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CDT 2C SALAAN, NEIL G October 7, 2020

Section 4 CRIMINAL


1. Give three (3) basic requirements in a police intervention such as arrest, raid,
search and seizure, checkpoint, etc.

1. With a marked police vehicle

2. Preferably led by a Commissioned Officer
3. With personnel in proper police uniform

2. What are the three objectives of Raid?

1. Effect an apprehension
2. Obtain evidence of illegal activity by surprising the offenders in flagrante
3. Recover stolen property.

3. Explain the importance of proper coordination.

 Before the service of a search warrant, the team leader should see to it
that proper coordination is made with the commander of local police
station having jurisdiction over the target premises. The coordinating party
will inform the local station that their team is conducting an operation in
their area. This gesture of coordination is not only a manifestation of
courtesy but also a safety measure to avoid the possibility of a mistake


1. Enumerate and explain the components of Raid.

a. Every member of a law enforcement organization must know the

technique of conducting a raid.
b. Raids are usually made after careful investigation and when other
methods of accomplishing the mission are not suitable.
c. Whenever available, men experienced in conducting police raids
should be chosen as raid commanders.

2. Explain and Expound the Use of Reasonable Force.

 The use of force shall be avoided. However, due to unavoidable

circumstances, the police may use reasonable force to overcome the threat
posed by the suspect. The use of firearm is justifiable only by virtue of the
Doctrines of Self-defense, Defense of Relative, and Defense of Stranger, and
if the police has probable cause to believe (based on facts) that the suspect
poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the police or
other persons.
The officer-in-charge must ensure that no innocent civilian is caught in
the crossfire (Rule 6 and 7 supra). Things to be done after a raid where an
armed confrontation ensued. The officer-in-charge shall:

A. Secure the sight of the confrontation;

B. Check whether the situation still poses imminent danger
C. Evacuate the wounded to the nearest hospital
D. Account for the killed, wounded and arrested persons for proper disposition
(Rule 9, ibid)

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