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Premature neonate in NICU with increasing NG aspirates and lower abdominal

wall redness; diagnosis is (necrotizing enterocolitis)
2. Scenario of renal cell CA; hypercalcemia is due to (release of PTHrP, release of
osteoclast activating factor, increased hydroxylation of vitamin D)
3. Scenario of 12 weeks pregnant patient with worst headache of life for 1 hour:
what is the most appropriate next step for diagnosis? (CT scan of head, lumbar puncture,
MR venography)
4. A child with Down’s syndrome has not passed stool for 2 days despite feeding
twice. Patient has not vomited once till now. What is the most likely underlying
pathophysiology? (absence of ganglion cells)
5. A patient has a soft tissue lesion in the thigh; biopsy reveals fibrosarcoma. Which
of the following is the most appropriate next step? (order chest X-ray)..CT better from
6. A patient has a malignant lesion arising from the hypothenar eminence and
extending into the Guyon’s canal and carpal compartment. On excisional biopsy of the
lesion, histopathology is consistent with malignant sarcoma. Which of the following is the
most appropriate step? (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, …)
7. Hyperkalemia with EKG changes: what is first step? (administer calcium
8. Another question of hyperkalemia with EKG changes: what is first step?
(administer calcium gluconate)
9. A person has fell from third floor and is brought to the ED; receives 1 L ringer’s
lactate on way to ER; on passing Foley’s, only 30 ml of grossly bloody fluid comes out; he
then receives another 1.5 L of Ringer’s lactate; still his urine output is low; which of the
following is most likely? (bladder rupture*, hypovolemia)
10. Patient with PPH; palpable boggy mass in vagina: (uterine inversion)
11. Picture of late decelerations shown: what is the mechanism? (uteroplacental
12. Pregnant patient taking both phenytoin and valproate; fetus has cleft lip and
palate; this is due to: (phenytoin*, valproate)
13. A pregnant patient has signs and symptoms of folate deficiency; also has
symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism; fetus is at risk of: (neonatal Grave’s disease,
hypothyroidism, neural tube defects)
14. A patient is prescribed methotrexate 60 mg/m2 for ectopic pregnancy. One week
later, the patient ends up in ER with ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Later, it is found out
that patient had actually received methotrexate dose of 6 mg/m2. What is the best way
to find out and avoid such things in future? (root cause analysis)
15. Surgeon puts in CVP and orders a chest X-ray. Radiologist notes a pneumothorax;
pages to tell the resident, but then, is called away somewhere. Later, he uploads the
image with the note that surgeon has been informed. Nursing assistant accompanies
patient back at shift time. Nurse doesn’t know about the pneumothorax. Patient crashes
and then the surgeon comes to see the patient. Computerized X-ray system is down for
maintenance for two hours. Later on, it is found that the patient has a pneumothorax and
chest tube is inserted. Which of the following could have prevented this near miss?
(standardized protocol of information interchange)
16. Patient with UC is planned for elective proctocolectomy. What is the best way to
minimize perioperative infection? (colon decontamination*, prolonged antibiotics,
prolonged pyodine scrub, shaving the surgical site)
17. Patient with neurogenic bladder; what is the best way to minimize infections and
manage patient? (intermittent self-catheterization)
18. Scenario of cat-scratch disease: what is the best way to confirm the diagnosis?
(bacterial culture of node aspirate, IgG and IgM antibodies to Bartonella henselae*)
19. Picture of erythema chronicum migrans: causative organism is (Borrelia
20. Scenario of female patient with recurrent cystitis and painful bladder; most likely
diagnosis is (interstitial cystitis*)
21. Smoker with painless hematuria: what is the most likely diagnosis? (bladder
22. A child with perianal pruritis, which is worse at night, has infestation with
23. A young girl has developed lesions on back, which become red and itchy after
scratching or rubbing. Which cells are most likely to be affected? (Langerhan cells, mast
24. A patient with breast cancer and Hb of 6 g/dl. What is the best next step in
management? (transfusion of packed RBCs)
25. A patient with IgA deficiency develops fever, hypotension, wheezing and chest
pain after starting transfusion of blood products: what is the best next step? (administer
26. A patient has wheezing, fever and reaction to blood administration. BP is low.
What will you do? (give epinephrine)
27. A 37 years old female patient with episodes of choking sensation in the throat.
Episodes last for 10-15 minutes. Used to occur before, but, patient did not need
hospitalization. She has a history of appendix operation at the age of 5 years, when
appendix was found to be normal post-operatively. What is the most likely diagnosis?
