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A Research Proposal Presented to

The High School Department of the

Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran

In partial Fulfillment to the

Requirements in English 9


Mellijor, Guarren

Pinar, Monica

Saco, Dby

March 2018

Dedication----------------------------------------------------- i

Acknowledgement----------------------------------------------- ii


Introduction--------------------------------------------------- 1

Statement of the Problem--------------------------------------- 2

Hypothesis----------------------------------------------------- 2

Significance of the Study-------------------------------------- 3

Scope and Limitations------------------------------------------ 4

Theoretical Framework------------------------------------------ 5

Review of Related Literature----------------------------------- 6

Definition of Terms-------------------------------------------- 7


Graph 1------------------------------------------------------ 11

Graph 2------------------------------------------------------ 12

Graph 3------------------------------------------------------ 13

Graph 4------------------------------------------------------ 14

Graph 5------------------------------------------------------ 15

Graph 6------------------------------------------------------ 16

Graph 7------------------------------------------------------ 17

Graph 8------------------------------------------------------ 18


Summary of the Study




Sample Questionnaire

Curriculum Vitae


We wholeheartedly dedicate this study in memory of the

victims of underage driving. And to their families, who

experienced great loss.



We would like to thanks everyone who had contributed to this

research and provided the support and encouragement on this

journey, specific thanks are due to:

Our subject teacher, Ms. Mary Grace Maninantan and our

coordinator, Ms. Jennette Trinity Carido, who were generous with

their guidance, tie, knowledge and patience. We would like to

give further thanks to Ms. Maninantan in guiding us through the

writing up process.

Thanks are also extended to the participants to all the

respondents and key informants for answering our questions and

enabling us to complete this study.




One of the greatest achievements in a teenager’s life is

receiving their own vehicle. Acquiring it gives a teenager

freedom; a newfound sense of independence. Unfortunately,

learning to drive is a high-risk activity for youth.

Inexperienced you0ong drivers, especially during the age of 15-17

are victims of its harsh consequences and although there is an

advantage of convenience and independence it is still very

difficult to objectively say that the benefits and advantages of

students driving are sufficient enough to warrant putting youth

and those around them in the danger the situation presents, there

are still limitations that needs to be considered and age is only

of the many concerns.

The initiation of teen driving, which occurs between ages

15-17, has generally been studied in correlation to crash injury

reduction. According to a study conducted by Safe Kids Worldwide

and National Safety Council, 2005, vehicle crashes are the

leading cause of death during adolescence. Between 1995 and 2004,

crashes involving 15 to 17-year-old drive7rs claimed the lives of

30, 917 people nationwide. Of these, 11, 177 were the teen


themselves, and 9, 847 were passengers of teen drivers (The Auto

Channel, 2006). Williams (1999) found that the crash-involvement

rate for 16-year-old was four times that of drivers in their

twenties. Prohibiting children, from ages 18 below from driving

may reduce this circumstances.

This study was conducted to analyze and quantify the amount

of students driving the age of 18 in Holy Spirit School of

Tagbilaran and its common advantages and disadvantages to

students; this thesis also repor8ts the findings of a thorough

study to establish an understanding for students to recognition

the hazardous condition of driving.

Statement of the Problem

The study on “Advantages and Disadvantages of Students Driving

Under the Age of 18 in Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran” seeks to

find the answer to these following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a

student driver?

2. What are possible programs or regulations that might form

to lessen underage driving?

3. What could be the possible issues if teenagers are banned

from driving their vehicles?

Statement of the Hypothesis


· The student can learn and realize to be more

responsible in driving.

· The student can be relied upon by the parents for some


· The student can be given freedom and can welcome more

opportunity, senior students who have spare periods in

their time table are able to leave the school campus

and maximize their time saved not waiting for buses or


· There is huge risk of serious crashes, teen are sleep

deprived so driving early in the morning means they’re

on the road when their reaction tie is slower.


· Students are required to have an SP (Student Permit)

for the school to allow the student to drive.

· Students are asked for a waiver with a signature from

their parents that they are allowed to drive their


· Entirely ban students from driving their vehicles.


· When you wait for a public transport vehicle it has

some risk, like being approached by badly influenced

men, that has some evil intentions at you.

· You cannot go to any places you want anytime.

· Your arrival time is delayed and might be marked late

upon arrival.

