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Whether as a side project, or for your core work, a service

your cloud native infrastructure. This book is for anyone looking
is expected that readers are comfortable with Docker and Kubern
book, but having basic knowledge of networking and Linux shoul
Istio through this text. Knowledge of Go or another programming
We touch on many cloud native tools and topics such as
Meshery, Envoy, and OpenTracing. Familiarity with these is
knowledge is sufficient to digest the contents of this book.

Why We Wrote This Book

The era of service meshes ushers in a new layer of intelligent
changing the architecture of modern applications and the confide
delivered. Istio, as one of many service meshes, but one with
capabilities, needs an end-to-end guide.
The aim of this book is to provide that step-by-step guide
It wraps the reader’s arms all the way around it, so that their
side. Each concept is provided in a logical, organized fashion,
covered one. With so many moving parts and an active communi
advanced use cases, but instead focuses on the core building
aspects of the project. We point readers to additional resources
Location 24

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