(asthma, hereditary angioedema)
28. A patient has low platelets, dry skin with excoriations and low levels of IgM with
high levels of IgA and IgE. What is the most likely diagnosis? (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
29. A pregnant patient with history of recurrent UTI requires prophylaxis. What is
the best option? (post-coital dose of nitrofurantoin)
30. A patient with CLL has fever and a very low ANC. Blood culture grows
Pseudomonas. What is the most likely pathophysiology? (neutropenia)
31. An army recruit with Hepatitis B serology showing only surface antibody positive.
What is the best management? (do nothing)
32. A pregnant patient at 28 weeks gestation with Rh negative blood group and very
low anti-D antibody titers. Next step is: (administer anti-D)
33. A patient with fever and sore throat is found to have elevated unconjugated
bilirubin. What is the most likely pathophysiology? (congenital defect in conjugation)
34. A patient with fever, sore throat, posterior cervical lymphadenopathy and
hepatosplenomegaly. What is the most appropriate next step? (heterophile antibody test)
35. A patient with cirrhosis is brought for routine visit. Which vaccine to give?
(hepatitis A)
36. A businessman in USA who does not travel and who has received DTap recently.
Which vaccine to administer? (Varicella-zoster vaccine)
37. An old patient develops painful vesicular rash on the right side of the neck. What
is the most likely mechanism? (impaired cellular immunity)
38. A child with recurrent otitis media and pneumonia. What is the most likely
mechanism? (decreased levels of immunoglobulin)
39. An African-American patient with dark urine and hemolysis after taking
chloroquine. Which of the following will confirm the diagnosis? (Hb electrophoresis, G6PD
40. A young child who has pain in knee after climbing up and down stairs. On
examination, pain on either side of the patella. Which of the following is the most
appropriate management? (elevation of tibial tubercle*, knee immobilization, quadriceps
muscle strengthening exercises)
41. An obese elderly patient with family history of osteoarthritis. Which of the
following is the most important risk factor for OA? (family history*, obesity)
42. A patient is scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Which of the following
is the most appropriate way to estimate perioperative bleeding risk? (ask family history of
bleeding, ask personal history of bleeding*, platelet count, bleeding time, prothrombin
43. Typical scenario given: what is the most likely diagnosis? (cluster headache)
44. A patient who is convinced that she has endometrial cancer; life is affected with
significant distress; what is the most likely diagnosis? (hypochondriasis)
45. A patient who is obese and has irregular periods: what is the diagnosis? (PCOS)
46. A patient with infertility and irregular periods: what is the most likely underlying
mechanism? (anovulation)
47. A patient with infertility and tender posterior nodules on examination. Which of
the following is the most appropriate way to confirm diagnosis? (laparoscopy)
48. An obese patient with acute onset of shortness of breath. On examination, she
has hyper-resonant percussion and decreased breath sounds on auscultation. What is the
most likely diagnosis? (spontaneous pneumothorax)
49. An obese patient with bilateral papilledema and headache. What is the most
appropriate next step? (reassure patient, acetazolamide therapy*)
50. An obese 14 years old boy with hip pain and limp. On examination, internal
rotation of the hip is limited. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? (slipped
capital femoral epiphysis)
51. A 5 years old Russian boy with hip held in external rotation. Which of the
following is likely? (avascular necrosis*, misalignment of joint)
52. A 28 years old lawyer wakes up at night in horrible state with no recollection of
the event next day: what is the most likely diagnosis? (sleep terror disorder*, alcohol-
induced sleep disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder)
53. A young boy has only motor tics. On examination, the father has also involuntary
subtle motor tics. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? (Tourette’s
syndrome*, motor tic disorder)
