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At home


Understanding towards the family members will result to a harmony towards the relationship of the
family members.

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. – Albert Einstein



Accepting the flaws of the circle of friends will result to peace. There’s so much grace in acceptance. It
may not be an easy concept, but if we will embrace it, we will find more peace than we have ever
imagined. We may have different beliefs in life, so we should be open minded and ready to accept the
perceptions of other people.



Respect begets respect. Respecting our neighbours

We should respect other people’s culture, belief, personality, and others. We have our own ways. We
must respect other people for us to achieve peace towards the neighbourhood.

World peace begins with inner peace. – Dalai Lama

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, conflicts, or suffering; it means to be
that in the midst of these things, one must be calm in heart.

The reason most scoff at the notion of achieving world peace is because if
you buy the principle that individual human revolution is the real solution, then
literally some billions of people would need to actively embrace the notion of
devoting themselves to continual self-reformation.
I don't believe world peace will be achieved in my lifetime. But I do believe it
won't be achieved in any lifetime after mine unless I make causes for it to
happen now. How can I-and you-make those causes? As Gandhi famously
said, by becoming the change we wish to see. 
We can't worry about if it can be done at all, or how long it might take. It can
be done. It will take a long, long time. But the argument that it can't be done if
we don’t do anything to solve the problems.
1.  Start by stamping out exclusion. ...
2. 2 Bring about true equality between women and men. ...
3. 3 Share out wealth fairly. ...
4. 4 Tackle climate change. ...
5. 5 Control arms sales. ...
6. 6 Display less hubris, make more policy change. ...
7. 7 Protect political space. ...
8. 8 Fix intergenerational relations.

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