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Como era gostoso

meu francês
Director: Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Original title: How My French Tasted Yummy
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Year: 1971
Country of origin: Brazil

“A French adventurer is imprisoned by the Tupinambás and ends up being

chosen for an anthropophagic ritual. Through the ritual and through the
ingestion of his meat, the natives hope to acquire his skills with firearms.”
Although the Frenchman is considered the protagonist of the
movie, it is through the eyes of the Tupinambás that we follow
the development of the narrative. According to traditions, the
cannibal ritual should only be performed after eight moons
and, during this period, the prisoner starts to live as if he were
a member of the tribe, staying in the care of an Indian,
Seboipepe (Ana Maria Magalhães), who becomes your wife. In
this way, we witness an inversion of roles: instead of the
colonizer imposing his customs on the savages, he ends up
immersed in the native culture. Thus, in a short time, the
Frenchman starts to walk naked, cuts his hair and beard,
learns to use a bow and arrow, and to live on what nature
offers him.

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