Significance of the Study

The results of the research will be of a great benefit to the


The results will provide the learners with some knowledge on

running vehicles with its sudden mishaps and how it can be

avoided. It will provide the learners a realization that driving

at a young age can cause the learners to be reckless, and hard-

headed at the same time. At the end of this research, the

learners would finally know why driving under the age of 18 years

old is a problem to the society and of course to the parents.


The given research would guide the teachers on what to do

with the learners on what to do with the driving of learners. The

teachers would also understand why some learners drive their own

vehicles and later on, help them.


Like the teachers, the parents also need to understand why

their children run vehicles through the result of the said

research. The given research would help them formulate some

preventive measures to help their sons or daughters from driving

vehicles without the parents’ permission or without the students’

license. The findings would also help them learn the actions of

their children.

Scope and Limitations

The study will focus on knowing the advantages and

disadvantages of being a driving student in Holy Spirit School of


The study will be only limited to our High School Student to

have a much more efficient time in questioning the students.

We will try to support some opinions of the students and

file a regulation if needed.

Theoretical Framework

Travelling nowadays are easy with the use of vehicles, with

our vehicles we can easily go to places anytime we want. Allowing

the young ones have its own edges and drawbacks. With some youth

abusing their freedom, it can be a really huge problem. In the

theory of JT Shope “Influences on youthful driving behavior and

their potential for guiding interventions to reduce crashes”, the

theory informs us on which factors affect the driver’s behavior

which are Driving ability, Development factors, Personality

characteristics, Demographic factors, Perceived environment,

driving environment. These factors can help inform and reduce

crashes and other accidents on the road, potential for new or

improved interventions for crash reduction can be achieved. Our,

emotions, state of mind and etc. can really affecting the driving

of veteran drivers, how much more it would affect amateur

drivers, but with proper guidance of the significant others of

the teenager which can help him or her to be responsible on the


As a teen we should always be careful when driving. In the

study of M.D. Rafael Castillo about “Saving our teen drivers from

road mishaps”, the study tell us about underage drivers and the

leading cause of death which is road accidents. If we look at

statistics involving teenage drivers. They didn’t have local

data, but in the United States motor vehicle crashes are the

leading cause of death for US teens with more than one three

deaths in the age group. According to the US report in 2009,

eight teens age 16 to 19 died every day from vehicular injuries.

It is postulated that teens are more likely than older drivers

“to underestimate dangerous situations or not be able to

recognize hazardous situations”. The US report also identified

which of the teen drivers are more predisposed to road mishaps.

These are:

Males: They’re almost two times at higher risk than female teens.

Teens driving with teen passengers: The more the teen passengers,

the higher the risk.

Newly licensed teens: The risk is highest on the first year that

teenagers are allowed to drive.

Review of Related Literature

According to a study titled “Licensing Teenagers: Nontraffic

Risk and Benefits in the Transition to Driving Status” by Robert

Voes and Tara Kelley-Baker. This study introduced an article on

the concept of “transitional teens” that explains the possible

risks encountered by 15 to 17 age group when they begin to drive

a vehicle or to ride with a peer. It is stated that the age when

a teen begins to drive of travels in a vehicle driven by a peer

initiates period of increased opportunity for participation in

adult activities. This also affords the opportunity to travel to

an environment that is lacking in adult supervision. Before this

age, parents controlled travel decisions and the vehicle-

dependent activities of the teenager. Later, when a teen is

licensed to drive, a substantial amount of control over personal

activities passes to them. Positively, this provides an important

opportunity for growth in maturity that will be required when the


leaves home 2 to 3 years later. Negatively, it also exposes the

teenager to two significant additional health-risks from

increased access to alcohol and their drugs (AODs), sexual risk

taking, and violence associated with high-risk environments and

lack of parental supervision. Fir the 15 to 17-year-olds, the

transition from being transported by parents to driving or riding

with a peer has the potential for modifying three important

factors that have been shown to be important in determining

alcohol and drug availability is increased.

According to their Review of Studies of Noncrash Risk and

Benefits, they stated that the Preuser et al. (2000), study

clearly demonstrated that the teens in states with delayed

licensing had to rely more on parents to provide transportation.

