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Wayne E.

was very apt when he opined in his 1972 article entitled: “The
Economic Impacts of the Nigerian Civil War” that, “few events altar the socio-
economic structure of a country as radically as the convulsions and displacements
concomitant with war and political upheaval.” This excerpt describes Nigeria after
the Civil War. Thus, the Nigerian Civil War is that one event I would change in my
country if I could.
It will take a lifetime for the country to recover from the aftermath of the war,
ranging from millions of lives to infrastructure that were lost because of the war.
Also the current security threats from insurgent groups such as Boko Haram,
Militants and even the current agitation for secession by Biafra are some of the
results caused by hatred during the war. Perhaps the civil war made the peoples
of Nigeria two unwilling hearts forced to beat as one.

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