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A mobile phone story

A conversation
David had a bad day at work. You are going to listen to him tell his wife what happened.

1 Listen to David’s story and number the pictures 1–5.



2 Listen again and choose the correct options.

1 David and Mr Martinez spoke / laughed / shouted on the phone.
2 David turned on / turned off / didn’t turn off his phone.
3 David put the phone in his bag / on his desk / in his pocket.
4 Andy / David / Mr Martinez came into the office.
5 The two men cried / laughed / shouted about Mr Martinez in the office.
6 Mr Martinez heard / didn’t hear / couldn’t hear David and Andy’s conversation.
7 Later, Mr Martinez’s assistant came into the office and gave David some money / a letter / a present.
8 David looked at the assistant / his mobile phone / the letter and knew he had a problem.

3 Complete the sentences from the story with the past tense form of the verbs.
be feel finish give happen have like say

1 How your day? 5 We the conversation.

2 What ? 6 I quite angry.
3 I a phone call. 7 She me a letter.
4 You never him. 8 What it ?

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