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This essay is about the elderly people who think and are saying that the ,,young’’ generation

are only
entertaining themselves in front of any type of screen. And I’m going to tell you why in my opinion
they are wrong about the screen entertaining and not only about that.

Firstly, let’s talk about why the screen entertainment is so popular amongst the young people. It is so
well liked nowadays, because you can do many things on the smartphones, laptops, tablets and etc.
Young people entertain themselves with activities such as watching films on them, read electronic
books, play games…

On the other hand let’s talk about the books and reading. Paper books and other types of reading
maters are slowly becoming replaced by electronic books, magazines and etc. Moreover, elder
people are saying that the screen entertaining is harming our vision, this is not very true, because the
electronic books are made specifically to not harm your vision.

In my point of view there are some advantages and disadvantages in books and in electronic
entertainment, however it is up to the person what would prefer.

In conclusion it seems that the screen entertainment has more benefits than the paper books and
reading on paper.

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