54. A patient with rhabdomyolysis and myoglobulinuria following excessive exercise.
What is the initial step in management? (intravenous fluids)
55. A patient develops perioral paresthesias and tetany following
parathyroidectomy: what is the most likely mechanism? (low ionized calcium with low
parathyroid hormone)
56. A similar scenario of perioral paresthesias and positive Chvostek’s sign: what is
the underlying pathophysiology? (hypocalcemia)
57. A patient post-CEA develops hypotension, bradycardia and obvious swelling of
the neck wound. Compression on which of the following structures must be emergently
relieved? (carotid artery)
58. HRCT was shown; what is the most likely diagnosis? (bronchiectasis)
59. Scenario suggestive of cystic fibrosis: initial test is (measurement of sweat
chloride level)
60. Abdominal X-ray of sigmoid volvulus: what is the most appropriate
management? (endoscopic decompression)
61. Scenario of HIV patient with rash on palms and soles: what is the most
appropriate test to perform? (rapid plasma regain)
62. Patient is diagnosed with neurosyphilis, but, he has pencillin allergy. What is the
appropriate management? (pencillin desensitization)
63. Question on drug ad
64. Question on drug ad
65. Question on drug ad
66. Question on drug ad
67. Question on drug ad
68. Question on drug ad
69. Question on drug ad
70. Patient is 10 years post-menopausal: what is the most appropriate step?
(perform DEXA)
71. Patient with hypercalcemia and elevated PTH level. What is the most
appropriate step? (administer furosemide, bisphosphonates, surgical neck exploration)
72. Patient with advanced pancreatic CA has extreme pain even with morphine.
What to do? (celiac axis blockade)
73. Patient has back pain (scenario of muscle spasm): which of the following is
appropriate? (encourage early return to activity)
74. Patient with positive SLR, normal reflexes, atrophy of extensor digitorum brevis
muscle and paresthesias on the anterolateral aspect of leg; which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis? (common peroneal nerve palsy, lumbar plexopathy, nerve root
75. Patient with scenario of bowel obstruction and X-ray showing air in the biliary
tract; which of the following is responsible for symptoms? (gall-stones)
76. Patient with sickle-cell disease has acute cholecystitis: what is the most likely
pathophysiology? (pigment gall-stones)
77. A 2-week old girl has severe conjugated hyperbilirubinemia: what to do?
(perform ultrasonography)
78. A 6-weeks old baby has dark blood on DRE and severe crying spells where he
pulls up his feet to the abdomen, clenches his hands and cries. What is the most likely
diagnosis? (intussusception)
79. A patient with florid signs of right-sided heart failure: what is most appropriate
step? (furosemide)
80. A nurse has a PPD with induration of 12 mm at 48 hours. What is the most
appropriate management? (isoniazid for 12 months with pyridoxine supplementation)
81. Patient on ATT develops decreased visual acuity and difficulty in color
discrimination. Which drug is responsible? (ethambutol)
82. A 81 years old male with rusty-colored sputum and lobar pneumonia of the right
lower lobe. Which of the following antibiotics should be employed in the treatment of
this patient’s pneumonia? (ceftriaxone with azithromycin, cefotaxmine with nafcillin)
83. A patient with signs and symptoms of acromegaly: which of the following is
likely? (increased GH levels)
84. A patient with tan-color skin, orthostatic hypotension, hyponatremia,
hyperkalemia and eosinophilia. Which of the following is likely? (Addison’s disease)
85. A lady with unintentional weight gain and cutaneous striae; which of the
following tests should be done? (overnight dexamethasone suppression test)
86. A patient being treated with phenelzine develops hypertension and severe
illness following lunch outside. Which of the following is likely? (tyramine reaction)
87. An elderly patient has right upper limb stiffness, resting tremor and cog-wheel
rigidity. He also has difficulty in swallowing and difficulty in walking. Which of the
following areas is affected? (substantia nigra)
88. A patient has right contralateral homonymous hemianopia. Which of the
following is the likely site of the lesion? (dominant occipital lobe)
89. A patient has an audible carotid bruit. This patient is at risk for developing TIA
due to: (embolization of plaque, decreased blood flow from the carotid bifurcation*)
90. A smoker has a palpable Virchow’s node and a palpable epigastric mass. CT scan
reveals CA body of pancreas. Which of the following is the most appropriate step for
diagnosis? (biopsy of the lymph node, percutaneous biopsy of the mass, endoscopic
biopsy of the mass)
91. A patient has a result of 185 mg/dl on glucose challenge test. What is the most
appropriate next step? (perform 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test)
92. On routine third-trimester ultrasonography, a patient is found to have
polyhydramnios. What is the likely possibility? (undiagnosed maternal diabetes)
93. Post-angiography, a patient develops azotemia, eosinophilia and macular rash on
the trunk; what is the most likely diagnosis? (cholesterol embolism syndrome)
94. A patient with chronic history of headaches has bilateral papillary necrosis and
chronic renal failure. What is the most likely diagnosis? (analgesic nephropathy)
95. A patient with chronic DM has chronic renal failure, heavy proteinuria and
unremarkable ultrasonography of the kidneys. What is the most likely cause? (diabetic
