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The psalterion was a musical instrument "of ten strings" mentioned in

the Bible. There is little agreement on what sort of instrument it was or to what

instruments it had similarities.

The goblet drum (also chalice
drum, tarabuka, darbuka, doumbek, tablah, toumperleki or zerbaghali is
a single head membranophone with a gobletshaped body used mostly in
the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and Eastern Europe. The
African djembe-wassolou is also a goblet membranophone. This article
focuses on the Eastern and North-African goblet drum.

Kinnor or jewish lyre is an ancient Israelite musical instrument, the exact

identification of which is unclear, but in the modern day is generally
translated as "harp" or "lyre", and associated with a type of lyre depicted in
Israelite imagery, particular the Bar Kochba coins. It has been referred to as
the "national instrument" of the Jewish people, and modern luthiers have
created reproduction lyres of the "kinnor" based on this imagery.

A shofar is an ancient musical horn made of ram's horn, used

for Jewish religious purposes. Like the modern bugle, the shofar lacks
pitch-altering devices. All pitch control is done by varying the
player's embouchure. The shofar is blown in synagogue services on Rosh
Hashanah and at the very end of Yom Kippur, and is also blown every
weekday morning in the month of Elul running up to Rosh
Hashanah. Shofars come in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on
the choice of animal and level of finish.

Timbrel or tabret , the principal musical instrument of percussion of

the Israelites, similar to the modern tambourine.[1]

The music of Israel is a combination of Jewish and non-Jewish music traditions that have come
together over the course of a century to create a distinctive musical culture. For almost 150 years,
musicians have sought original stylistic elements that would define the emerging national spirit. In
addition to creating an Israeli style and sound, Israel's musicians have made significant contributions
to classical, jazz, pop rock and other international music genres.

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