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After weeks of being on lockdown, many people struggled to get back on their feet and tried to regain
some semblance of everyday living. The practice of social distancing and staying at home were still
highly recommended, which meant going back to our previous daily routines a bit more problematic.
Traveling for leisure remained a big no-no for most countries, even dropping by the local mall for some

With these growing lists of restrictions, many people resorted to creative ways of accomplishing tasks
and maintaining a sense of normalcy at the same time.

The ability to satisfy a food craving posed a difficult challenge nowadays, but it wasn’t impossible. One
man discovered a pretty clever hack in fulfilling his need for a beloved snack while still maintaining a
safety level against infection. Quarantine measures aside, this man managed to obtain a bag of Cheetos
in the safest way he knew how.

Realizing he couldn’t just leave and go to the store to buy snacks whenever he wanted, Antonio Munoz
mulled over his options on how to get that bag of Cheetos that he wanted. Since dogs were immune to
the virus, he decided to send his dog to a store just across the street to buy the snack for him.

He attached a note on his Chihuahua’s collar, explaining that he wanted to buy Cheetos and included
twenty dollars as payment. He even specified what kind of Cheetos he wanted, which were the orange
non-spicy kind. Also, as a warning to the shopkeeper, he added that his little pooch would bite if
mistreated in any way.

The Chihuahua appeared more than ready to accomplish her mission. Munoz captured a couple of
photos of his obedient pup returning home with the prized Cheetos. Like they always said, where there’s
a will, we would always find a way.

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