96. Buccal cellulitis vs. acute parotitis
97. Clostridium perfringens sepsis post-delivery
98. Lochia post-delivery while breast-feeding (normal)
99. Elderly patient has breast lump: biopsy it!
100. High-risk patient: when to perform Pap smear? (age of 21 years*)
101. Well-baby with pan-systolic murmur on auscultation: what is the diagnosis?
102. A patient with episodes of palpitations and MVP on auscultation. She has these
episodes of palpitations thrice a week. What is the most appropriate next step? (exercise
stress test, EP study, 24 hour ambulatory ECG monitoring)
103. Scenario of rheumatic fever and pan-systolic murmur at apex: what is the most
likely cause? (MR)
104. Young patient with renal artery stenosis: what is the most appropriate
management? (angioplasty)
105. A patient with horrible venous insufficiency in the right leg (picture shown).
What is the most appropriate next step? (perform lymphangiography, do nothing)
106. Patient is advised below-knee amputation, but, he refuses. Now, infection has
spread and above-knee amputation is required. However, the patient despite
understanding has still refused. What to do? (seek court order, continue medical
107. A patient develops chancre. He has had three recent sexual partners. He used
barrier precautions with the first and third sexual partners, but, not the second one.
Which of the following sexual partners should be tested for syphilis? (all three, first and
second, second and third)
108. Picture of herpes genitalis shown. Which of the following can confirm the
diagnosis? (serum viral antibody titers, viral culture of lesion*)
109. A patient has tinea pedis of web spaces and develops infection of the leg. Which
of the following is the most likely diagnosis? (cellulitis)
110. A patient with echocardiography showing diastolic collapse of right ventricle and
atrium. What is the most appropriate next step? (pericardiocentesis)
111. A patient has features of tamponde. EKG will likely reveal: (low voltage)
112. A patient post-CABG has pain in the chest after 2 weeks. Examination reveals
sternal click and erythema along the wound. Patient’s temperature is 38oC and white cell
counts are markedly elevated. CT scan chest reveals left-sided pleural effusion. Which of
the following is likely? (suppurative mediastinitis*, post-pericardiotomy syndrome)
113. A patient has irregularly irregular pulse. EKG shown: what is the most likely
diagnosis? (atrial fibrillation)
114. A neonate with pulse rate of 200/min and EKG shows SVT. What is the most
appropriate drug to administer? (adenosine*, bretyllium, verapamil, digoxin)
115. A young boy has post-tussive emesis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
116. A 47 years old patient has a family history of colon cancer at the age of 47 years.
Which of the following is true for this patient? (colonoscopy now)
117. A patient is undergoing colonoscopy. On cardiac auscultation, a murmur of MVP
is audible. Which of the following should be administered to this patient? (no prophylaxis
118. A woman working in laboratory develops redness in the hand and redness of the
eyes with a rash near the right eye. Which of the following would be effective in
preventing such future episodes? (thorough use of chlorhexidine soap*)
119. A patient with history of peanut allergy develops urticaria and respiratory
symptoms. Which of the following is most likely to confirm the diagnosis? (RAST)
120. An elderly patient who use scopolamine patches and has recently been
prescribed with diphenhydramine presents for evaluation of urinary retention and
overflow incontinence. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step? (Kegel
exercises, discontinue scopolamine therapy)
121. A patient is noted to have elevated prolactin levels. Which of the following is the
most appropriate next step? (measure TSH levels)
122. A patient presents with fatigue and weight gain. Which of the following is most
likely responsible? (hypothyroidism)
123. A patient with medullary carcinoma of thyroid can be monitored by: (measuring
calcitonin levels)
