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Briefly, the objectives of this thesis are to improve modeling and simulation of sheet

metal forming through the development of two parts; plastic anisotropic criteria and

development of new element formulation in FORGE. Then, these developments are used

with parallel processing and remising to solve more complicated industrial applications,

like electromagnetic forming. So far, the development of a library (MPCP) containing

multiple anisotropic yield criteria along with various hardening laws has been

accomplished, linked and tested with FORGE. The library was designed and

implemented in such a way that allows the addition of any new criterion or hardening

model easy to do in the future. On the other hand, the formulation of the other element

has been also finalized (solid shell element) in FORGE along with the modification of the

partitioning algorithm to account for the new element shape. However, we are still in the

process of activating the remaster to work with the new element. The element and yield

criteria have been tested through multiple of benchmark problems and compared to the

original element of FORGE and other elements found in the literature. Finally, the

application of magnetic pulse forming interests us to test the new element and material

models with. The problem of the magnetic forming is that it works usually with very thin

structure and though it needs huge number of elements to obtain reasonable results. It is

expected that we could obtain accurate results with relatively low number of elements

using the new element formulation in comparison with the old element formulation

implemented in FORGE.

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