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My Own Essay

Omar Fabián Santos Gómez


Communication en el Scenario I

Woody Figueroa Peinado


Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Funza, Cundinamarca September

My Own Essay

International Marketing

The supply chain is made up of actors such as: suppliers, focal company, clients, and

related actors (political, social, among others). The focal company is considered the leading

actor that establishes the planning of the supply chain based on its business model and

product (service) portfolio from which the logistics plans of suppliers, as well as customers,

are articulated. Therefore, the competitiveness and logistics performance of the country or

countries where the focal company, suppliers and clients carry out operations impact the

performance of the supply chain. Therefore, supply chains can be national or international.

The national companies have all of their actors are from the same country, hence, the

supply chain depends on legislation, as well as the productivity, competitiveness and

logistics performance of a country. Meanwhile, international companies have actors

(suppliers, focal company or client) in at least two countries, which activates the logistics of

customs, transport and logistics operations abroad, therefore, productivity impacts are

generated, competitiveness and performance of the countries that comprise it. Colombia has

ongoing strategies to improve exports such as the creation of the authorized economic

operator, accumulation of origin, free zones, Vallejo plan and international trading

companies, facilitating procedures in the reduction of stationery and time, innovation and

technological development, electronic computer services; DIAN is undergoing a

restructuring of its system to facilitate these procedures, however implementation is slow

and due to this, Colombia is further delayed in its processes, giving the other countries the

opportunity to improve at a higher speed, taking advantage of the weaknesses in

competitiveness. that they have.

The outlook is clear and actions need to be taken on the factors in which they have low

qualifications, effective strategies are needed and government policies guarantee their

continuity, that the development of 4G roads is carried out in the agreed times, that the

Nationalization times decrease, that new technologies are implemented to streamline

operations in port, that trust in companies increases when they certify, guaranteeing the

correct execution of these strategies, the performance indicators will very surely improve

and the score will rise, aiming to increase the competitiveness as a country.

International marketing is directly related to business and the development of activities

designed with the purpose of establishing the sale price and the promotion of products and

services for consumers in various countries through an appropriate distribution channel, in

this This process is present levels of uncertainty in the markets due to uncontrollable factors

that vary according to the country. International marketing is closely related to

globalization, it is a term that has gained strength throughout the world, the process has

become an irreversible phenomenon that involves the elimination of restrictions on foreign

trade and foreign investment in order to take advantage of the benefits of comparative

advantages, in terms of capital technology and international labor business. Even small

industries have begun to seek foreign markets, apart from this with the relaxation of

exchange control regulations by many countries, capital flows, both from foreign direct
investment and the portfolio, are common compared to other times; although globalization

relates to all the countries of the world.

World trade is creating a network of global links that unite all countries, organizations and

individuals, combining the science and art of business with other diverse disciplines that

allow us to analyze the global market; offering new opportunities and challenges with a

transcendental effect on organizations, those that refuse to be part of a world that constantly

interacts are the organizations that first disappear in time, when a country isolates itself

from the world its economic capacity decreases and consequently decreases the quality of

life of its population. Companies face obstacles in their growth management and one of

them is developing new clients in new markets, thanks to the fact that the world is in the

process of transformation that leads them to develop business strategies, behaviors and

methodologies that allow them to achieve results in a global market, therefore they suggest

that companies should follow a five-step process to enter global markets, first with passive

export, active export, using the distribution channel, open sales subsidiaries abroad,

establish factories abroad and finally establish regional offices abroad.

Passive exploitation is the first step which allows companies to manage and also

implement control strategies to standardize a planning process and make transcendental

decisions that involve the foreign market, secondly, active export using distributors, blind

as a major influence on the market. The third step consists of the opening of sales offices

abroad that allows the company to make a recognition of the segment, building an

organizational culture focused on the consumer, the fourth and fifth steps talk about

establishing factories abroad and establishing regional offices abroad, therefore it will be
opportune for the company since it will generate new benefits to introduce products at a

price compatible with the market, since the performance of the company is subject to its

vision of the businesses executed in each of the steps raised, commercial transactions at the

international level were carried out without taking into account the breadth and simultaneity

that commercial relations currently have; commercial growth at a global level has exceeded

the growth of national economic ones.

International marketing that offers them sustainable growth, an adequate study of the

factors that intervene in the market allows organizations to make assertive decisions. In

international marketing, the principles and best practices involved in decision-making and

strategies in a modern environment are currently being analyzed, based on the different

forces with which international marketing interacts such as political, legal, and other forces.

economic, competitive, socio-cultural, technological and natural; transporting the

organization to look beyond the borders in which it usually operates; the concepts coincide,

that adequate planning and research is required that will lead them to interact with the

different countries, in order to create exchanges that benefit the parties, this being a tool

that improves the position in which a company is in front of to the global market. Currently,

most companies identify with the market-oriented philosophy, recognizing that consumers

around the world are being more demanding when making a purchase, for this reason the

collection of information is an important process to structure an adequate sales strategy.

Over time not only with customers, but also includes the different characters who

participate in the development of the commercial process, among which are employees,

suppliers, distributors and society in general, the members of the process and clients that
generate greater profitability, through technological tools that allow them to control the

consumption behavior of their clients.

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