124. A patient with a persistent cold thyroid nodule: (perform FNAC)
125. A sickle cell patient has osteomyelitis: what is most likely to confirm diagnosis?
126. A patient with fever and sore throat has reduced oral intake. On laboratory
evaluation, he is noted to have elevated levels of BUN and creatinine. Which of the
following is the most likely cause? (acute tubular necrosis, dehydration)
127. A patient with severe burns, inhalational injury and carbon monoxide poisoning
is intubated for mechanical ventilation. Which of the following should be used for
resuscitation? (isotonic crystalloids only, colloids and isotonic crystalloids)
128. A child is brought to the emergency department after he is rescued hours after
being submerged in the family swimming pool. The patient is intubated and managed
further. This patient is at highest risk for which of the following? (ARDS*, chlorine toxicity)
129. A patient with history of asthma is employed at a flour factory. He has symptoms
of shortness of breath, which are worse on weekdays but improve on weekends. Which of
the following is the most appropriate to deal with such things? (environmental control of
flour exposure, pre-employment testing for atopy)
130. A patient with bipolar disorder has been rehospitalized for a third time. He has
had 8 maniac episodes so far, during which he wreaks havoc. The family asks you as to
what should be done to handle such a situation. What is the most appropriate way to deal
with this situation? (tell family to mix medicine with food, advise patient to name mother
as medical power of attorney, tell patient to use a pill-reminder box)
131. A patient with heart failure, who has cardiac hypertrophy, but is not on any
drugs, is most likely to have which of the following? (sympathetic nervous system
stimulation, increased density of β-adrenoceptors on the myocardium)
132. A patient has been taking lots of diphenhydramine and now presents with
cholinergic toxidrome. Which of the following neurotransmitters is responsible?
133. A patient has a seizure. On examination, she has axillary and inguinal freckling
with multiple hyperpigmented spots. Which of the following is the appropriate next step?
(MRI of the brain)
134. A patient has a lesion by birth as shown in the figure. Which of the following is
the most likely diagnosis? (blue nevus),..,,,( "dermal melanocytoma," and "nevus bleu") is
a type of melanocytic nevus. The blue colour is caused by the pigment being deeper in the
skin than in ordinary nevi)
135. A 81 years old patient is noted to have lymphocytosis on CBC with
thrombocytopenia. What is the most likely diagnosis? (CLL)
136. Patient has splenomegaly, low LAP score and CBC given. CBC shows 15%
metamyelocytes, 12% myelocytes, some myeloblasts, 5% monocytes, etc. What is the
most likely diagnosis? (chronic myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic
137. Scenario of Wegener’s granulomatosis given. Which of the following is most
likely to confirm the diagnosis? (cANCA levels, biopsy of the liver, bone marrow biopsy)
138. A child with minimal change disease. Edema is due to (decreased plasma oncotic
139. A patient with a new-onset right-sided pleural effusion, which layers on lateral
decubitus film. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step?
140. A vague scenario of patient with bilateral interstitial infiltrates and shortness of
breath. What to do next? (bronchscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage)
141. A patient with renal stones, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and non-productive
cough. What is the most likely diagnosis? (sarcoidosis)
142. A patient with chronic gastric outlet obstruction is most likely to have
(hypochloremic hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis)
143. A patient is noted to have a 2-cm ulcer on the duodenal bulb. The most likely
cause is (H. Pylori infection)
144. A patient has symptoms of GERD, which do not respond to two months of
therapy with proton pump inhibitor. What is the most appropriate next step? (perform
24-hour pH monitoring)
145. A patient has signs and symptoms of lung cancer with local invasion. Which of
the following is the cause of shoulder pain? (spinal cord compression, brachial plexus
infiltration by tumor cells)
146. A patient with a strong family history of ovarian cancer requests for a
prophylactic measure. Which of the following should be prescribed? (OCPs)
147. A patient wants contraception for at least 5 years. Which of the following is most
appropriate? (IUD insertion)
148. A young girl consistently dresses like males and believes that she’ll develop a
penis as she matures. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? (gender identity
149. Patient with GBS: what is best for monitoring progress of disease? (spirometry,
nerve conduction studies*)
150. A young female with LMP 4 weeks ago. She has a boy-friend with whom she had
unprotected sexual intercourse. She comes with severe lower abdominal pain. Peritoneal
signs are positive and tenderness is more in right iliac fossa. No P/V bleeding, but, urine
pregnancy test is positive. Urine DR is also positive for RBCs. Which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis? (acute appendicitis without rupture, acute appendicitis with
rupture, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, urolithiasis)
