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Química General, Grupo: 11

Fecha: 19 de octubre de 2018
Nombres: Edie Santiago Martinez Parra Cód. 42182010
Edgar David Franco Valbuena Cód. 42182008

LIBRO DEL CANON: Voces del planeta, Pedro Pozas Terrados 2009
PRIMERA PARTE: Bitácora verde. Lamento de la tierra
SEGUNDA PARTE: Muros del silencio

TÍTULOS LEÍDOS: (indique el título de las lecturas leídas para el ensayo)

- El camino oscuro de la igualdad.

- Bosques que nunca arden

Comenzar el ensayo en la hoja siguiente. Escribir en arial 11, espacio 1.5. En el
ensayo se deben diferenciar bien estas tres partes: Pueden ser tres párrafos bien

INTRODUCCIÓN (máximo una página)

DESARROLLO O CUERPO (máximo dos páginas)

CONCLUSIÓN (máximo una página)


The violation of human rights is lived a lot in the world, either by ethnicity or by force they are
forced to kill themselves, it is not possible to understand why the cradle of man is now a constant
war between guerrillas, the people and civilized nations to extract the natural resources that are
given there, the most tragic thing is that civilized nations are left with everything that is earned
and they do not give anything to them they are only their slaves and they do not care if they die,
they only want their economic benefit, but Nobody cares about the human rights that are violated
on this


Each cubic meter of seawater deposited on top of a six-hundred-meter mountain means two
kilowatts of energy, so the mountains would become "banks" in which to save energy savings.

Checking that from the economic point of view the system was highly profitable, it was time to
move forward on the issue of forest fires, starting from the base of a series of large water tanks
staggered at different heights are in the disposition to turn off any fire that starts in an area of
about thirty kilometers around, a means of a response system in the form of a web that allows
water to flow through the law of communicating vessels.

We all know, at this point, that when a forest is burned, not only a commercial value is burned, but
that biodiversity and the ecosystem where it is settled are destroyed, therefore the climate of the
area is seriously affected. Often the least is burned wood, which can regenerate at a given
moment if it is not, what is important is what flows around it, what its roots sustain, what its
branches provide and its leaves are fed in the circle of life.

Forest fires contribute to warming and desertification of the planet, cause hundreds of deaths,
lead families to despair and ruin, affect us cyclically and in millennia has not been able to find any
valid solution because there will always be a madman, a pyromaniac or an evil person who
becomes useless any kind of prevention.

In another year of losses, the murders and the impetuous and monstrous heartbreaking violence
does not stop sowing fear and pain that kills human dignity around the world, and the failure to
enter another country, thousands of children die of hunger a day and nobody represents them,
nobody seems to be interested, every day is sad because in those beings there was hope and they
had given all their efforts to achieve harmony and what they found was a place where children do
not know what joy is but death in a dirt stained with blood.

However, we continue our lives supporting the extraction of oils such as biodiesel knowing the
damage it causes to cause a crime against humanity. We are lucky to have been born on the other
side of the war, a war without end. There is no peace because we are an evolutionary error
committed by nature itself, that is why we reject our own species


To continue with the wind farms, constitute such a danger means a folly, for which it is essential to
transform all its highly unstable energy into controlled hydraulic power potential.

The subject is focused on raising awareness that it is a problem that not only affects a few, but on
the contrary it is a problem of global risk that contains serious problems in our actuality

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