They suggested that this “may have promoted additional

opportunities for interaction between parents and teens and

additional opportunities of parents to monitor the comings and

goings of their adolescent children thus, it is possible that

crash reduction may not be the only benefit from delayed teenage

licensure.” The lack of a strong effect of delayed licensure on

the activities of teens may atg first suggest that the role of

the automobile in the transition-teens concept is not as central

as suggested by the model we purpose; however, the Preusser et


Definition of Terms

To understand and clarify the terms used in the study, the

following are hereby defined:

Underage- a person too young to engage legally in a particular


Vehicle- used for transporting people or goods, especially on

land, such as car, truck or cart.

Student Permit- prerequisite document when one applies for a

driver’s license. This authorizes the holder to learn and

practice driving in the presence of a licensed driver.

Accident- an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and

unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.

Risk- a situation involving exposure to danger

Safety- the condition of being protected from or unlikely to

cause danger, risk, or injury.

Traffic Safety- refers to the methods and measures used to

prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.



Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data that were gathered by the group. This

includes the results gathered through the questionnaires given

out to 85 learners in relation to the “Advantages and

Disadvantages of Learners Driving Under the Age of 18.” Below are

the results of the survey:

1. How often do you drive yourself to school alone?






The graph reflects a greater number of students who doesn’t

drive themselves to school. 80 out of 100 or 80% respondents gave


“Not At All” as their answer to the question. 13% respondents

gave “Most of the Time” as their answer to the question. It also

shows that 5 out of 100 or 5% of respondents gave “Rarely” as

their answer. Lastly, the graph shows that 2 out of 100 or 2% of

the respondents gave “Always” as their answer. This means that

majority of the learners does not drive themselves to school


2. Do you feel safe while or as you drive?




The graph reflects that most students doesn’t feels safe

when they are the one who drive with their own. The 28% of the

respondents gave “Yes” as their answer to the question. It also


shows that 72% of the respondents gave “No” as their answer to

the question. Learners who answered “Yes” are the ones who does

drive themselves to school or feels safe when they are the one

who drive with their own. While the other respondents or learners

that gave an answer of “No” are the ones who does not feel safe

when they are the ones who drive or they are the ones who does

not drive at all.

3. Do you have a student’s license?




The graph shows that 6% of the respondents gave an answer of

“Yes” and the 94% of the respondents gave an answer of “No” to

the question. Learners who answered “Yes” has their own student’s


license or permit which means they are permitted to run a vehicle

in public places. The learners who answered “No” has no student’s

license or maybe they haven’t been registered by the Land

Transportation Office (LTO) which means they are not allowed to

drive in public places.

4. Do you escape from your parents just to have fun with your




The graph shows that most of the respondents does not escape

from their parents just to have fun with their friends. The study

shows that 6% of the respondents gave an answer of “Yes” because

some reasoned out that it is fun to be with their friends by


driving vehicles. While the other 94% of the respondents answered

“No” because they don’t drive at all or they just don’t want to

disobey their parents will.

5. Does your parents know about you driving?




The graph reflects that most of the respondents’ parents

doesn’t know that their child or children are driving. The graph

shows that 40% of the respondents answered “Yes” because they

might have the permit to run a vehicle already or they already

had the permission of their parents. The graph also shows that

60% of the students answered “No” maybe because they don’t want

that their


parents might scold them that they might not drive again or they

just want to have fun with their peers.

6. Does the school permits you to drive?




The graph reflects that 12% of the respondents gave “Yes” as

their answer to the question. The graph also shows that 88% of

the respondents gave “No” as their answer to the question. The

learners who answered “Yes” as their answer said that the school

allowed the student to drive if they are having a student permit

which they needed to submit it at the Information Desk for the

school to know if they are already licensed. While the other

respondents who


answered “No” said that the school won’t allow the learners to

drive especially when they don’t have yet a license.

7. Do you use cellphone while you are driving?




The graph reflects that most of the respondents does not use

cellphones while they drive. 8% of the respondents gave “Yes” as

their answer and 92% of the respondents gave “No” as their

answer. The learners who gave “Yes” as their answer, has the

higher risk of being in an accident. The learners who gave “No”

as their answer has the bigger chance to avoid from any road



8. How many times have you been in an accident?







The graph reflects that most of the respondents have not

been in an accident. 71 respondents answered “Never” which means

they haven’t been in an accident or they don’t run vehicles at

all. The respondents who answered once, two to 4 times, and five

or more means that they have been in an accident for how many

times already as they are the one who drives.


