peste tot
4. moment dificil
5. a transmite in direct
6. a cistiga un premiu
7. vreme cu vint
8. a remorca o aeronava
9. a imbunatati conditie fizica buna
10. saritura in lungime
11. a lua un loc
12. a finaliza teste credibile
13. test de dresaj
14. a se descurca in general
15. a decola
16. a practica elementele de baza
17. a juca un pasaj/fragment
18. regizor principal
19. a nu fi un incepator
20. rolul principal
21. a obtine success
22. a proiecta un site web
23. a cunoaste bine calculatorul
24. a devein membru a unui club
25. a infiinta o firma/ companie
26. a bate recordul propriu
27. a coopera, a conlucra
28. a stringe bani
29. a lauda mult
30. a cistiga mentiune
31. interpretare cu adevarat excelenta
32. a oferi o instruire
33. caldura dogoritoare

V. Answer the questions on the text using the vocabulary of the text:
 What did the girls complete?
 What did Louise give?
 Why was Victoria placed 11th?
 What was the most important result?

 What flying experience did the cadets enjoy?
 What were the cadets able to practice?

 What did Ben perform?
 What was Ben looking forward to?
 Why is he no stranger to drama success?

 What were West Buckland Preparatory School children armed with when they rushed
out into the playground?
 What was the purpose of the skipping rope performance?
 What did the children provide?
 How much had been raised by the end of the session?
 What could the children be highly praised for?

 Who has gained great success this year?

 6)
 Why did Chris win a Royal Air Force competition?
 Why did Chris manage to start constructing websites, help make a school CCF and
Sports web page and set up his own company?

 What was junior Jenny Milson’s achievement?
 What were Isabelle’s and Rob’s successes?
 When would the Nationals be held?

 How did West Buckland School students raise 2,500 pounds?
 How did the students work?
 What did the students and staff raise funds for?

 What was West Buckland School Jazz Orchestra’s role?

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