151. Pt with diabetes not controlled on metformin and glyburdie,what to do next?
152. Mechanism of action of ACEI
153. Ttt of diastolic dysfunx
154. question of family history of early heart disease and they showed a blood vile
with yellowish content and asked expected lab values for lipid profile
155. x ray anterior elbow dislocation
156. osteosarcoma in a teen ,,ttt : surgery
157. amputee with neuropathy treatment
158. young native american male born and grew up in North Dakota moved texas at
age 15...describes his ms symptoms and shows MRI with lesions and at the end state he
was diagnosed with MS (waste of time reading)..then they ask strongest predisposing
factor (forgot exact wording) the answer is where he was born (north dakota) as there's a
strong link to those born in cold regions. plus other choices go against it.
159. adjustment disorder …know the difference between that and depression
160. 4 year old with temper tantrum if they didn't get the toy she wanted. …chose
ignore their behavior during the episode.???
161. case of a 6 month old infant in respiratory distress and history of TE fistula
repair. Parents state that beta agonist worsens condition when given...question was what
is most likely condition.... there was acquired tracheal web and another choice was
tracheomalecia …( tracheomalasia worsened by beta agonists)
162. a question about a patient with hiv and diarrhea ,with a microscopic slide,and it
asked how to treat and from the stem you can tell it was cmv.... =>gancyclovir
163. meningitis, classic CSF finding for herpes simplex with high RBC
164. XRAY=>pneumothorax
165. Murmur => AS
166. A child with murmur => mitral stenosis
167. resident who had a needle stick from an HIV positive patient…give anti-retroviral
168. older woman with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis underwent a procedure
and after extubating her she's unable to move her limbs but is conscious and and OK from
the neck up. what is the cause of this. ….joint subluxation and…those with RA are at
increased risk for that.
169. how to treat nursemaid elbow=>hyper-pronation
170. type of hypersensitivity in Rheumatic fever..type 2
171. diabetic found with microalbuminuria , best medication to add =>acei
172. picture of a little girl with classic Fetal alcohol syndrome and mother never had
prenatal care=> FAS
173. diabetic with fundoscope
174. postal worker female fair with mass on forearm, ..scc
175. , older male smoker, picture of lower lip lesion, scc
176. effects of acei on arterioles
177. classic presentation of SLE. answer sle
178. older patient with diabetes and other problems, started on acei, like a week later
presents with elevated creatinine. question asked why is that. acei causes decrease in gfr
179. direct question of number to treat
180. -describing a study and asking control
181. -describing study and asking about bias...smoking confounding
182. -describing faulty study (maybe 2-3 questions) and asking what is most
concerning...naming the fault eg: sample size small
183. lady suddenly loses vision 12 hours before is due to testify as a witness to her
boyfriends crime. she is not concerned about it. diagnosis.=>conversion
184. pic of erythma migrans in a child..ttt=> amoxicillin
185. HIV pt with 800 CD4 with PPD 7mm => INH
186. placental abruption. history of boyfriend abuse and presents with painful
187. pulmonary effusion and ovarian mass,,ovarian adenoca
188. placental abruption. history of boyfriend abuse and presents with painful
189. risk factor for preterm labor. african american hypertensive multipara current
chorioamnionitis smoker
190. prenatal care question and answer was to give her iron supplementation
191. there was a pediatric case of scarlet fever, fever rash lymphadenopathy and
picture of strawberry tongue
192. another case which i was totally confused by was a child with blood pressure
HIGHER in lower extremities than upper.
193. don't remember much of the question.
194. case of volvulus with AXR. diagnosis volvulus
195. case of presenting cystic fibrosis and ask what test to do

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