9. Give some three comments why you are driving?


1. No other transportation 5
2. No burden from parents 5
3. Emergency purposes 3
4. Learning experience 3
5. Doing some errands 6

(asked by parents)
6. Independency 4
7. Can save time 2
8. For fun 8
9. Doesn’t drive 23

The table shows some reasons by the respondents why they

drive vehicles. Most of the respondents gave a reason which is

they don’t drive, some also gave a reason that they drive

vehicles because there are no other transportation maybe because

of the location of their home, they don’t want to stress their

parents’ time by just dropping them to school, they were asked by

their parents to buy something which they need to drive a

vehicle, and they run a vehicle just for fun. There are 4

respondents who gave an answer that they drive for independency,

3 respondents who answered that

they just drive for emergency purposes and learning experiences,

and lastly 2 respondents answered that it can save time rather

than waiting for any public transportations which can affect

their attendance in school.

10. What do you think about the positive and negative

impact of driving as a learner?


1. Independency 7 1. Accidents 30
2. Go to other 6 2. Caught 10

places without

3. Easy 8 4. Unsafe 5


5. Driving skills 4 6. Cuts 1


The table reflects most of the positive and negative impact

of driving as a learner. The positive comments that the

researchers gathered are independency, they can go to other

places, easy transportation rather than waiting for any public

vehicles, and lastly they can improve their driving skills. 7

respondents answered that they run a vehicle because they want to



independent and not be a burden to their parents. 6 respondents

answered that they can go to other places using with the use of

their driving skills. 8 respondents gave a positive comment that

they can go with their own vehicle easily rather than waiting for

any public transportation especially for those places that can

hardly be reached by any public transportation. 4 respondents

gave positive comment that driving as a learner can improve their

skills in running vehicles maybe because their parents wants them

to drive so that they can be independent at all times. On the

other side of the table, are the negative comments about driving

as a learner. The negative comments that the researchers gathered

are accidents, they might get caught without license, the

unsafety effect of it, and the cutting of classes. 30 respondents

answered that if ever a learner runs a vehicle, he or she might

encounter any road accidents. 10 respondents answered that if

ever a learner is caught without license, his or her vehicle

might be confiscated by any police officer. 5 respondents

answered that it is unsafe for the learner to run a vehicle at an

early age especially when he or she is has no license. Lastly, 1

respondent answered that he or she might cut classes with the use

of riding vehicles without any parents’ permission.




This chapter deals with the summary of the study, the

conclusion derived from the findings and recommendation to shed

light to the topic under study.

Summary of the Study

The main objective of the researcher’s study “Advantages and

Disadvantages of Students Driving under the Age of 18 in Holy

Spirit School of Tgabilaran” is to investigate and to be aware of

the learner’s activities and behavior as they run vehicles.

The higher bed level learner of Holy Spirit School of

Tagbilaran contributed much for the researcher to acquire answers

to the study of the advantages and disadvantages of learners

driving under the legal age in Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran.

The researchers gave out 85 questionnaires given out to 85

respondents as a completion of the study.

Through the survey, the researcher were able to verify the

hypothesis and found out that the result is more on positive than

negative. By conducting this study, is a good venue to make the


institution and the learners better as well as the parents of

each learner.

Summary of Findings

The following findings were revealed from the survey, data

analyzed and interpreted to answer problems and test the null

hypothesis of the study.

1. How often do you drive yourself to school alone?

The result is a very good indication that almost all

learners of Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran doesn’t drive

themselves to school, 71 of the respondents gave not at all as

their answer, 12 said rarely, 3 said most of the time, and 5

said always. Which indicates that there are really learners

who drives vehicles in going to school or not.

2. Do you feel safe while or as you drive?

The result indicated that 28% of the respondents answered

yes and 72% of the respondents answered no. There are more
students that answered no because they doesn’t trust

themselves when their drive or they don’t drive ate all.

3. Do you have a student’s license?

The result indicated that 6% of the respondents

answered yes and 94% of the respondents gave no as their

answer. There are less students who have a license while the

other 94% of the learners doesn’t have a license maybe

because they are not still registered in Land Transportation

Office (LTO) or maybe they don’t drive at all.

4. Do you escape from your parents juhave fun with your


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