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1. ¿How much protein do you consume in the week?

a) very little
b) moderately
c) a lot
d) I don't eat protein

2. ¿How much water do you drink in the day?

a) 1 glass
b) 2 to 4 glasses
c) 4 to 8 glasses
d) I do not like water

3. ¿How much fruit do you consume during the week?

a) very little
b) moderately
c) a lot
d) I don't eat fruit

4. ¿How much vegetables do you consume during the week?

a) very little
b) moderately
c) a lot
d) I don't eat protein

5. ¿How many times a month do you eat desserts?

a) once
b) two to three times
c) more than three times
d) not like desserts
6. ¿How many times a day do you brush your teeth?

a) once
b) twice
c) three times
d) more than three times

7. ¿How much time do you need to relax in the day?

a) less than an hour

b) one or two hours
c) more than two hours
d) you do don’t have time

8. ¿How many times a day do you go to the bathroom to evacuate?

a) once
b) twice
c) three times
d) more than three times

9. ¿How long do you sleep?

a) 4 hours
b) 6 to 8 hours
c) More than 8 hours
d) your hours of sleep vary

10. ¿How many hours a day do you work?

a) 4 hours
b) 4 to 6 hours
c) 8 hours
d) more than 8 hours

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